Perfect Tenant

C26 Three Movie Tickets

C26 Three Movie Tickets

0Ever since Loo Xintong applied medicinal wine to me that night, my jokes have become much bigger. If it was in the past, I would definitely not say this to her.    


Loo Xintong's face immediately turned red and she said, "What does it have to do with you whether I am a lady or not? I don't wear pants and I just sit like this. What are you going to do with me?"    


After she finished speaking, she deliberately lifted the t-shirt to her waist. This time, most of her buttocks that were covered by her pants were revealed. My pants could not help holding up the umbrella. I quickly looked away and said with a bitter smile, "Fine, fine, fine. Even if you are naked, I will not be able to control you. Actually, I have a good thing to tell you. "    


"What is it?" Loo Xintong immediately asked.    


"I went to the mall today and charged the phone to give me three movie tickets. It just happens to be tomorrow. I thought it would be a waste to go alone. If you have time, come with me."    


"Really? You want to invite me to a movie? " Loo Xintong looked happy.    


"Yes. In any case, it would be a waste not to watch three movie tickets." I deliberately emphasized the three sounds.    


Loo Xintong said, "Three tickets, then wouldn't there be one more?"    


"Yes, I don't know what to do with the other one."    


"How about we ask Ms Yiyao to watch the movie together?" Loo Xintong thought about it and said.    


I am happy in my heart. This is exactly what I want. Loo Xintong said it first.    


"Whatever. As long as it is not wasted." She suppressed the excitement in her heart and said calmly.    


"Okay, I'll give Ms Yiyao a call. What time is your movie ticket tomorrow?"    


"It's 7: 30 tomorrow night."    


Loo Xintong immediately called Chen Yiyao. Because the speaker was on, I could hear what Chen Yiyao said.    


At the beginning, Chen Yiyao did not agree and Loo Xintong said, "Ms Yiyao, don't reject it. Consider it my treat. You have to give me face, right?"    


"I don't want to be your light bulb." Chen Yiyao said from the other end of the phone.    


Loo Xintong suddenly laughed, "I haven't even rolled my eyes yet, so it's decided. Tomorrow at 7 PM we will meet at the entrance of the cinema. If you don't come, I'm going to get angry. "    


After hanging up the phone, Loo Xintong smiled and said, "Done."    


I am very excited but still nodded seriously.    


The next night at 7 pm, we waited at the entrance of the cinema. When the movie is about to start and we haven't seen Chen Yiyao yet, I was a little anxious and said, "Girl, make a phone call to urge her!"    


Loo Xintong was about to make a phone call. Chen Yiyao, who was wearing a black OL suit and carrying a bag, appeared. She looked at me and immediately shifted her gaze. She said with a smile, "Tong, I'm sorry. I was delayed by something. The movie hasn't started yet. Let's go in."    


"Okay, okay, it's about to start."    


The two of them held hands and entered the cinema together. They left me, the one who was treating them, behind.    


I hurriedly chased after them. Looking at the two of them's graceful backs, it was as if they really had their own merits and were evenly matched.    


Loo Xintong suddenly turned around and asked me, "Right, stinky donkey, what movie are we watching?"    


Being called stinky donkey by Loo Xintong in front of Chen Yiyao made me feel a little awkward. I was also worried that Chen Yiyao would misunderstand and could not help but look at her.    


Fortunately, her expression did not change much.    


"A horror movie." I said.    


"You want to die? You actually want us to watch a horror movie!"    


I smiled bitterly and said, "Film tickets are given. I can't make my own choice!"    


"Since you're already here, let's take a look." Chen Yiyao said with a smile.    


Loo Xintong did not care.    


Five minutes later, we were sitting in the stadium. The huge screen was broadcasting advertisements. The movie had not officially started yet.    


I deliberately chose to sit beside Chen Yiyao and felt a little excited.    


Although I did not have the time to explain to her, I believe that the horror movie will definitely help me later.    


There weren't many people watching the movie and most of them were lovers.    


Loo Xintong sat at the outermost and said, "Ms Yiyao, I am a little afraid."    


"You haven't started yet and you're already scared. You're really timid." I said one thing.    


"stinky donkey, it's all your fault!"    


Chen Yiyao did not look at me and asked, "Why do you always call him stinky donkey?"    


Because the movie was about to start and the lights were turned off, the cinema was very dark. Although Loo Xintong's expression could not be seen clearly, she knew that she was embarrassed at this moment.    


Of course I know why he called me a donkey because my reaction is like a donkey.    


Loo Xintong probably felt embarrassed to open her mouth. After a few seconds, she thought of a reason and said, "He's as stupid as a donkey. If he doesn't call me stinky donkey, what will he call me?"    


Chen Yiyao burst into laughter.    


Chen Yiyao's smile was really beautiful, especially in such a dark environment. It gave people a hazy and otherworldly feeling. Sitting beside her, I could smell the faint fragrance of her body. My heart could not help but quicken.    


Very soon, the movie began. It was just that the movie was not as scary as I imagined. Because it was domestically made, it only relied on darkness and screams to shock people. This caused Loo Xintong to yawn and almost fall asleep.    


Chen Yiyao was also a little absent-minded. From time to time, she would take out her phone to take a look.    


I can't bear it any longer. Since the movie can't help, then I'll do it myself.    


Her hand is right beside my seat. I don't dare to look at Chen Yiyao. My heart is especially nervous and nervous. It is comparable to the first time I held her hand.    


After all, there is a huge misunderstanding between me and her and I don't know if I can beg for her forgiveness by doing this.    



I take a deep breath and gather my courage. Suddenly, I grab her hand.    


Chen Yiyao's hand clearly trembled for a moment. Then, she started to struggle with all her might.    


But I tightly grabbed her hand and did not let her let go.    


As for my other hand, I could not help but place it on her thigh.    


Chen Yiyao quickly grabbed my hand.    


I lowered my voice and explained, "Yiyao, Trust me."    


"Don't be like this, this is a movie theater..." Chen Yiyao's voice was also very low because she was very nervous and trembling.    


"I don't care. Trust me. Loo Xintong and I really have nothing to do."    


"Ms Yiyao, what are you guys talking about?" At this moment, Loo Xintong asked, scaring me.    


"Nothing, I want to go to the toilet."    


Chen Yiyao suddenly stood up and I could only let go of her hand.    


"Okay. I will go with you. What lousy movie? It is so boring."    


The two of them got up and left the stadium. I sat in my seat and felt a little disappointed. I'm afraid Chen Yiyao would not believe it no matter how I explain it. After all, even I don't believe it when it comes to this kind of thing.    


After a while, the two of them came back and sat down again.    


I clenched my teeth. Just like before, I grabbed Chen Yiyao's hand again. I didn't expect that this time, she tried to struggle a few times and then stopped moving. It was just that her palms were sweating and she looked very nervous.    


I took advantage of the opportunity to put my other hand on her leg and said in a low voice, "You know, I only love you. I will not like any other woman."    


Chen Yiyao's delicate body could not help trembling.    


I did not say anything and took the opportunity to touch her thigh. I continued to climb up and then went into her dress.    


Chen Yiyao's legs immediately clamped tightly together.    


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