Charming Lust



0Wang Hu sat on the edge of the brick bed while Zhao Xioulan sat on her lap, leaning against him.    


At this time, how could the man's hand be obedient? Wang Hu was unbuttoning the buttons in front of Zhao Xiuran.    


Wang Hu wanted to savor the person in his embrace as he felt every inch of her beauty.    


Seeing Zhao Xiulian's white collarbone in front of him, Wang Hu leaned against her again. The tip of his nose lightly rubbed against her skin. The fragrant scent made Wang Hu feel hot and dry.    


Wang Hu rubbed against her little by little, causing her to shiver. Her clothes were all faded away without a trace of coldness. There was only warmth. Zhao Xiulian's bracelet was placed on Wang Hu's back, which was undoubtedly a signal to him.    


She moved her hand away from Zhao Xiulian's waist, removing all the obstacles between them in a few moves. The force was increasing, causing her to bite her lower lip, not daring to make a sound.    


"Why didn't you dare to call out earlier?"    


Wang Hu slowly put down Zhao Xiulian. Seeing that Zhao Xiulian had accepted him, he spoke with much more boldness.    


"No one. Be good, I like to listen."    


Wang Hu whispered in her ear. Every time he thought of her shaking beneath him, he could not control his voice from flowing out of her throat. Wang Hu felt like he was going crazy.    


How could Zhao Xiulian dare to make a sound? However, the feeling Wang Hu gave her was so much that she was somewhat unable to control herself. After a few breaths, she was finally able to catch herself.    


Hearing this, Wang Hu became even more excited. He rubbed his body against Zhao Xiulian's. Feeling Wang Hu's swelling heat, Zhao Xiulian did not dare to close her eyes again.    


A pair of hands searched Zhao Xiulian's bashful face and body, plundering and plundering. However, the strength was just right, so that Zhao Xiulian would not feel any pain.    


Zhao Xiulian did not expect that although Wang Hu was young, he did not look like a novice in this matter. Unlike Gu Dacheng, he was always focused on his own gratification, not caring about Zhao Xiulian's feelings at all.    


However, upon second thought, Zhao Xiulian felt a bit sad. Could it be that Wang Hu had gained this kind of experience by following quite a number of young ladies?    


"Who taught you these things?"    


Zhao Xiulian couldn't hide her surprise and asked Wang Hu in a soft voice.    


"Without a teacher, you know what to do."    


This was the truth. Men were all extremely talented in such matters. However, when he saw the jealous look on Zhao Xiulian's face, he was overjoyed.    


Wang Hu's palm was pressed tightly onto the thin fabric of Zhao Xiulian's pants. He rubbed it back and forth, rubbing it against her skin. This caused Zhao Xiulian's breathing to become heavier.    


Pulling off Zhao Xianlian's pants, Wang Hu could not bear to let go of her long, well-proportioned, tender legs.    


Wang Hu wanted Zhao Xiulian to help him take off his clothes, but he was afraid that Zhao Xiulian would be too shy to do so.    


Zhao Xiulian looked at Wang Hu's sturdy body and actually touched it. Wang Hu was stunned. Zhao Xiulian actually pulled her hand back. Wang Hu grabbed the hand that was suspended in the air and put it back in front of his chest.    


He was feeling very comfortable being touched by Zhao Xiulian. How could he bear to let go of her so easily?    


"Xiu Lian, is Hu Zi with you?"    


Just as Wang Hu was about to take off his pants, Wang Cui Ping's voice came from outside.    


Zhao Xiulian was so shocked that she quickly got up and pushed Wang Hu away.    


Wang Cuiping had originally wanted to enter the city, but the electric car had broken down halfway, so she could only push it back to her son to see what was wrong with it. However, when she returned home, she didn't see Wang Hu.    


"Ah, without Aunt Wang, go take a look at the ground."    


If Wang Hu's mother found out about this, it would be a huge matter.    


Seeing Wang Cuiping leave, Zhao Xiulian and Wang Hu breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Xiulian quickly pushed Wang Xiufeng to the ground. Don't worry, Wang Cui Ping was looking for him for some urgent matter.    


Wang Hu's heart was filled with hatred. This time, it was his own mother. He didn't even know how to scold others even if he wanted to.    


Wang Hu put on his clothes. Looking at Zhao Xiulian's cute appearance, his anger could not be quelled.    


"What about him?"    


Wang Hu pointed at his pants, causing a part of his pants to stand on end.    


Zhao Xiulian obviously knew that Wang Hu was having a hard time holding it in. However, there was nothing she could do. After thinking for a long time, she took out a pair of lace pants.    


"Take it back and get it yourself. Don't steal it from now on."    


Zhao Xiulian's ears turned red as she stuffed it into Wang Hu's hands and pushed him out of the room.    


Wang Hu was stunned. He had not expected Zhao Xiulian to give him this. Thinking about it, she was about to accept him. It was not surprising for her to give him this.    


Wang Hu carefully put it in his pocket as if he had found a treasure. With a grin, he left Zhao Xioulan's home.    


Looking at the departing back of Wang Hu and his reddened body, Zhao Xioulan felt sweet in her heart. It was as if she had returned to her seventeen to eighteen years old self.    


Zhao Xioulan put on the clothes that Wang Hu had taken off one by one. As she buttoned them up, she thought back to Wang Hu's patiently doing each one and felt a stir in her heart.    


She didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to give such a close-fitting item to Wang Hu, but looking at Wang Hu's satisfied expression, she felt the same way.    


After putting on his clothes, the blush on his face had yet to completely disappear, but he saw the belt next to the brick bed. Wang Hu had put on his pants in a hurry, so he did not remember to tie his belt.    


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