Rise Against Desperation



0Faced with all these lights, Lin Hu took a deep breath.    


A rich medicinal fragrance filled the air. With a wave of his hand, the purple eyes, along with the few common medicinal herbs from Lin Hua, disappeared into the large vat.    


Purple eyes shot out a few rays of purple light from the large silver barrel. The interior of the large silver bucket seemed to have been set ablaze as a black liquid was poured into it.    


"This water has a trace of the characteristics of the Grand Moon Water. I was the one who brought it out from home. The medicinal ingredients are next."    


Zi Tong looked at the black water in the vat with a serious expression.    


While waiting for the steam bubble to rise, Zi Tong glanced at Lin Hua and said, "These three stalks of medicinal herbs, each stalk of medicinal plant has twenty portions. If you really don't have the conditions to make do with them, then this is the only way."    


As he spoke, Zi Tong took out more than ten rare herbs from his spatial ring.    


Fortunately, the purple pupils had set up a barrier around them. Otherwise, the fragrance of the herbs would have been dug up by the Fragrant Sky villagers.    


"These medicinal herbs should be very expensive!"    


As Lin Hua muttered to himself, his purple eyes revealed a pure white teeth as he smiled at Lin Hua.    


"Every stalk I threw down was priceless. For the sake of the fact that you're my disciple, how could a master be stingy?"    


Purple Eyes clapped his hands, wanting to throw down another medicinal plant, he glanced at Lin Hua and said, "This flower is called the Skin Cracking Flower. It's extremely poisonous, and with a touch, it will cause your skin to rot."    


"Golden Bone Powder is refined from the bone marrow of a Rank 5 Spirit Beast, and it has the ability to strengthen the bones. However, the pain during the process is unbearable, and the Yulan leaf, at the age of a hundred, has the ability to nourish and nourish the meridians, and it also has side effects, so you'll feel them later."    


Just from the introduction alone, Lin Hua already had the urge to run. Looking at the grinning Zi Tong, he felt like he was looking at a devil.    


"As for this black colored water, it's because the ordinary spirit spring water diluted some of the Grand Moon Water. This way, it can easily decompose the medicinal effects and fuse them together."    


He turned his head to look at Lin Hua, "Back then, I started off with the real Grand Moon Water, and the other medicinal ingredients were also much more tyrannical than this. However, my innate constitution is different from ordinary people, so I can only live up to now."    


As if he had thought of something, a strange smile appeared on his face. "Today, let me see how extraordinary the constellations in the annals of history are."    


Purple-eyed picked up the sprout with one hand and threw it into the vat, causing it to sweat profusely.    


"Master Purple Eye, you are so strong!"    


"Is there anyone who would say that about girls?"    


Purple-eyed rolled his eyes at Lin Hua, "The medicinal effects will soon begin, do as I say."    


"Warriors' skin and cultivation are synchronized. When your skin is damaged, no martial qi is allowed to be used to repair it. Listen to my commands."    


Hearing this unquestionable tone, Lin Hua nodded his head, because he discovered that the pain had already begun.    


Five minutes later, Lin Hua's skin was starting to melt, revealing his flesh and blood. He couldn't bear to look at his face which was full of holes.    


However, it was clear that Zi Tong was used to this kind of scene and didn't even blink.    


When Lin Hu's skin completely broke down and his body started to rot, the purple pupils suddenly moved.    


The purple eyes imprinted a few seals on the surroundings, causing the surrounding Martial Qi to become much denser.    


"Lin Hua is now using the surrounding martial Qi to gather on his festering skin, and then he will recite the [Three Saint Dragon Striking Technique] 's [Skin Tactics]."    


Lin Yuan's expression was ferocious because of the pain, but he didn't let out any screams of pain, which clearly showed his perseverance.    


Hearing Zi Tong's shout, Lin Hua did not dare to hesitate and immediately circulated the martial energy in his body to gather on his skin.    


The starlight in his forehead seemed to have automatically appeared because of the danger to Lin Hua. The starlight actually combined with his martial qi, enveloping Lin Hua's entire body.    


"The star power and martial qi have fused into one. The martial qi has actually become thicker and purer. The festering part of his skin is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye."    


At the same time that Lin Hua was astonished, the vulgar didn't know that purple eyes were currently staring at him as if he were a monster.    


"Is this guy an immortal body or a star body? His healing speed is comparable to some immortal bodies. If this goes on, it might not even take six days. Four days might be enough, no!" Maybe today will be enough! "    


As Lin Zhu's purple eyes talked to himself, his right arm began to show signs of rebirth. It had already been 6 hours and the liquid inside the vat had started to fade.    


During the process of using the medicine to break his skin, traces of Martial Qi was healing his skin. In this stalemate, the sky started to brighten.    


"Eighteen hours!" I never thought that your speed would actually be similar to mine back then! "    


Lin Hu opened his eyes and looked around at the altering liquid. He saw Zi Tong nod at him, and he jumped out of the vat.    


"Master Purple Eye, why is my skin so white, as if I was an infant!"    


Looking at the purple pupils on his back, Lin Hua realized his current condition. Because of the pain, all of his clothes had been torn into pieces, and he knew what Zi Tong meant by 'enough for you to use'. He had kicked the big barrel countless times, clearly to resist the pain.    


Fortunately, he had his clothes prepared in the cultivation area and he immediately put them on. Only then did Zi Tong turn around.    


"Your skin is probably so delicate that even girls would be jealous of it, but the training below can make you change back."    


Lin Zhe let out a sigh of relief.    


If his skin was so tender, it would seem a little strange on a boy like him. Soon after, he looked towards Zi Tong.    


"Master Zi Tong, what kind of cultivation?"    


"Do you think Purity Skin is finished today? "This is only the first time you've been reborn, and you still have more than 40 times to cultivate before you can completely complete the first stage of the Third Sage realm. It's getting late, so you should go back and complete the daily tasks of your service disciples."    


He didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, so he picked up the medicine basket and rushed back to the Fragrant Leaf village.    


"I didn't expect this young man to be comparable to me. I just wonder how good his martial arts skills are."    


As he watched Lin Hua's back, his purple eyes revealed a faint smile. Following which, he closed his eyes and began to heal his wounds.    


In the Fragrant Night Village.    


"Brat, a few core disciples from the Lin Clan Manor came to the village today and informed your service disciples to gather over there."    



He had just returned to the village when he heard Grandpa Huang's words and was shocked.    


Fragrant Leaf village was very far from the Lin Clan's Zong Residence.    


The reason why there were so many core disciples was probably due to the disappearance of Lin Fei's group, as well as the missing subordinates of Lin Fei's father.    


"Brother Hua, over here!"    


Hearing Little Tiger's shout, Lin Hu quickly walked over and stood together with him.    


Looking at the figure in front of him, Lin Hu's brows were slightly raised. He actually recognized three of these four people.    


Standing in the middle was Lin Yu'er, a fourteen-year-old martial artist at Stage Eight.    


The one standing on the right side of the second tier of the Lin Clan was Lin Tian, who had been chasing after Lin Yu'er.    


That year, Lin Yu'er had been calling out to Lin Hua every single day as she followed behind him.    


Now that Lin Yu had fallen, Lin Tian seemed to have found hope, and his pursuit of Lin Yu'er became even more obvious.    


Moreover, it seemed to have some effect. However, this person's character was extremely poor, and Lin Yu'er was neither cold nor hot to him.    


Due to his father Lin Tian, Lin Yu only used him as a tool to gain authority over many resources.    


The one to the left of Lin Yu'er was a woman who appeared to be only nine years old.    


But when Lin Hu saw her, he was also surprised. Her long hair reached her waist and her crescent eyes were wide open.    


Liu Hai covered his delicate eyebrows, and there was a hint of peace on his delicate face. With one glance, he could tell that she was from a small family of jade-like girls.    


"When Lin Rou saw her back then, she knew that her cultivation base was excellent. Now, at the age of nine, she can enter into a core disciple. Furthermore, her cultivation is actually the same as mine! I even gave her some pointers back then, but I don't know if she remembers me. "    


Lin Chu looked at him in a small voice and touched his chin.    


After which, he glanced at the person on the extreme right. This gaze caused Lin Hu's eyes to radiate an indistinct killing intent.    


This scarred man was left behind by someone else, and this was the face of the person who had tried his best to ambush him.    


He couldn't do anything about the fact that the person who'd attacked him was a martial spirit cultivator.    


This person was one of the people that Lin Hua had sent out back then. His cultivation did not seem to have improved, but he was still stuck at Stage Ten Martial Disciple. He should be around seventeen or eighteen years old.    


Lin Rou seemed to have noticed Lin Hua's gaze as she turned her head to look.    


He looked at Lin Hua with doubt in his eyes, but then his eyes gradually turned to joy, "Bro Hua, I've finally met you."    


Hearing this shout, Lin Hu faintly smiled.    


Just as he was about to greet them, he suddenly thought of such a scene.    


If he were to greet him, he would definitely be exposed by that scarred face, so he nodded his head in goodwill.    


Seeing Lin Hu nod to her, Lin Rou was incomparably happy. Just as she was about to run down, she was stopped by a hand.    


"Big Sister Yu'er, what are you doing!?" I want to go to Lin Zhaoge's place. "    


Lin Yu'er looked at Lin Hu with mixed emotions, then coldly said: "Don't go, you are no longer from the same world as him."    


Lin Rou was about to resist when Scarface spoke up, "Listen to your Senior Sister. When you came out, you promised us something."    


"Hmph, if it wasn't for those old fellows forcing me to train all day, I wouldn't have followed you out."    


Lin Rou pouted her lips as she looked at Lin Hua, Lin Yu and the rest.    


He then saw Lin Hu shake his head, and then he stopped and stood to the side with his arms crossed.    


After Lin Rou and Lin Hu looked at each other for a few seconds, Lin Rou revealed an excited expression, "Lin Hu, I feel that you've become very strong."    


Looking at Lin Rou's mouth, Lin Hu was surprised. He sized up a few young girls and his eyes were filled with disbelief.    


Everyone in the Martial Spirit Continent knew that only those who had a higher cultivation level would be able to see the hidden cultivation level of others.    


However, after hearing what Lin Rou said, Lin Hu had no choice but to re-evaluate this gentle woman in front of him.    


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