Godly Farmer

C197 Bones Can be Called Soft

C197 Bones Can be Called Soft

0The formidable strength of the Su Family was not something Zhang Xiaoloong could fight against. Although Lee Donghua and the others had lent him a lot of money to support him, he still couldn't use it like he did with his true strength.    


Zhang Xiaoloong wasn't surprised that he lost the powerful dragon in the end, but he still felt somewhat depressed in his heart.    


He did not stay in the city any longer. Instead, he returned to Qinghe Village alone.    


This was his home. No matter how many things happened outside, he would only be able to fill his energy when he returned.    


He left the road lion at home and walked into the wilderness alone. The return of the wheat seedlings in the spring made people feel happy when they saw them.    


Between the two of them, there were a few lonely graves that came into view. Zhang Xiaoloong could not help but move.    


After thinking about it, ever since he obtained the legacy of Shennong, everything had been smooth sailing. In a few months, he had become a poor brat who didn't know what business was. Now that he had become a billionaire with a net worth of nearly ten million, what else could he not be content with?    


Along the way, he almost forgot what his original intention was.    


Having a strong dragon could indeed allow him to develop faster and help more people. But even if he did not have one, he could still do what he had done in the past and use the most stable steps to raise Shennong's spirit.    


Instead, the price of 100 billion was about to make him a true businessman. He only cared about money and nothing else.    


After thinking this through, Zhang Xiaoloong let out a breath of foul air. The unhappiness from before had been mostly vented, and he turned his head and walked home.    


Zhang Daniu and his wife did not know what had happened to their son. They only felt that he was not happy when he came back, and they did not dare to ask any more questions.    


They also knew that their son had a lot of things to do now. Some things could not be helped even if they asked. They just made the other party feel annoyed.    


Seeing that he had returned, his mood seemed to have improved a lot. Zhang Daniu only spoke after his wife indicated for him to come back, "Xiaoloong, you just came back. If you don't have anything urgent to do, go and help Wang Fugui."    


"Help? Help me with what?" Zhang Xiaoloong was stunned.    


"Look at you, kid. Didn't you hear the loudspeaker? Rich people want to marry their wife. You should go over and take a look. If there's anything you can help with, let's help too." Liu Mei also advised.    


They wanted their son to get some fresh air and stop thinking about those annoying things.    


Zhang Xiaoloong, on the other hand, was fine now. But when he heard what the two elders said, he immediately agreed.    


In this remote village, it was common for a family to come and help out. It was just like when Zhang Xiaoloong got married, almost everyone in the village came to help. It was also a matter of face.    


"Yes, our family is a little bit rich now, but we can't let them think that we are expensive and look down on the villagers. You can go and take a look." Zhang Daniu said.    


"No way," Zhang Xiaoloong quickly smiled and said, "I was thinking about something and didn't hear anything outside. I will go and take a look now."    


"Go. I heard that Fugui is a wife who was brought back from the city. He is very handsome. Fugui is also capable. I don't know how he coaxed his daughter to come to our poor village." Liu Mei smiled.    


"What are you talking about? Isn't our daughter-in-law also from the city? Our Qinghe Village won't continue to be poor." After Zhang Daniu finished speaking, he suddenly said, "Xiaoloong, you didn't fight with Yaru, did you?"    


"No, no. We are good," Zhang Xiaoloong quickly explained. "Dad, you are right. Qinghe Village will not be poor forever. In the future, not to mention the girls in the village who don't want to marry, even the girls in the outside city have to squeeze their way into our village. "    


Liu Mei saw that her son had recovered and her mood also relaxed a lot, "Alright, both of you have a long-term vision. Only my hair is long. My experience is short, okay? I am waiting to see all the big ladies in the city fight to marry into the village. At that time, all the men in our village will definitely give you a thumbs up."    




When Zhang Xiaoloong heard this, he suddenly slapped the table and stunned his parents.    


"I understand." He suddenly smiled. "Let's do it this way. In a year at most, I will make those big girls and young wives in the city think about coming to our village."    


Zhang Daniu and Liu Mei looked at each other. They did not know what their son was up to, but it seemed that there was no problem. He was quite energetic.    


Zhang Xiaoloong had just become enlightened. Although he had been relieved of the loss of the strong dragon, now he had finally found his real target.    


Whether it was planting vegetables or making Yaloong Beverage, his ultimate goal was to become rich. Not only would he make his family rich, but he would also make the entire village rich with him.    


What powerful dragon? What one billion? Those were not as important as making the people of this village live a comfortable life.    


Of course, if he wanted to bring the strong dragon over, he could definitely make more people rich with him, but it would not stop him from doing what he could now.    




Wang Fugui's house was decorated with lanterns and ribbons, and there was a loudspeaker on the roof.    


A group of young people were moving east and west under the instructions of the steward, setting up the courtyard. This was a place where new people had to pay homage.    


Wang Fugui's father, Wang Jiujiu, suddenly walked over and asked Wang Baofeng, who was in charge of the steward, "Do we need to specially inform the Niu Family about our wedding?"    


Logically speaking, anyone who hung up the loudspeaker would be able to hear it from the entire village. There was no need to inform anyone.    


However, Zhang Xiaoloong's status in the village was different now. As Zhang Daniu's father, no one would dare to treat him carelessly.    


Therefore, Wang Jiujiu felt that there was really a need to specially inform him.    


"I think it's better if we don't go." Wang Baofeng thought for a while and shook his head, "Xiaoloong is a person who does big things now. If he doesn't have time to come, wouldn't it be even worse if we inform him?"    


"Yes, yes, yes. Look at my brain. I almost made a big mistake." Wang Jiufeng hurriedly nodded his head.    


"Ninth Uncle, what are you guys talking about? I'm right here, right? Who else needs to inform me?" Someone at the side replied.    


Wang Baofeng and Wang Jiujiu turned around together. They saw Zhang Xiaoloong following the young men to carry the things. Judging from the gray clothes on his body, he must have been here for quite a while.    


"This... this... how did you do it?" Wang Baofeng also blamed himself for his poor eyesight. Even Zhang Xiaoloong did not recognize him. He was still giving orders blindly. "Xiaoloong, how can you do this job? Did you even wear your clothes?"    


"Look at what Uncle said. I am here to help. How can I just watch and not work?" Zhang Xiaoloong smiled and said, "Besides, I am also a farmer in Qinghe Village. Don't always think that I am different from others."    


"Alright. People say that people who do big things do not put on airs. I am convinced." Wang Baofeng looked at him with admiration. He turned his face and said to Wang Jiujiu in disdain, "I told you what kind of person Daniu is. There is no need to inform him..."    


Zhang Xiaoloong smiled and did not continue. He continued to work.    


After taking care of everything, the young people gathered together to chat.    


"What bridal room? Fugui has already slept with the bride a long time ago..."    


"How did you know? Did you see her?"    



"I wouldn't have listened if I didn't see her. That woman made people's bones go soft at night..."    


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