Perfect Tenant

C400 Jiang Hao

C400 Jiang Hao

0It was already afternoon when they arrived at Jiang Hou's village.    


They didn't expect the place to be demolished.    


On the walls of every house, there was a large red word "tear" written on it.    


Some houses had already been demolished, and it was a complete mess.    


I searched for half a day according to the address and finally found Jiang Hou's house.    


Jiang Hou's house was at the east end of the village. There was a small building and two tile houses. There was also a cement yard.    


The gate of the yard was closed, but it was not locked from the outside.    


I stopped the car and went up to knock on the door. No one responded.    


"Excuse me, is Jiang Hou here?" I shouted.    


After a while, someone finally came out. It was a woman in her fifties. Her hair was graying and her face had many wrinkles.    


She looked at me through the door of the yard and asked, "May I ask who you are? How do you know Hao Hao?"    


"I am Jiang Hou's friend. I came from outside of the city and came to Dragon City to play. I wanted to see him. May I ask if Jiang Hou's phone number is XXXX? " I asked with a smile.    


"Yes? Can't you get through?"    


"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but no one answered. May I ask if you are him? "    


The reason I gave Jiang Hou's phone number was to gain his trust.    


"I'm his mother. He went to work and won't be back until around six in the evening. Young man, come in and have a seat." Mother Jiang warmly opened the door to the yard and invited me in.    


I was happy that Jiang Hou didn't go to other places, which meant there was something wrong with his car.    


After I followed her mother into the house, she poured me a cup of tea and talked about where I came from and what kind of friend Jiang Hou had.    


"I came from A City in Nanjiang Province. I used to work in Dragon City and met Jiang Hou. Later, I went back to my hometown. The reason I came to Dragon City this time was to see Jiang Hou." I replied with a smile.    


That's great. Stay for dinner tonight. Hao Hao will be very happy to see you. " Mother Jiang said.    


I didn't refuse. I just felt a little guilty towards the simple village woman.    


Then, I tried to ask about the car.    


"Car? The car isn't his. It only came back twice. He said he borrowed a friend's car and drove it back." Mother Jiang explained.    


I was stunned. Mrs. Jiang probably wouldn't lie. It was very likely that Jiang Hou hid it from his mother when he bought the car.    


Since she didn't know, I didn't ask any more questions. I changed the topic and asked about Jiang Hou's recent situation.    


Mother Jiang answered truthfully. Jiang Hou hadn't done anything special recently. He lived a normal life at three o'clock sharp.    


I also heard from Mother Jiang that although he was over 30 years old, he didn't even talk about a partner, which made Father and Mother Jiang very anxious.    


After chatting for more than two hours, the sky gradually turned dark. Finally, Jiang Hou came back.    


Jiang Hou rode his motorcycle all the way to the door of the yard before stopping.    


When he pushed the bike into the house, Mother Jiang said with a smile, "Hao Hao, who are you looking for?"    


Jiang Hou had already seen me. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who is he?"    


"Don't you know him?" Mother Jiang asked in surprise.    


"Jiang Hou, you may not know me, but I know you. Why did you ruin your new car?" I stood up and smiled at him.    


Unexpectedly, after listening to me, Jiang Hou pushed his motorcycle away and turned to run out of the door.    


His actions were completely unexpected.    


"Don't run!" I shouted coldly and jumped over the motorcycle that fell to the ground, chasing after it at high speed.    


"Hey, what are you guys doing? If you have something to say, say it!" Mother Jiang shouted anxiously from behind.    


When I rushed out of the door, Jiang Hou had already run to the door.    


I bent down and picked up a stone and shot it out.    


A stone was easier to grasp than a throwing knife, so the stone I shot out was like a bullet. With a whoosh, it shot over and hit his left calf.    


Jiang Hou screamed and fell to the ground.    


By the time he got up, I had already rushed up and grabbed his collar.    


"Why are you running?" I asked coldly.    


He clenched his fist and attacked me. I grabbed him and hit him hard in his lower abdomen.    


Jiang Hou's face was pale, and his eyes bulged. He held his stomach and squatted on the ground.    


"Ah!" A scream sounded at the door. It turned out that Mother Jiang had followed him out.    


"You... Why did you hit my son? I... I'm going to hug him tightly!" Mother Jiang's face was full of doubt and anxiety as she spoke and took out her phone.    


I pulled Jiang Hou up from the ground and said, "What did your son do? Let him explain it to you. If you want to call the police, see who is the one who is the unlucky one."    


"Mom... No, don't call the police!" Jiang Hou said, enduring the pain.    


Mother Jiang was frightened. She walked up to him and asked, "Hao Hao, what's going on? Tell me clearly... Mr. Zhong, please show mercy. Can't you say anything? He... Did he do something illegal? Tell me, I really want to know what he did well."    


"Mother Jiang's frightened and uneasy expression makes me feel a little uncomfortable.    



In the end, I let go and said coldly, "Jiang Hou, tell me what happened to that car."    


"You... Who are you? Why should I tell you?" Jiang Hou finally recovered and stared at me nervously.    


"Don't care who I am. If you don't tell me honestly, I will send you to the police station!"    


Jiang Hou's expression changed. He sighed and said helplessly, "Yang, don't send me to the police station. I will tell you everything."    


"That Toyota car is... sent by an unknown passerby."    


"From a passerby I don't know? Why did he send you a car?" Hearing this, I immediately frowned.    


Things don't seem as simple as I thought.    


"Because when he gave me the car, there were traces of blood on the car. "I don't know if that guy was in a car accident and was injured. He asked me to take him to a small clinic, but he refused to go to the hospital. As a reward, he gave me the car. " We finished the transfer procedure very quickly. "I was a little anxious. I was afraid that the police would come and find me. In the end, I decided to take the car back to the scrapping factory and do the scrapping process."    


My heart sank. From his tone, it seemed that the mysterious person near the hospital was not him.    


"When did he give you his car?" I questioned him.    


"About... two months." Jiang Hou did not dare to look at his mother.    


Mother Jiang was confused. She could only watch from the side.    


"Did you not stay at the entrance of the People's Hospital of Dragon City every day two months ago?"    


"What am I going to do there? " I don't have time to go to work every day. How could I go to the hospital for no reason? " Jiang Hou quickly explained.    


Are you sure?"    


"I've never been to a hospital," the man said.    


"Who can prove it to you?"    


"My colleagues and leaders in the factory can prove it. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."    


Seeing that Jiang Hou did not seem to be lying, I fell into silence.    


Since it was not Jiang Hou, then the original owner must be the target I am looking for.    


"Do you know the name of the person who gave you the car? Where is he now?" I asked.    


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