Perfect Tenant

C74 Zhao Hui's Phone Call

C74 Zhao Hui's Phone Call

0I hesitated for a moment and said, "The house you used to live in has a new tenant. There's also Chang Yu and Fan Ze living in it, so there's no place for you to stay anymore. I'm really sorry."    


"What about your house? If Tong left, your house should be empty. Can I move to live with you?" Chen Yiyao's voice was a little shaky. It seemed that due to her nervousness, I could hear a trace of desire.    


This time, I do not know how to answer. Chen Yiyao probably does not just want to live in my house. There is also a layer of deep meaning in it.    


She wants to be with me.    


However, in my heart, I am not at ease with Loo Xintong. I even have a trace of hope and want to go to the capital to chase her back.    


Even if the music company does not allow us to be together, we can completely hide our relationship underground. Isn't that what many celebrities do on TV? I think this method is feasible.    


"I'm afraid... that won't do." I took a deep breath and said.    


"Why not?" The light suddenly turned on. It was Chen Yiyao who turned on it. She also sat up. Her eyes were full of surprise and disappointment.    


Looking at Chen Yiyao's expression, I could not bear it and did not know how to explain it. I could only say, "No, it is because Loo Xintong's room now has some miscellaneous things and is unable to stay."    


"Then I will stay in the other room. Isn't your house three bedrooms and one living room? There is still one room that is empty, right?" Chen Yiyao asked.    


"Then... okay."    


Chen Yiyao immediately revealed a happy smile with a hint of affection in her eyes. She looked at me gently and asked. "The floor is a little cold. Do you want to sleep on the bed?"    


"No... no need. It's quite comfortable with the blanket." Looking at Chen Yiyao's black silk nightgown, revealing her fragrant shoulders and large patches of snow white, it seems very tempting. I can't help but secretly swallow my saliva.    


"It's okay. In any case, I can't sleep in such a big bed alone." Chen Yiyao continued.    


Once I sleep on the bed, I'm afraid something will really happen. I don't know if I still have the composure I had when I faced Vivian last time. In the end, I gritted my teeth and still refused.    


"Alright then. If it's cold in the middle of the night, you can sleep on the bed at any time. I'll turn off the lights."    


Chen Yiyao turned off the lights again and the dark room fell into silence.    


I had to endure for a long time before I finally fell asleep.    


Sexually, nothing happened at night.    


The next morning, when I woke up, I saw a pretty figure standing by the wardrobe.    


Chen Yiyao had already taken off her nightdress and was holding a piece of clothing in her hand. She was probably preparing to wear clothes.    


Although her back was facing me, I could still see her snow-white back and her plump butt wrapped in purple lightning pants. It was exceptionally alluring.    


From my angle, I could even see a little bit of white like snow through the side of my body. It made my body involuntarily react and my eyes went straight.    


Chen Yiyao's back was facing me and she did not seem to know that I had already woken up. Her movements were very light and she tried her best not to make a sound. Before putting on her clothes, she first put on her black bra and fastened it with a backhand.    


Her movements were very slow, just like the slow-motion scene in the movie. The visual impact it brought was unimaginable.    


She wore underpants. I stood up, watching the scene, even holding my breath.    


Chen Yiyao seemed to have noticed the gaze behind her. She stopped wearing her bra and turned around subconsciously. Then, she saw me, who was dumbstruck.    


We looked at each other and were stunned for a few seconds.    


She did not put her bra on. It only covered half of her full breasts. The other big lump was still exposed in my sight. It made me so excited that I could not breathe.    


Chen Yiyao immediately reacted and covered her chest with her bra. She said with a red face, "You... you are awake. Why is there no sound?"    


"I just woke up." I subconsciously replied and swallowed my saliva.    


Chen Yiyao looked very embarrassed and said, "Sorry to wake you up. I will go to the washroom to change my clothes."    


After saying that, she took her clothes and ran out of the room in a sorry state.    


Although Chen Yiyao went out, my mind was still filled with her graceful voice and my stomach was burning.    


After a while, Chen Yiyao who had put on her clothes came in with a red face and apologized to me again.    


I said awkwardly, "No, no, I should apologize to you."    


As I spoke, I noticed that she was staring at my underwear.    


My face turned red. Until now, my reaction was still very strong, especially when I was full of energy in the morning.    


Chen Yiyao's eyes seemed to have a trace of desire, but she still turned her gaze away and said, "I... I will go make breakfast."    


Chen Yiyao went out and even closed the door, making me involuntarily sigh in relief.    


When we were eating breakfast, we were all a little embarrassed. It was Chen Yiyao who was the first to open her mouth and say, "When Hongyi comes out of the detention center, I will talk to him about the divorce."    


I nodded and said, " When he comes back, you called me in time. That guy can do such crazy things. What else can't he do? "    


Chen Yiyao sighed. Her emotions were very complicated.    


"I don't blame Hongyi. I just feel sad that I can't get him back on track. I don't know how he will live after the divorce. I... I really don't dare to think further." Chen Yiyao's throat was a little choked.    


"You are not to be blamed for this. Don't feel too guilty. Besides, Yu Hongyi is not that weak. In fact, you can think on the good side. " When you guys get divorced, I think he will let go of his attachment to you. At that time, it is very likely that he will return to his normal life. "    


Hearing me comforting her like this, Chen Yiyao's mood became a little better.    


After dinner, under Chen Yiyao's reluctant gaze, I left her house.    


After returning home, I started my training again.    


The days of the National Wushu Competition are getting closer and closer, and I even applied for a martial arts class last night, so I can't slack off at all.    


If I don't want to perform well in the qualifiers, or even break out of the encirclement and obtain the qualification to participate in the official competition, it would all be a lie.    


Even if I have practiced martial arts for less than three months, even if Coach Huang has stressed it many times, if we go this time, it would be a lie. But if one did not have dreams, what difference would there be between them and salted fish?    



Just as I was halfway through the training, I received a call from Zhao Hui.    


I was somewhat puzzled and couldn't help but think of Vivian's matter. He called me probably to talk about Vivian.    


I put the weapon that I bought a few days ago aside and used a towel to wipe my sweat as I picked up the phone.    


"Hello, Mr. Zhong."    


"Hello, Dr. Zhao. Is there anything I can help you with?"    


"It's like this. I talked to Vivian about her condition yesterday. I feel that although it is a bit serious, as long as I spend two hours a day interacting with me, " After receiving my treatment, I believe that she will get better very quickly. At the end of yesterday, she was very grateful. She also said she'll be back on time today. Who knew that an hour had passed since the appointed time today. She hasn't arrived yet, and I won't answer her phone even if I call her. So I called you to ask about her situation over there. Is there something I can't come over for, or something else? "    


Hearing Zhao Hui's words, I apologized first and then said, "There are some things that I don't know about her at the moment. I'll go to her house now and help you ask."    


After hanging up the phone, I packed my things and went home. Then I went to Vivian's house and knocked on the door. However, no one opened it for a long time.    


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