Urban Strongest System

C227 Special Treatment Teams

C227 Special Treatment Teams

0The sharp sickle pierced through the air and flew towards Luo Ning.    


Luo Ning dodged to the side at the same time, the instantaneous acceleration caused by the change in direction threw the elevator behind him to the side. The elevator had a huge pull, Luo Ning held the rope tightly, and the rope was stretched taut by the pull between the two.    


Duan Yong gritted his teeth and the second scythe flew out. At the same time, he retracted the first scythe. Duan Yong's control over his armor gradually improved in actual combat.    


Facing the second flying sickle, Luo Ning leaped and the elevator was pulled up as well.    


If Duan Yong didn't have the armor now, he would be shocked when he saw the mysterious man jump up with an elevator that was several meters high.    


Luo Ning turned around in the air and the elevator he was pulling started to rotate with Luo Ning as the center.    


Duan Yong knew Luo Ning's thoughts, but it was too late to stop him. He had yet to retract the sickle that could cut through the elevator.    




With a deafening sound, the elevator crashed into the giant armor. The already deformed elevator now looked even more deformed. All that was left was a crooked iron frame.    


Luo Ning's hands were covered in metal scraps left behind by the friction of the steel cables and his hands.    


Duan Yong was hit by the elevator and flew out of the building. When he hit the glass on the door, there was an impact. All the glass was shattered into pieces and scattered in the sunlight. It glittered like a gem.    


Duan Yong was thrown away and rolled a few rounds on the ground. Although his attack just now was not enough to damage the armor, Duan Yong was still very strong and there was a fresh wound on his forehead.    


Luo Ning then rushed out, taking advantage of the momentum to give chase. He jumped into the air and used the power of the swing to land a kick on the ground.    


Just as Duan Yong stood up, he saw the mysterious person flying towards him from above.    


"Damn!" This thing's movement can't be any slower! " Only then did Duan Yong realize the drawback of the armor, which was its poor mobility.    


However, this was the armor Duan Yong had chosen himself. There were many different armors in the man in the suit, but Duan Yong chose this one instead.    


Because this armor was the largest and appeared to be the most powerful one, Duan Yong liked violent things like this. He thought he could easily crush the mysterious man with this armor and even neglected mobility.    


At that time, Lan Xixin didn't understand why Duan Yong had taken a fancy to the weakest armor in his collection. Although the armor was powerful, its mobility was seriously damaged, like a giant that could only use brute force.    


Duan Yong didn't have any time to think and subconsciously raised his arms to cover his head.    


Luo Ning exerted all his strength, and the impact caused by his kick caused the surrounding ground to shake and then crack down. Luo Ning's strength was still increasing, and the cracks on the ground became bigger and bigger.    


Suddenly, a flash came. A large group of reporters, who had just escaped from the building, picked up their cameras and started taking pictures of the mysterious person. Some of them even had their microphones installed in preparation for the live broadcast.    


"What are you still doing here!?" "Hurry up and leave!" Hee Mengdia was about to faint from the anger of these professional reporters who didn't even want to die for the news. If the fight between those two were to spread, no one would survive. Moreover, they might end up as a burden to the mysterious person if they gathered here.    


Then, there was an earthquake like vibration which almost made Hee Mengdia and the rest unable to stand still. The ground sank and that frightening giant armor fell down, disappearing from everyone's sight.    


Luo Ning was at the edge of the pit. The system could detect the existence of the giant armor by metal reaction, but it could not find out about Duan Yong's situation inside the armor.    


"Kacha kacha!"    


Only then did Luo Ning notice the large group of people in front of the building. Luo Ning waved his hand to signal them to leave quickly.    


"Beep! Beep!"    


The system issued out a warning sound. The red target of the threat came from the ground, so Luo Ning's reaction was also very fast. He leaned back and took a step back at the same time.    


Luo Ning grabbed the chain and pulled forcefully.    


Duan Yong was surprised. He was suddenly pulled up and thrown high into the air.    


Luo Ning slightly loosened his grip and let the chain move upwards with the movement of the giant armor. When the giant armor reached its peak, Luo Ning grabbed the chain and pulled it down with all his might.    


Duan Yong saw that he was more than a dozen meters away from the ground. As a person with a severe fear of heights, he was already drenched in cold sweat and didn't know what to do.    


Then, he was pulled downwards by a powerful force, closing the distance between him and the ground in an instant.    




Another loud sound, dust rose not far from Luo Ning, and there was a huge pit there. The one lying in the middle of the pit was that huge armor.    


Luo Ning was panting and sweating. The quality of the giant armor was extraordinary, even if the fuselage was made of light titanium.    


There were only a few cracks on the giant armor, but Duan Yong had already fainted inside. There was no system to slow down the impact. Although the impact on the inside wasn't as powerful as outside, Duan Yong still couldn't take it.    


The giant armor didn't have any movement for a long time. Luo Ning didn't let down his guard but broke the chain first. This way, the giant armor's weapon would be gone and the rhinoceros horn would not be a threat to Luo Ning.    


Luo Ning thought that Duan Yong couldn't possibly chase him all the way up the street with that huge horn.    


Lan Xixin didn't seem surprised when he saw Duan Yong's defeat. On the contrary, it was as if he had expected it, because that armor was a defective product developed a long time ago. Lan Xixin had left it there as a souvenir.    


A black coloured ordinary car drove over. The car door opened and the person who came out wore a black suit and wore sunglasses.    


Based on the facial contour, height, and other characteristics, the system analyzed that there was a 99% chance that the person was Hei Ya.    


Luo Ning could tell at a glance that the person heading towards him was Hei Ya. He just didn't know why the System's analysis results were not 100% sure.    


Hei Ya was a member of the special treatment team and was specifically responsible for dealing with the special situation that was created by that organization.    


Hei Ya glanced at the giant armor lying in the pit and frowned. This was a armor he had never seen before.    


Luo Ning couldn't let others know that the mysterious man and Hei Ya were acquainted, so he nodded towards Wu Tie and left.    


A brand-new van arrived, and after the people on it got off, they all had worried looks on their faces. How were they supposed to carry such a big thing?    


They tried it. With more than a dozen people working together, the armor only moved a little. It was impossible for them to lift it with just their strength.    


"I can only call the crane." One of them wiped the sweat off his forehead and said to Hei Ya, who was standing by the side of the pit.    


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