Perfect Tenant

C63 Negotiations

C63 Negotiations

0When I was so drunk that I didn't even know what was going on with anyone, I naturally didn't know Loo Xintong's current situation.    


At this time, she was already negotiating with Jiang Tao and Toni in a coffee shop.    


"Loo Xintong, why are you looking for us so early?" Jiang Tao took a sip of coffee and asked with a smile.    


Loo Xintong lowered her head and bit her red lips. In the end, she mustered up her courage and looked up. "Director Jiang," she said. Teacher Toni, I'm really sorry. I did have some matters to attend to since I called you all here so early. To be able to cooperate with Director Jiang, However, You know, my boyfriend and I have a very good relationship. If we break up because of this, I really can't accept it. So can you change the terms of the contract and let me and my boyfriend continue to be together? Just like some famous film star artist now. Before they became famous, they also had boyfriends, but as long as they adhered to their own principles, They won't be criticized by others. "    


Hearing this, Jiang Tao and Toni laughed and looked at Loo Xintong with an expression as if they were watching a joke.    


"Am I wrong?" Loo Xintong blushed slightly and looked at the two of them.    


"Miss Tong, you think too simply about the entertainment industry. If you want to get involved in this mess, it doesn't mean that you can just sit straight and do what you want. " If every artiste thinks like you do, why do you need the paparazzi? The paparazzi's goal is to turn the air into the wind. Write the wind into rain, write the rain into a sandstorm. So no matter how clean you are, it's useless. Not to mention the past. For example, before you became famous, you had a boyfriend. They might even report that 'XX Artists hide the fact that they are married.' Who exactly was the ex-husband? Take a look? Just a boyfriend and he was called an ex-husband. We are most afraid of those paparazzi. That's why no artistes signed by the company are allowed to have a boyfriend. So don't think about it. We won't change our conditions. "    


Loo Xintong was very depressed when she heard that. "Is there really no other way? If... if I really have to break up with my boyfriend to sign the contract with the star creators, I would rather not be an artiste. "    


Jiang Tao and Toni's expressions changed. Jiang Tao said, "Loo Xintong, Don't let your loyalty get the better of you. If you really become a big star, You can have as many boyfriends as you want, as you can count your wealth and glory. Those fanatical fans who support you, they're all over the country. They'll scream and cheer when they see you, and they'll even sing one or two of your songs. Think about it, what a glorious career this is. You've captured the hearts of countless fans. Isn't that more important than having a boyfriend? "    


Jiang Tao's words made Loo Xintong silent. Her expression was extremely complicated.    


Toni also advised, "Loo Xintong, I know your dream. What you care about is letting the whole country and even the whole world hear your song and share your music with everyone. If you don't cooperate with us, Although there is no chance, this hope is extremely slim. Let me make an analogy. If you don't choose to sign a contract with a Star Creator, the probability of achieving your dream might be less than 1% or even less. But to become a stargazer, you have at least 10% chance of becoming a stargazer. Think about the huge difference. I can guarantee that... If you choose not to cooperate with us for the sake of your boyfriend, you will regret it later."    


Loo Xintong could not say a word. She held the coffee cup with a very anxious expression.    


In the face of such a difficult choice, she did not know which one to choose.    


Dreams were what she had been looking forward to for so long. Although she had only lived with Zhong Hao for two months, love was not something that could be measured with time and money.    


The two of them were not in a hurry. They drank coffee and quietly looked at Loo Xintong.    


Jiang Tao said, "How about this? You don't have to give us an answer so quickly. I will give you three days to think about it. If you think it through, then call me. How about it?"    


When he said this, Jiang Tao's face was full of confidence because he was not worried that Loo Xintong would give up.    


In the current society, there was probably no one who did not want to be a star. Although some people said they did not want to, because they did not have the qualifications and strength.    


Facing such a huge temptation, no one could resist, even themselves. Not to mention a little girl in her twenties.    


Unexpectedly Loo Xintong took a deep breath and stood up, saying, "Xie Jiang thanks Teacher Toni for her good intentions. "I have thought about it. I will give you an answer now. I will not sign the contract. I choose to be with my boyfriend."    


"Not signing? You're crazy! " Jiang Tao and Toni were stunned by Loo Xintong's decision.    


Jiang Tao said, "It's such a good opportunity to become a big star and have billions of fans. Are you going to give up just like that? You must be out of your mind. You will regret your decision for the rest of your life. "    


"Indeed. I may regret it, but if I lose Zhong Hao, I will regret it even more. "Thank you for your trust and encouragement. " But I still have to say I'm sorry. Even if I didn't choose to sign the contract with the Star Creator, I can still continue to pursue my dream. Goodbye, thank you. "    


Loo Xintong bowed deeply to the two of them. Under their stunned expressions, she turned around and left.    


Hey! You will never succeed in your own way! Do you really want to give up your dreams? "What kind of charm does Zhong Hao have to make you give up the whole world for him?" Toni stood up and shouted.    


Loo Xintong stopped for a moment but did not say anything. She continued to walk out of the room and closed the door.    


When she walked out of the coffee shop, she felt much more relaxed.    


Although she also felt a little sad and depressed, she was more excited and happy than Zhong Hao.    


She couldn't wait to share this good news with her boyfriend, so she took out her phone and dialed Zhong Hao's number.    


No one answered. She called three times in a row, but it was still the same.    


"Maybe stinky donkey hasn't woken up yet, or maybe he hasn't heard his phone." Loo Xintong smiled and muttered to herself, "Then I'll go back and tell him this good news. He will definitely be happy to death!"    


Loo Xintong took a taxi by the road and rushed home.    


Thirty minutes later, she finally reached the door of the house. She knocked hard on the door but no one opened the door.    


"Could it be that stinky donkey has already gone out? "Then why didn't he answer my phone? Even if he saw it, he should have answered it." Loo Xintong opened the door gloomily.    


Then she saw a pair of women's high heels beside the shoe cabinet and could not help being stunned for a moment.    


"Whose shoes are these?" She was extremely puzzled. The living room was very quiet. No one even touched the breakfast she made for Zhong Hao on the table.    


Loo Xintong frowned and thought Zhong Hao was still sleeping. She opened the bedroom door and walked in.    


As soon as she entered, she stood at the door, stunned.    


The sound of a soul dissipating voice filled the entire room. Two naked bodies entangled together. The woman sat on the man's body and twisted her body crazily. Her body was drenched in sweat and emitted a silver lustre.    


The man lying on the bed had his eyes closed. He had a look of enjoyment on his face. It was Zhong Hao, who had made many phone calls and did not call back just now.    


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