Naruto: One-click 999



0Deep into the night, Xiao Tian, Uchiha Tsugaku, and Day Foot discussed the plan to settle Danzou at an unknown time.    


Finally, Xiao Tian handed it to Nikkei, telling it to pass on its farewell to Luojiaji.    


Looking at the two of them gradually disappearing into the darkness, Xiao Tian was not worried at all whether the other party would be followed or assassinated.    


With the strength of the two, within the current Konoha Village, the number of people who could follow them could be counted on one hand.    


As for the root side, unless Danzou personally acted, there was no way to gain any advantage.    


"It seems like I'll have to use the favor I received from Luojiao this time."    




Just as Xiao Tian finished speaking, his right hand that was extended behind him directly crushed the throat of a Ninja.    


"Let this kind of trash follow me? Danzou, are you really old now?    




When the discussion on Xiao Tian's side came to an end, on the other side, in the darkest room.    


"Still unable to penetrate?"    


"Yes, my lord!"    


The killer kneeling on one knee in front of Danzou started sweating after hearing Danzou's words.    


The entire Uchiha Clan is under martial law now, so as long as we can find any suspicious characters, every single clan member would have the power to kill them on the spot. As for the Xiang Clan, their status is too high, we can't find a way out of this predicament.    


"As for the Oily Woman clan, because they are currently completely attached to the Hokage and have an agreement with us, they have not continued to infiltrate us."    


"Yes." "What's the situation with Xiao Tian?"    


"There's no news. It seems like it's just like what my lord thought. He should have already finished it off."    




Just as the killer finished reporting the information, Danzou beheaded him.    


Drip, drip.    


Fresh blood flowed down from the blade, reflecting the mocking and crazy Danzou.    


"The destruction of the Uchiha clan is already a foregone conclusion, and Hyuga Clan will not cause anyone to act rashly. As for the Oil Girl, she's merely a small clan, she's not worth mentioning at all. Furthermore, they're the same as the other clans, with a large portion of their combat power located at the bottom of their Assassinate Tactical Special Forces and roots."    


Saying that, Danzou stood up from the ground, swung his knife backwards and stabbed it into the head of the dead body.    


In the darkness, the scarlet right eye was extremely terrifying.    


"Xiao Tian, oh Xiao Tian, even though so many years have passed, you still don't understand how delicious and important power is."    


"Since you don't want the Hokage, then go and become a powerless elder. Since that's the case, after I've dealt with the Uchiha, what's next …"    


"It's you, Xiao Tian."    


As the voice of the group battle faded away, the room became quiet once more.    


However, that was only the calm before the storm.    


The slaughter was about to descend!    


Three days later, in Konoha Village.    


"Wuu, my child, it was that damn fox demon who killed you!    


"Damn fox demon, you are the one who caused the destruction of my family!"    


"And that evil Uchiha! If they had only acted then, why would the fourth generation Hokage Lord and Nine Whirlpool Nai'er be in trouble?! How could there be so many casualties in the village! "    


"Calm down!" Everyone calm down! "    


On the streets, the pacification after the war continued, but even so, the villagers' resentment towards the word 'fox' continued to increase.    


Not only that, as a member of the Uchiha, they were also on patrol during these three days.    


But none of the villagers of Konoha gave them a good face.    


Evidently, the news of Namikaze Minato and the Whirlwind Nine Xin Nai's deaths had already spread.    


Right now, in the eyes of the villagers, the Uchiha race was no longer a family that only knew how to fight for power.    


They were a bunch of cowards who were afraid of death and would abandon their duties!    


Uchiha Tsugaku had already guessed this long ago, but his expression was extremely calm.    


He even ordered all members of the Uchiha Clan to calm down and restrain themselves.    


In contrast, tonight, he, the Patriarch, would give it to all the clan members of the Uchiha …    


A satisfactory answer!    




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