Activation Of The Overbearing System

C684 Counterattack Overturn the Three Magistrates

C684 Counterattack Overturn the Three Magistrates

0"If you don't believe me, I have evidence here"    


Seventh Prince took out a Shadow Stone and said, "Previously, I was a little selfish when I took the Eight Immortal Brew. I wanted to use the Shadow Stone to take a look at Uncle Wang's drunk face, but I didn't expect that I would leave behind some crucial evidence."    


"Damn, it can't be, right? Imperial nephew, you are actually so insidious!" King Qi revealed a disbelieving smile. "Even you schemed against me? Poor me for loving you! When we get back, you will have to compensate me a hundred jars of Eight Immortal Wine for my sins! "    


" Of course. Not to mention a hundred jars, I'll give your Uncle Wang three hundred jars when we get back. " Seventh Prince was talking and laughing happily. He poured a little bit of spiritual energy into the Shadow Stone, and an image appeared in the Shadow Stone.    


In the image was also a scene of a feast. It was also a scene of flowers blooming and a full moon blooming. There were beautiful dancers dancing on the lake water, and it was extremely beautiful.    


In the center of the lake, there was a pavilion that was very elaborate and poetic. There were three people pushing cups and changing cups. It was Seventh Prince, King Qi, and Ji Chen. The three of them were chatting and bragging very happily.    


The images recorded on the Shadow Stone were very long, completely covering the time when Ji Chen had committed the crime. Thus, the authenticity of the images was immediately identified. It was very obvious that Minister Fong had framed Ji Chen!    


Last night, Ji Chen had indeed been invited by King Qi and Seventh Prince to drink and admire the beauties. He had only left through the Space-time Restriction. It would be strange if those who were watching could discover him.    


Moreover, even without King Qi and Seventh Prince as witnesses, Ji Chen could still prove his innocence. He was a person with a system of cheats, so it was very simple for him to get a few of his own Shadow Stone.    


Thus, from the very beginning, this was a huge pit that he had dug out by playing tricks on them. He wanted to use this to trap these old thieves who wanted to kill him!    


Ji Chen immediately spoke with grief and indignation, "Your Highness, Your Highness Seventh Prince, please uphold justice for us!"    


"I am the dignified Valiant Marquis, the Blue Bird Guard Right Commander of the Heavenly Prince's army. Today, I was framed by this little brat! If this continues, won't everyone be in danger?"    


"That's right, this matter must be severely punished!" King Qi spoke up in support of Ji Chen, clearly showing his support.    


"If even a Lord Marquis can be casually framed, then this king will be frightened every day, because this king is also afraid that one day, a daring person will suddenly come and frame this king!"    


"Minister Fong, what do you have to say now?" King Lu's expression became very unfriendly. He fixed his eyes on Minister Fong, and a huge pressure enveloped Minister Fong.    


For a moment, his entire body was covered in cold sweat, and his body was trembling continuously. He couldn't speak for a moment, and his chest felt suffocated.    


However, before he could say anything, Auxiliary Duke jumped out. "What a bold dog thief! You just framed Valiant Marquis, and now you dare to drag the duke of this country into your witness? You really have a good plan!"    


Auxiliary Duke's desire to live was very strong. He chose himself at the first moment. "Your Highness Seventh Prince, my four lords, I am really wronged!"    


"All of this was done by these dog thieves. I do not know what is going on! I was only invited by him to witness all of this. I didn't know that Valiant Marquis was a fake at all!"    


Minister Fong's eyes turned crazy, but he still maintained his rationality. Instead of biting Auxiliary Duke, he tried his best to deny it.    


"Your Highness, my lords, I was wronged!" Minister Fong knelt on the ground and kowtowed. "All of this is a conspiracy. This lowly subject really did not know that Valiant Marquis was fake!"    


"There must be a third party who made a move. They wanted to sow discord between this lowly subject and Valiant Marquis, and then let us kill each other! This was a conspiracy of others, and it had nothing to do with this lowly subject! Your Royal Highness, please investigate!"    


Ji Chen could not bring out any evidence to prove that the murderer, Valiant Marquis, was someone Minister Fong found to impersonate. Thus, this accusation of framing and framing could not be proven.    


But even so, he still had to accept punishment. After all, Ji Chen was Valiant Marquis. It was Minister Fong's Shangguan, and he was the one who had falsely accused him. Therefore, King Lu directly removed his official hat and demoted him to a sixth grade Minister of Justice!    


Seeing that the case was about to be closed, Ji Chen, who had been silent the whole time, walked out. "Wait! This case is not urgent to close. After all, it is not easy to gather such a grand lineup."    


"And most of the people involved are at the scene. You can sit here and investigate! Seventh Prince, the few princes, recently this official has been investigating with all his might. He has already investigated countless major cases! "    


"Furthermore, every piece of evidence is conclusive and irrefutable. It just so happens that you can bring it out and let everyone hear it together. I will also trouble you to go to His Majesty's place to request for the promotion of the court."    


"Oh? You still have a case to investigate?" King Lu asked in surprise, "Okay, then let's talk about it."    


Before Ji Chen could say anything, Minister Fong, Censor of Supervision, and the Court of Judicial Review had a bad feeling. They subconsciously knew that this was Ji Chen's counterattack, and it must be a thunderstorm attack!    


However, they had already fallen into a disadvantageous position. Even Yue King wanted to slap them to death, so they could only fall into a passive position and become fish on the chopping board.    


A jade slip appeared in Ji Chen's hand. The aura on his body suddenly became as sharp as a sword. "First of all, I want to join the Court of Judicial Review!"    


"The Court of Judicial Review is wise and upright! During the time of my appointment, I will give favoritism to the law, form a faction, frame loyal people, harm righteous people, kill people and set fire to them, force good people into prostitution, every single one of them is difficult to write!"    


"One hundred and fifty years ago, I framed the Great General of the Imperial Court, Zhao Gongming, and sentenced him to death! Furthermore, I secretly took over Zhao Gongming's three daughters and raised them as concubines outside. Now, two of them have been tortured to death!"    


"236 years ago, Shangguan Ming took a fancy to the Three Sword Sect's sword technique, and he killed all of the three hundred and fifty thousand people in this sect, including all the chickens and dogs! Corpses piled up into mountains, and blood flowed like rivers!"    


"Five hundred years ago, in order to take over Liu Zhengming's fiancée, he did not hesitate to create an injustice and killed all of Liu Zhengming's family members. From top to bottom, there were nine thousand three hundred and twenty-six of them. He even took over all of Liu Zhengming's family property!"    


"One thousand five hundred years ago, he colluded with the Minister of Justice, Feng Ertai, and robbed the eight hundred million Emperor Grade Spirit Stone that the Imperial Court had broadcasted! Moreover, he killed Second Tiger Zhao and his family, the head of the Ministry of Justice!"    


"Three thousand years ago, the high official used the Imperial Court to repair the Court of Judicial Review and comfort the families of the deceased to obtain three hundred million Emperor Grade Spirit Stone! Five thousand years ago, Shangguan Ming dug a secret passage in the Imperial Prison of the Board of Justice! "    


"Enough, stop talking!" Shangguan Ming shouted loudly. The heart of the Court of Judicial Review was trembling because what Ji Chen said was true.    


But he thought that what he did was still considered a secret. Furthermore, doing all of this in this world where the strong prey on the weak was nothing. But once it was exposed to the public, it would be troublesome!    


Not only him, but also Auxiliary Duke, Censor of Supervision, and Minister Fong felt uneasy because Ji Chen looked like a madman no matter how they looked at it.    


Ji Chen did not care about the crazy Shangguan Ming and continued, "I will not marry into any of the cases. There are 1,837 cases in total!"    


"Oh? It is not a small matter to sue a third grade official of the Court of Judicial Review. Valiant Marquis, do you have any evidence?" King Lu's expression was extremely serious.    


Ji Chen nodded. "This matter is very serious. This official does not dare to speak nonsense without any evidence! This official naturally has sufficient evidence. Regardless of whether it is verification or evidence, they are all prepared and can be checked by the few princes at any time."    


After saying that, Ji Chen took out a jade slip and continued, "Minister of Law, Feng Ertai, is a vegetarian. He kills and kills. He has committed a heinous crime and is hated by both man and god!"    


"Thirty years ago, Feng Ertai was greedy for the Spirit Stone for disaster relief. There was a total of one billion Emperor Grade Spirit Stone!"    


"One hundred and fifty years ago, Minister of Law, Feng Ertai, instigated a war and framed the officials of the Ministry of Law. A total of five hundred and thirty-nine people were killed, and their families were all killed!"    


"Eight hundred years ago, during the battle between the Sacred Dynasty and the Sacred Dynasty, Feng Ertai was the general of the front line, but because of his great joy, he underestimated his enemy and rushed forward, causing the army to fall like a landslide. Two billion soldiers were killed and buried in the sand!"    


"However, when Feng Ertai returned, he managed to escape from the crime because of the protection of his accomplices. On the contrary, General Han Shizhong, who fought with his life on the line to escape the siege, was treated as a scapegoat and his entire family died in injustice!"    


"Three thousand years ago, Feng Ertai, the Left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the Right Assistant Minister of Rites, the Governor of Guang Yang, and the Cang Square Provincial Governor created a huge case of corruption, and a total of 3.7 billion Emperor Grade Spirit Stone were stolen!"    


"Eight thousand years ago, when Feng Ertai was inspecting the world under the decree, he took a fancy to the magical equipment passed down in the family of the Southern Ridge Patrol Inspector and killed all the family members of the Southern Ridge Patrol Inspector at night!"    


After Ji Chen read out a dozen or so lines, he did not bother to read them anymore. He directly handed the jade slip to King Lu and the Duke of Langya. At this time, Feng Ertai almost peed his pants. He looked at Ji Chen and his eyes almost popped out.    



"Damn it! Under the feet of the Son of Heaven, the world is bright and clear. I didn't expect that these few scoundrels would do such an outrageous and immoral thing behind the scenes!"    


Seventh Prince said angrily, "You must punish them severely! Such officials are notorious and their actions are shocking!"    


"Your Highness, where are we now? There are even more explosive ones behind him." Ji Chen took out another jade slip. "Censor of Supervision of the Metropolis Inspection Court, is worse than a dog or a wolf!"    


"Five thousand years ago, when he was recruited as a general, not only did he deduct military salary, but he also caused the army to be weak in combat. The soldiers were hungry and went to battle, and they even risked their lives to fight!"    


"Because of the successive defeats at the front line, he sent his personal guard unit to slaughter three thousand villages and towns. He killed eighty million men, women, children, and children. He used these heads to claim credit. Poor innocent civilians were slaughtered!"    


"Six thousand years ago, he colluded with the Minister of War, the Minister of War, the Minister of War, the Minister of War, the General Manager of the South Peace State Cultivation Army, and the General Supervisor. They sold the Floating Battleship, weapons, war chariots, and warhorses of the Sacred Dynasty to the Heavenly Chart Sacred Dynasty privately!"    


"As a result, thirty years later, the Sacred Dynasty lost the war, and countless soldiers were buried in the battlefield! A large piece of land was lost in the war, and a total of thirty-eight thousand cities were occupied by the enemy. It could be said to be a disgrace to the Sacred Dynasty!"    


At that moment, even Censor of Supervision and Liu Shizhi's expressions changed completely. Ji Chen had made his move now, and he had full evidence in his hands. When he brought out the charges, he had already submitted all the evidence.    


Moreover, this case was too big, and it was much more serious than Feng Ertai suing Ji Chen. Therefore, King Lu did not dare to make a decision on his own. He immediately reported everything to Truth Holy Emperor.    


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