Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C16 The Magic Treasure Have No Relation with You

C16 The Magic Treasure Have No Relation with You

0In the past few days, Zhou Yi had been so focused on crafting magical equipment that he had forgotten to eat and sleep.    


Looking in the mirror, Zhou Yi was shocked. His hair was tied up, his face was covered in oil, and his beard was long enough to be grabbed with his hands.    


"It doesn't fit my image at all. No matter what, I am the supreme deity Medical Sword Immortal from the 3,000 worlds. Although I was reincarnated, I can't ignore my image."    


With that, Zhou Yi packed his clothes, took a few toiletries and headed out of the house.    


The moment he opened the door, the dazzling sunlight fell on Zhou Yi's face. He couldn't help but close his eyes. He raised his hands, raised his head and stretched lazily. Because it was too comfortable, he moaned comfortably.    


After closing the door, Zhou Yi walked towards the nearest bathhouse with the bag. Zhou Yi walked towards the nearest bathhouse with the bag in his hand.    


After entering the bathroom, Zhou Yi quickly took off all his clothes. He ran to the bathtub in quick steps and jumped in with a "bang". Water splashed high into the air.    


Due to time, there were very few people in the bathtub. Zhou Yi was the only one in it. If there was anyone else, they would probably call him sick.    


Lying in the bath, Zhou Yi thought about the auction that night.    


Just this morning, Wang Chuan called to say that everything had been settled and that he was waiting for his magic treasure to appear.    


Because he was worried, Wang Chuan asked Zhou Yi many times if his magical equipment had already arrived. Zhou Yi still said the word "soon" to send him away, making Wang Chuan's heart especially uncertain.    


After showering and shaving, Zhou Yi changed into the clothes he brought with him. Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction and said to himself: "Yes, he's still as handsome as ever."    


After showering, Zhou Yi looked at the time and saw it was 5: 38 PM. The auction was at 7: 30 PM. There was still time, so he found a restaurant and ordered some dishes that he liked and ate them slowly.    


At that moment, the phone in his pocket rang.    


Zhou Yi took out his phone. It was a call from Wang Chuan. When the call connected, Wang Chuan said, "Mr. Zhou, where did you go? I called you many times but no one answered."    


Zhou Yi looked at his phone and saw more than a dozen missed calls, "Oh, I went to take a shower. My phone is not here, is there anything?"    


Wang Chuan felt like dying. He was busy with the auction, but this guy didn't seem to have anything to do with him, so he didn't ask about it.    


"Mr. Zhou, I'll send the driver to pick you up at your place later." Wang Chuan said.    


"No need, I can go by myself." Before Wang Chuan could reply, Zhou Yi hung up the phone.    


"… …"    


Wang Chuan set the auction at the Beijing Hotel and reserved the highest floor for the auction.    


In order to get a better seat, some people had already arrived at the auction house before six.    


As the time for the auction drew nearer, the Grand Hotel in the capital became more and more lively. Luxury cars went in and out of the hotel, and it became a luxury car fair.    


The special invitation letter system was in place in this auction. Only people with special invitation letters could enter the auction site.    


Many of the Wealthy Class aristocrats with Jiang City also heard about the matter of the Artifact Auction and rushed over to join the commotion. However, when they arrived at the scene, they discovered that they could not enter the auction venue's door.    


"The auction is for the highest bidder, don't you think I have money? I don't have anything else, just money. I don't even know how to spend that much money, hurry up and let me in. " a fat man shouted.    


Under his lead, the others who were unable to enter the auction started to become restless.    


"Exactly, on what basis are you not letting us in? If you don't let us in, then don't even think about holding your auction."    


"Right, don't even think about it. We aren't short on money. Hurry up and let us in."    


No matter what, the security guards at the entrance would not let them in.    


Wang Chuan, who was at the auction venue, couldn't help but frown when he heard the noise outside. He quickly walked out.    


When the nobles at the entrance saw Wang Chuan come out, they all shut their mouths.    


In the Jiang City, there might be ordinary people who didn't know Wang Chuan, but those with a bit of status didn't know him. Because of his background and his style of doing things, very few people would dare to be arrogant in front of him.    


Wang Chuan stood at the entrance of the auction house and looked around at the few nobles causing trouble at the entrance. He said coldly: "The rules of the auction house are set by me, it seems you guys have a problem with me. How about we find a place to talk?"    


Hearing that they wanted to talk to him, those few noble families felt a chill run down their backs and quickly said, "No, no, today we are here to support Chairman Wang. Since we need a special invitation to go in, we won't disturb you."    


Finished speaking, the few of them left the auction house as if they were escaping.    


After driving away those Wealthy Class aristocrats, Wang Chuan raised his hand and looked at the time. It was already 7: 20, but Zhou Yi still hadn't come.    


Wang Chuan had already made a few phone calls to Zhou Yi. He always sent him off with the words "soon" and "soon". That was half an hour ago, but there was still no sign of him.    


Wang Chuan paced back and forth in front of the door anxiously. Only he knew that he had used his family's old man's face to organize this auction. If Zhou Yi let him off, he would definitely be scolded.    


Wang Chuan looked at the time again. It was still 5 minutes to 7: 30.    


Usually, it was to wait for him. Since when did Wang Chuan's business happen to others? Wang Chuan's patience had reached its limit. He took out his phone and dialed Zhou Yi's number.    


"Ling Ling Ling"    


When the call connected, Wang Chuan almost shouted: "Mr. Zhou, the time of the auction is almost here, when will you be able to arrive?"    


"Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't you say that you were going to do it immediately?"    


Wang Chuan was about to get angry, but something didn't seem right. The voice just now didn't seem to come from the phone.    


When he looked over to the source of the sound, he saw Zhou Yi wobbling towards him with his phone in one hand and his other hand in his pants pocket.    


Wang Chuan originally wanted to blame Zhou Yi after seeing him, but he suddenly realized that Zhou Yi's temperament had undergone a tremendous change. Zhou Yi, who was standing in front of him, had a piercing gaze and the expression on his face gave others the feeling of being in a position of power.    


Wang Chuan didn't care about anything else as he pulled Zhou Yi and walked towards the auction site.    


In the auction house, the representatives of Ancient Martial Aristocratic Family who were waiting to be auctioned were already impatient.    


Seeing Wang Chuan pull in a young man, the auction suddenly became quiet.    


Wang Chuan introduced, "This is the holder of the magical equipment being auctioned today, Zhou Yi, Mr. Zhou."    



"Hurry up and auction it!" We've been waiting for a long time. " a middle-aged man shouted.    


"Right, hurry up. We all want to see what magical equipment it is. Is it worth it for us to come here?"    


Zhou Yi did not care about them, and looked around at the people below the stage, then pointed at his Ancient Martial Aristocratic Family and said: "Let them leave, this treasure is not fated to be with them."    


The entire audience was in an uproar.    


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