Urban Strongest System

C46 Pursuit

C46 Pursuit

0There were surveillance cameras everywhere along the way. It was easy to find out when and where someone appeared. With the advancement of technology, society was now safer and safer than before.    


Suddenly, a message box popped up. Two gangsters had blown up the teller machine and then driven away. Now, the police were chasing them, but the two gangsters stubbornly resisted, and there were already a lot of casualties. One of the gangsters was even wearing a metal glove.    


Metal gloves? Why metal gloves? Luo Ning thought to himself, although it's the middle of the night, this kind of grand robbery is really rare.    


A footage captured by the road monitor appeared in front of Luo Ning's eyes. He saw a police car suddenly fly up. There was no explosion or spark. The car just flew up upside down in the middle of the road.    


Luo Ning pressed the chip on his chest and his glasses turned into a silver-black helmet. He successfully changed into a new set in three seconds.    


Luo Ning said as he ran: "Wait a minute, do I have to run over like this every time? Is there any faster way? "    


"The R1 armor has the ability to climb," the instructor said. "You can try to go from a high place. It will save you a lot of time."    


"So this shirt also has a name." Luo Ning looked down at his hands. The technologically advanced armor tightly wrapped around his ten fingers. The armor looked like it was made of many seamlessly connected hexagonal metal pieces.    


Many thin and sharp spikes extended from Luo Ning's ten fingers. Only through the magnification function of the helmet interface did Luo Ning see them clearly.    


F * ck me! This isn't Spiderman? Luo Ning became excited and immediately asked: "Then can I spray silk? is the kind of spider silk that can dance in the sky. "    


"Check to see that there is no such function." the instructor said.    


Hm? Isn't that a low-quality Spiderman?    


Luo Ning didn't have time to complain anymore. He jumped up and pressed his hands and feet against the wall.    


Every time Luo Ning moved, those hard spikes would also shrink and expand, matching Luo Ning's movements. It was just that Luo Ning didn't know about the high end of the battle uniform set.    


Luo Ning climbed up to a height of 16 floors. After going up, Luo Ning regretted it because the route specified by the system after 10 seconds was to jump back and forth between the buildings.    


"If I jump from a height of 25 meters, I won't die, right?" For the first time, Luo Ning suspected that the system was planning to kill him.    


The instructor used a consistent tone and said, "R1 has the ability to reduce tremors, and can absorb most of the impacts. Coupled with your physique, the current maximum height you can endure is 32.62 meters."    


Luo Ning was relieved when the instructor said this.    


"Because you need the shortest time, you can't slow down the entire process. There are three areas where you need to use your speed as the foundation to achieve. If you are going to slow down halfway, you have to redirect the route."    


Luo Ning took a few deep breaths and started to cool off on the roof.    


Climbing, accelerating, jumping, Luo Ning was extremely focused. He completed every action according to the correct route, and in the whole process, Luo Ning's attention was extremely focused. He didn't want to die before getting to the point where he might accidentally fall on the road.    


The sirens grew closer and closer. The tall building, which was initially a part of the night, was getting brighter and brighter. Quite a few people opened their windows.    


Luo Ning already saw the flashing lights. Those lights moved very fast. It seemed like they still hadn't caught up to them yet.    


What Luo Ning saw next explained why. A long chain was hung on the tree, which was the barricade used to tie up the tires. But why was it hanging in that place? Wasn't that supposed to be in the middle of the road?    


Luo Ning noticed that there were many pits of varying sizes on the ground.    


Luo Ning finally caught up to the speeding car. The car drove very fast and ran three red lights consecutively. Luckily, there was no car on the road in the middle of the night.    


Luo Ning jumped down from the building and landed on the balcony on the second floor. Then the car turned around and started to drift away. Luo Ning jumped out when he saw the chance.    


Because there was still a certain distance between the balcony and the road, Luo Ning grabbed the lamppost and threw himself out through the rotational inertia.    






Luo Ning suddenly appeared beside the high-speed window. The two masked thugs in the car were obviously shocked, Luo Ning could only see from the wide-open eyes on their faces.    


"Uh, good evening. Would you mind stopping your car?" Luo Ning asked politely.    


When the driver started the steering wheel, it seemed like he was throwing Luo Ning away. However, Luo Ning was like a gecko that was firmly attached to the window. That person could not help but yell: "Get him down!"    


Then, the person sitting in the passenger seat blew the window open with a punch. Luo Ning somersaulted and jumped onto the roof of the car.    


Although it was just for an instant, Luo Ning saw that the person really was wearing a pair of silver metal gloves.    


While Luo Ning was thinking about what to do, his mind suddenly quivered.    


Before Luo Ning could react, the entire roof of the car carried him into the air.    


Luo Ning was pushed to the back by the powerful impact and crashed into a car behind him.    


Luo Ning saw the guy with gloves sucking the top of the car with his gloves, then flinging the top over in the air before throwing it over.    


The hood was thin, and with the strength and speed, it would undoubtedly cut the car in half.    


Luo Ning stood up, jumped up and kicked off the top of the car that was speeding towards them.    




The top of the car was stuck in the lamppost, and the metal was nearly two-thirds of the way in.    


Luo Ning looked at the twisted roof of the car. That was obviously not a normal person's power, and what was with that person's gloves?    


"Hey!" You! "Stop right there!"    


Luo Ning didn't care about the shouts of the people behind him, he quickly jumped on the wall, climbed up the stairs and chased after them.    


Those people looked at Luo Ning who looked like a monkey.    


"Captain Gu, what do we do now?"    


Gu An, Captain of Public Security, because Luo Ning suddenly charged over, the shards of the windshield cut his face. He picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "How is the situation right now? "How long until the helicopter arrives?"    


"We'll be there soon. We're still in pursuit. The car has entered the road."    


"Where is he?" Luo Ning asked while gasping for air.    



"Relocating, locating complete, specifying route."    


Once the route was assigned, Luo Ning started to speed up.    


Luo Ning finally caught up to the car that was forced to become a convertible again. Luckily, due to the color of his armor and the two criminals trying to shake off the police car behind, they didn't notice that Luo Ning was already running in front of them.    


This time, Luo Ning jumped down with all his strength. The man in gloves noticed Luo Ning and clenched his fist towards a street lamp. Then, he emitted some kind of invisible energy from the glove and sucked the street lamp over.    


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