Perfect Tenant

C300 The Family Members Who Caused Trouble

C300 The Family Members Who Caused Trouble

0"Don't blame yourself. This has nothing to do with you. It's all the fault of the Jiuge!" Captain Zhuo said angrily, "To deal with you alone, they didn't hesitate to kill all the passengers on the plane. This is no different from a terrorist organization. The higher-ups in the capital are taking this matter very seriously. A few days ago, A few days ago, a few leaders from the capital and a senior member of the Interpol team came to investigate this matter. People were doing it. "The heavens are watching. The Jiuge will not have a good ending!"    


When mentioning the Jiuge, a wave of grievance, hatred, and a monstrous flame was buried in my heart.    


I swear to the heavens that I will make the Jiuge pay the price they deserve!    


Now that the enemy is in the dark, I am also in the dark.    


After I recover, I will definitely find their lair and take revenge on them.    


And the real mastermind!    


I don't want to be so muddleheaded anymore. I want to find out the truth and control my own fate.    


Captain Zhuo then called Hee Qingxue over and asked her to stab my handbag.    


No matter how painful my hand was, it couldn't compare to the pain and hatred in my heart.    


Seeing the skin on the back of my hand split open, Hee Qingxue revealed a very concerned expression. "What's wrong with you? How can your hand be injured like this? I will immediately wash and bandage your wound. Come with me!"    


I lied and said that I accidentally fell and my hands were on the ground.    


Hee Qingxue asked me to be careful in the future and very gently and delicately treat my wounds.    


Of course, I know that this is Hee Qingxue's usual kind character and attitude towards the patient. It does not mean that she has any thoughts about me.    


Because she told me that she chose this profession because she liked nurses. The angel in white who could help and treat patients made her feel a sense of responsibility and happiness.    


Moreover, she had helped some old people to go to the toilet.    


From this point of view, I am not the first person to have intimate contact with her.    


However, I reckon that I am the youngest patient who helped her to go to the toilet.    


Moreover, the police have given her an explanation.    


In addition, Hee Qingxue sympathizes with me when I was killed. It is very normal for her to care so much about me.    


Captain Zhuo went back the next day.    


After that day, I started training.    


Every day, I would take a few hours to practice Killers in the garden behind the hospital.    


Even though I could only train in a wheelchair, I didn't slack off at all.    


My training was obviously effective.    


In the following month, my recovery speed has increased.    


However, during the middle of the month, something unexpected happened.    


At that time, I had just finished training and was so tired that I was sweating profusely.    


When I pushed the wheelchair back to the ward, in the corridor, I heard a commotion in the ward next to mine.    


It seemed like a man was arguing with Hee Qingxue.    


I frowned and pushed the wheelchair forward quickly.    


When I came to the door of the ward, the sounds inside became clearer.    


"Don't think that you're amazing just because you're a nurse! My dad paid to stay in the hospital. Why are you so considerate to the patient next door and not ask my dad at all? "Today, he fell to the ground. It's your responsibility. Why are you still trying to argue with me?! Your hospital must be responsible for compensation! "    


"I'm sorry, sir. Please don't be unreasonable. "I did do something wrong. However, I reminded Sir System to press the bell if anything happened. He wanted to get up on his own, but in the end, he fell down. "On the other hand, you sons and daughters of mine, your father is in the hospital and none of you are by his side. You are really good at slandering people when something happens to you!"    


"Stinking brat, if you have the ability, say it again. I don't want to talk to a woman like you. Teach your director or hospital director to come over. I want to complain to you!"    


"Hehe, just file a complaint. You're not afraid of being biased!"    


"Little girl, you've trained yourself to be a glib talker. It's a pity that you don't work as a glib talker and come to the hospital to be a nurse!" Another sharp and mean female voice sounded, "My dad fell like this, and you even pushed the blame onto us! You don't even have the right to talk to us like this now, understand? You must apologize to us and call your director over!"    


"After hearing the conversation in the ward, I roughly understand what happened.    


Clearly, an old patient fell, but his family blamed it on Hee Qingxue and the hospital.    


Immediately after, there was a commotion in the ward.    


The man suddenly said, "F * ck you! If you continue to argue, I will beat you up!"    


Hearing the man's sudden roar, I could no longer remain calm.    


After all, Hee Qingxue has taken care of me a lot during the past month. I have even treated her as a friend.    


When a friend is wronged, the other party still wants to make a move. How can I just stand by and do nothing?    


Sitting in the wheelchair, I kick open the door of the ward.    


Although this will affect the recovery of my leg, I can feel the pain caused by excessive force. But at this moment, I couldn't care less.    




The moment the sound of the door being kicked rang out, the ward instantly quieted down.    


Then, I saw a total of four people in the ward.    


An old man was lying on the hospital bed. He looked a little haggard.    


A man and a woman were standing beside the bed.    


The man had a buzz cut and a fierce face. There was a large gold chain around his neck. There was a dragon and a tiger tattoo on his arm. It was obvious that he was not a good person.    



Next to him was a woman with a sharp chin that could poke a person to death. She looked quite young, but when she looked at her face and facial features, it was obvious that she had a red face.    


The thick layer of pink on her face could probably be removed with a light pat.    


Opposite her was Hee Qingxue who was dressed in white.    


When Hee Qingxue faced these two men and women who revealed their fierce looks, her aura was clearly weaker.    


However, her beautiful eyes flickered with a stubborn light and her gaze was very firm.    


When I pushed open the door, a trace of surprise appeared on her face.    


I probably didn't think that I would come in at this time, and use the situation of kicking the door.    


I pushed the wheelchair into the ward and said indifferently, "A man who is unreasonable wants to hit a little woman when he is in the wrong, isn't that a little unreasonable? This isn't a man's behavior. "    


"F * ck you! I know you. You are the patient next door! Do you want to meddle in other people's business? You don't have anything to do here. You'd better get as far away as you can. Otherwise, I'll beat you up! " The man said viciously. His words were really unpleasant to hear.    


I snorted coldly and my face darkened. "If you want to beat me up, try it if you have the ability!"    


"Do you really think I don't dare?! With your body covered in injuries, I'm afraid that I'll punch you out of here and out the door!"    


"I usually see that this sick uncle is quite honest. Why would he give birth to a son of a scumbag like you?" I said coldly.    


"Who are you calling a scumbag?" The man's eyes were as red as copper bells.    


"Ask if you know the answer." I rolled my eyes and said indifferently.    


"F * ck you guys! Stinking brat is courting death!" The man took two steps forward and arrived in front of me. Immediately after, he threw a punch towards my face.    


At the same time, Hee Qingxue let out a cry of surprise.    


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