Perfect Tenant

C65 He Had High Hopes

C65 He Had High Hopes

0Loo Xintong was pulled back step by step by Jiang Tao. Her tears flowed down her cheeks like beads with broken strings.    


I shouted, "I can't leave you. Don't go. Marry me!"    


Loo Xintong cried and waved at me. "Take care!"    


In the end, she gritted her teeth and turned around. Carrying the guitar, she dragged her suitcase into the security check.    


In an instant, my heart was empty. I stood there in a daze until her figure slowly disappeared from my sight.    


I don't know how long I stood there, but it was because I stepped on a mineral water bottle and the cleaner asked me to lift my foot that I came back to my senses. I walked out of the airport in a daze. The sun was shining brightly outside, and it was warm and warm. People came and went at the airport exit, and there was a flood of cars. It was a bustling and lively scene.    


However, my heart was dark. Walking alone on the roadside, I was like a walking corpse.    


Many taxis and Mo's drivers asked me where I was going and if I wanted to send them off. I didn't pay them any attention at all.    


Loo Xintong and I ended just like that. Furthermore, it was in the form of such a huge misunderstanding.    


Although this could not be considered a misunderstanding, it was all caused by me drinking.    


Even when Chen Yiyao moved out back then, I had never felt such pain and despair before.    


In the end, I still called a taxi and returned home.    


Vivian was still waiting at my house. Looking at my expression, she seemed to know that something was wrong and asked, "Did you see Loo Xintong?"    


I sat on the sofa and covered my face and cried.    


Vivian could not bear to watch and sat by the side to accompany me. She even passed me a tissue.    


I did not take it and forcefully controlled my emotions. I rubbed my face and said, "You go back first. I'm fine."    


"Think about it. She has her own dreams. You guys will eventually break up, but it's not impossible to meet again. There is a saying that says that all separation is for the sake of a better reunion. I believe that you will wait for that day to come."    


Vivian comforted her and left.    


I slept at home for a day and did not eat for a day.    


If not for Lyi Zimo calling me at night, I would have forgotten to go to the arts academy to learn martial arts.    


When I arrived at the arts academy, I was half an hour late.    


Coach Huang saw that my expression was very bad, but she still angrily told me to stand at the door and watch the other students train.    


It was only during the break that he called me outside and handed me a cigarette.    


We smoked and Coach Huang asked, "Tell me, what reason did you leave?"    


"My girlfriend broke up with me and went to the capital." I took a deep breath and blew out a thick smoke from my nose and said slowly.    




"She wants to be a singer. This has always been her dream. A music company has fallen in love with her." Out of trust in Coach Huang, I told him everything about Loo Xintong. I even told Coach Huang about what happened when I was drunk with Vivian.    


After I finished speaking, I thought about it and said, "I shouldn't give up just like that. I want to go to Beijing to look for her. No matter if I can persuade her to change her mind, I must explain it to her clearly."    


"I don't understand your young people's feelings and love. But you are a student that I think highly of. Do you understand? There are still twenty days until the National Martial Arts Competition. If you go at this time... If you delay a few days in the capital, it will take at least a week before you can return. It will have a huge impact on the training. This was a very rare opportunity. Instead of wasting time on love that he could not confirm, Why don't you concentrate on your training, believe me, Even if you can't make it to the official race this time, it will still help you improve and grow. I have my own dream, which is to teach the best students. I have never said it before. Now let me tell you, I see hope in you. So please don't disappoint me and my father. After the qualifiers, We will take you to the capital to watch the official competition, and then you will be able to meet your girlfriend. Do you think so? "    


Coach Huang's eyes are full of sincerity. She looks at me seriously and seems to have a trace of hope.    


I really did not expect Coach Huang and Old Huang to place such high hopes on me. It made me feel somewhat uncomfortable.    


But Coach Huang was right. Even if I go over now, I'm afraid that it would not be of any help. Let each other calm down for a period of time. I will only explain to Loo Xintong after Loo Xintong's anger has subsided.    


During this period of time, the most important thing is to train hard.    


The two of them entrusted me with a very heavy sense of mission. Furthermore, I do love martial arts very much. No matter how tired I usually train, I feel that it is very worth it in my heart.    


Without Loo Xintong's life, my heart always felt empty. So in order to not think about her, I train even harder. Whether it is day or night, I train for nearly sixteen to seventeen hours a day.    


My body seems to have become sturdier. The contours of my pectoral muscles are very obvious, and it is also very symmetrical and beautiful.    


As for my strength, of course, it had improved a lot.    


I believe that if I were to face Duan Hongwei's three bodyguards again, I would definitely not be in such a sorry state like last time.    


During this period of time, Vivian would come to my house from time to time to ask me about martial arts. Sometimes she would buy some fruits for me and even help me clean up the house.    


Even if I said it a few times, it would be useless. From Vivian's eyes, I could see her concern for me from time to time.    


I felt a little guilty but also a little uneasy.    


It was probably because of the relationship between the two of us the last time that she treated me like this.    


However, apart from friends, I did not have any other feelings for Vivian.    


She is indeed outstanding, but in my heart, I only think of Loo Xintong.    


On the weekend night, she knocked on my door and invited me to her house for dinner.    


"Why did you treat me to dinner?" I stood at the door and asked curiously.    


"We're neighbors. We haven't treated you to a meal for a long time. I feel a little embarrassed. Besides, I just sent a manuscript fee today. I want to find someone to celebrate. You won't reject my good intentions, will you?" Vivian said with a smile.    


I can't reject Vivian's good intentions, so I can only agree.    


Vivian said that the dishes are not ready, so she asked me to go over in half an hour.    


Around 7: 30 PM, I knocked on her door.    


Soon, the door opened. I was stunned. Vivian actually changed into a new set of clothes. She was wearing a red dress with her butt tied up. The dress wrapped around her graceful and exquisite body. Her two snow white and smooth legs were clearly visible. There was a pair of black heels on her feet. Coupled with her heavy makeup, she appeared extremely charming and elegant, just like when she came back from the bar that night.    



I was shocked by her attire. Vivian saw my expression and pursed her lips into a smile. She said, "What are you standing there for? Come in quickly."    


I entered the house and saw a bottle of red wine placed on the table.    


I sat down and could not help but ask, "Why are you dressed so grand? Do you want to go shopping later?"    


"No." Vivian smiled and said, "I suddenly want to wear it like this and maybe I can find some inspiration."    


"Are all of you writers so strange?" I asked.    


Vivian smiled but did not say anything. She went to the kitchen to carry the dishes.    


She looked at her sexy butt, waist, and butt. Her two snow white long legs were really a very attractive scenery.    


I could not help but feel a little emotional as I thought of Loo Xintong again.    


Usually I don't see how Vivian cooks, but I didn't expect that her cooking is very good and is almost on par with Chen Yiyao.    


A variety of dishes were laid out on the table. The color, fragrance, and taste were all present. Vivian opened the red wine and poured each of them a cup.    


She smiled and raised her glass. "Come, cheers."    


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