Bigwig Son-in-law

C130 A Headless Female Corpse

C130 A Headless Female Corpse

0Thus, mortals, Transcendents, Sainthood... These levels were merely a name for the difference in one's cultivation level.    


The actual combat strength of a martial artist was calculated by combining three aspects.    


For example, the top 100 martial artists in the world were not ranked based on their cultivation level, but based on their combat strength.    


The top 100 martial artists in the world had a combat value of at least 10,000 points.    


As for grade S martial artists, their combat value needed to exceed 100,000 points!    


Lin Dong was a high-level sage. He had about forty thousand points of qi in his body.    


His martial skill, Rising Dragon Fist, could increase the power of qi by 200%.    


Therefore, the combat strength of the Rising Dragon Fist was eighty thousand points. But just relying on these, it was not enough to let him enter grade S.    


His strongest martial skill was the Seven Murders Sword Qi.    


Especially his strongest move, the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi, which could increase the power of five times qi.    


Therefore, Lin Dong's final combat strength had reached two hundred thousand points!    


Even among grade S martial artists, this kind of combat strength was a rather terrifying existence.    


However, this still did not consider all combat awareness and combat experience. If he considered these, Lin Dong's combat strength would be even more terrifying.    


However, Ye Linglong was able to withstand the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi. This meant that Ye Linglong's combat strength had at least exceeded 200,000 points.    


Furthermore, to be able to unleash 200,000 points of combat strength and to be able to withstand 200,000 points of combat strength was simply not the same concept.    


Because even Lin Dong himself couldn't resist the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi!    


Therefore, with Lin Dong's current martial skill, it was impossible to defeat Ye Linglong.    


He needed a martial skill that surpassed the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi.    


Ye Linglong once said that no matter how strong other people's martial skills were, they were the most suitable for the person who created the first martial skill.    


Only martial skills created by oneself could increase one's combat strength to the extreme. For example, Ye Linglong's Flash. The reason why it was so powerful was because it was a martial skill created by Ye Linglong herself.    


A martial skill that could increase one's qi by five times was considered a high-level martial skill.    


This move could increase the power of qi by ten times. Therefore, even a Human King could not withstand this move from Ye Linglong.    


Only self-created martial skills would be able to achieve such a terrifying increase in power.    


Although self-created martial skills were simple, if it was just an ordinary martial skill, for example, a martial skill that could only increase one point by one, one point by two, and one point by three, it was very easy to create. However, it was already very difficult to create a martial skill that could be amplified by one point and five times.    


Wanting to surpass two times the power, That would require a very talented person to have such a possibility.    


There was not a single person in a thousand miles who could create such a martial technique.    


For someone like Ye Linglong who could create a martial skill that could increase the power of ten times qi, it was one in a million.    


Therefore, Lin Dong's self-created martial skill had actually been created many years ago. During the time he was recuperating, it slowly took shape.    


After fighting with the Female Emperor Venomous Insect and fighting with Wu Corpse Ye Linglong, it was finally perfected.    


The martial skill's name was: "One sword!"    


One sword slashed out, separating life and death!    


He also secretly pointed at the distance between him and the current Ye Linglong.    


However, he did not expect that the first time he used this martial skill, his opponent was actually Ye Linglong.    


Lin Dong's body quickly retreated and quickly left the first cemetery.    


He did not want to destroy the grass and trees in the first cemetery. Ye Linglong also chased after him.    


Finally, when he was at a safe distance, Lin Dong turned around and slowly raised the broken sword.    


"One sword strike, break heaven and earth!"    


A violent force gathered on the blood sword. Then, the blood sword quickly expanded into a huge blood sword dozens of meters long.    


Although this sword was huge, it was still huge.    


But very thin.    


If you look from the direction of the blade, this giant sword doesn't seem to have any thickness.    


Generally speaking, the larger the range of a martial skill, the smaller the lethality.    


This sword is different.    


Not only did his attack range be large, it was also dozens of meters long.    


Its lethality was also incomparable, because Lin Dong had compressed his inner energy to the limit.    


It was so thin that it was even a tenth of a piece of toilet paper. It did not seem to have any thickness!    


The giant sword hacked down from the sky and slashed fiercely at the figure in the ancient dress.    


Facing such a powerful attack, even Ye Linglong, who had already become a martial corpse, also felt an extremely strong danger.    


Without any hesitation, she pulled out Gu who was behind her. She waved her sword with one hand and slashed towards the void.    


The ancient sword collided with the huge sword light unleashed by Lin Dong.    


The ancient sword was clearly at a disadvantage. Ye Linglong was forced to hold her sword with both hands, but she was still unable to block the sword light.    


The power of the sword light was too strong.    


Ye Linglong's feet sank bit by bit towards the ground.    


Very quickly, the ancient sword was pressed down.    


The sword light touched Ye Linglong's shoulder.    


Ye Linglong's shoulder was immediately separated by the sword light!    


One must know that Ye Linglong's body had a very terrifying defense. Even bullets might not be able to penetrate it.    


However, Lin Dong's sword qi cut through her body like cutting tofu.    


Xuanji, who was watching from afar, was stunned.    


"Is this Boss's self-created martial skill?"    


Xuanji recognized it at a glance. The martial skill that Lin Dong was using was created by herself.    


Because even she had never seen Lin Dong use this move before.    


This move actually suppressed Ye Linglong!    


How strong was Ye Linglong? Xuanji had already personally experienced it just now.    


Ye Linglong's strength made her despair.    


But at this time, Lin Dong actually had the upper hand.    


"Boss, you are even stronger!" Xuanji's eyes were full of surprise.    


A strong man could always attract women's attention.    


"I have to work harder too. Otherwise, I will be left far behind by Boss!" Xuanji sat cross-legged and began to use her inner energy to treat her injuries.    


On Lin Dong's side, half of Ye Linglong's body had already sunk into the ground.    


Even Lin Dong was shocked. Could this be the power of a self-created martial skill?    


When used, it was more at will.    


The power was even stronger!    


Previously, his Heavenly Sword Qi was able to unleash five times its power. It had already surpassed many martial techniques.    


It could even be said that apart from Ye Linglong's move, he had never seen a martial skill that was stronger than the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi.    


However, the power of this sword strike had just been created and it had already reached seven times its original power!    


Although it was only two times the increase, it had increased his combat strength by 80,000 points.    


From 200,000 points, it became 280,000 points.    


The most important thing was that he had just created his own martial technique and had yet to reach the perfect state. He could not reach the highest increment.    


Take Ye Linglong's move for example. When she had just created it, it had only increased its power by five times. But when Ye Linglong cultivated it to the perfect state, the increase in power had already reached a terrifying ten times.    


As for Lin Dong's sword attack, it had just been created and it had already reached seven times its original power.    


This meant that the potential of this sword attack was even greater than Ye Linglong's attack.    


In the future, it was very likely that it would exceed ten times its original strength!    


Although the process of creating this martial technique seemed simple, it was actually very difficult.    


Initially, many years ago, Lin Dong had barely formed the embryonic form during the two years he had been treating his wounds. Until now, this was the first time he had used it.    


However, even if he spent his whole life studying a powerful martial skill, it was worth it.    


Lin Dong was looking forward to the state he would be in when he cultivated this sword to the Perfect Realm.    


The reason Ye Linglong was able to block the Heavenly Dragon Sword Qi was partly because she was indeed very powerful, and partly because she understood this martial skill.    


However, Lin Dong's move was a new martial skill.    


Ye Linglong naturally would not be able to break it so easily.    


The sword light was getting lower and lower, and it had already sunk into Ye Linglong's shoulder as much as ten centimeters.    


Ye Linglong was about to be unable to resist and the sword light would cut off half of her body.    


Actually, Lin Dong did not want to destroy Ye Linglong's body.    


But the current Ye Linglong was already a martial corpse.    


If he still wanted to protect her body, then it would be impossible for him to stop her attack.    


"Open for me!"    


Lin Dong roared.    


Although this strike was powerful, the disadvantage was that it consumed a lot of his inner energy.    


According to the current strength of his inner energy, he could only use it once.    


In other words, if he did not defeat Ye Linglong in this strike, he would not be able to defeat Ye Linglong today.    


Lin Dong controlled the sword light and slowly changed its direction.    


The blade gradually aimed at Ye Linglong's neck.    


Ye Linglong was struggling to block. When the sword light touched Ye Linglong's neck, A line of blood immediately appeared on her neck.    


As long as she put in a little more effort, she would be able to cut off Ye Linglong's head!    


"Ling Long, I love you!" Lin Dong closed his eyes and made his final attack.    


He used all his strength to wave the sword light.    


Shua! The sword light swept across.    


A tree that was wrapped around his waist was broken.    


The broken part was as smooth as a mirror.    




The tree fell to the ground, filling the sky with dust.    


The extremely beautiful figure also did not move.    


Then, Ye Linglong's head rolled down from her neck.    


The head of a Great Empress was chopped off just like that!    


Seeing this scene, even Xuanji's expression became very sad.    


From today onwards, there would no longer be Ye Linglong in this world, there would no longer be a peerless Great Empress!    


Lin Dong's eyes were also filled with tears.    


He put away the blood and walked step by step towards that beautiful head.    


He had no choice but to kill the person he loved the most. The heart-wrenching pain made Lin Dong almost unable to breathe.    


Of course, in fact, Ye Linglong had already died two years ago.    


"Ling Long..." Lin Dong held Ye Linglong's head and took off the peacock mask.    


Suddenly, a beautiful face appeared in front of him.    


Her appearance did not change and she had disappeared.    


The legendary life of this monstrous woman had come to an end today.    


There were only countless legends about the Female Empress left behind.    


However, sooner or later, all of this would be forgotten by everyone.    


Ten years, twenty years later.    


In this world, perhaps even the legend of Ye Linglong was gone.    


Lin Dong held Ye Linglong's head in his arms and gently stroked her waterfall-like black hair.    


Even if she was dead, she was still as beautiful as ever, just like the most perfect piece of art created by the heavens.    


Although the body of a Martial Corpse wouldn't rot as quickly as an ordinary corpse, as time passed, it would still slowly rot in the end.    


But Ye Linglong's corpse was different. She was actually no different from when she was alive.    


Even her eyelashes were clearly visible.    


She did not seem to be dead. It was as if she had fallen asleep.    


Lin Dong slowly closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying his last moments with Ye Linglong.    


"Boss, be careful!"    


Suddenly, Xuanji's frightened voice sounded.    


Lin Dong also felt a terrifying killing intent coming from behind him.    


He did not have time to turn around. He could only roll on the ground and instantly appeared a few meters away.    


When he was a few meters away and stabilized his body, he felt a heat on his neck.    


A line of blood appeared on his neck.    


The line of blood was not long. It was about two to three centimeters long.    


But this made Lin Dong break out in a cold sweat. If he did not dodge in time, his head would have been chopped off.    


When he saw what was attacking him, Lin Dong was so shocked that he couldn't say anything.    


He saw a person standing not far from him.    


A person without a head!    


Ye Linglong's headless body was still alive.    


Furthermore, she attacked Lin Dong.    


Just now, Lin Dong was completely immersed in his memories with Ye Linglong.    


He did not notice that a hint of killing intent had quietly arrived.    


Fortunately, Xuanji had maintained her consciousness and reminded him in time, which allowed him to react.    



Xuanji was also shocked. Could it be that even if she chopped off her head, she would not be able to kill Ye Linglong?    


It was really too scary.    


Normally speaking, the brain was the Martial Corpse's weakness.    


Attacking her head could kill the Martial Corpse. However, the Martial Corpse Ye Linglong's head was chopped off.    


How could a corpse without a head still move and attack?    


A headless corpse held an ancient sword in its hand and attacked Lin Dong crazily.    


If ordinary people saw this scene, they would be scared to death!    


Even Lin Dong was deeply shocked. If he couldn't even kill Ye Linglong with his head cut off, how could he kill Ye Linglong?    


Could it be that he wanted to chop Ye Linglong into pieces?    


The difficulty was too high. It could be seen. Without the body behind the head, he could not release any martial skills at this moment. Ye Linglong's attacks were also very chaotic.    


However, they were still very powerful.    


Ye Linglong's physical body was very powerful, but at this time, Lin Dong was no longer able to use that sword.    


However, it was not that difficult to deal with a headless corpse.    




Lin Dong sent Ye Linglong's corpse flying with a palm strike. But very quickly, the body rushed over again.    


She was sent flying again and rushed over again.    


This headless corpse seemed to want to take back its head very much.    


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