Perfect Tenant

C351 Intimacy

C351 Intimacy

0After a boring horror film, they're gone, too. I want to wake Red Pepper up.    


But after shaking for a long time, I only heard Red Pepper snorting. She still closed her eyes and refused to wake up.    


Looking at the movie theater that had already dispersed, the cleaning auntie who was cleaning up the scene and the words that kept rolling on the big screen, a bold idea suddenly popped up in my heart.    


Instead of waiting for the operation tomorrow, why not take advantage of Red Pepper's deep sleep and send her directly to the police station?    


This way, not only does one not need to worry about the leak, but also capture Red Pepper in the safest way.    


Although Red Pepper was indeed very beautiful and knew how to sing and did many good deeds, as a member of the Jiuge, she could not get away with her crimes.    


I took a deep breath and then carried Red Pepper by the waist.    


Her waist is very soft, her two long black snow-white legs are smooth and smooth, emitting an alluring lustre.    


Her eyes were closed and her long eyelashes were lowered. Because I called her just now, her eyebrows were still tightly knitted.    


I carried her into the car and then sent a message to Coach Huang, "Red Pepper is already drunk, can you send her to the police station?"    


After a few seconds, Coach Huang replied, "Drunk? Are you sure you won't encounter any resistance halfway? I'll inform Xu Chui and ask him to send someone to support you."    


There's no need. There's no problem. Don't worry. I'll bring it back right away. "    


After sending the message, I drove straight to the police station.    


While I was driving, I checked Red Pepper's movements through the rearview mirror from time to time.    


Chili Pepper, who was lying in the back seat, was sleeping soundly. There was no reaction.    


Other than feeling a little happy in my heart, I just sighed.    


After all, I used to think that the Jiuge Organization was very terrifying. All the assassins were abnormally strong. I never thought that I would be able to capture Red Pepper without any bloodshed today.    


Perhaps this was what the common saying was, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, winning a hundred battles in a hundred battles.    


However, my joy did not last for long. I suddenly heard Red Pepper's voice. " Where is this, take me home...    


Through the rearview mirror, one could see that Red Pepper seemed to have just woken up and looked sleepy. Her hair was placed on her forehead and looked a little messy.    


But it gave me a fright.    


"I saw that you were asleep and I didn't wake you up for a long time. I don't know where your house is, so I wanted to send you to my place to stay for a night." I hurriedly explained.    


"At No. 36 Xijing Road, send me back..." Red Pepper covered her head and said in a somewhat uncomfortable manner.    


"Okay, then I will send you back."    


I sigh. Originally I wanted to capture Red Pepper without any bloodshed. Looks like I can only wait until tomorrow.    


While I was driving, Red Pepper fell asleep again.    


This time, I did not dare to turn around. It would be bad if Red Pepper found any clues.    


I returned to the old house in the deep alley.    


I woke her up.    


She looked around before getting out of the car.    


Before watching the movie, she was still fine, but now she couldn't even walk properly. It was probably because of the alcohol.    


I can only support her and wait for her to open the door to accompany her in.    


I came in in the middle of the night, and now that I'm at her house so easily, I feel different.    


When I arrived in the hall, I saw black and white photos hanging on the wall.    


I turned on the lights. They became even clearer. Compared to Red Pepper, both of their noses and eyes were very similar.    


Red Pepper did not notice my gaze. She was supported by me and leaned against my shoulder with her head drooping. She then walked upstairs.    


When I went upstairs, Red Pepper swayed a few times and suddenly pulled me down.    


I was shocked and was caught off guard. I hugged her tightly and rolled down the stairs.    


Fortunately, I only went up a few steps and did not fall down.    


It's just that I was lying on the ground, and she just happened to be on top of me, the same kind of mouth to mouth.    


I could immediately feel her plump and soft body and the fragrance of a woman's body.    


Her sparkling and smooth lips are full and tender, and they even carry a moist temperature.    


Red Pepper stared at me with her eyes wide open. I also looked at her with my mouth agape.    


Naturally, the two of them could not see each other clearly when they came into contact with each other. It was just that the two of them were pressed against each other and the two of them were pressed against each other. The alluring temptation they brought along greatly stimulated me. What's more, the two of us were forced to kiss, so I could not help but have a reaction.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Red Pepper opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.    


I was stunned in my heart. Holy shit, it can't be so proactive, right?!    




In the end, I immediately felt that something wasn't right.    


Her face turned red. She immediately vomited and I caught her with my mouth.    


The prickling sensation instantly dropped to the freezing point. I suddenly pushed her away. I threw up on the floor.    


Not only her, but also my own.    



Then I got up and ran into the bathroom. I turned on the light and rinsed my mouth several times. I finally felt better.    


When I returned to the living room, Red Pepper fell asleep again.    


And she was still sleeping on the floor. I vomited beside her.    


I smiled bitterly. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I was beaten to death if she told me that the girl lying on the ground was an assassin from the Jiuge.    


However, she actually spat it out just now. This was probably an unforgettable experience in my life.    


I took a tissue to clean up Red Pepper before carrying her upstairs.    


Finally, I helped her back to the bed. Looking at Red Pepper's beautiful face, I can't help but ask in my heart, Red Pepper, Red Pepper, what kind of person are you?    


Unexpectedly at this moment, Red Pepper shouted, "You... You will die a horrible death..."    


I was shocked in my heart. When I took a closer look, her eyes were still closed as if she was talking in her sleep.    


Then, she muttered something in her mouth. Unable to hear what she was saying, she blinked twice and continued to sleep.    


I was puzzled. Who did she mean when she said that she was going to die a horrible death?    


But I can't care so much about Red Pepper's matter. I just wait for tomorrow's operation to carry out the arrest.    


I left Red Pepper's house and drove the car to the original spot where I was monitoring and watched again.    


I also sent a message to Coach Huang to tell him what happened.    


Coach Huang comforted her that it was okay and waited for tomorrow's operation to be completed in one fell swoop.    


Du Wei arrived at around eight in the morning. He asked me to rest in the car. He also brought me Soup Dumplings and soybean milk and deep-fried dough sticks.    


I told him what happened last night as I ate.    


Du Wei said in surprise, "You actually went into her house?"    


"Twice. Once, you sneaked in. The other time, you helped her in. Originally, he wanted to send her to the police station, but she woke up halfway. " I had no choice but to let her go. " I explained. As for Red Pepper throwing up on me and watching the movie, I skipped it.    


Du Wei nodded. "Captain Mo told us that Commander Zero will arrive at C City Airport at 8: 30 tonight. We have sealed and disguised the airport. All departments are ready. A few of my colleagues will come to help us later. As soon as Red Pepper goes out, arrest her immediately. If she resists, we can kill her and deal with her. "    


I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat when I heard that.    


I only thought that Red Pepper was captured and I didn't think that she would be shot.    


I don't know why, but during these two days of interaction and monitoring, I discovered Red Pepper's unknown side and actually gradually changed my view of her.    


"You seem to be very surprised?" Du Wei looked at me and asked.    


I said no, but I didn't expect it.    


Du Wei said seriously, "Brother Zhong, perhaps the Red Pepper you saw is a kind and helpful girl, but don't forget that she is an assassin of Jiuge, and her danger level is S grade. If she resists, killing her is the safest way."    


I nodded and said I know.    


Sure enough, after half an hour, four more policemen came to cooperate with us.    


As for Coach Huang and Ms Dao, they needed to cooperate with the international police to capture Chief Zero at the airport.    


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