Supplier of Heaven

C18 Washing the Marrow

C18 Washing the Marrow

0While in a coma, Zheng Kai felt that something was moving around in his body. Later on, he realized that there was air that was attacking his meridians and modifying his body. However, at that time, he only felt that his body was about to fall apart.    


He felt like his body was about to explode from the impact of the stream of air.    


No one knew how much time had passed.    


Maybe it was only a few minutes, or maybe a few days had passed.    


When Zheng Kai woke up from his coma and stood in front of the mirror, he was shocked.    


So he was actually so handsome. Zheng Kai couldn't believe that he was so handsome when he saw himself in the mirror with a height of 1.8 meters and a heroic aura.    


Although he used to look good, he was not that handsome. He was now handsome enough to be a model.    


"Is this still me?"    


Zheng Kai sighed as he touched his face.    




The toilet smelled so bad. Zheng Kai looked at the black water in the bathroom.    


"Did these come from my body?"    


"The black stuff I let out after washing the marrow is really smelly and painful."    


Zheng Kai walked out of the toilet with his nose pinched. He took out the tools to mop the floor, and after a long time, the toilet was cleaned.    


After washing the toilet, people would feel much more comfortable without the stench.    


Zheng Kai was very satisfied.    


"Yes, it's like this. It's much more comfortable now!"    


There was a smile on his face, but his stomach was growling at this moment.    


That's true!    


Cleaning up the essence was a very strenuous process. Moreover, he didn't know how long it had been since he last ate. Hunger was a very common occurrence.    


Alright, then let's go find something to eat!    


Zheng Kai was about to go out and look for food, but just as he walked out, he smelled a really bad stench. He pinched his nose and looked everywhere, and finally found the source of the stench on his body.    


"Hmm, that won't do!"    


"If we go out like this, people will laugh themselves to death!"    


I'm going to take a shower.    


Zheng Kai went to take a shower and washed off a lot of dirty black objects from his body. However, after those black objects were washed clean, his skin became a lot whiter now.    


Not bad, not bad. He was very satisfied with his current self.    


After taking a bath and changing into his most handsome clothes, he felt like he was going to fall into a daze when he stood in front of the mirror.    


Wow, I didn't expect me to be so handsome.    


When I walk out of here, those little girls will be completely mesmerized by me.    


Zheng Kai smiled at himself in the mirror and walked out of the room. As soon as he opened the door, he met Elder Sister Meng.    


Elder Sister Meng had also just left the house. When she saw Zheng Kai, she almost didn't know him at first. She looked at Zheng Kai in surprise for a while, but Zheng Kai didn't point it out.    


"Little Kai, is that you?"    


Elder Sister Meng recognized Zheng Kai, so Zheng Kai directly admitted it and said to Elder Sister Meng: "Yes, Elder Sister Meng, I'm Zheng Kai! "Why don't you know me anymore?"    


Elder Sister Meng shook her head and said while clicking her tongue.    


"Such a big change, such a big change. Little Kai, did you go for cosmetic surgery?"    


Zheng Kai smiled and said to Elder Sister Meng, "Elder Sister Meng, where did you say I went? Why would I undergo plastic surgery?"    


Elder Sister Meng asked, "Ah! If it weren't for plastic surgery, how could you have changed so much! You have become taller and more handsome. "    


"Yeah, I ate one … "Hmm."    


Zheng Kai was just about to tell Elder Sister Meng the truth, but he suddenly thought that it would be best not to tell Elder Sister Meng about it. After all, it was related to the Heaven Realm Immortal Pill, so it wouldn't benefit her to tell Elder Sister Meng about it.    


Thinking about this, Zheng Kai stopped talking. He didn't continue talking and just found an excuse.    


Elder Sister Meng didn't ask in detail, she just said.    


"It's good that he's handsome, it's good that he's handsome!"    


"Uh, uh …"    


Zheng Kai was extremely embarrassed. He said to Elder Sister Meng, "Elder Sister Meng, I'm going out for a walk!"    


Seeing that Zheng Kai was about to leave, Elder Sister Meng quickly chased after him. She went up to Zheng Kai and said, "Xiao Kai, wait a moment. I've rented the shop for you two days ago. Do you want to take a look?"    


Two days ago?    


He didn't expect that Zheng Kai had fainted for two days.    


Zheng Kai was a bit confused. Elder Sister Meng saw Zheng Kai just stood there motionlessly, so she asked again, "Xiao Kai, what's wrong?"    


Zheng Kai looked at Elder Sister Meng and said, "Elder Sister Meng, it's nothing, that... "What? Let's go take a look at the rented store!"    


Elder Sister Meng led Zheng Kai to the rented store. It was a very luxurious place. It was a crossroads with many pedestrians and quite a few handsome men.    



But none of the so-called handsome men was more handsome than Zheng Kai.    


The beauties on the street were all staring at Zheng Kai. Zheng Kai had never received such treatment and felt great inside.    


While Zheng Kai enjoyed the stares of the beauties, he walked to his shop with Elder Sister Meng.    


This really was a huge storefront. It was over a hundred square meters, and there was no need to decorate it. It was already decorated earlier, so he could only move here to sell it after buying some wine.    


It was really very simple.    


Zheng Kai walked around the shop and was very satisfied with the place Elder Sister Meng rented. However, Elder Sister Meng lowered her head and told Zheng Kai.    


"Xiao Kai, this restaurant is really good and its location is very prosperous. It meets your needs, but it's just not good. The price is too expensive!"    


Zheng Kai didn't take it to heart, he smiled and said, "It's okay, I have money, I'll rent whatever it is!"    


Elder Sister Meng frowned and said, "The transfer fee is two hundred thousand!"    


Two hundred thousand, Zheng Kai did not think that it would take so much to rent a shop, what other transfer fees would he need?    


Zheng Kai was shocked by Elder Sister Meng's words.    


Elder Sister Meng continued, "Little Kai, I've contacted another one. The location is a little remote, but the rent is a little cheaper."    


Elder Sister Meng said so, so Zheng Kai quickly waved his hand and said, "No..." "No no, just this one. We won't be changing. This is the shop I want to rent."    


"But …"    


Elder Sister Meng said, "But Little Kai, we don't have enough money."    


Zheng Kai said to Elder Sister Meng, "Money is not a problem. Don't worry Elder Sister Meng, I can make money."    


Elder Sister Meng was still frowning. Zheng Kai smiled and looked around, but didn't find the owner. He then said to Elder Sister Meng, "We should sign the contract to transfer the storefront. Is the owner not here? "    


Elder Sister Meng shook her head and said, "I only contacted the owner on the phone, she probably hasn't arrived yet!"    


Zheng Kai answered with an "oh" and smiled at Elder Sister Meng. "It's alright, let's wait here for her!"    


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