Activation Of The Overbearing System

C655 The Tomb of Black Yellow Black Yellow Vermillion Fruit

C655 The Tomb of Black Yellow Black Yellow Vermillion Fruit

0Ji Chen let out a long roar like a clap of thunder. He hovered in the air for half a cup of tea's time before dispersing. Divine Palace Saintess was also happy. She knew that this might be because Ji Chen's cultivation had improved a lot.    


What followed next was simple. Ji Chen's meridians, muscles, and fur would be completely refined. After refining these three, Ji Chen would be able to completely cultivate the Black Yellow Physique. Furthermore, it would be an extraordinary physique that far exceeded the ordinary Black Yellow Physique. It could be called the Black Yellow Combat Physique!    


After Ji Chen broke through, he simply combed his future cultivation path. It was obvious that the membrane hair needed to be tempered last. Because these things were at the outermost layer, they did not increase his combat strength by much, and they were also easy to refine.    


The best way to temper all the muscles in his body was to temper his meridians in advance. Because the meridians and blood vessels in the entire body ran through the entire body, wanting to temper the muscles. One had to rely on the blood vessels and meridians to transport energy. Of course, the stronger the passageway, the better!    


Moreover, once the meridians were completely tempered, the circulation of spirit energy would be even more vast, and the strength of the magical skill would be even stronger. According to the lethality and explosive force, Ji Chen's next step would be to temper all the meridians in his body.    


The meridians in a human body were densely packed and crisscrossed. It was not an exaggeration to say that there were as many meridians as hairs on a cow's head. However, the 10,000 Techniques Return to Origin, the natural Dao, and in the end, it was still the same as always.    


The most important meridians in a human body were divided into three categories. One was the Twelve Standard Meridians, and the other was the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and the third was the Ren and Du Meridians. As long as these meridians were completely tempered, the rest of the meridians would be easily linked up.    


After sorting through the meridians, Ji Chen stood up. The place he was originally at had a vast spirit liquid lake that was a few thousand miles in diameter. But now that it had been completely refined by Ji Chen, he would once again embark on the road of finding opportunities.    


Cultivation and treasure hunting had no time. In the blink of an eye, a month and a half had passed. A storm was brewing in Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land. Many geniuses had made a name for themselves and obtained many benefits.    


Myriad Forms Young God and Big Dipper Young God had attacked many times, unleashing their invincible might. The Saints of Divine Palace Holy Land had arrived as well. This man had an innate mortal body. However, he had defied the heavens and was invincible. He was actually able to fight against the young god and retreat with his body intact!    


Farming Holy Son and Heavenly Holy Son had also made a name for themselves by bringing Liar Goat along. Of course, they had also made a name for themselves. Most of them had bad reputations, because Farming Holy Son was not a proper person to begin with. As for Liar Goat, he was cheap and evil. It would be strange if they were together!    


The experts of the demon race kept rushing into the Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land. After all, this place was connected to the Northern Reed Region. It would be strange if the great demons there didn't come. Void Lion and Xiang Kun had also gotten lucky time and time again, and their strength had also increased.    


During this period of time, Ji Chen had been making a fortune silently. That harvest was really great. Divine Palace Saintess was dumbfounded countless times when she saw it, but in the end, she was no longer surprised. That string had long become numb.    


During this period of time, Ji Chen had finished honing all the twelve major meridians. He had already honed seven of the eight extraordinary meridians, and his speed was quite fast.    


And this was because he spent most of his time on treasure hunting. Otherwise, his meridians would have been perfected long ago.    


On this day, Ji Chen once again opened the map and used up his energy. Dense dots of light kept appearing on the map. Countless red and over ten purple dots made Ji Chen extremely happy. He was afraid that his harvest this time would be far greater than before.    


However, after all the purple dots appeared, there was a faint silver light on the map. Ji Chen's breathing became rapid. The silver dots were about to appear, which meant that it was a great opportunity that surpassed the purple dots!    


Ji Chen's three eyes were wide open, and they were exceptionally bright. He looked at the map in front of him without blinking. Ten breaths, twenty breaths, the silver dots appeared very slowly. Obviously, it was very difficult to detect them.    


After eighty breaths, the silver dots completely appeared. That silver light was like the moon in the middle of the autumn festival, shining in people's hearts, making them unable to stop.    


Ji Chen finally laughed and roughly rolled up the map. He then took Divine Palace Saintess with him and the dog rushed out first.    


He was the first to charge towards the silver light. There was no time to lose. If it was a coincidence that it was taken away by someone else, Ji Chen's heart would ache and he would die from vomiting blood!    


On a desolate desert in Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land, the cold wind was as sharp as a blade. Sand mountains were being pushed by the fierce wind, constantly moving in his direction like giant scales on a heavenly snake's body.    


It was very quiet here because it was too desolate and secluded, so no one would come. At noon, there was a loud barking sound, followed by three long beams of light that pierced through the sky.    


"Brother Ji Chen, are you sure there is a treasure here?" Divine Palace Saintess felt a bit of toothache, "I keep feeling that this place doesn't seem to have any good stuff, not even a bit of spirit energy, similar to the Land of Absolute Spirits."    


"Don't worry. If I say there are treasures here, then there must be. We need to shake off our shoulders and work." Ji Chen's hands formed a seal and directly revealed the appearance of three heads and six arms. He held six huge spades and started to dig.    


Although she did not know what Ji Chen was up to, out of her trust in Ji Chen, Divine Palace Saintess also began to dig. The Black Monarch was even more ferocious. It even ate sand, and a big pit was created with a single bite.    


After digging for hundreds of thousands of miles, the geomagnetic divine light was spraying everywhere. It was very strong. At this moment, the treasure buried in the ground appeared in front of the two men and the dog.    


It was a huge Black Yellow Crystal. When Ji Chen and the others dug it out, even Ji Chen, who was used to seeing big waves, was shocked because it was too big!    


"This Black Yellow Crystal has a diameter of ten thousand miles, and its quality is extremely high. It can withstand tens of millions of Black Yellow Rivers. This time, we have really struck it rich. Let alone the Black Yellow Physique, even the Indestructible Battle Body is possible!"    


Ji Chen laughed loudly and directly put the complete Black Yellow Crystal into his pocket. Of course, he would not treat Divine Palace Saintess unfairly. Although Divine Palace Saintess did not put in much effort, they had a good relationship after all, and everyone who saw it would get a share.    


Ji Chen took out the nine feet dragon grass that he had picked earlier and gave it to Divine Palace Saintess. This kind of treasure that could make a Sacred Lord yearn for was a treasure that even to the current Divine Palace Saintess, it was also a treasure that made her heart palpitate with excitement.    


Because it was buried deep underground, this Black Yellow Crystal wasn't even discovered by the native creatures. However, it was taken away by Ji Chen with ease. It was imaginable that once he brought this crystal out... He was afraid that he would be able to cultivate several Black Yellow Physiques from the Human Emperor Ji family!    


Just as Ji Chen was silently making a fortune and steadily increasing his strength, completely tempering the eight extraordinary meridians, the weather in Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land suddenly changed. Even the density of the ordinary Mysterious Yellow Qi had suddenly increased by nearly a hundred times!    


Those native creatures had also begun to appear unceasingly. Almost all of them were at the Martial Saint Stage. These creatures were very unusual, and they were extremely excited and crazy. They were actually launching frenzied attacks at the humans.    


Many people had died in a short period of time. Of course, there were also a lot of native creatures. Their blood had soaked the land and mountains of Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land. Finally, both sides had regained their balance and restraint for the time being.    


All the major powers had paid a huge price to find out the reason behind this unusual change. It turned out that the Primitive Divine City had been destroyed by the six great experts. At this moment, the core of the ___ had completely collapsed, causing a series of changes. In the end, it caused this heavenly change!    


It was indeed a change that shook the heavens and the earth, and it was the appearance of the great tomb of the primeval ferocious beast, Xuanhuang!    


This piece of news was truly too terrifying. That was the great ancient beast, Black Yellow, who killed gods just like he killed little chickens. He was the true number one person in all of history. His Divine Tomb had actually appeared. Who wouldn't be crazy about this?!    


The experts of the various holy lands, Sacred Dynasty, and Aeon aristocratic family outside were all going crazy with anxiety. Many big shots of the Martial Immortal were eager to enter the Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land to find out what was going on. They held divine artifacts in their hands, wanting to resist the strangeness of the Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land.    


However, they quickly gave up on this idea. Because with the appearance of the Black Yellow Tomb, the suppression of high-level cultivators in the Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land became even more terrifying. Even if they held divine artifacts in their hands, they would still die!    


Don't forget that the Black Yellow Tomb killed gods as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, not to mention the Martial Immortal that held the inanimate divine artifact. Even the trump card that was left behind in the past was enough to make them die without a burial ground!    


Compared to the benefits, their lives were more important. Therefore, the old ancestors of many major powers stopped in their tracks. Instead, they sent a large number of Martial Saint cultivators to fight for the great fortune.    


The news of the Black Yellow Great Tomb's emergence shook the five large continents, and even the entire starry sky. Even the mythical magnates on the starry sky dam had issued a decree to explore the Black Yellow Great Tomb at all costs.    


However, it was obvious that this celebration was only held among the humans and demons. Due to the enmity between Black Yellow Great and the alien races, and being surrounded and killed by dozens of alien gods, the Dao Law left behind by Black Yellow Great Tomb was targeted at the alien races.    


If the legendary experts of the human race went to explore the Black Yellow Great Tomb, there was an 80% chance that they would not live for even a day. The alien race would not even be able to think about it. If they went in, they would die, and they would be killed by the countless tricks left behind by the Black Yellow Great Tomb!    


Without any other result, even if they had several supreme divine artifacts, it would be useless. After all, the tricks left behind by Fierce Black Yellow could definitely kill gods!    


At this time, how could Ji Chen, who was in Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land, not join in the fun? The moment the news spread, Ji Chen headed towards the Black Yellow Tomb.    


It was the center of Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land, the source of the darkness at night. It was the most dangerous place, and also the place where the greatest fortune lay. Not only him, almost all the living creatures were rushing towards this place.    


Ji Chen's previous location wasn't too far away from the Black Yellow Tomb, so he arrived earlier. However, there were still many people who arrived earlier than him, all of them were Mysterious Yellow Beast and zombies!    


Because of the Dao Law in Mysterious Yellow Ancient Land, the strongest of these native creatures were only at the Great Circle Martial Saint. Therefore, Ji Chen, who had a heavy treasure protecting his body, didn't care about it at all. How dare they attack him? It was easy to kill them!    


The ancient tomb was extremely huge. It stood on a boundless plain. Although it had a majestic atmosphere, it was very abrupt and funny. It was just a bare burial mound!    



It looked like an eyesore. It was seriously inconsistent with the scene he had imagined. This almost made Ji Chen fall down from his head. What the hell was this? It was simply a steamed bun!    


What about the sacrificial palace? Where was the sculpture that they had agreed on? What about the promised Myriad Illusions? What about the mountain full of precious herbs and plants?    


This was completely different from the script. He originally thought that he would be able to see a woman's beautiful head, but in the end, a bald monk directly came. The contrast was indeed a bit too great.    


However, even if this was the case, no one dared to look down on this great grave at all, because what was buried inside was a great vicious black yellow earth! This type of existence, even if it was lying in a stinky ditch, this stinky ditch would still become a restricted area!    


A sweet fragrance was emitted. Ji Chen suddenly became happy, and his eyes stared at a treasured tree in the distance. Then, his gaze became scorching hot. "Sovereign Medicine! Mysterious Yellow Vermillion Fruit!"    


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