Perfect Tenant

C536 Cold Air in the Car

C536 Cold Air in the Car

0I was like a ball of fire inside me, and I was hot myself.    


Hearing Lyi Zimo's suggestion, I indeed did not go to Lijiang to take a look.    


After all, there were many things that happened in Lijiang. What is fresh in my memory is Chen Yiyao's ex-husband, who died in Lijiang.    


"Okay!" I said.    


The car immediately turned right at the intersection in front of them and drove straight towards Lijiang.    


Lyi Zimo seemed to be unable to endure the heat and opened the window. She actually turned on the cold air in the car.    


Even so, the two of us are still very hot.    


My gaze keeps revolving around Lyi Zimo and my reaction is so intense that it seems like it is going to explode.    


Lyi Zimo occasionally looks at me with a very strange look and sometimes even licks her red lips.    


"Zhong Hao, is the car's air conditioner broken?" Lyi Zimo asked.    


"It's not broken."    


"But why am I still so hot?" Lyi Zimo said.    


"I am also very hot."    


"Then let's take off our clothes." After saying that, Lyi Zimo parked the car by the side of the road. She actually took off her clothes just like that and began to unbutton her buttons one by one.    


"What are you doing?" I was a little nervous.    


"It's hot. Take off your clothes. Aren't you hot?" Lyi Zimo asked back.    


I don't want to talk anymore.    


Just like that, Lyi Zimo took off her shirt. Her snow white smooth skin, beautiful collarbone, slender waist, two round balls wrapped in purple bra, and she even wore a beautiful pendant. The pendant was even hooked. It was absolutely tempting, causing me to involuntarily swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


Lyi Zimo's gaze turned towards me, her eyes burning with passion.    


My heart began to beat wildly.    


My pants were already high up, and there was no way to cover it anymore.    


Lyi Zimo's gaze naturally landed on my pants. She was stunned for a moment and her pretty face became even redder.    


I was extremely embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry."    


Who would have thought that Lyi Zimo would burst out laughing and ask, "Do I look that good?"    


I seemed to be fascinated as I stared at Lyi Zimo's moving face and sexy body. I subconsciously nodded.    


"I am really very hot." Lyi Zimo licked her red lips and looked at me and said.    


"Me too." I replied.    


Just as I finished speaking, Lyi Zimo suddenly hit me and used her bright red lips to kiss my mouth.    


My entire body shook. In an instant, it was as if an electric current hit my entire body and my brain was unable to think.    


The reaction of my body seemed to want to burst my pants. It was as uncomfortable as it felt.    


Under this kind of situation, Lyi Zimo and I passionately kissed each other, igniting the flames in my body.    


One of her hands started to move around my body. It passed through my chest and kept going down. When it reached my pants, she grabbed it through my pants.    


My body trembled.    


"Do you want it?" She stopped kissing and asked, staring at me with excitement.    


I don't know what happened tonight. It was as if I was possessed. I just wanted to swallow Lyi Zimo and her skin.    


I subconsciously nodded.    


Lyi Zimo smiled charmingly. Her eyes were full of love. She said in a low voice, "Me too."    


She started kissing me again and even grabbed my hand to let me comfort her body.    


I couldn't take it anymore. I began to move my hand around her body like her, cutting through every inch of smooth skin, and onto her back. I directly untied the hook on the back of her bra.    


Even if it was only one hand, This kind of thing could still be easily dealt with.    


When the bra was removed, it naturally fell off. Two round and full balls immediately jumped out, like two cute jade rabbits.    


The red cherry that embellishes it is bright red and glistening, making me involuntarily bite it.    


Lyi Zimo immediately let out a gasp of "En.    


"Change your position. It is easy to be discovered here." Lyi Zimo bit her red lips and said softly.    


At this time, I was completely devoured by desire and did not have the ability to think at all.    


Following her words, we moved from the driver's seat and the front passenger seat to the back seat.    


I pulled her pants and she began to take off my clothes.    


In a few seconds. The two of them were completely naked.    


The cold air in the carriage was at its maximum, but the two bodies were still burning hot.    


I pressed her down on the back seat. The strong reaction was clearly that I could feel the cold and smooth abdomen sticking together. It was extremely stimulating.    


Lyi Zimo wrapped her arms around my back and kissed every inch of my skin.    



I used my hands to respond to her passion and let those two plump bodies change shape in my hands.    


The two's four legs overlapped and Lyi Zimo could not help but twist her body.    


I can feel that the place is wet and slippery.    


She kept making sounds of ecstasy and one of her hands slid down and grabbed my reaction action again.    


I feel a huge stimulation and can't help but moan.    


Inadvertently raising my head, all I could see was the passing traffic along the road as well as the pedestrians passing by on the side of the road.    


Thinking that Lyi Zimo and I were actually enjoying ourselves so much in the car by the road with only the window blocking us, I felt unusually excited and excited.    


We comforted each other for ten minutes.    


Her chest had two sharp lumps and two cherries were extremely red.    


I told her I wanted to go in.    


Lyi Zimo opened her legs and said with a red face, "Zhong Hao, come on. I... I won't let you take responsibility."    


We had a relationship before, but that time it was because I drank too much.    


This time I really do not know what is wrong with me. In front of me, Lyi Zimo seems to have endless magic, tempting me to walk the path of crime.    


His two legs are long snow white, fragrant grass, so beautiful that it makes one suffocate.    


Her gaze also stares at my reaction, her eyes revealing a look of desire.    


I said, "Then... I'm going to start."    


"Okay." Lyi Zimo bit her red lips and nodded.    


After that, I went straight in. When the two of them combined, their bodies trembled at the same time.    


I started to hit her head against the window with all my strength. The sound of her breathing gradually increased.    


The two lumps of plump breasts swayed along with our movements, and the waves surged.    


My hands were not idle either. I grabbed one of the lumps and kneaded it into various shapes.    


After a while, we were both drenched in sweat.    


Outside the window where the lights and shadows overlapped, there is only a very dim light in the carriage, causing Lyi Zimo's body that is drenched in sweat to emit an incomparably alluring lustre. There is an indescribable temptation.    


And in the process of stopping Lyi Zimo and me from getting intimate in the car, a black Audi stopped by the side of the road that was fifty meters away from us.    


The person in the car was Lyi's father Lyi's mother.    


Lyi's mother let out a long sigh. "We finally caught up. Why are they here?"    


"I don't know." Lyi Zhong shook his head.    


Lyi's mother looked at him for a long time and was even more confused. "Why aren't they leaving?"    


Lyi's father said, "Is the car broken?"    


Lyi's mother said, "I'll go down and take a look."    


Lyi's father quickly held her hand. "You will expose your target."    


"It's okay. I will be careful." Lyi's mother smiled and opened the car door.    


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