Rise Against Desperation



0Since ancient times, the body of a Spiritual Beast was innately stronger than the body of a human being. The body of a peak Rank 1 Spiritual Beast was naturally comparable to the body of Lin Yu, who was at the Extreme Realm.    


In addition to his physique, each swing carried a heavy force that pushed Lin Hua back several steps.    


Holding the potholed iron rod, Lin Hua began to move it as if he was practicing repeatedly that day. With one strike, the giant lizard spirit beast was sent flying backwards.    


Inspiration flooded his mind in an instant. Just like how a beam of light from between his eyebrows flew into a book, he had a new understanding of this pole technique.    


Lin Hua slowly brandished his iron rod. When the spirit beasts approached him, he did not feel much force nor did he use much martial Qi. He just let it happen.    


A blood-curdling screech resounded through the night sky as a large amount of blood splattered onto the ground. With a limp, the gigantic lizard spirit beast escaped.    


"I'll go!" Lin Hu, who was unable to comprehend the situation, was stunned. What was going on? He didn't even have the strength to react. What exactly happened up ahead, all he felt was a slow motion in his mind.    


Seeing the fleeing figures of the Spirit Beasts, Lin Hu did not pursue them. Instead, he returned to the treetops to respond to the previous scene. After pondering for a long time, he scratched his head. "Forget it, forget it!"    


Lin Hu, who had no idea what was going on, sat down and prepared to take a deep breath, "What now?!"    


The sound of the wind breaking again sounded out, and he thought that a spirit beast was attacking him. His spirit was immediately set free, and at this moment, he felt his heart tremble.    


To be able to avoid one's spirit beast, how powerful must one's cultivation be? However, he did not think of it as he was below. The sound of wind breaking came from far away.    


"At a distance of three hundred meters, curiosity had killed the cat, so Lin Hua decided not to go check it out." What a great 'Lin Wushuang', I never thought that she could actually erupt with such a cultivation, heavily injuring us all. "    


The familiar name of Lin Wushuang made Lin Hu shudder. He had a good impression of this person, he could not stand idly by the side and watch.    


He made up his mind to use Lin Hu's Dazhi Soft Steps. A graceful movement technique was floating on the treetops, and a vigorous figure was jumping up from the branches.    


After several dozen breaths of time, Lin Hu arrived at the source of the voice. However, when he arrived, he found that there was no longer any sound.    


As his soul spread out, Lin Hua arrived at this place and jumped down from the treetops.    


The three corpses were lying on the ground. They were all dressed in black and had lost all their vitality. They were all dead.    


"Hey!" The originally shriveled body of the man in black was gradually recalled the day when he killed the man in black with purple eyes. Lin Hu knew that after his death, these men in black would be reduced to pus and blood, leaving behind a grass doll.    


Filled with curiosity, Lin Hua immediately lifted up the cloaks of these people. However, the instant the cloaks were lifted, it seemed as though a restrictive spell had been triggered as the cloaked figure instantly turned into dust and vanished into the wind.    


This scene caused Lin Hu to furrow his brows, and he immediately left the area. Since he could not find Lin Wushuang, he glanced at the sky before looking at the direction where Lin Die was headed.    


After making up his mind, Lin Hu immediately turned back. Although Lin Wushuang could kill three people, she would definitely be injured and run away.    


After estimating his own strength, even if he was strong, he would not be able to go anywhere close to Lin Wushuang. Thus, he immediately turned around and left.    


Only by being able to predict his own strength would he be able to live for even longer. He didn't want to lose his life just like that.    


Looking at this direction, Lin Wushuang was definitely heading towards the front of the mountain, so Lin Hu also immediately turned back.    


Although the night was the time when the spirit beasts were the most concentrated in their activities, if one was a bit careful and didn't have to fight, then it would be able to avoid a lot of nonchalant battles.    


Plus, Lin Wushuang had a good impression of him, so Lin Hu decided to return. He might be able to run into him and help him out, and he would have to repay Lin Wushuang's kindness in asking for help.    


Thinking back to the time when he was kicked out, Lin Hua would surely have made a name for himself and killed him.    


Just thinking about this result made Lin Hu clench his fists. This old bastard was always targeting him, one day, he would definitely beat him up.    


On the way back, the darkness was indeed incomparable to daytime. It was either being chased by the pig-type spirit beasts or being ambushed by the snake-type spirit beasts.    


"Along the way, Forest Sprout was rolling and crawling. It could be said that he was using his escaping ability to the fullest extent." Here we go again! "    


Hanging on top of a big tree, a four meter big spider looked at him and made a big circle on the branch. It then broke the tree with a kick.    


"With the help of this explosive force, they immediately jumped dozens of meters away." Why do I have to travel in the middle of the night! "    


This was what Lin Hu had said to himself the most during their journey here. If it were any other Lin Clan disciple, he would not have cared about it.    


But if Lin Wushuang could be saved by him, then his feelings would not be too bad. He did not want to return to the Zong Residence in a few days to discover the news of Lin Wushuang's death.    


"After all, there are really few people in the Lin Clan Mansion who can overlook it." If I shall be able to run into you today, it will depend on your luck. "    


Before he knew it, four hours had passed, and day had gradually arrived. Lin Chu knew that after a night of running, he finally had some improvement. He no longer had to run for his life anymore.    


He looked at his tattered clothes which were even more tattered than before. He even dropped a large piece of cloth while running, so he took off his clothes and tied up the clothes on his upper body.    


If Lin Hua was a beggar before, then right now, he was an undisguised wild man.    


His left shoulder was bare, and his muscles were strong and powerful. He looked like a warrior that had just walked out of the wilderness.    


With his disheveled hair, he seemed to be filled with a wild nature. If there was a little girl today who saw Lin Hua's appearance, she would definitely be scared to the point of crying.    


That was because it was truly too frightening. It was no different from a wild beast.    


Dawn arrived and the sun rose. Lin Hua didn't want to waste this perfect opportunity. He wiped away the sweat from his forehead and sat up.    


Looking at the direction of the sunrise, Lin Hua felt the warmth. He began to use the rising sun as it filled his clothes with a sour smell. Lin Zhu seemed to be accustomed to smelling it, and didn't seem to care about it at all.    


He was wholeheartedly focusing on the cultivation of this mental cultivation method. After a long while, Lin Hu stood up, "Now, my mental cultivation method can be considered to have reached Half-step."    


If this news were to spread, it would definitely stun the Lin Clan disciples. They would only be able to cultivate the Rising Sun Ascension Method twice before reaching Half-step Small Success.    


This perception had already completely left them behind. Lin Hu had never been compared to these people before, so naturally, he was not complacent. In fact, he even felt that it was a little slow.    


He had seen purple pupils before, and only then did he know that there was always someone above others. Who would dare say that their perception was the best on the path of cultivation?    


As he circulated his martial energy, he punched the tree, which was charred black and filled with thick smoke. Lin Hua knew that this attack was much stronger than before.    


Half a step into the Small Success Stage would be enough. Spirit Beast Mountain had a plentiful amount of Qi. The weeds would only need one night to replace the earlier weeds, so it would be difficult to locate them.    


Looking around, the concentration of martial qi in the air had decreased significantly. It was obvious that they were about to reach the front mountain.    


However, he had not seen any trace of Lin Wushuang yet. Lin Hu was somewhat puzzled, "This guy, could it be that he went down the mountain first?"    



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