Bigwig Son-in-law

C140 Super Soldier King

C140 Super Soldier King

0After all, after Lin Dong changed his appearance, no one here could tell that he was a fake.    


However, the most terrifying thing happened. He actually recognized Li Lei.    


"What's going on? How did he recognize him?" Chu Lianyi's beautiful eyes widened.    


Reed was just the priest hosting Li Lei's wedding. Li Lei had only seen him once.    


Even if he could recognize that Reed was a fake, he wouldn't be able to recognize him at a glance, right?    


Oh no, this is going to be a big problem.    


Not only were the hostages in danger, even Lin Dong was in danger.    


No matter how powerful Lin Dong is, can he withstand the bomb?    


"Seal this place immediately. No one is allowed to leave. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" Chu Lianyi said with a gloomy expression.    


As the master of a city, she instantly guessed the key to the matter.    


Li Lei could not recognize Lin Dong, but he did.    


It was obvious that someone had told him.    


Then who had told him? The answer was obvious. There was a mole beside her!    


Moreover, it was the person who saw Lin Dong's disguise.    


As Chu Lianyi's military official, after receiving the City Lord's order, a murderous aura instantly surged out of Rose's beautiful swollen eyes and enveloped everyone present.    


"No one is allowed to leave or die!" Rose's cold gaze swept over everyone present.    


She was Chu Lianyi's martial official. As the city lord's martial official, the strength she possessed naturally did not need to be said.    


After sealing off the scene, Chu Lianyi's attention returned to the live broadcast room.    


At this moment, she was very worried about Lin Dong.    


"What's going on?"    


"Could it be that the official pretended to be a priest and was found out?"    


"That's not right. This is indeed Father Reed. My wedding was hosted by him. I know him."    


... ""    


There were more bullet comments in the broadcast room.    


After learning the whole story, everyone's hearts tensed up.    


Normally, in this kind of situation, the consequences of an imposter being discovered would be very serious. The kidnapper would most likely directly kill the imposter to vent his anger.    


If the kidnapper was completely enraged, all the hostages here might be in danger.    


"Oh, sorry, I was recognized!" However, Lin Dong, as the person involved, didn't seem to be too worried.    


Before, he didn't come in. When he was outside, he didn't have the confidence to subdue Li Lei.    


But now that he had entered, Li Lei was less than ten meters away from him. It was easy to subdue this criminal.    


However, Lin Dong was very confident in his disguise.    


This Li Lei had no reason to see through him at a glance.    


Then there was only one possibility.    


There was a mole by Chu Lianyi's side.    


Lin Dong was even more certain that this was not just a simple emotional dispute.    


Clearly, it involved something else.    


This Li Lei was just a chess piece of the other party.    


But now was not the time to consider these things.    


Instead, get rid of Li Lei and rescue the hostage!    


"It's you!"    


"It's you!"    


Mu Caiyun and Li Lei exclaimed at the same time.    


Since Lin Dong was recognized, there was no need for him to hide anymore. Mu Caiyun naturally knew Lin Dong's voice.    


As for Li Lei, of course, his memory was clearer.    


It was all because of Lin Dong. Because of this bastard, he had fallen to this stage.    


Originally, with his ability, it was impossible for him to take revenge on Mu Caiyun.    


But later on, someone helped him.    


Initially, he was somewhat regretful that he was unable to capture Lin Dong.    


He did not expect that this fellow would actually deliver himself to his doorstep.    


Truly, there is a path to heaven that you do not take. Hell has no door, you barge in.    


When she found out that this priest was actually Lin Dong's impersonator, Mu Caiyun was both happy and worried.    


She never thought that Lin Dong would appear again at this time.    


Lin Dong was like a prince in a fairy tale. Every time she encountered danger, he would appear.    


At this time, the way Mu Caiyun looked at Lin Dong changed again.    


Was this man really the prince she was destined to be?    


However, the current situation was too dangerous.    


Li Lei had a gun in his hand, and there was a bomb in the restaurant.    


Lin Dong, could he still save her?    


"Damn it, how dare you show up?" Li Lei's face was full of hatred. He wished he could tear Lin Dong into pieces right away.    


"Haha, that's right. What a coincidence. We meet again. How are you going to deal with me?" Lin Dong sat down on a chair with a relaxed expression.    


"Yo, who is this brother? He's so awesome. Don't he know that he's going to die soon?"    


"Since he dares to be so arrogant, he must have the strength!"    


Could it be that our country's mysterious organization has made a move? "    


"Maybe he is the legendary super soldier king?"    


... ""    


The bullet comments became intense again.    


When the fake priest was seen through, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.    


Unexpectedly, this fake priest didn't seem to be afraid at all.    


This guy, you're being pointed at by someone else's gun, why aren't you nervous at all?    


Nervous? Lin Dong really didn't know what nervousness was.    


It was just an ordinary pistol. It was not as powerful as throwing a chopstick out.    


On the other hand, the detonator in Li Lei's hand was a little troublesome, but it was just a little bit of trouble, and it was not that serious.    


Lin Dong's calmness made Li Lei swallow his saliva.    


It was clearly pointed at by his gun. Why was this guy still so calm?    


"Hmph, putting on an act, I'll kill you now!" A ferocious look flashed across Li Lei's face, and he was about to pull the trigger.    


Seeing this scene, Mu Caiyun was stunned.    




But it was already too late. Li Lei fired.    




The sound of gunfire rang out.    


Chu Lianyi, who was outside, could not help but tremble violently.    


Although the power of this pistol was not great. However, this spear was aimed at Lin Dong's forehead, and it could cause Lin Dong's head to explode.    


However, the expected scene of Lin Dong's head to explode did not occur.    


Unexpectedly, something happened. Li Lei actually let out a miserable cry.    


Everyone took a closer look. Only then did they discover that there was a chopstick stuck in his wrist.    


"What's going on? I didn't see it clearly at all!"    


"Please slow down the camera in high definition!"    


... ""    


The broadcast room was once again in an uproar.    


Soon, someone brought out a slow-motion camera.    


Before Li Lei fired, the priest slapped the table with his palm. Then, the chopsticks on the table bounced up.    


Then, the priest tapped the chopsticks again.    


The two chopsticks flew towards Li Lei like two arrows released from a bow.    


No, it was not accurate to say that the arrows were not accurate enough. It should be said that they were countless times faster than arrows.    


One of the chopsticks knocked the bullet away while the other pierced through Li Lei's wrist.    


"What's going on? What did I just see? This priest used chopsticks to block the bullet? Is this true?"    


"I guess this priest's real identity must be a super soldier king."    


"Is this the strength of our country's soldier king? So strong, really strong! Watching this makes my blood boil."    


I feel like I'm shooting a movie! "    


..." "    


The comments in the broadcast room seemed to have gone crazy. Under normal circumstances, such a plot would only appear in movies.    



If this case wasn't live broadcasted, they really wouldn't believe that there would be such a miraculous thing in the world. They would really think that it was a movie.    


"Did you guys forget that the criminals still have bombs in their hands?"    


"Yes, the kidnapper said that as long as the bomb leaves his hand, it will explode!"    


"With so many bombs, if they really explode, the entire hotel will be razed to the ground, right?"    


... ""    


The netizens started to worry again.    


After all, bombs were different from bullets. If a priest could use chopsticks to shoot bullets, could he use chopsticks to block the bombs?    


However, while they were worried, the audience was also looking forward to it.    


They were looking forward to seeing if this legendary super soldier king could resolve this crisis.    


Li Lei's forehead was covered in cold sweat from the pain.    


But he didn't explode the bomb, because if the bomb exploded, he would die too.    


The bomb was his last resort. Unless he had no other choice, he would not detonate it.    


Lin Dong stood up and slowly picked up a fruit knife from the table. He did not move quickly and looked very elegant.    


It made the originally tense atmosphere less tense.    


Lin Dong held the fruit knife and walked straight to Li Lei.    


"Aren't you afraid that I will detonate the bomb?" Li Lei swallowed his saliva.    


At this moment, even he felt fear. He didn't want to die.    


Hearing this, the corner of Lin Dong's mouth curled up and he said, "Then you will detonate it."    


"Super Soldier King, 666!"    


"So powerful!"    


" I like it so much! "    


... ""    


At this moment, the entire broadcast room was in an uproar.    


Facing Li Lei's threat, not only did Lin Dong not show any fear, he even took the initiative to let Li Lei detonate the bomb.    


Wasn't he too arrogant? What did this mean?    


This meant that Lin Dong didn't even put the bomb in his eyes.    


"Good luck, Brother Bing Wang. Save my goddess. The goddess will give her body to you."    


"A super Soldier King and a business goddess. The two of them are a perfect match."    


"Are there still people who say that the government is incompetent? Let's see how powerful our motherland is!"    


... ""    


The comments in the live broadcast room were endless. It was originally very serious. The depressing atmosphere suddenly became a bit more relaxed.    


In this country, the legend of the super soldier king had always been circulating.    


The legend said that they did not weave anything, did not have any military rank, and wandered in the dark corners of the world.    


They silently guarded the Country of Dragon. As long as they made a move, there would be no mission that they could not complete.    


Nowadays, many novels liked to mold the main character into a super soldier king who had retired because of injuries or because he was tired of fighting and killing. They never thought that they would be able to witness such a legendary character with their own eyes today.    


A chopstick could actually block bullets. He was truly invincible.    


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