Perfect Tenant

C3 Injured

C3 Injured

0"Yo, pretty girl, I didn't expect you to be a teacher, Is this brat your friend?" The leader of the group, a man with a buzz cut and a fierce face, grinned hideously and spoke with a smell of alcohol.    


It was obvious that these thugs had drunk too much.    


Another tall man cursed, "Stinking brat, this is none of your business. If you know what's good for you, scram!"    


"I've already called the police. The police will be here soon!" Although I was scared to death, I still acted tough and said calmly and angrily.    


Hearing my words, the four men revealed angry expressions at the same time.    


"F * ck you, you're courting death!" The man with the inch-sized hair shouted angrily and the four gangsters all rushed towards me.    


I was shocked and without thinking, I threw the stone in my hand like a fairy scattering flowers.    


For a moment, the light from the flashlight was in a mess. At the same time, it was accompanied by the screams of the crowd and the movement of their hands to block in front of them.    


I took advantage of the chaos and kicked the man at the very front. He staggered and knocked down another person.    


I broke out of the circle and actually made me successfully rush to Chen Yiyao's side. Without saying anything, I pulled her and ran towards the alley.    


Chen Yiyao was frightened and forgot to cover her snow-white breasts. She was pulled by me and could not help but desperately run.    


That snow white full body swayed and swayed in the night sky and was especially eye-catching.    


But at this moment, how could I pay attention to these things? I just wanted to escape and ascend to the heavens.    


During the process of escaping, I felt a few sharp pain behind my back, almost falling to the ground due to not being able to support myself.    


Luckily Chen Yiyao supported me and did not let me fall to the ground. Otherwise, the two of us would really be dead.    


In the end, relying on the desire to survive, we successfully escaped from the alley.    


We got into the car at the first possible moment. I felt a burning pain on my back, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.    


I quickly started the car. Through the rearview mirror, I saw a few gangsters chasing after me.    


It was not until ten minutes later that I could no longer see any gangsters that I dared to stop the car.    


Only then did I realize that we had already arrived at the development area.    


The development area was sparsely populated and the roads were wide, but there were very few cars passing through.    


I panted heavily and endured the pain from my back as I asked, "Are you alright?"    


Chen Yiyao's face was pale and only then did she come back to her senses. She subconsciously shook her head.    


One of her hands tightly grabbed onto the seatbelt that was fastened onto her and used only one hand to cover her snow-white breasts.    


Her breasts looked even bigger than when I was monitoring them. One hand could not cover them at all and revealed a lot of luscious light from both sides.    


When my gaze concentrated on her chest, I could not help but be dumbfounded. My body involuntarily reacted.    


Chen Yiyao noticed my expression and her face turned from white to red. She hurriedly covered it with her other hand.    


I quickly withdraw my gaze and ask again.    


She shook her head and said that she was fine. Her expression was unusually ugly and disappointed.    


I was also somewhat moved. Originally, I wanted to look for his husband, but in the end, I encountered this kind of thing.    


I immediately took off my coat and draped it over her body. I said, "Put it on, it can block for a bit."    


Chen Yiyao blushed and nodded.    


She put on her clothes and sighed, "I wonder how Hongyi is now. Will he be in danger like me?"    


"Don't worry. He is a man. Nothing will happen to him."    


I was trying to comfort him when the phone rang. It was the police. They said he was on Lin Hai Road. They asked me where he was.    


Ten minutes later, we saw the police, but a few gangsters had already run away.    


The police told us not to worry. They could track a few gangsters through the surveillance cameras on the road and guarantee that they would be arrested in less than three days.    


Chen Yiyao and I quickly thanked them.    


Chen Yiyao was most worried about her husband.    


However, when she brought this matter up to the police, one of the middle-aged police officers said, "When we passed by the intersection of Lin Hai Road and Jiang Xi Road, we found a drunk man lying on the roadside. It is similar to the clothes you described. I don't know if he is your husband."    


Chen Yiyao's expression softened when she heard that. She immediately wanted to look for him.    


The middle-aged police officer smiled. "Don't worry. When we found him, we had my colleague Lil 'Wang deal with him. I will call him now and ask him."    


After another ten minutes, we finally found Yu Hongyi. He was the drunk man the middle-aged policeman talked about.    


When he saw Yu Hongyi, he was so drunk that he did not know what had happened. His forehead was broken and there were two marks on it.    


Lil 'Wang checked and said that Yu Hongyi probably accidentally hit a utility pole or a wall because he was drunk. He fainted for a moment.    


Lil' Wang's confession could also explain what happened when Chen Yiyao called Yu Hongyi.    


But what puzzled me was that even if Yu Hongyi was knocked unconscious, he should have fainted in the alley. Why did he appear at the crossroad?    


All of this could only be found out when Yu Hongyi woke up.    


Because the police had examined Yu Hongyi, the wound on his forehead was not a problem. The main reason was because he was drunk, so we did not send him to the hospital.    


After bidding the police farewell, I drove the couple home.    


Yu Hongyi was lying in the back seat, and Chen Yiyao was sitting in the co-pilot seat.    



"Thank you for saving me tonight and helping me find Hongyi." Chen Yiyao's face had already returned to normal. There was even a trace of a beautiful smile on her face as she said in embarrassment.    


"It's okay. You are my guests. You are my friends. Don't be so polite." I said.    


Chen Yiyao smiled and gently asked, "By the way, how is the injury on your back? I think you were beaten by those gangsters."    


Even if she did not mention it, I could feel the pain on my back like oil on fire.    


But I still forced myself to smile and say it's okay.    


"Do you want to be sent to the hospital?"    


"No, no, it's fine." "Okay," said Wang Yao.    


After returning to the residential area, Chen Yiyao and I helped Yu Hongyi into the elevator.    


However, because I had to use force, it affected the injury on my back. It was so painful that I took a breath of cold air. Cold sweat appeared on my forehead again.    


Looking at me, Chen Yiyao felt very bad and said that she would take me to the hospital tomorrow.    


"It's just a superficial wound. It's okay. " I have herbal wine in my house. It's very useful for injuries caused by a fall. I'll be fine after a few days. " "I will be fine after a few days," I said with a smile.    


Chen Yiyao felt a little relieved when she heard that.    


After going upstairs, Chen Yiyao and I carried Yu Hongyi to bed together. After confirming that there was nothing else, we returned home.    


The house where Chen Yiyao and my family lived was opposite the door. It was very close. They arrived home in two steps.    


I took off my clothes in the living room and looked into the mirror to check my back injury.    


I found that there were several bruises on my back. There was even a laceration of flesh and blood. The blood was blurry and looked quite scary.    


But because I was wearing a black vest, Chen Yiyao did not see it.    


Because of the injury on my back, when I took out the medicinal wine, I found that wiping the medicinal wine for myself was also a difficult problem.    


Just as I was feeling troubled, there was a knock on the door.    


"Landlord, it's me. Please open the door." At the same time, Chen Yiyao's gentle and pleasant voice came from outside.    


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