Bigwig Son-in-law

C111 Intrepid Guards

C111 Intrepid Guards

0If the Empress wants to go, then go!    


Because something had happened with the empress.    


Therefore, Yan Wushuang had been following closely this time, keeping the empress in her line of sight.    


Then, she saw Lin Dong bring the empress to a hotel.    


Damn it, Yan Wushuang almost went crazy. It was really too ridiculous.    


This guy was too bold. He dared to bring Queen to get a room!    


In fact, Lin Dong was very innocent. He just followed orders.    


Because he could not use the queen's identity card, Lin Dong used his own identity card to get two rooms.    


Then, he asked the Queen to pretend that she had already checked in and go straight in.    


Lin Dong took the room card and helped Queen open the door. Queen rushed in and threw herself on the mattress.    


"Woo, so soft, so comfortable!" Queen rolled around happily.    


Today, she felt even more tired than meeting a few presidents, but she was still very happy.    


Lin Dong was also planning to go in, but he was caught by someone. When he turned around, he saw that it was Yan Wushuang.    


"It's not that I'm crazy, it's your Empress who is crazy." The corner of Lin Dong's mouth twitched.    


"What do you mean?" Yan Wushuang asked with a frown.    


"The Empress insisted that I come. I had no choice!" Lin Dong shrugged.    


"Lin Dong, don't blame me for not warning you. You know better than me what will happen if you touch the queen." Yan Wushuang said coldly.    


"Don't worry. What should I do? I know better than you." Lin Dong said calmly.    


"Lin Dong, come in. What are you doing?" The Queen's voice came.    


"Yes, Sister Green Phoenix. I'll be right in." Lin Dong replied.    


Just as he was about to go in, Yan Wushuang pulled him back.    


"Big sister, why don't you come in with me?" Lin Dong was getting impatient.    


Yan Wushuang looked around furtively, then gritted her teeth. Then, she took out a string of shampoo from her pocket and stuffed it into Lin Dong's hand.    


The corner of Lin Dong's mouth twitched when he saw what Yan Wushuang had stuffed into his hand.    


"Just in case!" Yan Wushuang gritted her teeth and said.    


"I don't need it!" Lin Dong pushed the thing in Yan Wushuang's hand away.    


Are you kidding me? Was he someone who didn't even have this kind of willpower?    


Or rather, did he dare!    


However, Yan Wushuang didn't give any explanation and directly stuffed it into Lin Dong's pocket.    


It was obvious that Yan Wushuang was loyal to the Empress.    


If something really happened that she could not control, she hoped to minimize the impact.    


Then, Lin Dong entered the room and sighed in his heart.    


She did not expect to have two chances to be in the same room with the Empress in a day.    


If others knew about this, they would definitely be extremely envious.    


Of course, Lin Dong didn't feel happy about it. Instead, he felt that it was difficult to endure.    


Seeing Lin Dong come in, a smile appeared on Queen's face. She winked at Lin Dong and asked, "Lin Dong, what do you think a normal couple would do here?"    


Lin Dong was speechless when he saw the seductive look in Empress Qing Luan's eyes.    


They were all f * cking here. What do you think you can do? Are you playing mahjong?    


"Sister Qing Luan, are you tired? Why don't you sleep?" Lin Dong did not want to stay here any longer.    


He was afraid that he would make a mistake in the face of such a queen.    


"What about you?"    


"The room I opened is right next to yours. If you need anything, just call me."    


"But I will be afraid by myself..." The empress bit her lips.    


"Then, how about I call her over to sleep with you?" Lin Dong swallowed and asked.    


In such an environment, when faced with a beauty of this level, she still had a condom in her pocket. It was impossible not to think about it. However, Lin Dong still tried hard to control himself. He must not make a mistake.    


"I don't want her!" Queen pouted. "Call her over. She will be staring at me all night. How am I going to sleep?"    


Seeing that Lin Dong did not speak, Queen continued, "Are you so afraid to be with me? It is rumored that there is nothing in the world that can make the dark sky dragon fear. Why do I feel that you are a little afraid of me?"    


"Damn it, I was actually looked down upon by Big Sister Queen.    


Isn't it just in the same room as the Empress of the Blue Luan? Let's just treat it as personal protection for the Empress of the Blue Luan.    


So Lin Dong said, "Alright, Sister Qing Luan, I'll watch you sleep."    


The Empress looked happy when she heard that. She then said, "If you dare to leave secretly, you will be committing the crime of deceiving the Monarch. You will have to kill your head!"    


The corner of Lin Dong's mouth twitched.    


"I am going to take a bath!" Empress Qing Luan stood up from the mattress.    


Then, she walked straight to the bathroom.    


To Lin Dong, this was torture. Was the Empress trying to incite people to commit crimes on purpose?    


Fortunately, the Empress of the Blue Luan took a quick bath. In about 20 minutes, she had finished. Then, she walked out of the bath wrapped in a towel. Her hair was wet. She was barefooted and looked very good.    


"Lin Dong, come here and help me blow my hair!" Empress Qing Luan said to Lin Dong as she wiped her hair with a towel.    


Lin Dong gulped. He had no choice but to find a hair dryer and walk towards Empress Qing Luan.    


The Empress of the Blue Luan was sitting on a stool. Lin Dong stood behind her and blew her hair.    


When he looked down, he saw her breasts wrapped in a towel.    


It was over!    


He couldn't take it anymore.    


Lin Dong suddenly felt his nose heating up.    


He actually had a nosebleed.    


It was too embarrassing.    


Lin Dong quietly wiped the nosebleed clean.    


Then, he continued to help Queen blow her hair. After her hair was dry, Queen wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked around the house.    


Lin Dong almost went crazy when he saw this. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.    


If he stayed any longer, he would really be on fire.    


"Um, Sister Qing Luan, I feel a little hot. I'm going to take a bath!"    


"Take a bath. You can take a bath here." The Blue Luan Empress ordered again.    


Lin Dong was about to cry.    


Sister, do you really want me to turn into a beast?    


At that time, I won't be the only one to die.    


Forget it, I'll just chop off my head. I absolutely can't stay here any longer!    


"Sister Qing Luan, call me if you need anything!" Lin Dong immediately escaped from the room of Empress Qing Luan.    


Seeing Lin Dong running away, Empress Green Phoenix pouted. She was a coward.    


However, the corner of her mouth curled up.    


It seemed that she was not attracted to Lin Dong at all.    


Lin Dong returned to his room and quickly took a cold bath.    


Fortunately, he was calm enough. Otherwise, he would be dead for sure.    


Because he was alone, he did not wrap his towel around himself and walked out of the bathroom.    


Then, he realized that there was a person sitting on the sofa.    


Lin Dong was shocked and quickly covered his sensitive position with his hands.    


"Wushuang, why are you in my room?" Lin Dong was speechless.    


"Protecting the queen. Someone is in the room next door. So I have to come to your room. " Yan Wushuang glanced at Lin Dong and said indifferently.    


Then please go out first! " Lin Dong was simply speechless.    


Did this woman not know how to be shy?    


"Are you still shy? It's not like I haven't seen it before." Yan Wushuang curled her lips.    


Alright, alright, you've seen it, have you used it? " Since Yan Wushuang did not avoid it, he had nothing to hide. He put on his clothes in front of Yan Wushuang.    


Yan Wushuang: " I've never used it before. Why, do you want to give it to me?"    


Lin Dong's mouth twitched.    


After becoming the Queen's personal guard, Yan Wushuang had long forgotten her gender, but this did not cover up the fact that she was a beauty.    


Moreover, she was not the Queen. There was no rule that prohibited her from dating.    


In other words, if something happened between Lin Dong and her, there was no need to take responsibility.    


Facing such a valiant Yan Wushuang, Lin Dong was somewhat helpless.    


"I say, Brother Wushuang, do you plan to stay here all night?" Lin Dong walked to Yan Wushuang's side and sat down. He put his arm around Yan Wushuang's neck and said.    


The two of them had experienced the rain of bullets together. In Lin Dong's heart, this woman was his brother.    


In the face of Lin Dong's address of her, Yan Wushuang was also somewhat speechless.    


This guy really doesn't treat me as a woman? However, she had long gotten used to Lin Dong's character.    


She said, "Yes. Didn't I say that? There's someone in the next room."    


Alright then, Brother Wushuang, let's make a deal. You can sleep in my room, but you absolutely can't have any ideas about my body. " Lin Dong said with a serious face.    


Yan Wushuang was speechless. She patted Lin Dong's chest with a smile and said, "Don't. We are brothers. Why are you being so polite? Come, sleep!"    


Then, she really went to the bed.    


Of course, he was lying down with his clothes together.    


Lin Dong did not stand on ceremony and directly laid on the bed as well.    


Yan Wushuang was not afraid. How could he, a grown man, be afraid?    


However, the two bodies did not stick together, maintaining a distance of 50 centimeters.    


"Do you think the last time we slept together was four years ago?" Lin Dong sighed with emotion as time flew by.    


Four years ago, the two of them had been the Queen's Embroidered Uniform Guards. They had followed the Queen to visit the outside world. They did not expect the Queen to be assassinated.    


The other Embroidered Uniform Guards had all been sacrificed. Only he and Yan Wushuang were left.    


In order to protect the Queen, the two of them had used almost all of their methods.    


Even when they were sleeping, they let the Empress sleep in the middle, and one of them could not completely sleep.    


"That's right. That time, I did not plan to return alive." Yan Wushuang said with some emotion.    


Without experiencing it personally, one would never be able to experience that kind of feeling of despair.    


The three of them transmigrated. When they looked around, they saw that it was a wasteland without any signs of life.    


There was not enough water, and there was not enough food.    


"Lin Dong, actually, I have always been curious. In the end, where did you get your water?" Yan Wushuang tilted her head and looked at Lin Dong.    


At that time, there was no water in a desert area.    


All the water was given to the Empress first. At that time, Yan Wushuang's body had already reached the point of dehydration.    


However, the surroundings were filled with endless yellow sand. There was not a single source of water at all.    


At that moment, she really thought that she was going to die.    


She was not afraid of death. What she was afraid of was that she would not be able to safely send the empress back to the palace.    


However, just as Yan Wushuang was about to die of thirst, Lin Dong actually found half a bottle of water and saved her life.    


If not for that half a bottle of water, she would have died in the desert a few years ago.    


Hearing Yan Wushuang's words, a strange expression flashed across Lin Dong's face. He coughed and said, "You are lucky, I found a water source!"    


"Really?" Yan Wushuang and Lin Dong looked at each other, which made Lin Dong feel a little guilty.    


"Yes, it's true. I found a small oasis at that time. I drank until I was full, and then I brought you half a bottle of water."    


Yan Wushuang kept approaching Lin Dong with her beautiful face, staring into Lin Dong's eyes.    


She said, "You are lying. I made a trip back. There are no signs of life in the two hundred kilometers around that place."    


"Oh? Is that so? Maybe I forgot!" Lin Dong scratched his head and pretended that he did not remember.    


Yan Wushuang laid back down and said in a low voice, "Later, I made a lot of assumptions and conjectures about finding a water source, but it did not work. I also asked the residents nearby about it. That area was a death zone. There was no life at all, let alone water."    


"Cough cough, let the past matter go. We all survived, didn't we?" Lin Dong said with an unnatural expression.    


"No, you don't understand. I need to figure it out. Only then can I know why you can get water in such an extreme place, but I can't!" Yan Wushuang frowned, "If we encounter such a situation again, "Then I can't do anything about it, can I?"    


Yan Wushuang thought that she was already a top special forces soldier.    


With her extreme survival ability, not many people could compare to her.    


However, she just couldn't figure out where Lin Dong's water came from.    


"I say, Brother Wushuang, you don't need to care about this anymore. Can I? Okay, you can slowly think about it. I'm going to pee. When I just took a shower, I forgot to pee." Lin Dong was about to get up.    


However, Yan Wushuang, who was beside him, suddenly widened her eyes and grabbed Lin Dong.    


"You, what did you just say?"    


"I, I said I was going to pee..." Lin Dong said weakly.    


Yan Wushuang widened her eyes and stared at Lin Dong.    


"Brother Wushuang, don't look at me like that. I'm a little scared!" Lin Dong swallowed his saliva.    


Yan Wushuang grabbed Lin Dong's collar and pulled him in front of her. She glared at him. "Tell me, is the last water you gave me your pee?"    




Lin Dong's forehead was sweating.    


F * ck, this guy is being too serious.    


It had been so long, but he still held it in his heart.    


"Brother Wushuang, don't be angry. I did that to save you..." Lin Dong knew he could not hide it anymore, so he swallowed and said.    


"Lin Dong, you bastard!" Yan Wushuang cursed and rushed into the bathroom.    


She violently pinched her throat and threw up with all her might.    



"Brother Wushuang, it's been four years. Your body has already absorbed it..." Lin Dong's voice sounded behind Yan Wushuang.    


Yan Wushuang vomited for half an hour before she came out of the toilet weakly. She looked at Lin Dong with murderous eyes.    


"Brother Wushuang, calm down!"    


Yan Wushuang walked step by step to Lin Dong and grabbed his collar again. Her delicate body was trembling. Clearly, she was very angry.    


Lin Dong actually pissed her!    


To think that at that time, she felt like rain had fallen from the sky.    


The key was that she had been conflicted for four years.    


Yan Wushuang's beautiful eyes were fixed on Lin Dong, as if she was thinking about how to deal with Lin Dong.    


Lin Dong swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother Wushuang, I saved your life back then!"    


Yan Wushuang's beautiful eyes narrowed, then she rushed into the toilet again and closed the door with a bang.    


About a minute later, Yan Wushuang smashed a glass cup containing liquid in front of Lin Dong with a bang, and shouted coldly, "Drink it for me!"    


Lin Dong's throat moved slightly.    


Of course, he knew what Yan Wushuang had brought.    


F * ck, do you have to be so cruel?    


"Lin Dong, didn't you say you were my brother? You don't even dare to drink my pee, and you dare to say you are my brother?" Yan Wushuang said sarcastically.    


"Can I sever my brotherhood with you now?" Lin Dong looked at the liquid in the cup and said in a low voice.    


Yan Wushuang crossed her arms in front of her and snorted, "What kind of man are you? I have drunk yours before. What's wrong with you drinking some of mine now? Hurry up, finish it, "We'll be best brothers from now on!"    


Err... Sister Wushuang, let me tell you the truth! In fact, I have never treated you as a brother. You are so beautiful and valiant. When I first saw you, I fell in love with you. You are the most charming woman I have ever seen!" Lin Dong felt that it was better not to be a brother.    


"Stop talking nonsense to me." Yan Wushuang said with a cold smile.    


"I'm serious!" Lin Dong said with a serious face.    


"Sure!" Yan Wushuang smiled and walked to Lin Dong and said, "Put your arms around me!"    


"This isn't good, is it?" Lin Dong swallowed his saliva.    


"Didn't you say you like me? I'll give you a chance now!"    


Lin Dong did not treat Yan Wushuang as a woman anyway.    


Then, he reached out a hand and held Yan Wushuang's waist.    


"Two hands!" Yan Wushuang shouted.    


Lin Dong could only put both hands on Yan Wushuang's waist.    


Because she was a martial artist, there was not the slightest bit of fat on her waist. It was very thin and perfect.    


"Look at my eyes!" Yan Wushuang continued.    


Lin Dong could only look into Yan Wushuang's eyes again. This woman's eyes were very beautiful, with a hint of blue, like a hybrid.    


He heard that her ancestor was a foreigner. He might have inherited it from another generation.    


"One minute. If you can be tough, I will believe that you like me!" The woman looked at Lin Dong with a teasing look.    


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