Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C45 Repayment

C45 Repayment

0After exiting the police station, Wang Chuan arranged for the car to be driven directly to Zhou Jia Village.    


In recent days, Zhou Yi's family had become the main topic of discussion around the world. As long as Zhou Yi's family was involved, the news would spread quickly.    


They were full of sympathy for the sudden turn of events in the Wu and Iron family. They were full of sympathy for the sudden turn of events in the Wu and Steel family.    


The car that sent Zhou Yi into the village was discovered by someone even before it entered the village. The news of Zhou Yi's return quickly spread throughout the entire Zhou Mansion like air.    


Before the car got to the door, Zhou Yi's house was already surrounded by three layers of people.    


The moment Zhou Yi and the others got off, someone asked, "Lee Mei, are you alright?"    


Lee Mei quickly answered, "Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes."    


"Yushan, come and drink with me when you have time!"    


"Come on, come on, come on." Zhou Yushan answered.    


The villagers greeted Zhou Yushan and Lee Mei one after another to comfort them. The two of them did their best to respond to each other. At this moment, they could feel the concern and enthusiasm of the villagers.    


The group of people passed through the crowd and entered the Zhou family's small courtyard. The crowd gradually dispersed.    


He pushed open the door and entered the house. The house was a mess, with broken tables and chairs, smashed pots and pans, everything told everyone what had happened here.    


Lee Mei walked into the room, tears streaming down her face unconsciously. "This guy who received a thousand cuts, tell me, why are we so unlucky? How did the Zhou family get such a bastard like Zhou Yuliang?"    


Zhou Yushan also sighed as he thought of Zhou Yuliang. His heart was filled with helplessness and sorrow. He never thought that his own brother would bring outsiders to harm him for money.    


"Let's pack up first. Let's buy a new one if it's broken." Zhou Yi said.    


Everyone started to clean up, even Wang Chuan started to do it himself.    


Just as everyone was packing up, the sound of a car could be heard from outside the house.    


Everyone quickly looked outside the house and saw a large truck full of items stop in front of the Zhou Mansion's small courtyard.    


Mo Qingcheng jumped down from the car. When she saw Zhou Yi, she ran over to hug him happily. "You're back! I'm going to die from worry."    


Zhou Yi pushed Mo Qingcheng away gently, pointed at the truck and asked, "What's that?"    


Mo Qingcheng smiled and said, "I saw that the things in my house were damaged and I didn't have many items I could use, so I went to the city to buy some."    


As they approached the van, they saw that it was filled with all kinds of furniture, household appliances, pots and pans.    


Lee Mei and Zhou Yushan looked at the carts full of stuff and then looked at Mo Qingcheng. They were more satisfied with their daughter-in-law now.    


With the help of the villagers, the items were quickly unloaded and put into place. Seeing everything new in the house, Lee Mei was so happy that her mouth could not close. She kept mumbling, "Good, good, good."    


After finishing everything, Zhou Yi walked over to Wang Chuan and asked, "How is your family's old man doing?"    


Happiness came too suddenly, Wang Chuan didn't have the time to react. When he finally reacted, his face lit up, thinking that after doing so much, he finally touched Zhou Yi. He quickly said: "Sir, did you agree to treat my family's old man?"    


"During this period of time, you've helped me a lot, and I owe you a lot of favors." In this period of time, you've helped me a lot, and I've owed you a lot of favors. Zhou Yi said.    


"No, sir, for you to treat my family's old man, no matter how much I do, I won't be able to repay your kindness."    


"Alright, let's talk about the old tutor's condition."    


Thinking about his old man's illness, Wang Chuan couldn't help but frown: "The old man's body has been getting weaker and weaker lately, and his heart often stops beating. Also, the old man is usually absent-minded and doesn't have much memory.    


"I remember that Divine Physician Chen is treating your family's old man, what countermeasures does he have?" Zhou Yi asked.    


"Divine Physician Chen is helpless and can only barely hang on to the old man's life, but the old man doesn't show any signs of getting better at all. On the contrary, he looks worse and worse." Wang Chuan said with a frown.    


Zhou Yi had interacted with Divine Physician Chen once, although they had not interacted much, but he could tell that Divine Physician Chen's level was not bad, at least these mortals approved of him, and if even he felt helpless, then it seemed that Wang Family Old Man was in danger.    


"Before I go, I need you to do two things for me." Zhou Yi said.    


For Wang Chuan, let alone two, he would even be happy to take 200 pieces. He quickly said, "Sir, please tell me. I will definitely do my best."    


I hope Chairman Wang can arrange for Mo Qingcheng to return to Jiang City, and also for my parents. I'm worried that Su Minghai will harm them after I leave.    


"Sir, don't worry. I will arrange all of this immediately."    


Zhou Yi took out his cell phone and contacted his family's branch in Seahold. He got them to book Mo Qingcheng a plane ticket to Jiang City tomorrow morning. He also arranged for a private car to pick up Mo Qingcheng.    


After Mo Qingcheng's matter was arranged, Wang Chuan dialed Mayor Dong's number again. On the phone, Wang Chuan briefly told him about the Zhou Mansion and finally said, "Mayor Dong, in order to prevent Su Minghai from causing trouble again, I ask Mayor Dong to take care of this matter. Wang Chuan naturally knows what to do."    


Mayor Dong happily agreed. It would be beneficial for him if Wang Chuan owed him a favor.    


Zhou Yi was very satisfied with Wang Chuan's arrangement and decided to follow him to the capital tomorrow.    


Mo Qingcheng originally did not want to return to the Jiang City so quickly, but seeing Zhou Yi's resolute attitude, she thought that it had been some time since she had left the Jiang City, so she agreed to return to the Jiang City as well.    


After a few days of interaction, Lee Mei liked Mo Qingcheng very much. Knowing that Mo Qingcheng was leaving tomorrow, Lee Mei held her hand and chatted with her for the whole night.    


The next morning, the car that picked up Mo Qingcheng was waiting for them outside the courtyard. Under the escort of the crowd, Mo Qingcheng reluctantly left the Zhou Mansion.    


After sending Mo Qingcheng off, Zhou Yi instructed Zhou Yushan and Lee Mei before leaving Zhou Village with Wang Chuan.    


"… …"    


Capital, Su Family.    


Su Minghai threw the teacup in his hands onto the ground and cursed at his subordinates, "Trash, we're all trash. What's the use of keeping you alive if we can't get you guys to do something like this?"    


His subordinates were all silent, lowering their heads, not daring to speak.    


Su Minghai continued to curse loudly, "That Zhou Yuliang is simply trash among trash. He sent two Bone Forging experts to him, but who would have thought that he would be killed by Liu Tie."    


"And that Chief Huang, he only collects money but can't do anything. He sees Wang Chuan like a mouse seeing a cat, and he told Wang Chuan to fish Zhou Yi out of jail effortlessly, he's simply the biggest piece of trash."    



After Su Minghai finished cursing, he seemed to feel more comfortable. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm so angry, who is that?"    


He pointed at one of his subordinates and said, "Where is Zhou Yi now?"    


Trembling, the subordinate took a small step forward and replied, "He has already left the Zhou Mansion and is on his way to the capital with Wang Chuan."    


Upon hearing that Zhou Yi had come to the capital, Su Minghai immediately burst out in laughter. "Hahaha, Zhou Yi, I didn't expect that you would dare to come to the capital. This is my territory. Since you have come, don't even think about leaving."    


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