Perfect Tenant

C266 The Speed of Improvement Was Extremely Fast

C266 The Speed of Improvement Was Extremely Fast

0I understood what Coach Huang meant and asked, "In that killing sword? Isn't it the realm of being one with the sword?"    


"The realm of being one with the sword is similar to returning to one's original state. Of course, there will be some differences in some details. Your current strength is far from enough, so there's no need to delve into it. "    


I thought about it and asked, "Then how can I comprehend these few realms?"    


Coach Huang did not answer and asked back, "How did you comprehend the Oblivion Realm?"    


This sentence immediately stopped me. After thinking for a long time, I replied, "I seem to have comprehended it so naturally."    


"That's right. There are no tricks to comprehend the major realms, but Perfect Stage is an exception."    


My eyes lit up, and I quickly asked for the method to comprehend Perfect Stage.    


"Practice the Killing Fist repeatedly, day after day, year after year, and use it to the extent that it's like fire. Perhaps you'll be able to feel Perfect Stage." Coach Huang replied.    


I immediately nodded and made myself clear.    


"Of course, the practice of the killing sword cannot be interrupted. You've been busy these past few months, so you probably haven't practiced much, right?" Coach Huang asked.    


Coach Huang's words made me feel a little ashamed. I apologized to Coach Huang.    


"You don't need to say sorry to me. You practice martial arts for yourself. It's still the same saying. As the saying goes, the song does not leave the mouth, the fist does not leave the hand. If you want to improve your martial arts, Master taught you one thing. The most important thing is to rely on your own diligence and hard work. Do you understand?"    


"I understand. In the future, I will definitely practice every day."    


"Okay. Next, we will review what we practiced yesterday and explain the next dozen moves to you."    


After spending five days, I have finally memorized all the moves of the Killing Fist Technique. I can use them in a rough manner.    


Of course, it's still very far away from actual combat, and the killing intent it releases is also very limited.    


I even felt that the killing intent released when I used the Killing Sword was not as good as the killing intent released when I used it.    


Coach Huang explained that because the killing sword held a weapon, the weapon itself could release killing intent, and complemented one's own will and belief. So I felt that it was more difficult to condense killing intent with the killing fist.    


The following week is repeated practice and tempering.    


I clearly feel that my killing fist technique has improved greatly. The fist technique can even bring up a gust of wind.    


Coach Huang is very satisfied with my improvement.    


My training of forgetting to eat and sleep, on one hand, is to have the ability to protect myself as soon as possible. On the other hand, I don't want to let my mind go empty.    


Once my mind was empty, I would not be able to help but think of Chen Yiyao and Loo Xintong.    


Almost half a month has passed but Chen Yiyao still did not come back.    


No matter if I call her or send her a message, she will not reply. This made me extremely depressed.    


Because of this, I even asked Le Mengqian to help me make a call. However, she rejected it with a cold attitude, which made me very depressed.    


During this period, Lyi Zimo looked for me twice. Every time she was very enthusiastic. Sometimes she would invite me to go shopping or watch a movie, but I declined all of them.    


Le Mengqian saw it. Last time she even asked me to tell Lyi Zimo that she had a girlfriend and that she was going to get married. It made Lyi Zimo lose her heart.    


That's right. It is already March and there are still two months left. Chen Yiyao and I are going to get married.    


But until now, she still does not forgive me, or rather, she does not forgive herself.    


But Le Mengqian's words wake me up.    


Lyi Zimo still had fantasies about me, making me very guilty. I was just afraid that Lyi Zimo would be sad and I still haven't told her the truth until now.    


Thinking about it now, it was a very wrong decision. Doing so would only cause Lyi Zimo's injuries to worsen in the end.    


So after thinking for the night, I finally decided to tell Lyi Zimo the truth.    


Sunday afternoon when I came out from the arts academy, I called Lyi Zimo and asked, "Zimo, where are you?"    


"I'm shopping with a friend, what's wrong?" Lyi Zimo asked.    


"I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Are you free?" I asked.    


"Of course I'm free!" Lyi Zimo instantly revealed a happy expression, "But it's perfectly fine. Why did you treat me to a meal?"    


"I have something to tell you."    


"What is it?"    


"Seven o'clock in the evening at the Babylonian restaurant. You will know when the time comes," Wang Yao said. I said seriously.    


After hanging up, I sighed.    


Le Mengqian who was standing at the side revealed a trace of ridicule and asked, "Are you regretting that you are about to reject a very beautiful young lady?"    


"It is not regret, it is just that I am afraid that she will be sad." At this time, I am not in the mood to argue with Le Mengqian.    


"A woman's heart is not as fragile as you think." Le Mengqian said.    


"That is because you are not a woman." I said indifferently.    


Le Mengqian's face immediately darkened.    


I couldn't be bothered with her. I immediately hailed a taxi and asked the driver to go to the city center.    


At this time, Lyi Zimo who hung up the phone was very excited and said to her best friend, "Yanyan, do you know that Zhong Hao wants to treat me to a meal? He still has something to say to me. That's great!"    


Lyi Zimo's face was full of excitement. Her joy was overflowing with words.    


"The boy you like. He studied martial arts with you. He even participated in the martial arts competition and filmed a movie with Director Zhang?" Her best friend asked.    



"Yes, yes. He wants to invite me to the western restaurant for dinner. What do you think he wants to say to me? Do you want to confess to me? No, no, no. I can't see him in this image. I have to get dressed and go to the barber shop to make a pose. " Lyi Zimo immediately stuffed the big and small bags she bought to Yanyan and said with a smile," Yanyan, please help me send them back. Thank you. I will treat you to a big meal next time! "    


Zimo, calm down first! At any rate, you are a fair and honest lawyer. When I heard that Zhong Hao treated you to a meal, I felt like I was infatuated. Haven't he been very cold to you recently? Why did he treat you to a meal? I think you shouldn't be too optimistic."    


"Hey, Wu Yan, are you still my best friend? You're pouring cold water on me here. What's wrong with me liking him? Zhong Hao has been cold to me these days because he is exhausted from practicing martial arts every day. He invited me to dinner this time to apologize to me. He might even confess to me. "You should bless me, right?"    


"Okay, okay. I will tell you. I wish that Miss Lyi Zimo and Mr. Zhong Hao have a lover and become a couple. Will this work?" Wu Yan said.    


"That's more like it." Lyi Zimo revealed a smile. "Right, don't forget to help me send the clothes I bought back!"    


"You still want me to send them? You wish. I'll put them in my house. You can take them yourself." Wu Yan rolled her eyes and added, "You're a love-struck fool who forgets righteousness when he sees lust!"    


Lyi Zimo smiled and said, "Alright, I'll treat you to Australian lobster next time, okay? There's not much time left. I won't tell you anymore, I'll go to the barber shop first."    


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