Activation Of The Overbearing System

C676 Prison Robbery!

C676 Prison Robbery!

0"His name is Zhuge Qing, nicknamed the Bloody Blade Demon King. He is a bandit on a mountain outside the capital, and he has killed countless people and committed countless crimes! When we captured him, our Six Fans Gate had lost a lot of our captives. "    


Minister Fong suddenly said in a stern voice, "Zhuge Qing, did you admit to the massacre of the Sun family or not?"    


"Haha, my lord asked a good question. As the saying goes, a good man should do what a good man should do! Since we were young, we have done a lot of killing and arson and enjoyed it. Since we were captured, we will admit defeat!"    


Zhuge Qing said indifferently, "Are you talking about the over a hundred lives of Sun family? That's right, I was the one who killed them. Those weak chickens were too weak. Haha, that's right. I killed them all. If you want to kill them, then do as you wish!"    


Ji Chen chuckled and secretly transmitted his voice," The three of you are really good. You have even found a scapegoat! "    


The Lord of the Three Judicial Officials laughed disdainfully. The Court of Judicial Review continued to ask, "How dare you, maniac! What kind of enmity does the Sun family have with you? You actually want to kill their entire family!"    


Zhuge Qing said disdainfully, "Enmity? Lord, don't joke around. I am a bandit. I don't like their family. I'll just kill them all! Also, I've done a lot of such extermination cases. Every time I get excited, I'll just kill them to my heart's content. Hahaha!"    


"How dare you! A maniac like you must be punished severely! Alright, now that the evidence is conclusive and the criminal has confessed, the case is in a dilemma. "    


Minister Fong made the final decision. "Now, I hereby announce that the extermination of Sun family was committed by Zhuge Qing, the Pirate Lord of Sun family. He will be sent to the Death Prison now! Fong Zhishui is completely innocent. He is not guilty at all! "    


"The mother and daughter of Sun family framed Fong Zhishui, and the Imperial Court ordered Fong Zhishui to be imprisoned. This is really detestable! The sentence is death by dismembering the body!"    


When the sentence ended, the mother and daughter of Sun family were truly struck by a bolt of lightning. Each and every one of them was knocked unconscious. They had no idea what to do. They only felt as if the entire world had turned dark, and their hearts were dead.    


On the contrary, Fong Zhishui was delighted. If it wasn't for the fact that he had been beaten so badly that his flesh had been torn and his bones had cracked, he would have jumped up and started dancing. Moreover, his expression was filled with resentment. He wanted to take revenge on Ji Chen!    


"Wait! Who said that the case had already been closed? Who said Fong Zhishui wasn't the murderer? Who said that Zhuge Qing was the murderer of this case? "    


Ji Chen, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth. His voice was very serious." Master Feng, did you forget? You are just a jury, and I am the main judge of this case! "    


" You closed the case before I even tried? Do you mean your order is higher than the Emperor's? Can you replace me as you wish? Ah? What are you trying to do? Invading Yue or rebelling!"    


Ji Chen did not care about anything else and directly put a huge hat on Minister Fong. Even if I can't scare you, I will disgust you!    


Sure enough, Minister Fong immediately blew his beard and glared. "Lord Wang, don't you slander me! I am loyal and devoted to the people. How can I violate the Yue? The so-called rebellion is even more ridiculous!"    


"This official only saw the facts of this case clearly. The evidence is conclusive and wants to close the case as soon as possible. When the time comes, we can talk about it in front of the Holy Emperor. It will also fulfill the duty of a subject!"    


"Oh? Is that so? Minister Fong is really a good official who wholeheartedly cares for the people and the king." Ji Chen said sarcastically, "But it's a pity. Why do I have a different version here?"    


"Why does it seem to me that the one who killed the people wasn't that bastard Zhuge Qing, but someone else? Fong Zhishui, don't be happy too early. Kneel down again! "    


"Wang Ziqi, what do you mean by this?" Censor of Supervision's old eyes shot out a sharp light." Is there not enough evidence for Lord Wang just now? Please don't complicate things!"    


"Excessive problems? No, I am pushing away the clouds to see the blue sky! "Ji Chen waved his hand and a Shadow Stone appeared in front of everyone." This is the conclusive evidence, the solid evidence is as solid as a mountain! "    


Seeing Ji Chen take out the Shadow Stone, the hearts of the three officers skipped a beat. Under normal circumstances, a witness was not as good as a physical witness. The scene depicted in the Shadow Stone proved that the ability was very strong.    


When they saw the scene recorded in the Shadow Stone, their hearts turned cold because the scene inside was the scene of Fong Zhishui slaughtering the entire Sun family!    


It was truly a scene of corpses piling up into mountains, blood flowing like rivers, and countless screams and hysterical cries. In the sea of blood, Fong Zhishui stood proudly with an extremely arrogant attitude, to the point of angering all humans and gods!    


Upon seeing this scene, the mother and daughter of the Sun family almost fainted on the spot. Both of them were about to go crazy. They wanted to rush forward and tear Fong Zhishui apart, but they couldn't act recklessly in the public hall. They were held back by the Blue Bird Guard once again.    


"Three lords, what do you think about this evidence? "Ji Chen smiled and said, "The evidence that you took out earlier seems to have some flaws."    


The expressions of the three masters were very ugly. Censor of Supervision sent a sound transmission and cursed, "Didn't you two trash say that everything has been settled? Didn't you say that all the evidence has been destroyed?"    


"Where did this Shadow Stone come from? How did it fall into Wang Ziqi's hands? Dammit! It's all over now! We're going to lose everything!"    


Minister Fong and the Court of Judicial Review were also very sad. They had never thought that Ji Chen would turn the tables on them. Furthermore, now was not the time to be concerned about the responsibility. They had to stabilize the situation as soon as possible.    


But at this time, Ji Chen had already given the order." You witnesses are full of nonsense, inverting right and wrong, and speaking nonsense. How dare you lie to me and try to get rid of the criminal! "    


"All of you are really unreasonable and daring! If you don't punish them, then wouldn't it be a disgrace to this clear sky! Men, lay down this bunch of rascals and pay a thousand water and fire rods for them!"    


Before Censor of Supervision and the others could stop them, the Blue Bird Guard in the hall pulled these fellows out of the carriage. Their attacks were ruthless, and most of them were heavily beaten to death.    


After all, these people knew that what they had done would cause the Sun family's mother and daughter to die in injustice. So, they had to pay the price for what they had done, and it was fair for them to die.    


"Lord Wang, aren't you being too arbitrary?" The Court of Judicial Review quickly tried to smooth things over. "Lord, don't forget that cultivators are very good at transforming. If someone transformed into Young Master Feng, it's hard to tell who framed them!"    


"Is that so? What about these? Are they all framing me? "Ji Chen waved his hand again. Dozens of Shadow Stones flew out and rolled on the ground. They were all triggered by Ji Chen.    


One tragic scene after another was shown in front of the public. Some of them were Fong Zhishui who treated human lives like grass, some were men who bullied men and women, some were people he killed and set fire to, and some were people he killed and exterminated.    


There were all kinds of things. In short, all kinds of crimes were committed. They were the ultimate crimes among the scumbags and degenerates.    


The Blue Bird Guard was everywhere. Ji Chen immediately took out all the Shadow Stone stored in these secret files and set the world in stone!    


As for the Shadow Stone in the Sun family's extermination case, it was also recorded by the scouts of the Blue Bird Guard. This scout happened to be under Ji Chen's jurisdiction. Therefore, he had long held the key evidence in his hands.    


Ji Chen looked at the three officers with a cold expression. "Three masters, take a look now. Are these framing and framing? Is Fong Zhishui, the official appointed by the Imperial Court, really innocent?"    


Censor of Supervision, Minister Fong, and the officials of the Court of Judicial Review all had dark expressions. They all knew that they had been completely defeated and lost in the trial.    


In fact, it wasn't their fault that they didn't have the ability to do so. It was because Ji Chen was stronger than them. The three of them had never thought that Ji Chen wouldn't bring out so many crucial evidence at the beginning.    


It was obvious that he was playing with them. All of them were furious, but they couldn't show it.    


Ji Chen didn't give the three of them a chance to speak. He slapped the wood in his hand heavily. "This case has been clarified. The criminal, Fong Zhishui, has committed murder and arson. He has exterminated the entire family. He has committed a heinous crime. He is sentenced to death!"    


"Zhuge Qing is vicious and wicked. He fooled the officials of the court and tried to get away with the crime. His crime is unforgivable. He is sentenced to death!"    


"It is my fault to raise an unfilial father. Master Feng, please take out enough Spirit Stone and compensate the mother and daughter of Sun family so that they can live the rest of their lives well."    


"Alright. Now, send Fong Zhishui to the Blue Bird Guard prison and wait for the execution!"    


"Wait!" Minister Fong suddenly spoke at this time, "Lord Wang, since we have already sentenced him to execution, can we not detain him in the Blue Bird Guard Prison and place him in the Imperial Prison of the Ministry of Justice?"    


"Fong Zhishui has been detained in the Blue Bird Guard Great Prison until this deadline. I don't think we need to detain him in another place. ............ Ji Chen frowned and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Master Feng, are you trying to cause trouble?"    


" Master Wang, don't slander us! "    



Minister Fong was very excited. "Detaining a person sentenced to death in the prison of the Ministry of Justice is the law. Furthermore, I am indeed selfish. I am just a father who wants to see my son twice more. It's just meeting him! "    


"Lord Wang is still young and has yet to become a father. When Lord Wang has a child in the future, he will understand the feelings of this little calf!"    


The Court of Judicial Review also sighed. "Things have already come to this point. Nephew Feng is already dead. What's the problem with another place to lock him up?"    


"That's right. Lord Wang, please fulfill the last wish of an old father." Censor of Supervision also chimed in.    


Ji Chen thought for a while and finally said, "Alright, we will lock him up in the imperial prison of the Ministry of Justice. However, all the defences will be under the control of my Blue Bird Guard. The formation of the imperial prison of the Ministry of Justice will also be under my control!"    


"No problem. Thank you, Lord Wang, for fulfilling my wish." Fong Zhishui said sincerely, as if he had already accepted his fate.    


This case seemed to have come to an end. He only needed half a month to execute Fong Zhishui. In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed. Everything was fine.    


That night, in Minister Fong's house, the three heads of the Three Judges Division gathered together once again. The Court of Judicial Review had a cold expression on his face. "Ten days have passed. The vigilance of those people from the Blue Bird Guard has been reduced to the lowest!"    


"En, this time's jailbreak can only be a success and not a failure! The five hundred men of sacrifice that I have carefully raised will go all out to jailbreak. Including your three hundred men, they will all be carefully selected warriors!"    


There was a trace of madness on Minister Fong's face. "This time, not only is it my son's problem, it is also our face's problem! As long as my son is imprisoned under the watch of the Blue Bird Guard, Wang Ziqi will be the first to be held accountable by the Holy Emperor! "    


The Court of Judicial Review nodded. "But the combat strength of the Blue Bird Guard is not low. That Lau Wuheng and Hsu Yanzhi both have the combat strength of the commander. We cannot underestimate them."    


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