Perfect Tenant

C209 Father Chen Was in Trouble

C209 Father Chen Was in Trouble

0I nodded agitatedly and attacked slowly with gentle movements.    


My speed changed from slow to fast.    


Chen Yiyao followed the movements of my fingers and involuntarily twisted her body. Her eyes were filled with lust.    


The two lumps on her chest swayed and bullied along with it.    


She let out the sound of her soul dissipating. Her eyes were misty. Her slender and slender hands began to touch my body randomly. They gradually reached into my pants and grabbed onto my reaction.    


My entire body shook, and the speed of my fingers became faster and faster.    


Chen Yiyao's hands also started to move. The two of us comforted each other. Their bodies leaned against each other and felt each other's body's passion and high flames.    


In five minutes, we both took off our clothes.    


Under the light, Chen Yiyao's delicate body emitted a sparkling and charming lustre.    


I am also a pillar that can hold up the sky. I can't wait to finish the last step.    


"Zhong Hao, give it to me, I want..." Chen Yiyao said softly.    


My mind was blank. At this moment, there was only one thought in my heart, which was to completely conquer Chen Yiyao.    


Just as I was about to ride on it, I did not expect to hear a heavy knock on the door.    


"Yaoyao, open the door, quickly open the door!" At the same time, Chen's mother's anxious voice sounded.    


The two of us looked at each other and sat up as if we had been electrocuted.    


"Where are my clothes?" Chen Yiyao whispered and started to look for clothes in a panic. She asked, "Mom, what is it?"    


"It's not good. Something happened to your dad. His colleague in the factory called me just now and said that your dad is in the hospital!"    


Hearing this, Chen Yiyao's face turned from red to white. As she put on her clothes, she said, "Don't worry. I will accompany you to the hospital immediately!"    


After saying that, she anxiously stared at me. "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and put on your clothes!"    


Although I was a little depressed about why I was always interrupted by all kinds of unexpected things or people at critical moments, I didn't dare to slack off or be unhappy when I heard that Chen's father had gone to the hospital. I quickly put on my clothes.    


My fingers were still stained with some water. I wiped my clothes, feeling a little unsatisfied.    


After putting on my clothes, Chen Yiyao immediately opened the door.    


Chen's mother, who was standing outside the door, was flustered. When she saw that I was also in the house, she forced a smile and said, "Zhong Hao, why don't you rest at home. I will slowly go to the hospital to see his father."    


"Auntie, I will go with you." I said.    


Chen's mother did not say anything else and the three of them left the house together.    


It was more than 30 kilometers to the town and the road was not repaired. It was very difficult to walk at night. The small electric scooter alone could not carry the three of them. Chen's mother went to the neighboring house and borrowed a tricycle.    


I said I would drive.    


Chen's mother and Chen Yiyao sat on the tricycle. I will take them and their mother out of the village.    


At this time, the rain had stopped.    


The road in the village was muddy. After leaving the village, it was the stone road. It was relatively easy to walk.    


On the way, Chen Yiyao could not help but ask, "Mom, what happened to my dad? Why did he go to the hospital?"    


"I heard from his colleague that there seemed to be a conflict with the security in the factory. He was beaten up by the security and went to the hospital." Chen's mother replied.    


"Which security guard? My dad is such an honest person, why would he have a conflict with someone?"    


"Do you know? We'll talk about it when we get to the hospital. We don't even know if his injuries are serious now." Chen's mother said worriedly.    


"Auntie, don't worry. I believe uncle will be fine." I comforted her.    


After more than 50 minutes, we finally felt the hospital in town.    


When we saw Chen's father, he was lying on the hospital bed, moaning in pain. His forehead and wrists were bandaged.    


Beside him was a similarly aged man. He was dressed in blue work clothes, and his face was covered in dirt. He was probably Chen's father's colleague.    


When we arrived, the uncle immediately said, "You guys are finally here. Elder Chen has been talking about you guys."    


"Yang, thank you for helping to bring Elder Chen to the hospital. How is he?" Chen's mother hurriedly asked.    


"He has eight stitches on his head and his left hand is fractured. But the doctor has treated him and is temporarily fine." The colleague explained.    


As if he had heard Chen's mother's words, Chen's father opened his eyes in pain. His face was pale. When he saw Chen's mother and Chen Yiyao, he forced a smile and said, "Why are you guys here? I'm fine, I'm fine."    


"You're already like this and you still say you're fine!" Chen's mother glared at him and quickly sat beside the bed. Her face was full of heartache.    


Chen Yiyao also immediately walked up and asked concernedly, "Dad, what did the doctor say?"    


"The doctor has already performed enough surgeries. Seeing that the plaster on his hand is done, he should be able to recover in about two months. I'm really fine. Don't be nervous." Chen's father panted and said.    


Chen's father looked like he was in pain. How could he be fine?    


Chen Yiyao could not help but shed tears.    


"Old man, tell us what happened. How could we be beaten by security? What is the name of the security guards?" Chen's mother asked in pain.    


Chen's father sighed. "Old Wu and I finished moving the goods and rested for a few minutes. The security guard, Liu Xiping, came over and said that we were lazy. I could not help but retort. He actually started scolding us and even hit me. Just like that, they started fighting. Sigh, I'm so old. How can I be a match for young people? I was beaten up like this."    


Old Wu, his colleague, also said indignantly from the side, "That Liu Xiping is a rascal. If he didn't rely on his brother-in-law to be the workshop director in the factory, How could he be a security guard in the factory? Usually, he would be more sarcastic and mean. He is just a security guard. What kind of official does he think he is? He often supervised whether we were slacking off at work and liked to report to the leaders. This time, it was even more detestable. Not only did he scold people, but he also beat Old Chen up like this. It's not like we never thought of calling the police. But his brother-in-law, the workshop director, is on good terms with the police station's director. Old Chen was probably beaten up for nothing this time. It's good that Liu Xiping can compensate us with some medical fees. "    


Hearing this, it was not just the Chen family's mother and daughter. A surge of anger rose in my heart.    



"Is Liu Xiping still in the factory? I'll go and find him to judge!" Chen Yiyao clenched her fists tightly and said angrily.    


"Yaoyao, don't be impulsive. The factory director and the boss will handle this matter tomorrow. If they don't handle it, it's not too late for us to call the police. It's useless to argue with people like Liu Xiping." Chen's father said hurriedly.    


"Okay, I got it. You must give us an explanation for this matter."    


Following that, everyone continued to chat in the ward. Chen Yiyao asked her father to have a good rest. She said that she still had to go to work tomorrow, so she wanted to go back first.    


"You guys go back first. I will take care of this place." Chen's mother said.    


Chen's father finally noticed my existence. He gave me a puzzled look and asked, "This is... Yao Yao's former landlord?"    


Just now everyone was talking and I could not interrupt. At this time, I immediately went up and greeted, "Hello uncle. Just now on the road, Yiyao, I, and aunty were very worried about you."    


"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm sorry to have you come to the hospital in the middle of the night."    


"It's okay. Rest well. Yiyao and I will go back first."    


After walking out of the ward with Chen Yiyao, I asked Chen Yiyao, "Do you want to look for Liu Xiping?"    


The reason I knew was because when Chen Yiyao was in the ward, she secretly pulled my sleeves and I understood what she meant.    


Chen Yiyao nodded. She looked angry and asked, "Are you going with me?"    


"Of course we are going together. I will not let my future father-in-law be beaten up like this!" I said immediately.    


"Shut up!" Chen Yiyao finally revealed a smile, "Let's go."    


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