Activation Of The Overbearing System

C483 The Old Man and the Girl the Phoenix God and the Phoenix God

C483 The Old Man and the Girl the Phoenix God and the Phoenix God

0The fire in Ji Chen's heart had long dissipated when he saw the man who was pretending to be a man. Instead, it was replaced by pleasure and excitement. Sure enough, the Ancestral Land of Wood God didn't disappoint him.    


Clearly, the supernatural events in Ancestral Land of Wood God had happened more than once. Therefore, the other cultivators weren't surprised by it. Some of them revealed a look of disdain. They were clearly laughing at the man who didn't know his own limits.    


After that, they turned their heads around and did what they were supposed to do. They looked as if they had forgotten everything. Ji Chen did not mix in the crowd. Instead, he walked towards the other peaks.    


In the morning, there was a layer of thick fog at the foot of the mountain. Even cultivators couldn't see far, and even the things close to it were blurry and indistinct.    


Ji Chen and the Black Monarch walked along the mountain peak and suddenly saw a huge shadow in the distance. It looked like a huge python, but also like a huge dragon. It was both mighty and lofty.    


Ji Chen and the Black Monarch were surprised. They looked at each other and opened their three eyes. The red shadow rushed over, but no matter how far they went, the shadow would always be far away and close. They couldn't walk past it no matter how hard they tried.    


What surprised them even more was that the Ancestral Land of Wood God only covered a hundred thousand miles. With their feet strength, they could rush over in a few breaths' time. But now, after a quarter of an hour, they were still in the middle of the mountain.    


This feeling was as if the world in front of them had suddenly become bigger. From a stone to a lofty mountain valley, from a pond to a vast ocean. It was futile for anyone to try and cross it.    


Moreover, there was another feeling. It was as if a man and a dog had become tiny. Although they were running with all their might, their speed was nothing compared to a turtle's crawl. However, no matter what kind of situation they were in, it was still very novel.    


"This thing, could it be a mirage?" Ji Chen was not afraid. Instead, he discussed it with the Black Monarch in a low voice.    


The Black Monarch opened its vertical eye between its brows. She was very stubborn and unconvinced. She wanted to use the power of time and space to bring Ji Chen over, but she still failed. That shadow that was like a long rainbow and like a divine bridge still passed through the mountains.    


In the end, that shadow still revealed its true appearance. It was a tree trunk that looked like a divine dragon. Its entire body was emitting a golden and purple light. However, this scene only lasted for a brief moment. It was just a glimpse of the Snow Mud Claw.    




A cat mewled not far away. This external force seemed to have broken this magical phenomenon. The golden and purple tree roots in front of them disappeared and were replaced by a strange valley.    


A little cat that looked like a snow white ball was scratching an itch on a small tree. The cat was also startled by the sudden appearance of the master and servant. It screamed and all the fur on its body stood up.    


"This should be under a mountain peak on the opposite side. Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, just now, I and Black Monarch ran at full speed for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, and it only went from one mountain peak to another!"    


Ji Chen was surprised and speechless. He had no interest in paying attention to that snow-white ball of fur, but perhaps it was because of the infighting between the cat and dog, the Black Monarch had already pounced over and wanted to press the ball of fur under its claws.    


However, it had to be said that the snow-white cat was very agile. It had already started to flee before the Black Monarch attacked. It was meowing, filled with fear and panic, and quickly ran into the depths of the valley.    


"Woof, woof, woof, woof!"    


The Black Monarch felt very embarrassed when it missed its target. It called Ji Chen a few times, then chased after it angrily. Ji Chen couldn't help but smile and followed it all the way.    


After chasing for about a few hundred miles, they saw a figure walking over from a distance. It was accompanied by the squeaking sound of carrying a pole.    


"Mao Mao, what's wrong with you? Aiya, what a big dog!" A little girl's surprised voice sounded. "Grandpa, look at that big dog! Its whole body is black and shiny, just nice to match our Furry!"    


At this time, Ji Chen had already seen it clearly. An old man and a young girl walked over from the opposite side. The young girl looked to be around ten years old, and she wore a floral dress. She was hugging the frightened white cat in her arms.    


As for the Black Monarch, it was standing in front of the young girl at this moment. It looked down at her from above and threatened with its teeth bared. It also stretched out a claw, wanting to dig out the furball.    


The young girl was very beautiful. She looked like a porcelain doll and her big eyes were full of innocence and intelligence. "Dog, do you want to play with furball? Don't bully it!"    


As the girl spoke, she took out the little white cat. No matter how hard the white cat struggled and screamed, it still couldn't get rid of its misfortune.    


At this time, the Black Monarch suddenly opened its mouth and was about to swallow the cat. The little girl hadn't noticed the evil intentions of the Black Monarch, but the little cat had already turned pale with fright, and all the fur on its body was trembling.    




At this time, a firm and powerful palm appeared. It pressed down on the Black Monarch's head and pushed it onto the ground. The Black Monarch raised its head and looked at Ji Chen with a wronged expression.    


"Junior Ji Chen greets senior."    


Ji Chen bowed to the old man and smiled at the young girl. "My stupid dog was messing around just now. She doesn't like cats and is very tsundere. You have to hide your fur properly."    


"Really?" The young girl looked at the Black Monarch with doubt. Sure enough, the Black Monarch shook its head and gave her a tsundere and melancholy side profile.    


"Hahaha, what a cute dog." The young girl hugged the kitten tightly and looked innocently at Ji Chen. "Big Brother Ji Chen, my name is Jiu. This is my grandfather."    


The old man looked to be in his 70s or 80s. His hair was white and his beard was sparse. His face was full of wrinkles, but his smile was kind and kind.    


The old man picked up two buckets of water and walked along the path. In the depths of the valley was a spring. He wore straw shoes, and there was a cigarette bag hanging from his waist. "Young man, you are so polite. I am not a powerful man who can fly and escape. How can I be a senior?"    


"Old man, I am Li. If young man is willing, you can call me Old Li or Old Li. As for senior, please don't call me that. I am such a bad old man. Old man, I am Li. If young man is willing, you can call me Old Li or Old Li. As for senior, please don't call me that."    


"How can that be? Elders are respected." Ji Chen saw that the other party was kind and kind and could not help but feel very comfortable. "How about this, I will follow Jiu from now on. I will call you Grandpa Li!"    


"Haha, that's good, that's good. Then I will drag it out." The old man was obviously in good health. His blood was vigorous. He carried a heavy burden and walked as fast as he could. He did not need Ji Chen's help at all.    


Ji Chen followed the old man and the young man along the small path. They chatted along the way and were very agreeable. "Grandpa Li, have you been living in Ancestral Land of Wood God?"    


"Haha, how should I put it? It's not just me. Our ancestors have been living in this mountain for generations. They have been living here for generations."    


Lee was very proud of himself when he talked about this. It was only through chatting with Ji Chen that he found out. It turned out that the old ancestor of the Lee family was once Wood God's personal servant. Later, Wood God changed his mind. The people of the Lee family became Spirit Guardians, and they stayed in the Ancestral Land of Wood God for generations.    


In this way, the Lee family had been guarding the mountain for more than 500 billion years. This friendship and the persistence of the Lee family made people feel deep respect for them, and it made them feel like crying.    


However, there was no good way to repay a good person. The Lee family had finally come to an end. Because Lee had to live in the mountains for the rest of his life, no woman was willing to marry him. Therefore, he was also the last generation of the Lee family.    


Jiu was not his biological granddaughter, but a poor adopted person. She was brought up as a granddaughter, not because she hoped to inherit his legacy in the future.    


However, the little girl was very sensible. She had always treated Old Li as her own grandfather and had always been filial to him. It was a kind of heavenly joy to tease her grandson.    


Jiu was lively and active. Along the way, she showed great interest in the Black Monarch. She did not have any children with Ji Chen at all. She always had a big brother and a short brother.    


In a while, she had to touch the black dog. In a while, she had to talk to the black dog. In a while, she had to play a game with the black dog. The Black Monarch was filled with resentment and resentment. It wished that it could swallow this hateful and noisy little girl in one bite.    


Soon, they arrived at Lee's residence. It was a few outhouse built on the hillside. However, although it was small, it had everything in order. Everything was in order.    


More than ten acres of land had been reclaimed from the front and back of the house. There were a lot of vegetables and food planted in it, and there were even dozens of chickens. They were pecking at the ___ Valley in front of the house, and they looked like they were doing nothing but farming.    


It was hard to believe that this was the old butler of Ancestral Land of Wood God, who had once been at the peak of this world after Wood God had become a Dao Transformation cultivator.    


Jiu made tea for Ji Chen as soon as she returned. She then took the little white cat to chase after the Black Monarch and play. There was the laughter of a young girl, as well as the little white cat's shrill cry and Black Monarch's proud cry.    



Ji Chen sat down in front of a wooden table. Opposite him was Lee, who was happily smoking a cigarette. "Brother Ji, don't mind it. There's no good tea. It's just fresh."    


"Grandpa Li, you don't need to be polite." Ji Chen was very open wherever he went. After drinking a cup of tea, he asked directly, "Grandpa Lee, your ancestors lived here. I wonder if you have encountered any strange things."    


"What strange things?"    


Ji Chen said seriously, "A root!"    


"What? ___ asked. You mean a tree root?" Lee was shocked and almost jumped up. "What kind of root is it? Where did you see it?"    


"I saw it in the valley just now." Ji Chen said, "The tree root has a golden and purple glow, it's an extraordinary tree root. However, it disappeared in a flash, like a mirage. It is unpredictable! "    


"Haha, then that's right! I have to say, Brother Ji is really fated with this place." Lee smiled and said, "It has been more than five hundred billion years. There are less than ten people who can see the tree root here!"    


" You have to know that in all these years, there have been many Martial Buddha, Martial Saint, and even mythical beings who came here to seek enlightenment. However, there are less than ten people who have truly seen it. From this, it can be seen that... The fate between little brother and Ancestral Land of Wood God is not ordinary! "    


Lee became even more excited. He took a few deep breaths of smoke and said to Ji Chen, "Since you want to know what that root is, then I will keep you in suspense and tell you a story first!"    


"Tell a story?" Ji Chen suddenly became interested. His eyes lit up. "Is it the story of senior Wood God?"    


Lee nodded. "Yes, but not everything. What I want to tell you is the story of the two gods, the story of Wood God and the Phoenix God."    


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