My Cold Female Boss

C142 disinfection

C142 disinfection

0Sun Hao took a step back and lazily said to the others, "What are you waiting for? Your big brother, I, was already scolded by you, why aren't you attacking? "    


"Damn!" "Brat, where did you come from? How dare you act so arrogantly ?"    


The minion behind the tiger head, upon seeing Sun Hao's arrogant attitude, immediately rushed forward unhappily with his axe.    


But before he could finish his threat, he heard several gunshots, as if two gusts of cold wind had passed through his chest and blown behind him.    


He lowered his head and looked at his chest. Smoke was coming out from the two bullet holes. Very soon, blood spurted out from them.    


"Let's go to the next area."    


Sun Hao immediately turned around and walked out of the alley. Jin Wawa calmly withdrew his spear and followed behind, while Lin Zisong and the others found it hard to conceal their excitement.    


"Nonsense, there's only 5 enemies in total. How can you tell that you've killed 2 of us when we all shoot together?"    


"Exactly! Don't bullsh * t me, I saw it clearly. What you guys shot wasn't a vital point, but my shooting technique was better, and directly blew that big boss's head off! "    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes helplessly, and turned around to teach them a lesson: "Look at your weak points! A dozen people fighting five enemies and they're all standing still, what's there to brag about? "    


Everyone chuckled and lowered their voices to continue arguing.    


Of course they knew that they couldn't use the spear just now, but the feeling of shooting a bad guy was really satisfying, so they had to vent their excitement.    


In front of the iron gate in the alley, the tiger-headed Men fell to the ground like a dead pig.    


The tiger head widened his eyes in disbelief. He stretched out his hand to touch the half of his head that had been smashed off, and his body slumped against the iron gate.    


Half an hour later, Sun Hao brought Brothers and sat in a circle in front of a small shop on the side of the street.    


Lin Zisong 'Gu du'    


After drinking a bottle of iced tea, he threw the bottle far away, lifted his collar and fanned himself: "Brother Hao, you're going to work all night? Or is it to wipe out this crappy village? "    


The owner of the shop twitched his mouth as he looked at Lin Zisong, thinking that this was another group of crappy little kids.    


The other brothers also looked towards Sun Hao in confusion, waiting for his orders. Including the few that were just killed, they had already killed off 5 groups of drug dealers.    


There was a small group of three people, and an additional 20 or so. All of them were immediately shot by Sun Hao's orders.    


Many of the drug dealers also had guns, but they were completely unguarded against Sun Hao and the rest, so they all died without being able to retaliate in time.    


This made Lin Zisong a little critical of himself, he felt that it was too unchallenging if the enemy did not fight back, what he desired the most was a gunfight like in the movies.    


This village was also in chaos. There had already been so many murders and shootings, but there hadn't been a single ripple. The villagers were still doing what they needed to do.    


Sun Hao thought for a while, then said: "I haven't decided yet, let's talk about it step by step."    


After finishing the drink, Sun Hao waved his hand and led the way, with the Brothers following closely behind.    


Soon, they found another group of drug dealers on a street. The leader was holding a bill in his hand as he counted it. His subordinate took out a sealed bag from his pocket, which contained a small amount of white powder.    


"Well, no problem with the money, or give it to him."    


The leader took the money and ordered his younger brother.    


The little brother passed the sealed bag to the other party, and the other children, who were only fourteen or fifteen years old, immediately opened the bag and wiped the powder off their noses.    


The leader grinned and said, "Gouzi, look at how greedy you are. Do you think this small amount is enough for you to split?"    


Gou Zi simply did not have time to reply. He tightly held onto the sealed bag that had been robbed clean by Brothers, and carefully tore open the bag. He stuck his nose into the bag and took a deep breath, afraid of wasting even a little bit.    


The leader smiled even more. He took another small bag from his underling and waved it in front of Dogman, "Look at your pitiful look. Take these as a gift from me. Take them!"    


"True... Is it true, Nine? "    


Dogman asked in disbelief. His eyes were already stuck on the bag, but he still needed to confirm before he dared to extend his hand to pick it up.    




Nine throws the envelope into Dogman's hand and says, "I was like you, taking a few brothers with me at such a young age, and it was all through loyalty that I managed to accomplish what I did today. The moment I saw you, I thought of my young self, so it's no big deal if I get along with you a little more. "    


"Thank you, Nine!"    


With trembling hands, he opened the bag and smeared some of it on his nose with his nails. Then, he handed the bag over to Brothers to share.    


As the medicinal strength rose, Gou Zi and a few Brothers s raised their heads and started shouting in comfort, about to dance on the street.    


Nine reached out and grabbed Dogman's collar, saying to him who was still sober, "Since we're already such opportunistic friends, then I'll ask for your help. Go to the county police station and steal something for me."    


The moment Dogman heard that he was going to steal from the county's Public Security Bureau, he broke out in a cold sweat and almost scattered the medicinal force, "Ninth Brother, you ?" Don't joke around with me, I don't have that kind of ability. "    


"Stop bullshitting with me!"    


Nine slapped Dogman's face a few times and said in a half-threatening, half-intimate tone, "Do you think I don't know where you got all that money you just took out? You can all use the ATM, do you want to do me a small favor? "    


Dogman's throat gurgled. Since Nine's threat was already so obvious, how could he not agree?    


If the ATM was reported, it would be locked up for at least ten years. Just thinking about it was enough to scare people to death.    


Seeing that Dogman had agreed, Nine let him go in satisfaction. "Enjoy it in peace. This item is quite expensive. When you wake up tomorrow, I'll come find you and tell you more about it."    


With that, Nine took his minions behind him and turned to leave.    


Then, he noticed Sun Hao's group of people spectating from afar. Ninth Brother's eyes were wide open as he cursed: "What are you guys looking at, who's riding on a horse?"    


"We're watching the bastard jump up and down."    


Sun Hao sarcastically replied, purposely biting and angering the other party.    


Nine was naturally furious. He roared and pulled out the iron rod from his waist to lead the charge. The lackeys behind him did the same. No one took out a iron rod and rushed over with a murderous look.    


Sun Hao dodged to the side once again, while Lin Zisong who was behind him had already pulled his spear, aimed at Nine Brother and pulled the trigger.    


Nine was so scared that his hair stood on end. He couldn't stop himself from jumping into the gun.    


But at this moment, he heard the soft sound of "Ka Ta".    


A sound was heard, nothing came out of Lin Zisong's gun barrel.    


Knowing that the other party was out of bullets, Nine must not let go of this opportunity and not give the others behind Lin Zisong the chance to shoot.    


When he pounced in front of Lin Zisong, his claws grabbed onto Lin Zisong's shoulders and lifted him up.    


Lin Zisong felt his body suddenly go numb, he could only allow the other party to twist around and block him in front of him like a shield.    


This alley was very narrow, so if the two were to walk side by side, it would be very crowded.    


But Nine didn't have to worry about this. He turned around and shouted at the Men: "Take out all your guns, stick closely to my back, and kill every single one of them! "Damn it, you actually dare to use your gun against me. You must be tired of living."    


Nine brother cursed and urged his brothers to hurry up, he wanted to control Lin Zisong with both hands to make a shield, he didn't feel good about being able to take revenge by himself.    


"Do you need my help?"    


Sun Hao stared at Jin Wawa and asked.    


As he spoke, he continued to stand by the side. Even now, he had yet to personally make a move.    


"No need!"    


Jin Wawa clenched his teeth, and quickly made his decision. He shot at Lin Zisong who was standing in front of him.    


"Bang Bang!"    


Two sounds, Lin Zisong's body loosened for a moment before he regained his freedom. Ninth Brother screamed and raised both his hands, looking at his severed fingers in disbelief.    


Jin Wawa heaved a sigh of relief. A moment ago, he was really afraid that his spear might have deviated slightly, injuring or even killing Lin Zisong.    


However, he had to make a decision quickly. Otherwise, once the other side was ready, he would be on the defensive.    


Lin Zisong also reacted, he anxiously squatted down, so that the brothers could shoot.    




With Jin Wawa's order, a round of bullets shot into Nine's mouth, and the impact immediately tore off the back of his head.    


The other Brothers bullets shot out at the same time, nearly turning Nine's chest into a sieve.    


The lackeys behind Ninth Brother had already taken out their guns, seeing their boss's miserable state, they immediately split up and stuck to the walls, firing back at Jin Wawa and the rest.    


Sun Hao's figure flashed backwards, shrinking into a doorway, and continued to watch from the sidelines.    


Since he had already decided to train his Men tonight, he naturally would not act rashly.    


The bullets rained down like a storm, rampaging through the alleyway. However, due to the limited space, the damage was limited.    


This kind of exchange of fire used up a lot of bullets. Just as five or six of the enemies fell to the ground from bullets, Jin Wawa and the others' handguns were all emptied.    


The good thing was, they were very agile and none of them were injured yet.    


Seeing that the enemies were still firing, Sun Hao gave the order, and everyone jumped up onto the walls, with a flip of their bodies, they arrived at the other side of the courtyard.    


walked out from the cave and scolded, "Grandson, grandpa is here!"    


Then, his figure flashed and appeared right in front of his opponent.    


The lackey roared, and turned the gun, ready to pull the trigger on Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao leaned into his embrace, and fiercely poked his index finger behind the trigger, at the same time using a back attack and an elbow strike.    


The lackey gave out a muffled groan. His body instantly became as weak as mud. Then, he loosened his grip on the spear.    


Sun Hao casually received it, and imitating Ninth Brother's look, he used his lackey's body to shield in front of him.    


"Ah Guang, are you alright?"    


The few lackeys behind hurriedly retracted their hands and asked the fellow in Sun Hao's hands with deep concern.    


Sun Hao did not waste time with them, he immediately raised his gun and shot continuously.    


"Pa Pa!"    


Consecutive, the pistols of the remaining seven lackeys were all shattered into pieces by Sun Hao.    


The lackeys were all shocked, their hearts were confused, they did not understand why Sun Hao did not kill directly, but instead took off their guns.    


Sun Hao threw Ah Guang away and shouted to both sides of the yard: "Come out, the rest is up to you."    


With that, he turned around and walked to the mouth of the alleyway and stood there.    


Looking at Jin Wawa and the others who had reappeared, the lackeys understood that they would have to fight to the death tonight.    


Having thought this through, they bent down simultaneously and quickly picked up the metal rods that they had previously thrown on the ground. With a roar, they charged forward.    


Lin Zisong was filled with anger just now, but he was now the best of the best, standing in front of him. When a metal rod was about to smash onto his head, he immediately extended his bare hands and grabbed onto that heavy blow.    


The lackey's iron rod suddenly stopped, making his hand go numb. His heart felt as if it had seen a ghost: What is this brat's claw made of? He actually dared to grab the iron rod empty-handed. Isn't he afraid of his bones being broken?    


Lin Zisong did not give him any time to think, he endured the pain from his palm and pulled, causing the lackey to grab onto the metal rod blankly, before his entire body was swung and smashed into the wall.    


At the same time, the other subordinate also rushed forward, and while Lin Zisong was not in time to stop, he swung his iron rod at his arm.    



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