Activation Of The Overbearing System

C302 He Had Broken Through the Illumination Tower

C302 He Had Broken Through the Illumination Tower

0  Ji Chen was like a hedgehog. He immediately became angry. "Who are you? It doesn't hurt to just stand there and talk. I hate you fools who don't care about other people's money the most! "    

  "One sentence. If you want to get beaten up, then stand up for him. If you don't want to get beaten up, then get lost!"    

  This person was almost angered to death. His stomach was about to explode. What kind of thing was this? You almost beat him to death. Was it wrong for me to uphold justice? Do you need to scold me like this!?    

  This genius was furious. He jumped up and was about to fight Ji Chen, but in the end, he was no match for Ji Chen. He was knocked down to the ground with three punches and two kicks, and his face was swollen and swollen.    

  Many people were stunned for a moment. Was he still human? Don't forget that you are only a Pill Martial warrior. Why did you beat a Fifth Imperial Warrior into a dead dog? This shouldn't be the case, it must be fake!    

  Even in the current Qin Academy, it was already considered pretty good to have a cultivation base of fifth-layer Martial Emperor. However, even such an expert was blown to pieces, lying on the ground like a dog. It was simply unbelievable!    

  Those few fellows who wanted to fight for justice immediately withdrew one of their legs. Being able to perform well in front of the Seventh Princess and Ninth Prince was certainly not bad, but if the person who was beaten up became him... That would be funny and sad.    

  Ji Chen was ruthless in his attack. Then, he broke both of Young Master Zhao's legs. Immediately after that, the patterns on the soles of his feet bloomed and flew towards Young Master Zhao's Dantian.    

  At this moment, a layer of golden light that was covered in golden scales suddenly erupted. It blocked Ji Chen's steps and attached itself to Young Master Zhao's Dantian. Many people exclaimed because the one who attacked was the Seventh Princess!    

  The Seventh Princess still had a faint smile on her face. Obviously, she had a good upbringing. "Ji Chen's Domineering Body. Although Young Master Zhao once humiliated you and your Divine Battle Physique, it was only a verbal loss after all."    

  "You have broken his four limbs, which means that you have finally let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't easy for him to cultivate to his current level. If you cripple his cultivation, it would be a bit too cruel and ruthless. I think it's better for you to stop here."    

  The expressions of many people changed. Some of them even envied Young Master Zhao, who was like a dead dog.    

  Heavens! The princess had actually spoken up for him! The high and mighty princess had actually personally intervened to stop the Golden Tyrant Body for him! This was a miraculous fate!    

  "This is the end? No! "Ji Chen sneered." Your Highness, do you think that you shouldn't receive a great punishment for humiliating the pride of a heaven's pride? You seem to be giving away the kindness of others! "    

  What? Ji Chen rejected it? This country bumpkin actually rejected it? He actually dared to reject the princess's Light of Redemption. This was simply too audacious. Let me have a duel with him!    

  Many people began to cry out in their hearts. Where did this monster come from? He actually dared to directly slap Her Highness's face!    

  "I know you are very angry, but you have already broken all four of his limbs. It is already enough to punish him." The Seventh Princess's smile disappeared and she said very seriously. A kind of superior pressure hit her face.    

  "Is that so? But I think it's not enough! Princess, right? I want to ask you something. If I ruthlessly insult your Royal Father and your eighteen generations of ancestors, what would you do? " Ji Chen asked devilishly.    

  The scene instantly became chaotic. Many people started to punish Ji Chen verbally and verbally, thinking that this was a serious crime that would kill nine generations of his family.    

  Ji Chen smiled even more complacently. "Did you hear that, Your Highness? I haven't scolded you yet. They are already going to tear all nine generations of my family and friends into pieces! And I only want to cripple his Dantian. Comparatively speaking, your Tyrannical Body is already very benevolent!"    

  "You are arrogant. Who do you think you are? How dare you compare yourself to the princess? Compete with the emperor?"    

  "When you have such thoughts, you should be torn into pieces. Damn it, your whole family deserves to die!"    

  Facing these guys who were crazily spitting out saliva, Ji Chen just sneered and swept them away. Tch! Tch! Tch! More than a dozen of them were knocked down. Ye Martial God was also attacking and beating up a lot of people.    

  Ji Chen looked at the silent princess who had an ugly expression on her face and said proudly, "Dear princess, do you also think what they said is right? I am a subject, just like a dog under your feet?"    

  "Haha, but now I have to tell you, what you think is only what you think! In this world, there is no eternal nobility, only eternal strength! "    

  "I am a Golden Tyrant Body, sooner or later I will be invincible under the heavens. A mere Qin Empire is nothing in my eyes! The privileges of your Great Qin Imperial Family are tyrannical, and they are worthless in my eyes! "    

  "Today, I'll make myself clear. I don't care what this place is; if you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you! However, if anyone dares to mess with me, I'll kill them even if they're the Heavenly Kings! "    

  "Don't think that you're all that noble. In front of the Golden Tyrant Body, everything is trash. All of you are trash! All of you are trash! I hope that all of you won't become my enemies!"    

  Ji Chen burned the dragon scale with his Divine Fire. With a 'kacha' sound, he crushed Young Master Zhao's head. That's right, he had killed someone. This was to establish his prestige and establish his prestige in Qin Academy.    

  The Seventh Princess's expression was very ugly. No matter how well-educated she was, no matter how lively and cheerful her character was, that kind of high and mighty sense of superiority was deeply engraved in her bones. Now that Ji Chen had only told her some truth, she was about to go crazy.    

  "Ji Chen, what you said is very interesting!" At this time, Ninth Prince suddenly spoke. "But just like what you said, everything must be based on strength! I hope that one day, the two of us can have a fair fight!"    

  Ninth Prince was a martial arts maniac. He didn't take Ji Chen's words as an insult. Instead, he aroused the feeling of a hero who appreciated each other. He laughed loudly and wanted to fight Ji Chen.    

  "Alright. Since it's Ninth Prince's invitation, then it must be as you wish!" Ji Chen also laughed. Suddenly, he no longer had the feeling that his murderous aura was overflowing. "Old Jiu, I think you are much more pleasing to the eye than your Seventh Sister!"    

  The scene had long been thrown into chaos. Countless people thought that Ji Chen was a treasonous person. Even Ying Zizai, who had rushed over after hearing the news, was dumbfounded. This kid was too arrogant. He didn't care about his own life and dared to fight against the Imperial Family!    

  The Seventh Princess's eyes were slightly red. It had been so many years, and this was the first time she had suffered such grievance. When she saw Ji Chen, her teeth itched, and she gritted her teeth.    

  "This kid is too impudent. Grand Preceptor, do you want this subordinate to catch him and throw him into the Imperial Prison?!" On a tall tower in the depths of the academy, a Divine Martial Stage expert asked angrily.    

  "Capture who?" The Grand Preceptor asked without turning his head.    

  The expert said matter-of-factly, "Of course it's to capture Ji Chen. This brat is lawless and lawless. If we don't punish him, he actually dares to oppose the imperial family. He deserves to die ten thousand times over!"    

  "How dare you!" The Grand Preceptor turned around, his gaze splashing out and causing the man to spurt out blood. "That's a Golden Tyrant Body. What he said was completely correct!"    

  "I'm afraid that in less than a hundred years, he will become an existence that we can only look up to! At that time, with a wave of his hand, the entire Qin Empire would be destroyed! Talking about imperial power in front of him is incomparably foolish!"    

  The Grand Preceptor was furious." You people have really been high and mighty for too long. Even your eyes have gone blind! What we need to do now is to do our best to nurture Ji Chen and make friends with him! "    

  "When he becomes stronger, as long as we give him some guidance, it's not impossible for our Qin Empire to unify the entire Eastern Victory Continent!"    

  "Besides, what he did wasn't wrong. If someone dares to humiliate me like this, I would have killed him long ago and torture him!"    

  Soon, an order was given. What stunned everyone was that not only did this order punish Ji Chen, it also punished those geniuses who went against him.    

  Especially those who were jumping up and down, clamoring to punish Ji Chen the most. All of them were kicked out of Qin Academy. Even the princes' sons and the Imperial Palace's paths were useless.    

  The Seventh Princess even brought the Grand Preceptor's granddaughter, Shu Ya, to plead for mercy, but she didn't even see the Grand Preceptor's face. The Third Princess and the Third Lonely clearly showed their strong intentions.    

  The Golden Tyrant Body and the War God's body were Great Qin's future backers, and if anyone dared to oppose them, no matter who they were, they would be mercilessly punished.    

  This caused many people to be dumbfounded, and the Seventh Princess almost cried. Only now did she understand what Ji Chen meant. The value of the Golden Tyrant Body was not something that a mere Emperor could measure!    

  After this incident, Ji Chen and Ye Martial God had become targets that could not be provoked in the entire Qin Academy. Many people would walk around them when they saw them, and they would do as they were told.    

  Three days passed in a flash. The disturbance caused by Ji Chen was quickly covered up by other bigger matters. That was, the Qin Academy was going to have a branch school!    

  On this day, more than 2,400 students from the Qin Academy stood neatly in the square. The three male and three female deans had arrived once again.    

  According to the explanation of one of the instructors, the entire Qin Academy was divided into five academies. They were the Heavenly Academy, the First Academy, the Second Academy, the Third Academy, and the Fourth Academy!    

  The levels of these five academies were very different. Among them, the Heavenly Academy was the best. Whether it was the amount of resources or the strength of the training, it was not something the later academies could compare with.    

  The First Academy was also very good. Each academy could live alone in a gorgeous palace. There were twelve beautiful maids, and the resources of the academy were also inclined towards the First Academy.    

  The other three academies were inferior to each other, and the weakest was the First Academy. Each person could only be allocated one room, and all kinds of resources required one to work hard to earn merit points. It could be said that it was extremely bitter to be able to exchange for merit points in the academy.    

  After the introduction, the Grand Preceptor gave the order that all geniuses above the fifth level of the Imperial Martial realm could be directly divided into the Heavenly Courtyard. The remaining ones would have to challenge the Bright Connection Tower and be allocated to the remaining four academies according to the results!    

  Moreover, this was not fixed. As long as one's cultivation base was strong enough and improved sufficiently, they could take the test at any time. As long as they succeeded, they would be able to advance, and it was not impossible for them to enter the Heavenly Courtyard.    

  There were nearly a hundred spots in the Heavenly Academy. Ying Zizai, with his Imperial Martial Layer 7 cultivation base, was directly assigned to the Heavenly Academy.    

  With the help of Ji Chen's drop of Heaven's Essence, not only had Ying Zizai reached the peak of the sixth level of the Sovereign realm in just two months, he had also broken through the bottleneck and entered the Imperial Martial Layer 7!    

  The others were not as lucky as Ji Chen and Ye Martial God. All of them needed to go to the Bright Connection Tower.    

  It was a huge pagoda with a total of twenty floors. Its entire body was made of mysterious spirit gold. It was an extraordinary secret treasure. At this moment, all eight doors of the pagoda were opened.    

  The two thousand three hundred disciples of Qin Academy were holding their breath as they walked into the pagoda and began the trial of the Tongming Pagoda branch!

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