Perfect Tenant

C90 His Wallet Was Stolen

C90 His Wallet Was Stolen

0"Zhong Hao, what's wrong?" Gao Fei, who was taking the clothes out of his bag, asked when he saw that something was wrong with my face.    


"My wallet was stolen." I said in a deep voice.    


"Is there any cash inside? Do you have a bank card? If you do, you have to report it to the bank immediately. Do you remember where you lost your wallet?" Gao Fei gave me an idea.    


I didn't lose it. Someone stole it. " I took a deep breath. "The most important thing is that my identity card is in it."    


"Ah! If I lose my ID card, Doesn't that mean you won't be able to join the National Wushu Competition? Gao Fei was also surprised.    


I didn't answer and tried to recall the scene. Although I didn't see what the young man who bumped into me looked like, I felt that his back looked a little familiar. It was just that Coach Huang asked us to enter the hotel, so I didn't notice.    


Thinking about it now, I suddenly remembered that the young man was the one who deliberately put his wallet in my pocket at the entrance of the arts academy and framed me!    


"I know who stole my wallet!" I heaved a sigh of relief in my heart and said with an extremely gloomy expression.    


"Do you know who it is?"    


"Which room does Xie Nan live in?" I asked immediately.    


"What? Do you think Xie Nan stole your wallet?" Gao Fei was shocked. "Although there is a conflict between you two, you are still brothers of the arts academy. You wouldn't do such a wicked thing, would you?"    


"Who else could it be if it wasn't him? Just tell me which room he is staying in."    


"He lives in Room 1317 with Chu Tian." "I saw him when they took the room card downstairs."    


I thanked him and walked out of the room.    


Gao Fei also quickly followed up and said, "Zhong Hao, think about it carefully. Don't let it be just a misunderstanding and offend them. Both of them are rich kids. You were lucky to escape last time. If something like this happens again, you won't be so lucky."    


"I won't make a mistake. It must be them. They just don't want me to join the Wushu Competition." I said coldly as I walked.    


"Alright, alright. Don't attack us just because we don't get along with each other. Explain to them first and try not to have any physical contact. After all, we belong to the same sect all day long. It won't be good for the arts academy if word gets out."    


"Don't worry, I know what to do." My gaze is firm and resolute.    


When I reach room 1317, I can faintly hear the conversation and laughter of the two before knocking on the door.    


I knocked on the door with all my strength.    


"Who is it?" Xie Nan's voice came from the room.    


I did not answer. I knocked on the door again.    


"Dummy. Can't you tell me who it is?" Xie Nan's voice sounded unhappy in the room.    


After a few seconds, the door opened.    


When he saw me standing angrily at the door and Gao Fei behind him, Xie Nan revealed a strange expression and asked with a smile that wasn't a smile, "I thought it was someone, but it turns out it was a kid with good grades in the first grade. Why did you knock on our door? It looks like we don't know each other very well, right?"    


As if afraid that I would rise, Gao Fei quickly said with a smile. "I'm sorry for disturbing you two. We do have something to ask you. Can we talk inside?"    


Xie Nan looked at Gao Fei with disdain. Xie Nan looked at Gao Fei with disdain. Finally, he let us in.    


In the room, Chu Tian was only wearing a pair of big pants, revealing his strong muscles. He was practicing push-ups on the floor. His movements were very standard, one up and one down. His speed was also very fast.    


When he saw me come in, his movements stopped. His eyes flashed with a cold light as he asked, "Xie Nan, what's going on? Why did they come in?"    


Xie Nan revealed a trace of ridicule and said, "They said they have something to ask us. Tell us, what is it?"    


"It's like this, two senior brothers. Zhong Hao lost his wallet at the entrance of the hotel. We just wanted to ask if the two senior brothers saw any wallet on the ground." "But don't misunderstand," Gao Fei added. "We asked the other students about it. We didn't suspect anything. We just wanted to find Zhong Hao's wallet."    


After hearing that, the two of them narrowed their eyes and smiled.    


"A wallet? We didn't see any wallet. Zhong Hao, you were too careless. You lost your wallet when you came to C City. Don't tell me you guys have something important? You were really careless and didn't know you were going out. "Do you want to take good care of your money?" Xie Nan gloated. "Look at how nervous you are. Don't tell me you have ID cards inside? It would be bad if you had ID cards. That means you can't join the National Wushu Competition. What a pity! "    


"Yes. There is indeed Zhong Hao's ID card inside. That's why we are in a hurry. It's fine if the two senior brothers don't see it. We will take our leave first!"    


Gao Fei pulled me to leave, but I broke free from his grip.    


"Xie Nan, Chu Tian, don't pretend with me! "I know the guy who stole my wallet. It was the young man who put my wallet in my pocket when Xie Nan arranged for it to be in front of the arts academy. He wanted to frame me." I said coldly, "You guys are really despicable. It's fine if you don't dare to fight openly, but you actually stole my wallet in such a despicable way. You want me to not participate in the National Wushu Competition? You guys are trash!"    


Stinking brat, who are you calling trash? " Xie Nan cursed angrily.    


Chu Tian's eyes also revealed an unfriendly look.    


I snorted. "Whoever steals my wallet is trash!"    


"Seniors, don't be angry. There must be some misunderstanding between us. Zhong Hao, don't be impulsive. If there is anything, we can look for Coach Huang. Calm down!" Gao Fei quickly advised.    


Gao Fei, don't try to persuade them anymore. These two guys are the main culprits. I must get my wallet back today! " I said coldly.    


Xie Nan cursed, "You damn brat. Do you really think you are great after learning the martial arts of the three-legged cat for a few days? "In A City, I have a hundred ways to deal with you! The reason why I didn't bother you was because of my fellow disciples. Don't f * cking use chicken feathers as a command arrow! "You said that we stole your wallet. Which dog eye did you see that?"    


Last time, that young man tried to frame me. You were at the scene. You were in cahoots with him. I'm sure that he stole my wallet just now. Naturally, it was you guys who ordered it. " I don't want to waste any more time today. Do you guys want to hand over my wallet or not? " I said coldly.    


Don't say that we didn't take your wallet. With your attitude towards your senior brother, so what if you took your wallet? You even called us trash. If you have the ability, then do it!" Xie Nan sneered.    


I gritted my teeth. I couldn't help but take a step forward and punch at Xie Nan.    


Xie Nan's expression changed slightly. He hurriedly dodged and turned around to launch a fierce counterattack. It was aimed at my face.    


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