Perfect Tenant

C312 Black Shadow

C312 Black Shadow

0I put down my cup, took a deep breath, and said slowly: Because the police suspected that the plane crash was caused by the Jiuge, they were worried that the Jiuge would know where I was and continue to carry out the assassination. For the sake of my safety, they hid the truth. But the police are right. I didn't encounter any danger during the three months I was recuperating in S City. "    


"Since you can guarantee your safety in S City, why did you come back? Wouldn't it be very easy to be discovered by the Jiuge?" Coach Huang frowned and asked.    


I smiled and said," After staying in S City for a long time, I don't have any friends or relatives. So I wanted to come back and take a look. Don't worry, they thought that I was dead and wouldn't investigate my whereabouts. So they didn't know that I had returned to A City. "    


Even with such an explanation, Coach Huang still could not let go of it.    


Coach Huang said, "Just in case. I think you should leave A City tomorrow. When the police catch all the people from Jiuge, you can come back later. Or you can look for the police and seek protection from them."    


I smiled and took out my fake identity card. I placed it in front of Coach Huang and said, "Coach Huang, don't worry. Zhong Hao is not in this world for the time being. My name is Zhong Lin now. Look at me now. If I did not specially come to look for you but accidentally walked in front of you, would you recognize me?"    


Coach Huang heard what I said and stared at me for a long time. Finally, she shook her head and her expression gradually relaxed.    


"So you do not need to worry about me. I will take care of myself." I smiled and said, "Of course, I will also listen to Coach Huang's opinion. You have taught me all my skills. If it wasn't for you and Old Huang's nurturing, I would have died a long time ago. I came today to specially thank you all. In two days, I'll leave A City. "    


You are welcome. I have never treated you as my disciple, but as a friend. " Coach Huang said seriously.    


I was stunned for a moment and was a little touched. I said thank you seriously.    


When I left the hotpot restaurant, I was so drunk that I could not tell the north, south, and west.    


My head was spinning. I couldn't walk on my own at all.    


I vaguely remembered that Coach Huang helped me to the side of the road and then called a taxi to take me home.    


Coach Huang and Elder Huang had a lot of alcohol tolerance and each of them drank more than a kilogram and still acted as if nothing had happened.    


I don't know how I got home. When I got home, I laid on the bed and fell asleep.    


At this time, Coach Huang sent Xiaomei home who was already drunk to the point of unconsciousness.    


He and Elder Huang parted at the side of the road and asked, "Can you go back alone?"    


"It's just a bit of wine. Don't worry. You just need to send Xiaomei back. I will slowly walk back and treat it as a walk."    


"Okay. Then be careful."    


Coach Huang hailed a taxi and helped Xiaomei into the back seat. She sat by the side.    


Then, he took out his phone and made a phone call with a serious expression.    


The phone was just picked up and Xiaomei, who was as drunk as mud, could not help but fall on his body. Then, she slowly slid onto his legs and fell asleep.    


Coach Huang was helpless and gave a bitter smile. She did not have the heart to help Xiaomei up.    


After the call was over, he saw that Xiaomei was still in a deep sleep and even drooled as she laid on his pants.    


Coach Huang did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"No wonder you can't get married. Your sleeping posture is so unrefined." Coach Huang muttered to herself.    


Xiaomei was 25 years old this year. Although she was not very pretty, she was generally a pretty and cute girl.    


Furthermore, her family background was also very good. Her parents all worked at the bank.    


She heard that her family had found a lot of partners for her in the past two years and was rejected by her.    


Huang Chao could not figure it out either. With her condition, it would not be a problem for her to find a job with a high salary.    


However, Xiaomei liked to be the reception desk of the arts academy.    


She did this for two years.    


She looked at her hair hanging down on Xiaomei's forehead.    


Her face was resting on her legs. Her small face was squeezed into baby fat. Her small mouth kept blowing air. Saliva flowed out from the corner of her mouth. She looked very cute.    


Coach Huang could not help but laugh.    


Of course, he did not have any thoughts about Xiaomei.    


After all, he was already middle-aged and could not create any sparks between him and the young girl.    


Xiaomei did not live with her parents but rented a house outside.    


When Huang Chao found the key in her bag and opened her door, it was already 11: 30 p.m.    


He helped Xiaomei back to her room.    


Xiaomei's room was pink. There were pink curtains, pink wall cloth, pink pillows, and pink blankets.    


There were many cute dolls on the bed.    


The entire room exuded the aura of a young girl.    


Coach Huang placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly felt her hand being held.    


He was stunned for a moment, then he heard Xiaomei close her eyes and blurrily shout, "Don't go, don't go..."    


"Xiaomei, you are already home. Have a good sleep and you will be fine tomorrow." Huang Chao said to her.    


Xiaomei opened her eyes and looked at Coach Huang with a dazed look. Then she used both hands to hold his hands and said, "I... I do not allow you to leave... Coach Huang. I... I love you..."    


Coach Huang was startled and a little dumbfounded. She immediately said, "You drank too much."    


"I have liked you for a long time. I have always... never dared to tell you." Xiaomei said in a daze, "You can leave if you want to. Kiss... kiss me."    


Huang Chao frowned and a pretty figure appeared in his mind.    


He shook his head hard and threw away the memories in his mind.    



"Don't be like this, Xiaomei. You've drunk too much. Don't think about anything. You'll be fine after sleeping. I'll just pretend that you didn't say anything tonight." Huang Chao broke free from Xiaomei's hand and turned to leave.    


"Coach Huang, Coach Huang..." Xiaomei weakly shouted. She could not get up for a long time and finally could not hold it anymore. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.    


Huang Chao did not leave and hid outside the door.    


Only when he confirmed that Xiaomei was asleep did he let out a sigh of relief and quickly left.    


When he went downstairs, he was still thinking about what Xiaomei had said when she was drunk.    


She was only in her twenties. How could a young girl like me?    


She must have drunk too much!    


Of course, even if Xiaomei really liked him, she would not cause any trouble for Huang Chao. At most, she would just reject him directly.    


As soon as he walked out of the corridor, he stopped in his tracks.    


In the dark night, the street lamps in the neighborhood were lit up. The surroundings were quiet as a gust of wind blew.    


"Who is it? Come out!"    


Huang Chao's eyes became especially sharp. He looked into the dark and said coldly.    


There was still no movement in the surroundings. It was as if he was talking in the air.    


"Don't hide. I have found you." Coach Huang said again, "Don't force me to do it!"    


A figure in black slowly walked out of the darkness. He smiled and said, "Huang Chao, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to be so observant. It seems your skills haven't decreased at all."    


"It's you!" Seeing the other party, Huang Chao's expression changed abruptly.    


Even though the sky had fallen, his expression did not change. His entire body could not help but tremble. His mouth was wide open like a statue.    


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