Activation Of The Overbearing System

C395 The Second Prince of the Dragon Clan Started the War

C395 The Second Prince of the Dragon Clan Started the War

0"Second Dragon Prince, please don't speak nonsense!" The genius of Lu family was infuriated. He scolded, "Although my little sister was brought back from the outside world recently, she is still a descendant of the Lu family. Her talent is extraordinary!"    


"She is the pearl of the ancient Lu family. It is not up to you to humiliate her! So, please take back what you just said. Otherwise, you will become enemies with my Lu family!"    


"That's right, I think you are jealous of the Son of God! His talent is better than yours, his cultivation is stronger than yours, and he is also more handsome than you. Second Dragon Prince, you cannot compare with the Son of God!" A woman said angrily.    


"The Divine Son is unparalleled, the only one in the world. He is destined to become Lord of Temple in the future. He will rule the entire Eastern Victory Continent. How can a mere little dragon like you humiliate him?"    


"Son of God, actually, that girl from the Lu family isn't anything good. She has no chest, no butt, how can she be compared to me? Your Highness, don't you think about me?"    


"You're still not good enough. How can her figure be compared to mine? Your talent isn't good either. Your Highness, let's form a good rapport. A talented person and a beautiful woman will definitely become a divine couple that everyone in the Eastern Victory Continent admires! "    


A large number of chattering voices sounded out from the deer platform. At first, it was those male disciples who wanted to please Temple Divine Son, but later on, it was those female disciples who showed their love to each other.    


Ji Chen could see that no one was genuinely protecting the girl who was going to be sacrificed in a political marriage. Instead, they were all trying to please the Son of God of the Sacred Hall, including the geniuses of the Lu family.    


"I just brought back the Pearl of Vast Ocean from a remote place. It's very likely to be the deer." Ji Chen smiled faintly, his killing intent faintly visible. "You want to marry my Little Deer, Temple Divine Son, you think too much!"    


"Why are you smiling? Where did you come from? That son of a b * tch from that family. Don't you know who I am? Are you mocking me? A bunch of stinky things!"    


Second Dragon Prince was humiliated. He immediately pointed the spearhead at Ji Chen and spoke arrogantly, "You son of a b * tch, don't think that you can get on Temple Divine Son's good side. There are some people that you can't afford to laugh at!"    


"Damn it, you are still laughing! Who gave you the guts? You are just a mere Divine Martial Stage ant, what right do you have to laugh? Now, I will make you kneel down and let me see you cry. Otherwise, I will make you eat you like food! Hurry up, cry!"    


The deer platform was filled with gloating eyes. It was different from the previous group of people. Dozens of people were looking at Ji Chen and Second Dragon Prince. They wanted to see a good show!    


After all, none of them knew Ji Chen and had no relationship with him. More importantly, Ji Chen was not a noble like Temple Divine Son. It was useless to stand up for him. It was more comfortable to watch a good show!    


"Cry? Why should I cry? Don't you know that Yours Truly's Five Elements are lacking in tears? On the other hand, you can cry. If you can't, you can just vomit blood!"    


At first, Ji Chen's words were slow and gentle. However, when he said the last sentence, he suddenly unleashed the aura of a war horse.    


The table in front of him flipped over and flew out. The plates and chopsticks were all thrown at Second Dragon Prince's face. The soup and water splashed in the air.    


He flipped the table!    


How dare he? A mere Divine Martial Stage ant, a weakling who could die with a single breath, how could he be so arrogant? He had actually launched an attack!    


What exactly was going on here? Was it the distortion of human nature, the loss of morals, or was it the terminal stage of mental illness where one had to risk one's life? Everyone present was stunned. They did not expect such a thing to happen.    


However, the most furious one was of course Second Dragon Prince. He was a grand completion Layer 4, Heavenly Lake Dragon King's second son. No matter where he went, he would be worshipped. Today, he was humiliated again!    


If it was Temple Divine Son, he could still suppress his anger, but who are you? I have never seen you before. How dare a weak ant humiliate me? This is intolerable! You can only die!    


The dragon breath rolled, and the table, plates, and bowls in front of him evaporated into thin air. Then, a fist full of dragon scales was thrown out, intending to smash Ji Chen into meat paste. It was a ferocious attack!    


However, Ji Chen wasn't afraid at all. He just sat there and stretched out his fist, smashing it against the dragon fist. A golden light was flowing!    




A dazzling light instantly ripped apart the universe. The hassock that Ji Chen was sitting on had already shattered into a lump of floss. At this moment, Ji Chen had already stood up and turned into a human-shaped lightning bolt.    


Not only did he easily block Second Dragon Prince's fist, he also launched a counterattack. A palm had already split open and smashed onto Second Dragon Prince's chest.    


"You can actually block my punch? Humph, another hypocrite hiding his head and tail. You hid your little tail, and now you want to pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger! But you chose the wrong opponent. Today, you must cry to death! "    


Second Dragon Prince was still not afraid. Dragon Power erupted and dragon blood surged. He threw another punch and landed squarely on Ji Chen's palm. The red and golden power began to strangle. It spiraled like a whirlwind and rose into the air!    


Ji Chen felt a powerful and scorching power coming towards him along with his fist. He staggered.    


He couldn't help but take a dozen steps back. He arrived at the vast river, and there were traces of burning on his palm.    


On the other side, a red light flashed, and Second Dragon Prince was also sent flying. When he arrived on top of the river, his attitude was arrogant, and the muscles on his face were like an open bowstring. "Again!"    


"As you wish, Little Loach, I'll let you bleed!"    


The river was almost broken. The two figures were completely wrapped in water vapor. They could only see their fists and legs moving as they crazily fought. The sound of muffled thunder rolled and rose from low to high, rising steadily!    


A dozen or so balls of light suddenly appeared above the great river. Every single one of them was so dazzling. All of the water vapor was evaporated, revealing the dried riverbed. Countless fish, turtles, prawns, crabs were all sacrificed!    


Many people on the deer platform watched very seriously. They were no longer in the joking state at the beginning because they discovered that this unknown person was truly powerful. His path was truly wild!    




Ji Chen broke three of Second Dragon Prince's fingers with a punch. The wind from the punch brushed against Second Dragon Prince's face, causing his skin to hurt and blood to flow out!    


"You broke three of my fingers. I will break your life's hope!"    


Second Dragon Prince's attack was also ruthless. A dragon claw appeared in his right hand and pierced through Ji Chen's body. Even one of his ribs was broken. It was a ghastly sight as blood and flesh splattered all over the place.    


"Bang! Bang!"    


Before this guy could feel happy, he was struck by a heavy blow like raindrops. The muscles on Ji Chen's chest had locked onto his opponent's fist, and he struck Second Dragon Prince's body dozens of times in a row.    


When he completely broke away from Ji Chen, dozens of fist marks appeared on his body from top to bottom, and at least a dozen bones were broken. He could not help but open his mouth and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. His nose bridge was broken, and his mouth was sour and bitter!    


"Stinking brat, I want your life!"    


The pure-blooded Flood Dragon had a very strong recovery ability. Second Dragon Prince raised his head and let out a long roar. As he swallowed the pill to heal his wounds, he revealed his combat form. His head and four of his heads had turned into dragons, and a dragon tail had also been swung out!    


He had almost completely transformed into a flood dragon, and his speed had increased tremendously. With a flash of a faint red light, Second Dragon Prince's body was already in front of Ji Chen. "Dragon King Claw! The world is collapsing!"    


A red dragon claw burning with raging flames appeared out of nowhere. Its five fingers were like five huge pillars, trapping Ji Chen in the middle. Then, it squeezed violently!    


"The outcome has been decided!" A man in black who carried a long sword on his back said. He drank a cup of wine. This was an expert from the Night Rain aristocratic family. "Although Second Dragon Prince is not a good person, his combat strength is still a first-class one!"    


One of the geniuses of Lu family nodded. "The pure-blooded dragon race in the Heavenly Lake is born with a higher starting point than us humans. No ordinary person is a match for him! His elder brother, Dragon Prince, has even more terrifying combat strength!"    


"So what? He was still defeated by His Highness the Son of God? What's there to be proud of! "    


A beautiful girl said proudly. She threw a flirtatious glance at Temple Divine Son, but was ignored. However, this fellow seemed to be possessed by a licking dog. Not only was he not sad, but he was even more infatuated!    



"The world is collapsing? Are you going to crack it? Set it for me!"    


The sound of tidal waves came from Ji Chen's body. His injuries had long healed. The Buddha Light mixed with the golden Qi and blood froze the heaven and earth. A bodhi tree grew and hung a Layer 3 Dao Fruit!    


The dragon claw was pressed onto the bodhi tree, but it was completely blocked. It made a creaking sound, but it couldn't fall down at all. Then, a brilliant fist light shot up to the nine heavens!    


A huge throne was whistling. Each fist was a king, and the dragon claw was completely destroyed. Ji Chen soared up to the sky and threw a punch at Second Dragon Prince. His powerful fist force suppressed the heaven and earth.    


"Dragon King Tail Swing! The heaven and earth were shedding blood!"    


Blood flowed out from the corner of Second Dragon Prince's mouth as he swung his tail. The boundless dragon tail was wrapped with light as it swept across the sea of stars. Vaguely, thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains collapsed together, and the scene of blood and tears flowing in the sky appeared!    




The fist and dragon tail collided, and layers of force separated. The dragon scales on the dragon's tail instantly exploded, followed by dragon flesh and dragon tendons. In the end, there was only a white bone tail left, which was held in Ji Chen's palm.    


"Damn it, let go!"    


Second Dragon Prince cried out in shock. He exchanged a blow with Ji Chen, but in the end, he was sent flying a hundred thousand miles away, and was embedded in the mud at the bottom of the river. He crawled up and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"Not good!"    


Second Dragon Prince, who had just gotten up, rolled around on the spot. He barely avoided Ji Chen's kick from the sky. The force of this kick was like a Heavenly Emperor trampling on living beings. The bottom of the river had exploded!    


"You still want to run? I will stomp you to death!"    


Ji Chen's face was full of ferocity. He stomped down the second time. Many of them were dumbfounded. They could not believe what they saw.    


It was obviously Second Dragon Prince who had a great reputation, but why was he like a little grass snake under a mischievous child's feet now? Was it because they were hallucinating, or was it because this world was no longer real? No matter how he thought about it, it shouldn't be!    


"Golden qi and blood, powerful Throne thaumaturgy, Buddhist bodhi tree... Interesting." In a corner of the deer platform sat a young man as warm as jade. He was dressed in green and did not go with the flow, nor did he accept everyone's compliments.    


He was like an independent green lotus that had seen the vicissitudes of life. He pressed down on the mysterious light formation with his finger as he calculated, "Great Qin's Domineering Body is the number one genius of Eastern Victory Continent. Interesting!"    




His voice rang out in his mind. He looked up and saw that Second Dragon Prince had been sent flying by Ji Chen's slap. He rolled around on the ground, and even Dragon Fang had been sent flying!    


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