Perfect Tenant

C247 It Was Even

C247 It Was Even

0Le Mengqian's desperate pursuit alerted many people in the hall and also attracted my attention.    


Chen Yiyao looked at me with a frown and a face full of surprise.    


On the other hand, I stood up all of a sudden. The first thing that came to my mind was the fugitive Xia Huan that I was chasing.    


In the next second, I also rushed to the washroom.    


When I passed through the long corridor and arrived at the washroom door, Le Mengqian had already started fighting with a thin and tall man with shoulder-length hair.    


I was a little disappointed, it was not Xia Huan.    


But the tall and thin man was actually quite powerful, actually barely able to tie with Le Mengqian.    


The two of them exchanged three or four moves. Le Mengqian's kick landed on his lower abdomen.    


The other party took two steps back and knocked him. On a woman who just came out of the ladies' room.    


The woman screamed and almost fell down.    


The man used this to stabilize himself and suddenly grabbed the woman's waist and arms and pushed her toward Le Mengqian.    


The woman's scream turned into a scream. If Le Mengqian did not help him in time, he would have fallen to the ground. But this also gave the tall and thin man a chance to escape.    


He took advantage of the moment when Le Mengqian held the woman and immediately escaped from the side. He just happened to pass by me.    


Le Mengqian shouted, "Zhong Hao, stop him!"    


But Le Mengqian called too late. I watched the tall and thin man run away from me.    


Although Le Mengqian and I didn't see eye to eye, we can't deny that he saved my life and even caught the killer Zheng Hui. He can be considered my savior.    


Moreover, she was a police officer. The tall and thin man who ran away naturally violated the law. I could not sit back and do nothing.    


Without saying anything, I hurriedly chased after the tall and thin man.    


Immediately after, Le Mengqian also followed.    


Thus, in the eyes of the guests and Chen Yiyao in the hall, there was a scene of a man and a woman chasing after the tall and thin man.    


Because Le Mengqian was resting today, she wore casual clothes and did not bring her police gun, so she could only chase after him with all her might.    


We chased out of the restaurant and saw the other party rushing down from the safe corridor. We hurriedly followed.    


The footsteps of the three people echoed continuously in the quiet safe corridor.    


We followed the footsteps all the way to the underground parking lot on the second floor.    


When we reached the parking lot, there were a lot of cars parked, but there was no sign of the other party.    


Le Mengqian immediately frowned and said, "You go this way, I will go that way. We will split up and search!"    


As she spoke, she quickly walked to the side and looked at every corner of the car. Not only that, she also took out her phone and dialed a number. "Captain Liu, I found Didi murderer Liao Ping in Yongle Square in Peace Town. Send someone over to help."    


I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect the tall and thin man to be a murderer.    


But at this time, I did not have time to think too much. I followed Le Mengqian's request and looked in the opposite direction.    


Peace Town was not big. It was just that I did not expect that the underground parking lot of the mall was not small. There were a lot of cars parked there. Perhaps the murderer was hiding behind a car or car.    


I walked around and did not find any traces of the murderer. I was wondering in my heart when Le Mengqian called out, "Liao Ping, stop right there, or I will shoot!"    


I knew Le Mengqian was trying to scare him. When I rushed back, I saw Le Mengqian actually jumped into a car and quietly grabbed the trunk of the car.    


The car drove very fast and was about to rush out of the garage. Who would have thought that Le Mengqian would jump into a car and quietly grab the trunk of the car? The car suddenly turned 90 degrees and drifted. The tires and the ground friction made a loud squeaking sound. At the same time, Le Mengqian was thrown off the car and rolled on the ground a few times. It gave me a shock.    


What was even more unexpected was that after getting rid of Le Mengqian, not only did the car not run away, but it directly rushed towards Le Mengqian who fell on the ground.    


If it really crushed over, Le Mengqian would really die.    


Le Mengqian clearly felt the arrival of danger and her expression changed abruptly. She wanted to escape the fate of being crushed, but the fall from the car just now caused her to suffer a serious injury. She struggled with all her might and was unable to roll to the side for a long time.    


Seeing this scene, my mind went blank. Without even thinking, I rushed up at the fastest speed possible.    


The car was as fast as lightning. The moment I crushed Le Mengqian, I pounced on her and hugged her as I rolled to the side of the car.    


At that moment, I almost felt the hot wind of the car brushing past my arms and shoulders.    


Then, the car rushed out and stopped under our eyes.    


I tightly hugged Le Mengqian. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Le Mengqian's face was also pale in my arms. She could not come back to her senses for a long time.    


After that, I felt her warm and soft body. Le Mengqian and I were very close to each other. Other than hugging each other, the distance between our faces was not even five centimeters. I could even see Le Mengqian's trembling long eyelashes and her slightly panicked and bright eyes.    


She was still in shock as she heavily breathed on my face. It felt like Susu was itching.    


Until we heard the sound of the car moving again, Le Mengqian and I finally came back to our senses.    


The murderer did not drive and continue to crush us. It was probably because we rolled to the side of the car and it would be difficult to crush us.    


The car turned its head and rushed out of the garage.    


At the same time, I quickly pulled Le Mengqian up.    


Le Mengqian broke free from my hand and wanted to chase the car, but after running a few steps, she fell to the ground again.    


"Are you okay?" I immediately went up to help her up.    


Le Mengqian did not answer me, but her face was full of unwillingness. "This bastard!"    


Le Mengqian's ankle was injured because she fell off the car just now. Her clothes were torn and it happened to be in front of her chest. A piece of cloth hung down. Inside was a black bra. It was white and full and there was a deep ravine. It looked very attractive.    



"What are you looking at? Turn around!" Le Mengqian finally noticed the condition of her clothes when she came back to her senses. Her pretty face turned red and she quickly covered her chest and said in embarrassment and anger.    


"Haha, let me see. I won't look." I said insincerely. I retracted my gaze and took off my coat. I said calmly, "Wear mine."    


Le Mengqian looked at me and her expression eased up.    


She hesitated for a moment and finally took the clothes and put them on. She did not take off the torn clothes.    


Because my clothes are bigger, even if she wears a coat, she can completely put them on.    


After putting them on, Le Mengqian immediately said, "Last time I saved your life. This time you saved me. We can be considered even. Don't expect me to thank you."    


"If I count on you to thank me, I won't save you." I said calmly.    


Le Mengqian snorted coldly and no longer spoke.    


Her foot was injured and she could not walk out on her own. I wanted to carry her out of the garage but she insisted. In the end, she held my shoulder with one hand and limped out of the garage.    


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