Bigwig Son-in-law

C94 She Grinded Her Teeth Five Times a Day

C94 She Grinded Her Teeth Five Times a Day

0He had thought Liu Feng was poor, but now he pretended he wasn't with Du Fei because of money.    


"This plot is even more dramatic than a movie!"    


"Yeah, that woman looks like a slut. Luckily, she cheated on me. Otherwise, it would be so good. " A man was harmed by her. "    


"What a pity. She clearly had the chance to become a rich woman, but she chose to follow Du Fei..."    


"Shh, lower your voice. Are you courting death? If Du Fei hears you, you're dead for sure!"    


... ""    


The crowd gradually dispersed.    


To them, it was just a show of excitement.    


However, the outcome made them feel extremely comfortable.    


The current state of society was that all men knew that they were poor.    


However, women did not know that they were ugly.    


They clearly had a monthly salary of 3,000 dollars, but they wanted to find a boyfriend with a monthly salary of 30,000 dollars.    


They did not want to see how many men with a monthly salary of 30,000 dollars were there?    


In the Country of Luo, your monthly salary of over 10,000 dollars was already over 90%.    


A monthly salary of thirty thousand, that would be a very outstanding man.    


On what basis do you think that others can take a liking to you?    


Yes, those men with thirty thousand a month are very happy to sleep with you.    


However, it was impossible for them to marry you.    


After leaving the airport for a kilometer, the Rolls-Royce stopped.    


Liu Feng sat in the co-pilot's seat with tears streaming down his face.    


"If you want to cry, just cry!" Lin Dong patted Liu Feng's shoulder gently.    


Liu Feng finally could not hold it in anymore and started to cry.    


He was not the son of a rich man.    


All of this was fake.    


That's right.    


The person who called Liu Feng young master was none other than Lin Dong!    


Originally, he did not want to interfere in this kind of matter.    


It was just that that woman was too lowly. However, this wasn't the real reason Lin Dong attacked. The main reason was that Lin Dong saw killing intent in Liu Feng's eyes.    


Obviously, Liu Feng had already thought of taking his woman down with him.    


For such a woman, it wasn't worth it at all.    


"Brother, there's no point in being a dog licking. Your hundred times of touching her is not equal to her interest in money. Make good money. Otherwise, this kind of thing will happen again in the future." Lin Dong said calmly.    


But no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to earn much money. Some people will live a life of luxury and wealth, and I, even if I have to risk my life, can only live a life of comfort... " Liu Feng said in pain.    


"Brother, from the looks of it, you should have been a soldier, right?" Lin Dong narrowed his eyes and asked.    


The biggest reason why he helped Liu Feng was because he had a feeling that Liu Feng should have been a soldier.    


Liu Feng nodded.    


Lin Dong smiled.    


No wonder.    


What he learned was discipline and combat skills.    


But life was a ruthless saber.    


After retirement, soldiers were unable to use their skills in society.    


After many people retired, they had no choice but to become security for others.    


No status, no dignity.    


They could not earn much money either.    


This was a kind of sorrow.    


It was an act of disrespect towards these warriors who had sacrificed their lives for the country.    


"Are you willing to follow me?" Lin Dong asked.    


"Can you make money?" Liu Feng asked.    


"Of course, but it depends on your ability." Lin Dong said.    


"But I don't have any other ability other than strength." Liu Feng said sadly.    


The reason why he wanted to be a delivery man was because he had good physical fitness.    


"It's enough to have strength." Lin Dong smiled and gave him a phone number. "Go to Sweet Honey Investment Group and find someone called Soong Xue. Tell her boss arranged for you to go there."    


"What do you want?"    


"Be a bodyguard."    


"What?" Liu Feng was stunned.    


He thought Lin Dong was driving such a good car.    


Should give him a good job.    


He did not expect that Lin Dong would ask him to be his bodyguard.    


In the Country of Luo, bodyguards were similar to security.    


"A monthly salary of thirty thousand, outstanding performance, and a raise!" Lin Dong said.    


"Good!" Liu Feng immediately agreed.    


Thirty thousand a month, anything.    


"Alright, you can leave now. I still have some matters to attend to." Lin Dong asked Liu Feng to get off the car.    


"Thank you, brother."    


Lin Dong did not say anything. Instead, he saluted Liu Feng.    


Everything was in silence.    


To a soldier, he should be respected.    


Liu Feng immediately stood up and saluted Lin Dong.    


"That's why you look like a soldier." Lin Dong smiled and drove the car away.    


He looked at the time. It was broken. It had been more than ten minutes since he made the appointment with the others.    


He quickly went to the airport to pick them up.    


As expected, when they arrived at the airport, they had already arrived.    


There were a total of three people.    


A middle-aged woman in her forties and a man as big as Lin Dong.    


One was a girl of fifteen or sixteen years of age.    


The girl was dressed differently.    


The middle-aged woman was Dong Yuqin's old classmate. The man was Yu Cuihua's son, Wu Feilong. The girl was her daughter, Wu Shuangshuang.    


Seeing Lin Dong come, Yu Cuihua's face darkened. She squinted her eyes and said, "You are my old classmate's useless son-in-law, right?"    


Obviously, Lin Dong's late arrival made her very unhappy.    


Lin Dong was speechless.    


He did not expect that his reputation as a trash had spread so far.    


However, Lin Dong did not pay attention to her. Instead, he said, "Get on the car.    


"Wait!" Wu Feilong stopped Lin Dong and said to Yu Cuihua, "Mom, this is Rolls-Royce. I want to drive!"    


Wu Feilong had been touching the Rolls-Royce ever since he saw it. He seemed very interested.    


However, it was impossible for any man not to be interested in the Rolls-Royce.    


"Can you do it?" Wang Yao asked. I heard Yuqin say that this car is very expensive." Yu Cuihua frowned and asked.    


"Mom, don't you know my skills?" Wu Feilong was full of confidence.    


Seeing her son so confident, Yu Cuihua immediately ordered Lin Dong, "Lin Dong, give the key to Feilong."    


Lin Dong glanced at Yu Cuihua, who had fish eyes, and thought, Sure enough, they are not a family, not a family.    


Yu Cuihua and Dong Yuqin were carved from the same mold.    


However, he did not say anything and just threw the car keys over.    


When he got the car keys, Wu Feilong's face was filled with ecstasy.    


This was the first time he had touched a luxury car of this level.    


As for Wu Shuangshuang, she had been chewing gum.    


It seemed like she was not interested in anything.    


Since Wu Feilong wanted to drive back by himself, Lin Dong did not want to go with him.    


After all, he did not live in the Chu Family anymore.    


If Dong Yuqin saw him, she might scold him again.    


Not long after Wu Feilong drove away, Lin Dong received a call from Chu Qing.    


She asked if he had received anyone.    


"Yes, I have. It should not be long before we arrive at the villa." Lin Dong replied.    


"Drive carefully," Lin Dong said.    


"It's no use telling me. I'm not driving the car." Lin Dong said.    


"What do you mean?"    


"Your mother's classmate. Her son wants to drive. I gave him the keys."    


"Did you tell him to be careful? If he touches the car, how much money will it cost to repair it?" Wang Yao asked. Chu Qing was a little worried.    


"I don't think so. He said his driving skills are very good."    


"Alright then... Thank you."    


"Why are you being so polite to me?" Lin Dong smiled.    


It seemed like this was a good thing.    


He remembered that when he lived in the Chu Family, Chu Qing would not say thank you to him.    


On the other side, Wu Feilong was driving a Rolls-Royce. He was extremely excited and felt that he was a successful person.    


"This car is really comfortable driving. This shock absorption, this power, it's amazing!" Wu Feilong kept showing off his driving skills.    


It could be seen that his driving skills were indeed not bad.    


However, there was a good saying, 'Happiness brings sorrow.'    


When he passed by the sidewalk, he did not slow down.    


He knocked over an electric scooter.    


Suddenly, a huge hole was created in front of the Rolls-Royce.    


"How did you ride the bike? Don't you have eyes?" Wu Feilong cursed.    


That person felt very depressed. He was almost done with the zebra line. It was Wu Feilong who didn't slow down and knocked him down, but he still scolded him.    


However, when he saw that Wu Feilong was driving a Rolls-Royce, he didn't dare to say anything.    


He silently pushed the electric scooter and left.    


Wu Feilong wanted to chase after the other party and demand compensation.    


In the end, the non-mainstream sister who was chewing gum opened her mouth and said, "It's your full responsibility."    


Wu Feilong immediately gave up on the idea of compensation.    


Then, he looked back at the Rolls-Royce that had a big cut and felt dizzy.    


He knew how to drive.    


The wound had already hurt the base paint.    


Repairing it would cost a lot of money.    


"What should we do?" Wu Feilong was at a loss.    


It was all his fault. Why did he have to show off his driving skills?    


"What's there to be afraid of? Just say that when that trash gave it to you, the car was like this. Isn't that enough?" Yu Cuihua said lightly.    


"So, can they believe it?" Wu Feilong rubbed the back of his head.    


"Why can't they believe it? Yuqin and I have been classmates for decades. Do you think she believes me or that trash?" Yu Cuihua smiled.    


"Okay, then say that trash broke it!" Wu Feilong happily started the car.    


The non-mainstream girl didn't seem to be willing to work with him. She turned her head and looked out the window.    


Lin Dong had just returned home when he received a call from Dong Yuqin. As soon as the call was connected, he started scolding her.    


"Lin Dong, you piece of trash. What's the use of having you? I can't handle such a small matter. A piece of trash is a piece of trash. Letting you divorce Qing is the wisest choice for me!"    


"Dong Yuqin, I respect that you are Qing's mother. I won't bicker with you but don't think that I am easy to mess with!" Lin Dong said with a gloomy face.    


Was Dong Yuqin crazy? He lent her the car and even helped her pick her up. It was fine if she did not thank him, but she actually called to scold him.    


It was really hateful. If I had known, I would have told Wushuang to keep her quiet for a few more days.    


Just making her not speak for three days is simply letting her off easy.    


"I provoked you? How did I provoke you? You piece of trash. I asked you to pick someone up, and you can also shave the car. Do you know how much this car costs?" Dong Yuqin scolded angrily.    


What did you say? The car was scratched?" Lin Dong frowned.    


"Ha, trash, you still pretend to be innocent. Let me tell you, you have to bear all the money for the repair of the car!"    


"It wasn't me who shaved it!"    


"Hehe, it wasn't you, could it be Fei Long? Could it be that Cuihua lied to me!"    


"Believe it or not!"    


Lin Dong immediately understood what was going on.    


It must be Wu Feilong who accidentally scraped the car and then deliberately pushed Dong Yuqin on him because he was afraid that Dong Yuqin would cause trouble.    


"Of course I won't believe you. Qing, you are not allowed to speak for her!"    


Dong Yuqin's voice came from the phone scolding Chu Qing.    


"Mom, you would rather believe an outsider than me?" Chu Qing said gloomily.    


"You and that trash are on the same side and still want to lie to me!"    


"Mom!" Chu Qing was extremely depressed.    


She must believe Lin Dong because he would never lie to her.    


"Alright, Dong Yuqin. Do you think I'm the one who shaved the car? I'll pay for the repairs!" Lin Dong did not want Chu Qing and Dong Yuqin to quarrel, so he said with a frown.    


"You pay? Can you afford it? You idiot, I will never let you do anything in the future!"    


"Then I thank you!" Lin Dong hung up the phone.    


It was such a wonderful world. Although Lin Dong had a good temper, he was still depressed by Dong Yuqin.    


Fortunately, not long after, Chu Qing called.    


"I'm sorry, Lin Dong. You know my mom is like that. Don't lower yourself to her level..." Chu Qing sighed.    


"It's okay. Just treat it as being bitten by a dog." Lin Dong said angrily.    


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chu Qing asked.    


Lin Dong called Dong Yuqin a dog.    


That was the same as calling her a dog.    


"Ahem, my wife, it was a slip of the tongue." Lin Dong smiled awkwardly.    


"Alright, Lin Dong. I'm going to call you when I'm free." Chu Qing naturally did not care about anything.    


Dong Yuqin scolded Lin Dong a lot?    


If Dong Yuqin was not her mother, she would have thought that Dong Yuqin was a dog that liked to randomly bite people.    


But what could she do? She was Dong Yuqin's daughter. Even if her mother had ten thousand mistakes, she could only endure it.    


After hanging up Chu Qing's phone, Lin Dong finally felt better.    


Then he saw Soong Xue walking around the hall with a toothpick brush.    


"Hello, the one who brushed her teeth five times a day. Does toothpaste not cost money?" Lin Dong said to Soong Xue with a smile.    


During this period of time.    


Soong Xue had to brush her teeth many times a day. She had to brush her teeth five or six times a day.    


As long as Lin Dong saw her, she would basically brush her teeth.    


She had no choice. Lin Dong, this bastard, actually let her brush her teeth with a brush with the soles of her shoes and the toilet.    


As soon as she thought of this, Soong Xue was so angry that her teeth itched. At the same time, she felt disgusted. Then, she would run to brush her teeth.    


Hearing Lin Dong's words, Soong Xue clenched her teeth. Soong Xue was even more furious.    


Didn't I brush my teeth so many times in a day because of you?    


Originally, Lin Dong gave her a dress worth 50 million yuan and made her very touched.    


But now, that feeling was completely gone.    


Seeing Soong Xue's angry look, the corner of Lin Dong's mouth twitched. This woman was indeed an unreasonable creature.    


If he had not been more alert and discovered Soong Xue's scheme, he would be the one who had to brush his teeth five times a day.    


In the end, this girl was still angry with him.    


However, a few days had passed and he had caught enough of it. Lin Dong was ready to tell Soong Xue the truth. After all, this girl would brush her teeth five times a day. It would be a waste of time and toothpaste.    


"Xiaoxue, actually..."    


Thinking of this, Lin Dong prepared to tell Soong Xue.    


Actually, her toothbrushes had never brushed the soles of her shoes or the toilet.    


However, just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly felt a wave of fragrance assaulting him.    


Then, he was pushed down onto the sofa.    


Then, he saw a mouth with foam coming towards him.    


Lin Dong was stunned.    


What was going on?    


Soong Xue actually...    


Furthermore, she even applied a layer of foam on Lin Dong's mouth.    


Then, she said proudly, "Big Chaos boss, don't blame me. You asked for it!"    


Originally, Soong Xue was already very depressed these few days.    


Every day, she had to brush her teeth so many times.    


But Lin Dong actually dared to say that she wasted her toothpaste.    


This was ridiculous.    



Hence, Soong Xue suddenly thought of a way to take revenge on Lin Dong.    


She used a toilet brush to brush her teeth.    


Then, as long as she kissed Lin Dong, wouldn't it mean that Lin Dong also used the toilet brush to brush his teeth? She had been very angry with Lin Dong these few days. As long as he saw Lin Dong, he would be very angry. Today, he had finally vented his anger.    


However, the expected scene of Lin Dong collapsing did not appear.    


Lin Dong just looked at Soong Xue with a strange expression.    


Then, he went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth.    


Why is this different from what I thought?    


This guy actually only rinsed his mouth.    


Could it be that he shouldn't be like her, brushing his teeth three times a day?    


Lin Dong finished rinsing his mouth and walked out. He frowned slightly and said, "Classmate Soong Xue, please don't have any illusions about me, let alone do meaningless seduction. I am a serious person, your boss!"    


Soong Xue was speechless.    


"I fantasize about your sister and seduce her!    


Is that what I meant?    


Does this guy not feel any disgust at all?    


Too disgusting!    


If it was her boyfriend, he would brush his teeth with a toothbrush that had washed the toilet.    


Hmph, she would never let her boyfriend kiss her for the rest of her life.    


In the end, Soong Xue could only attribute it to Lin Dong being a slovenly person.    


Even if she drank the toilet water, she did not feel disgusted.    


It seemed that she had to stay away from the boss in the future.    


Who knew how disgusting this guy was?    


It was only when Ye Qian was eating that she reacted.    


"Big Sister Snowy, you don't need to brush your teeth a few times every day. Actually, although your brother changed your toothbrushes, he gave you a new one. " The one you used to brush the toilet, he has already thrown it away. " Ye Qian already knew about this.    


But Lin Dong said not to let Soong Xue know immediately. He had to teach her a lesson.    


Otherwise, this girl would dare to ride on his head and pee.    


Ye Qian was more willing to listen to Lin Dong's words.    


Lin Dong said, If Lin Dong didn't say anything, she wouldn't say anything.    


However, a few days had passed. It could be said.    


Furthermore, Soong Xue was either brushing her teeth every day or on the way to brush her teeth. It was really too much trouble.    


"Xiao Qian, you, you're telling the truth?" Soong Xue, who was about to brush her teeth in front of the meal, suddenly froze.    


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