Bigwig Son-in-law

C109 Pervert Man

C109 Pervert Man

0"Lin Dong, quick, give me the money!"    


Lin Dong sighed, took out his wallet and paid.    


He said unhappily, "Sister Qing Luan, if you run around like this again, I will let Wushuang send you back!"    


"I didn't run around, I was just eating cotton candy..." The Empress of Green Phoenix said with grievance.    


"Then why did you turn off the phone?"    


"I didn't turn it off?" As the Empress of the Blue Luan spoke, she took out the phone.    


Only now did she realize that her phone was out of battery. The Empress stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't know my phone was out of battery..." The Empress of the Green Phoenix was like a little girl who had made a mistake. She tugged at the corner of Lin Dong's clothes in embarrassment and said in a spoiled manner.    


She knew that Lin Dong must be worried sick.    


"Don't run around in the future!" Lin Dong subconsciously threatened.    


He was a little arrogant when he said that.    


"If I really let you hit me, would you dare?" However, the Blue Luan Empress pursed her lips and smiled.    


Lin Dong expressed that he really did not dare to do so.    


The cotton candy looked very big, but it did not occupy his stomach at all.    


The empress ate seven or eight of them by herself.    


"Lin Dong, you eat too!" Queen saw that it was not good to eat alone, so she handed over a half-eaten cotton candy to Lin Dong.    


Looking at the marshmallow in the empress' hand, Lin Dong was slightly stunned. There might even be the queen's saliva on it.    


"Why? Do you dislike it?" The queen was a little dissatisfied when she saw Lin Dong was in a daze.    


"No, no." Lin Dong quickly took the marshmallows and ate them.    


Yes, they were so sweet!    


After eating the cotton candy, Lin Dong brought Empress Qing Luan to take the bus to let her experience the unique public bus scenery of the Country of Luo.    


As soon as the bus arrived, a large group of people rushed over in an instant.    


Lin Dong pulled the Blue Luan Empress and squeezed in as well.    


However, Lin Dong used his inner energy to form a protective barrier around Empress Qing Luan.    


This way, nothing could get within 10 centimeters of her.    


He could not let the Blue Luan Empress squeeze.    


After all, who knew if there were any perverts in the car?    


What if someone wanted to take advantage of the Blue Luan Empress?    


Needless to say, any man would have thoughts about a beautiful girl like the Blue Luan Empress.    


Especially when you were squeezing into the bus and secretly taking advantage of you, you didn't even know who she was.    


Unfortunately, those people with ulterior motives are destined to fail.    


Because they discovered that there seemed to be an air wall around the Blue Luan Empress that was unable to approach her.    


This was also the first time the Blue Luan Empress had felt such an atmosphere. She seemed to be a little excited.    


Because this was not the initial station, there was definitely no place left.    


However, this was not a problem for Lin Dong. He was a professional when it came to lying and giving up his seat.    


"Uncle, my girlfriend..." Lin Dong immediately wanted to use the same trick again. He wanted to pretend that Empress Qing Luan was pregnant and let the uncle in front of him give the seat to Empress Qing Luan.    


However, when he saw who the person in the seat in front of him was, his voice suddenly stopped.    


F * ck, it was such a coincidence!    


The uncle in front of Lin Dong was actually Chu Lianyi's father!    


Lin Dong was about to cry. This probability was too low!    


The two times he was prepared to lie to the uncle, the other party was actually the same person!    


"Young man, what did you say just now?" The uncle narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Dong.    


"Ahem, uncle, I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything." Lin Dong said embarrassedly, pretending to be very docile.    


He secretly thought that it had been so long. This uncle no longer knew him, right?    


"Do you want to say that your girlfriend is pregnant and let me give you my seat?" A hint of danger appeared in the uncle's eyes.    


"Ahem, uncle, I didn't say..." Lin Dong swallowed his saliva and said.    


The uncle stood up and looked at Lin Dong's head like a fried chestnut.    


Lin Dong really wanted to cry but had no tears.    


This uncle really had a violent temper.    


"Do you know why I hit you?" The uncle said coldly.    


"I don't know..." Lin Dong was a little tired.    


"Didn't I tell you to come to my house in a few days? Why haven't you come?" The uncle said fiercely.    


Er... uncle, you misunderstood. Sis Ripple and I really don't have anything to do with it. I haven't even touched her hand before... " Lin Dong said, feeling wronged.    


"Humph, stop pretending. If you hadn't done anything to Ripple, why did she keep thinking about you?" The uncle snorted.    


"How do you know that the person that Sister Ripple keeps thinking about is me..." Lin Dong said in a low voice. Muttering.    


"Hey, you still dare to talk back, don't you?" As the uncle spoke, he wanted to give Lin Dong another explosive chestnut.    


"Uncle, I was wrong. I don't dare!" Lin Dong felt that it was better not to provoke this irritable uncle.    


"Humph!" The uncle groaned and sat back in his seat. He glanced at Empress Qing Luan and then said indifferently, "Since you have a girlfriend, don't provoke ripples in the future. Don't see each other again in the future!"    


"Okay, uncle, I'll listen to you!" How could Lin Dong dare to disagree?    


Because of what happened, Lin Dong did not dare to continue sitting down. He planned to get off the car at the next stop.    


However, at this moment, he found a man wearing a peaked cap reaching his hand into a woman's bag, as if he wanted to steal something from someone else.    


In fact, Lin Dong wasn't the only one who saw it, including the Blue Luan Empress. Many people saw it.    


However, no one said anything, as if they didn't see it.    


No one reminded her. The Blue Luan Empress immediately prepared to stop them.    


How dare they steal things in front of this empress? How dare they!    


However, just as she was about to step forward, a big sister beside her grabbed her hand and shook her head, indicating that she should not extend her hand.    


This kind of person who dared to openly steal things in a car usually carried a murder weapon. It could even be a gang crime.    


It's fine if you don't speak, but if you go up and provoke him, it's very likely that you'll get revenge.    


Moreover, the Empress of the Blue Luan was so beautiful. If those stinky hooligans took a fancy to her, it would be troublesome.    


Unfortunately, the Empress of the Blue Luan was not afraid. She immediately shouted, "Someone is stealing!"    


Hearing the Empress of the Blue Luan's voice, the thief jumped in fright and quickly retracted his hand.    


At this time, the woman also reacted. When she found that her bag had been pulled open, she quickly checked and found that she did not lose anything. Only then did she feel relieved.    


However, she did not say anything. She only turned her bag to the front, where her eyes could see.    


The thief did not manage to steal anything. He turned around and came directly in front of the Empress of the Blue Luan. With an ominous glint in his eyes, he said: "You dare to spoil my good deed. Do you want to die?"    


As he spoke, he took out a dagger.    


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.    


Especially the elder sister who had persuaded the Blue Luan Empress before, she shook her head helplessly.    


I told you not to make any noise. Now you can't even protect yourself!    


But the Empress of the Blue Luan was not afraid at all. She humphed and said, "You stole other people's things. You still have reason, don't you?"    


"Hey, little girl, your sense of justice is quite strong. Unfortunately, you're helping others like this. Let me see if there's anyone who dares to help you today!" The thief sneered. Then, he shouted at the Blue Luan Empress, "Where's your money? Take it all out!"    


"I don't have any money!"    


"No money? How about playing with brother?" The thief laughed evilly.    


He didn't expect to meet such a beauty on the bus.    


"Don't you care?" The Empress of the Blue Luan scanned the crowd.    


She discovered that everyone was far away, and no one dared to speak.    


Even the woman who had almost been stolen was the same. At this moment, she pretended not to see anything.    


"Haha, did you see that? No one will care about you. Little girl, if you don't provoke me, then forget it. Since you provoked me first, then don't blame me for being impolite!" Seeing that no one dared to help, the thief burst into laughter.    


However, at this moment, a small figure stood out.    


"You're a bad person. I forbid you from bullying elder sister!" It was a little boy around ten years old. He was carrying a backpack and a red scarf.    


No one had expected that a little boy of ten years old would step forward to protect the Empress of the Blue Luan.    


There were so many adults, yet not a single primary school student had the courage. A hint of gratification appeared in the eyes of the Empress of the Blue Luan.    


Young men were strong, while countries were strong.    


Not bad, not bad at all.    


However, the woman who had her bag stolen suddenly walked over and pulled the little boy back.    


"What are you doing? Come back!"    


The woman scolded the little boy and even apologized to the thief. "I'm sorry. The child is not sensible. Don't lower yourself to his level."    


The little boy was pulled by a woman, but he still wanted to squeeze through. However, he was still too young and did not have the strength of a woman. He could only say to the woman, "Mother, I'm a Young Pioneer Team member. The teacher said that as an outstanding Young Pioneer Team member, I should be brave and brave!"    


"Don't listen to your teacher's nonsense!" The woman said coldly.    


"Mom, we can't let that sister get bullied! If it wasn't for her, your things would have been stolen!"    


"Shut up!"    





The little boy received a slap from the woman.    


The little boy bit his lips tightly with tears in his eyes.    


He didn't understand. His teacher had clearly said that he should act bravely for the sake of justice. He was doing a good deed.    


Why did her mother still want to hit him? Seeing this scene, the Blue Luan Empress sighed and shook her head.    


If she didn't do anything, The little boy was' killed 'by the woman's slap.    


She gave the little boy a thumbs up and said, "Little boy, you did the right thing. You were great!"    


"Right what? You got yourself into trouble, and you still want to harm others?" The woman glared at the Blue Luan Empress when she heard that.    


"Lady, admit your mistake and pay some money."    


"That's right. A wise man does not take advantage of others. You are so beautiful. If you were to be ruined by such a person, how unfortunate!"    


"You are courting death. Don't drag us into this!"    


... ""    


The people even tried to persuade the Blue Luan Empress. The Blue Luan Empress was almost angered to death.    


They actually wanted her to apologize to the thief and compensate him. They even blamed her for dragging them down.    


They were truly speechless.    


"Did you hear that? In the future, if something like this happens again, don't bother yourself with it!" The thief said proudly.    


"Do I have to meddle in today's matter?" The Empress of the Blue Luan said coldly. She was extremely disappointed in this group of people.    


"Little girl, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin. You don't know how powerful Brother Scar is, right?" The thief squinted his eyes and said.    


This guy had a scar on his face and was called Brother Scar. He was a common criminal in this region.    


If he could steal, he would steal. If he couldn't steal, he would just rob. He had done many bad things.    


Hearing the name of the thief, many passengers revealed looks of horror. It was clear that everyone had heard of this name before.    


Moreover, this guy was a super pervert. As long as it was a good-looking woman, once she was chosen by him, it would be hard for her to escape.    


There was a rumor that this guy directly bullied a girl on the bus in front of countless people.    


This kind of person should have been shot long ago, but for some unknown reason, he had still been able to get away with it.    


Originally, people were not afraid of causing trouble for themselves. When they heard that this guy was Brother Scar, they all hid even further away.    


"Miss, this Brother Scar..." The aunty who tried to persuade the Empress of the Blue Luan whispered about Brother Scar's glorious deeds.    


The Empress of the Blue Luan flew into a rage when she heard that.    


Under the might of heaven, there was actually such an audacious lecher.    


He dared to bully others on the public bus.    


Damn it!    


"Little girl, do you know who I am now? Don't be afraid. As long as you listen to me, I will treat you well. If you don't listen to me, Hehe, I'm afraid you'll have to suffer!" Brother Scar pursed his lips.    


The Blue Luan Empress was simply too beautiful. If he could taste her, it would be worth it even if he died.    


Daring to show that wretched expression to the Empress, it was simply an act of lust and courage!    


Lin Dong moved with lightning speed and instantly snatched the dagger from Brother Scar's hand.    


Next, with a swoosh!    


The blade flashed.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Brother Scar's ten fingers were cut off and fell to the ground.    


"Ah! My hand, my hand!" Scar screamed in pain.    


Too cruel, too cruel.    


All the passengers in the car were frightened by the scene in front of their eyes until they trembled all over. Even Chu Lianyi's father was scared until his face turned pale.    


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