My Line Connect To The Demon World

C202 Please Reduce My Charm

C202 Please Reduce My Charm

0After Ye Fei vomited, she did not show any signs of drunkenness.    


In other words, her mind was clear, but her body could not accept so much alcohol.    


This made her lose face.    


"No, Ye Fan, let's continue drinking!"    


Ye Fan shook his head.    


"Forget it, stop drinking!"    


"Ye Fan, what's going on? You know medicine. Can you take a look at her?"    


Hsiao Yuning asked worriedly.    


Ye Fan said lightly, "She was scared when we were racing just now."    


"TCM doctors believe that the first thing affected by the shock is the kidney Qi, which causes problems with the liver function."    


"She could not drink it because her body protested. If she drinks it again, it might aggravate her condition."    


"Do you need treatment?"    


"No need. Don't drink anymore recently. Just rest and recover," said Wang Yao.    


Hsiao Yuning nodded. "Little Fei, you can't drink anymore recently, do you know? Otherwise, your body will be finished."    


Ye Fan said it very professionally.    


It made Ye Fei a little afraid.    


"Okay, I definitely won't drink anymore."    


The first stage was already considered Ye Fan's pass.    


Although the two of them had yet to determine the victor.    


Judging from Ye Fan's alcohol tolerance, he was more than enough to deal with an ordinary person.    


He had not lost his composure after drinking the wine, which was considered an outstanding grade.    


Ye Fan also didn't expect this.    


He had accidentally passed the first test.    


This was too unfair.    


It seemed like he had to make a move in advance next time.    




"Oh right, the nightlife has just begun. How about we go to the amusement park and play? There's a haunted house there or something." Ye Fei suggested.    


"Forget it. Your body is so uncomfortable and you need to rest quickly. What kind of haunted house are you going to?"    


"Go on. I haven't been to the haunted house for a long time. I just want to experience it."    


Ye Fan patted his chest and continued, "Back then, I was known as the little prince of the haunted house. There was no haunted house that I didn't dare to go to."    


"Hehe, you are so cocky. Don't be so scared that you will pee your pants later."    


"Since you like it so much, let's go together. I know a super scary haunted house - Sadako's secret!"    




This was Ye Fei's second test - Courage.    


One. How could a man not have courage?    


He was so scared that he moaned.    


How could he protect her best friend?    


They went to the haunted house.    


Not to mention, this terrifying atmosphere really made one's hair stand on end.    


If it wasn't for the fact that they had witnessed Black Mountain Old Demon's true appearance in advance...    


Ye Fan wouldn't have been immune to these things.    


Fortunately, he had already experienced terrifying things.    


The things in front of him were just a small matter.    


"Come, let's go in."    


After they bought the tickets, they walked in.    


As soon as they entered, a 'ghost' ran in front of them.    


The two girls screamed in fear.    


They were in a sorry state.    


Both of them went to Ye Fan's side to seek protection.    


Ye Fan took a look. How could this be?    


At that time, they would feel that I have a lot of guts.    


Wouldn't that make him even more fond of me?    


This was the pain of a prince charming.    


From time to time, he would also retract his charm.    


Ye Fan focused his mind and took a deep breath.    


"Ah... I'm so scared!"    


"What the hell is this? No, no, I'm too scared."    


Accompanied by false cries.    


Ye Fan actually broke out of the haunted house in front of the two girls.    


The two of them looked at each other in dismay.    


What the hell?    


Was there a need to be so afraid?    


Ye Fei said in disdain, "Yuning, what kind of taste do you have!? This is too cowardly."    


Hsiao Yuning laughed.    


"Only things like haunted houses have fun."    


"I think he is very cute."    


"That's great. I accidentally found Ye Fan's weakness."    


"Cute? I think you are a romantic. Why don't I feel that you are cute?" Ye Fei complained from the side.    


"That is when you have never seen him be brave."    


" Oh? There's a story? Tell me about it. "    


Hsiao Yuning pondered for a moment.    


"I met Ye Fan in the middle of the night and went to the night market to eat. I was surrounded by four or five gangsters."    


"Ye Fan alone beat all of them away..."    


Ye Fei widened her eyes.    


"He still has this kind of ability?"    


"That's right, he is not afraid at all."    


"Little Fei, when you have someone you like, you'll realize that whatever he does is right in your eyes."    


Hsiao Yuning's words were very sincere.    


Her eyes were pure without any impurities.    


It was as bright as the stars in the sky.    


Ye Fei nodded as if she understood.    


"Okay, I will also find one when the time comes."    


This time, Ye Fei's impression of Ye Fan completely changed.    


Ghost houses could not prove a man's courage at all.    


It was just an entertainment facility.    


You have to use it to prove your courage.    


With this IQ, you don't have to spend money to buy a ticket.    


Saving it to treat illnesses is also quite good.    




The two of them followed him out of the haunted house.    


The way they looked at Ye Fan was different.    


Hsiao Yuning still had a look of adoration on her face.    


Ye Fei was curious.    


She could not understand why there was a man who could be so outstanding to him.    


It seemed like it was really as Hsiao Yuning had said, an all-rounded male god.    


It was over.    


He felt the gazes of the two.    


Ye Fan knew that his plan had failed.    


He had really underestimated his charm.    




It was too painful.    



Heavens, can you reduce a portion of my charm?    


Give some to those single dogs so that they can get out of the singles as soon as possible...    


They made an appointment to play next time.    




Back in the dormitory.    


Ye Fan saw Yue Peng looking like he was going to die with a long face.    


"Third Brother, you are finally back. You have to save me."    


"What's wrong?" Ye Fan was curious.    


"I... I got into trouble."    


"What happened?"    


Wang Yiqiao sighed and said, "Yue Peng was actually kind. He wanted to take care of Soong Jiao for Sicong."    


"He made some delicious food for Soong Jiao that night."    


"Soong Jiao was cleaning the relics in the museum. Yue Peng accidentally broke a piece of porcelain."    


"It is said that this piece of porcelain is priceless. It must be worth at least ten million."    


Ye Fan smiled.    


"It is only ten million yuan. What is there to be afraid of? At most, I'll pay the money back for you."    


"Thank you, Third Brother."    


Yue Peng cried with snot and tears.    


He hugged Ye Fan and refused to let go.    


However, it was still too early for Wang Yiqiao to be happy.    


"Third Brother, did you and Second Brother offend a man called Shi Mo?"    


"That's right. In order to pursue Soong Jiao, he set Second Brother up to steal things. We only gave him a small punishment."    


"That's right. Shi Mo was also at the scene at that time. He insisted that Yue Peng deliberately damaged the cultural relics..."    


This time, Ye Fan frowned.    


Money was a small matter.    


However, deliberately damaging cultural relics was a criminal offense.    


Generally, a sentence of three years or less would be sentenced to imprisonment.    


Recently, Yue Peng had been feeling proud of himself. How could he be imprisoned?    


This kid was actually so sinister.    


Let him go, and he still dared to cause trouble.    


"You went to the police station to file a case?"    


"Not yet."    


"Prof. Soong knows we have something to do with you, so he put this matter under control. However, paper can't cover fire. Something will happen sooner or later," Wang Yao said.    


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