My Cold Female Boss

C17 Business

C17 Business

0"Mr. Sun, the meeting is over. Thank you for your presence!"    


Liang Bingqian revealed a professional smile and said to Sun Hao.    


As the CEO of an extremely large enterprise, Liang Bingqian was still able to maintain such a high level of self-restraint after being disrespectful to others. From this, one could see how the Yongfu Jewelry could occupy half of the jewelry market in the country!    


Liang Bingqian had already ordered them to leave, but Sun Hao remained seated and did not move. With a mischievous smile on his face and an aggressive gaze, he sized Liang Bingqian up from head to toe.    


Liang Bingqian was even more furious, she knew that her appearance was outstanding, no matter where she went, she would attract countless of gazes.    


However, due to his aloof status and tough personality, ordinary people would only dare to secretly size themselves up, even if they had dirty thoughts in their mind.    


Like this guy in front of him, it was the first time he met someone examining him with lustful eyes!    


What was even more hateful was that while he was watching, his mouth actually made sounds of 'tsk tsk'.    


It was as if an item was being praised. It was truly maddening!    


Just when Liang Bingqian was about to call her bodyguard to come in and throw Sun Hao out, Sun Hao finally "had an aesthetic view".    


After finishing his sentence, a serious expression suddenly appeared on his face.    


"Director Liang, your company's security system has a big loophole!"    


Sun Hao said with certainty.    


Hearing that, Liang Bingqian immediately retorted haughtily: "Although I do not know what tricks you are playing, but your words are too ridiculous. Our company's security system, but please the United States... "    


Sun Hao revealed a rogue smile: "The reason why I appeared in Chief Liang's records was because I hacked into your company's system and replaced your original records of receiving guests."    


Seeing that Liang Bingqian still could not believe it, Sun Hao opened the notebook he carried around with him, his fingers dancing around the keyboard as he typed.    


Then, he raised his head and said, "Chief Liang, you can ask, whether the safety vault of this city's South City Auction House's Eternal Fortune Branch has been closed."    


Liang Bingqian was skeptical. She picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said solemnly: "I am Liang Bingqian.    


After she finished speaking, Liang Bingqian quietly waited for her response.    


After a while, as if someone had said something, Liang Bingqian looked at Sun Hao in shock, but still said to the phone steadily: "I don't blame you, you have no responsibility. Just now, headquarters was testing the system... Hm! "It's okay, don't worry about it."    


After putting down the phone, Liang Bingqian's face was unsettled. He asked coldly: "Mr. Sun, you hacked into our security system in front of me, aren't you afraid that I'll call the police?"    


Sun Hao didn't mind at all, as he immediately stretched his legs towards the stage and laid back comfortably on the chair.    


Laughing, he said, "Alright, I'll wait for Director Liang to call the police. But I believe that Boss Leong will definitely not be that stupid. "    


Liang Bingqian glared at Sun Hao with ice-cold eyes, while Sun Hao stared back at her without showing any signs of weakness.    


After the two of them looked at each other for a while, Liang Bingqian could only take the initiative to look away.    


Sun Hao had only used less than a minute to open up the treasury of the Southern City branch just now. That meant that he could break open any single Forever Fortune Chain Store in the entire nation at any time, and even paralyze them.    


What did this mean?    


This meant that if Sun Hao wanted, he could empty Yongfu Jewelry's company!    


He didn't even have to commit the crimes himself. There were a lot of criminal organizations around the world willing to pay a sky-high price to buy these secrets from him.    


In addition, other than those jewels, the various designs and trade secrets of Yongfu company can also be sold off at sky-high prices in the hands of competitors!    


However, Sun Hao did not find any criminal organizations to cooperate, nor did he personally make a move against the Yongfu Jewelry, but instead took the initiative to reveal this secret to him.    


What was his purpose?    


Liang Bingqian couldn't understand, could it be that this Sun Hao was just a technology house, she simply didn't understand what the value of his ability was?    


However, looking at his greasy face, he definitely wasn't.    


Since he couldn't figure it out, he might as well ask!    


Liang Bingqian looked straight at Sun Hao, and said seriously: "Mr. Sun, I would like to express my sincere thanks on behalf of Yongfu Jewelry's company."    


Liang Bingqian's gratitude was indeed sincere. After all, Sun Hao had spared Yongfu Jewelry's life!    


Sun Hao waved his hand: "There's no need to say anything more. Just come to the truth."    


Liang Bingqian nodded her head, she took the cheque holder from the table and wrote on it, tore it off and handed it over to Sun Hao: "This is a little thanks, Mr. Sun please accept it."    


5 million RMB!    


Sun Hao's eyes lit up, but he forced himself to retract his gaze and pushed the cheque back to Liang Bingqian. He smiled and said: "I do not need money, and if Boss Liang trusts me, I am willing to help your company upgrade its security system. Director Liang only needs to agree to one thing. "    


Liang Bingqian looked at Sun Hao in shock. If Sun Hao thought that there wasn't enough money, she could understand, but he didn't want it!    


Other than money, what else could Yongfu Jewelry give him in return?    


After a moment, Liang Bingqian hesitated: "Mr. Sun, I already have a boyfriend."    




Sun Hao was startled, then suddenly realized that this Liang Bingqian was actually thinking wrongly, and thought that she was taking this opportunity to ask for her happiness!    


Sun Hao found it funny and shook his head: "Where are you thinking? I just want you to promise me to buy 1,000 pieces of jewelry from the Magnificent Summer. "    


Liang Bingqian's face flushed red, she anxiously raised his water cup and pretended to drink it to hide her embarrassment.    


One thousand pieces would cost at least seven or eight million yuan.    


Although it was much more than 5 million, Liang Bingqian was still able to accept it.    


However, what Liang Bingqian couldn't understand was why Sun Hao was so loyal to his company, and why she was actually willing to give up the $5 million in cash that was readily available to him for the sake of his company's performance.    



Although the seven or eight million was not a small sum, the commission that was given to the shop assistant was at least a few hundred thousand yuan.    


Sun Hao raised his eyebrows and asked: "What is Boss Leong thinking, does he think that the price of 1000 sets of jewelry would be too high?"    




Liang Bingqian anxiously denied, put down the doubts in her heart, and called for her assistant to come in and draft an agreement with Sun Hao.    


In the end, we agreed to buy 1,000 pieces of jewelry from Yongfu Jewelry Company, worth a total of RMB 8.5 million.    


At the same time, Sun Hao needed to upgrade Yongfu Jewelry's security system for free.    


After the contract was signed, Liang Bingqian asked: "Mr. Sun, may I ask about the security system of our company, what are the flaws?"    


Sun Hao thought for a moment, then said: "Oh ? How should he put it? In short, an expert like me can rewrite the database layer, chef script by redefining the language registry... "    




Liang Bingqian interrupted Sun Hao because she did not understand what she was saying.    


"Mr. Sun, I trust you, but do your job. After I get someone to re-evaluate our security system, I will ask you to come and help. What do you think?"    


Sun Hao nodded in agreement, he kept the contract and prepared to leave.    


Liang Bingqian stood up to send him off, he was not worried that Sun Hao would reveal the loophole in the system, because she had already exposed herself.    


If the Yongfu Jewelry were to steal anything due to security problems, he would be the prime suspect.    


The two of them walked to the entrance. Liang Bingqian could not hold back her curiosity, and asked hesitantly: "Mr. Sun, may I ask what position you hold in your company?"    


"Operations Department, intern shop assistant!"    


Sun Hao turned around and answered with a smile.    




Liang Bingqian choked, only after a while did she calm down. She said puzzledly: "With Mr. Sun's talent, how could she be an apprentice operator? "And for the company's business, reject my 5 million!"    


Sun Hao looked straight into Liang Bingqian's eyes and asked: What? Liang is always trying to poach me? "    


"That's exactly what I wanted!"    


Liang Bingqian said with a face full of anticipation, "As long as Mr. Sun agrees to come, I guarantee ?"    


Sun Hao immediately interrupted Liang Bingqian and rejected him, "There's no need for that. I'm sure that the treatment Boss Liang gives me is very high. But when I was in the beautiful summer, there was one treatment that Boss Liang could never give. "    


Liang Bingqian was not convinced: "I'm really curious, what conditions do you have that our Yongfu Jewelry can't afford to pay for?!"    


Suddenly, he moved closer to Liang Bingqian and whispered into her ear. "The reason why I'm in this beautiful summer is because the beautiful CEO there has already given her body to me!"    


Liang Bingqian had never thought that Sun Hao would actually give such an answer.    


Han Mengli had seen his before, he looked like an extremely cold and arrogant girl. She truly did not believe that Han Mengli would use his body to win over her subordinates!    


Sun Hao smiled evilly, lightly blew next to Liang Bingqian's ear, and teased: "Boss Leong is outstanding, if you are also willing to repay me with your body, I can really consider the matter of jumping off a job!"    




Liang Bingqian's face turned ashen as she cursed loudly.    


Sun Hao's face was filled with regret, and sighed: "Sigh! "It seems like we won't have the chance to get intimate with each other. However, the collaboration between our companies will continue!"    


With that, Sun Hao waved the contract in his hand and laughed out loud. Before Liang Bingqian could rage, she opened the door and ran out.    


Bang! Liang Bingqian's full force kick missed and landed on the bulletproof glass door.    


Sun Hao laughed even more as he waved to Liang Bingqian, whose pretty face was as cold as ice. Then, he turned and entered the elevator.    


The front desk lady who escorted Sun Hao up maintained his smile and waited in the elevator.    


Sun Hao nodded at her: "Let's go to the basement level two parking lot, thank you!"    


Sun Hao rode on the Audi, and after leaving the Eternal Fortune Tower, he directly returned to the Exquisite Summer Company.    


Looking at the CEO's office, his wife Han Mengli actually went out.    


Sun Hao was bored, so he returned to the Operations Department and started playing games.    


Seeing that Sun Hao had returned, the mustache man immediately thought back to the tragic scene he had encountered in the cafeteria. He glared at Sun Hao viciously, before sneaking into his master's office to report to Wang Zhiwen.    


As their results were stolen by Wang Zhiwen, everyone in Operations Department was in a bad mood these two days. They all stayed here to play games, not one of them went out to run a business.    


Wang Zhiwen was aware that he was in the wrong and did not dare continue to do anything to those people.    


Now that he heard that Sun Hao was also playing games during work hours, his face immediately became gloomy, and he left the office aggressively, heading straight for Sun Hao's position.    


"Sun Hao, how many singles services did you run today? Show me the business list! "    


Although Wang Zhiwen was stupid, he knew that teaching people a lesson requires them to be famous.    


He only wanted to talk while playing games at work, it was not able to deal a fatal blow to Sun Hao, so he first asked about Sun Hao's performance.    


Sun Hao stared at the computer screen, without even looking at Wang Zhiwen, he casually said: "I have a single operation, but Director Wang, you do not have the qualifications to look at my work list, I will report it to the CEO later!"    


Wang Zhiwen grabbed Sun Hao's monitor and threw it to the ground, roaring: "Surnamed Sun! Do you dare to play games at work after running your business only two days ago? If you don't want to work anymore, then scram! "    


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