Perfect Tenant

C79 Public Food

C79 Public Food

0Everyone revealed a surprised and puzzled expression as they looked at Coach Huang.    


Coach Huang smiled. "Although I did remind you, the key is that Zhong Hao did a good job. His ability to adapt to the situation surprised me. If it was a senior student of the third grade, he might not be able to think of a good way to attack Lee Jian's abdomen, but Zhong Hao succeeded."    


This time, everyone was even more confused. They all looked puzzled.    


Gao Fei seemed to have seen through it. He explained with a smile," Zhong Hao's move could be said to be a suicidal move. Of course, it's not that exaggerated. Even if he asked Lee Jian to punch him, he would still hit Lee Jian. Lee Jian was afraid, so he retracted his fist to parry. In the end, Zhong Hao changed his move and hit Lee Jian in the abdomen."    


Everyone suddenly realized what was going on. They looked at me with even more admiration.    


I smiled and couldn't help but ask, "Coach Huang, how did you see that his abdomen was injured? What kind of injury did he have?"    


"According to his defensive posture when he withdrew his attack and his aura." Coach Huang said calmly.    


I could see his defensive posture but I don't know anything about his aura. I didn't expect Coach Huang to be able to tell that there was something wrong with his abdomen just by his aura. It made me respect Coach Huang even more.    


After that, Coach Huang said, "I reckon that when he fought with others, his abdomen was injured and he hadn't fully recovered yet. That's why he covered it up. Zhong Hao's punch hit his vitals, causing Lee Jian to lose his combat strength instantly."    


Everyone felt relieved and nodded.    


Coach Huang then said, "Just the two students of arts academy who will definitely win will give us a headache. So everyone needs to hurry up and train. Don't slack off."    


Everyone said yes at the same time.    


Lyi Zimo could not help but ask, "Coach Huang, why would the people of arts academy come to our arts academy to cause trouble? This is clearly an act of kicking the dojo."    


At this time, Old Huang stood up and explained, "The arts academy has just opened for a year. I think those two disciples just now are the two most outstanding disciples he has taught for a year. Although Yu Zheng had just obtained a good ranking in the past National Wushu Competition, However, his reputation is too low. I don't think any investors have taken a fancy to him. He could only return home and open a martial arts dojo. He didn't have any business. If I want to increase my reputation, I'll come back and challenge the dojo. After all, our arts academy has been open for so many years. As long as his students can defeat us, When the news spreads, those who want to learn martial arts will naturally come to our arts academy. In the end, it's all because of benefits. "    


"Too despicable, using us as stepping stones. Luckily, Zhong Hao is here to help us vent our anger!" Lyi Zimo said hatefully.    


"Alright, let's talk until here. Don't think too much about it. Continue practicing in pairs."    


After class, Gao Fei and a few other students want to treat me to a meal.    


I smiled and said that there was no need. I had to go home early. I still had to get up early and train tomorrow.    


"Hehe, should I go back early to pay the food to my girlfriend?" Gao Fei laughed and teased.    


Hearing this, a hint of bitterness rose in my heart and I said, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't have a girlfriend yet."    


Lyi Zimo's eyes lit up and the corner of her mouth revealed a trace of a smile, but she still did not understand and could not help but ask, "What is public transport?"    


Everyone immediately smiled ambiguously.    


Gao Fei asked, "Zimo, Do you have a boyfriend?    


Lyi Zimo shook her head.    


"You are such a beautiful young lady and you don't even have a boyfriend. No wonder you are so innocent. Let me tell you, paying public food is to give your salary to your girlfriend." Gao Fei said with a smile.    


"So that's the case." Lyi Zimo nodded.    


I immediately said, "Don't listen to their nonsense. Making public food is intimate between a man and a woman in bed. The man's... milk."    


Hearing what I said, Lyi Zimo's face turned red and she said, "Gao Fei, you guys are really hooligans."    


Everyone laughed.    


"Zhong Hao, let's go and ignore them." Lyi Zimo grabbed my hand and led me away from the entrance of arts academy under my astonished and stunned expression.    


We went down to the side of the road before Lyi Zimo stopped.    


I smiled awkwardly and said, "Can you let go of my hand first?"    


Only then did Lyi Zimo react. Her face turned red and she quickly let go of her hand and said, "Sorry, don't let them be confused just now."    


"They are just joking. Nothing much. I will go home first."    


"Okay." Lyi Zimo smiled and said, "By the way, accompany me to a place tomorrow afternoon. Because I have to take some things and there are more, I can't take so many things as a girl."    


"Where to?" I asked, "Could it be another gathering of your classmates?"    


"No, I won't go to that kind of place in the future. I want to go to the orphanage and bring some things to the children. You can come with me. " I'll treat you to dinner tonight. " Lyi Zimo said with a smile.    


"Are you still going to the orphanage to help those orphans?" I asked in surprise.    


"Yes, those children are very pitiful. Some of them are still sick. I can help them a bit." Lyi Zimo revealed a sad expression.    


Hearing her say so, my impression of Lyi Zimo increased a lot.    


Since it is doing good for society, I have no reason to reject it, so I nodded my head and agreed.    


Lyi Zimo immediately smiled happily, "Okay, then we will not see each other tomorrow."    


Lyi Zimo wants to drive me off. I said there was no need, but I still could not convince her of her enthusiasm.    


She sent me downstairs and I felt a little embarrassed and said, "Thank you so much. Do you want to go up and sit for a while?"    


"Okay, I've never been to your house!" Who knew that Lyi Zimo would take my words seriously.    


The two of us went upstairs together. I took the key and opened the door. I invited Lyi Zimo into the house to sit and poured her a cup of tea.    


Lyi Zimo smiled and said, "Not bad. I heard that you still have a few houses, right?"    


"Two of them have been sold. Now with the addition of my house, there are only three houses left." I explained.    


"Then, if I want to rent your house, can I?" Lyi Zimo asked with a smile.    


"Sorry, I rented the other two houses to someone else." I immediately said, "Why did you rent the house?"    


"I don't want to stay at home all day and face my mom. Forget it, I was just joking. Since it's not there, then forget it." Lyi Zimo got up and said, "I want to go to the washroom."    



I quickly pointed to the washroom.    


Lyi Zimo went into the restroom. Before half a minute had passed, she suddenly let out a cry, "Ah!"    


"Lyi Zimo, what's wrong?" I was shocked. I stood outside the door and asked with concern.    


Lyi Zimo did not answer me but heard the sobbing inside.    


Could it be that Lyi Zimo fell?    


At this time, I can't think anymore and immediately pushed open the door and entered. When I saw the scene in front of me, I was instantly dumbfounded.    


I saw Lyi Zimo sitting on the ground, sobbing in pain as she rubbed her butt. However, her jeans moved back to her knees and I could see a pair of red silk pants hanging on it. Her two snow white and smooth legs were spread open. It was really boundlessly charming and extremely alluring. It made me have a strong reaction all of a sudden.    


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