My Cold Female Boss

C129 Give it to me

C129 Give it to me

0Facing Han Mengli's apologetic expression, Sun Hao's heart was instantly filled with pain and apology. She tightly hugged her but was unable to say a word.    


Earlier, he had been massaging Han Mengli's shoulders and back, but she was so busy that he completely ignored her existence!    


Furthermore, from Han Mengli's strange words, he could tell that it had only been a few hours, and she had forgotten about Sun Hao's return in an instant.    


From this casual fluster, Sun Hao could completely see how flustered Han Mengli had been recently.    


Han Mengli guessed what Sun Hao was thinking, he did not want him to worry about his, so he said in a spoiled tone, "Hubby, don't hug so tightly, it's too late, let's go home?"    


"Hm!" "Let's go home."    


Sun Hao controlled his emotions and let go of Han Mengli who was in her embrace. He then directly carried her horizontally and walked out the door into the elevator.    


Inside the elevator, Sun Hao maintained the princess' embrace as he lowered his head to ask the happy Han Mengli who was in his embrace, "Wifey, what's wrong with the company? Why are you still working so hard every day after half a month? "    


"No problem. It's just that my business expanded too quickly and I was too busy to find a satisfactory assistant, so I stayed at the company myself."    


Han Mengli smiled and comforted Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao was a little disbelieving: "I don't really understand the management of these companies, but in my opinion, you must be experiencing some troublesome problems! "Since we're already husband and wife, why don't you tell me the problem. Who knows, maybe I, this dumb guy, can help you, CEO, with your help?"    


"I didn't say you were stupid!"    


Han Mengli thumped Sun Hao on the chest, but after thinking about it again, she felt that Sun Hao's words were reasonable.    


If they were hiding everything from their husband, what kind of husband and wife would they be?    


Even if he said it out loud, he wouldn't understand. At the very least, he had to say that he cared about him.    


When the elevator arrived at the underground parking lot, Han Mengli made a decision in her heart. She began to explain to Sun Hao the problem that was bothering him.    


As Sun Hao drove, he quietly listened to Han Mengli's words. When the two of them reached home, they had a general idea of what was going on.    


The matter regarding the Mimicry Summer Company was indeed not as troublesome as Sun Hao had imagined, but there was indeed something that Han Mengli was unable to handle herself.    


Most importantly, the recent surge in the price of jade, and the supply of goods into a state of tension, causing the company's high-end jewelry processing to lag behind.    


Eternal Fortune was a large company, so the raw materials needed to be abundant. Furthermore, for Sun Hao's sake, he had even generously helped out.    


However, the total quantity of goods supplied was limited, so the bit of help could only be used for the time being. It was not good for Han Mengli to look for Liang Bingqian.    


After all, the company's demand was huge. It couldn't possibly cause the company to lose blood just to help him, right?    


There were still some other questions, but after Sun Hao finished listening to Han Mengli's introduction, he felt that he could only help in this aspect at the moment.    


There was only one place in the world that produced jadeite, and that was Myanmar!    


To be honest, the ancient Burma is actually very small. Most of the northern Burma today has been made up of China since ancient times.    


The only place in the world that produced jades belonged to this part of the territory.    


However, due to the late Qing Dynasty's colonial movement, after colonizing Myanmar, Britain also invaded and occupied a large area of neighboring Huaxia territory.    


After the end of World War II, the British had no choice but to abandon their colonies. However, before leaving, the black-hearted British did not return the occupied territory to China, but instead gave it to Myanmar!    


The Brit's purpose was simple. He wanted to create a conflict between the two countries so that both sides could live and die forever. Naturally, he would not have the time to seek revenge for his colonization.    


Myanmar was naturally happy and could not wait to take over the territory of China in the north. However, the local Chinese definitely did not want to be ruled by the barbarians. They wanted to return to their homeland.    


Furious, Myanmar not only sent force to suppress local Chinese, but also carried out many policies of genocide.    


Especially in the region, where even Chinese is discriminated against as a language, legislation forbids people from using and learning it, but instead uses the language of Maine.    


Myanmar's series of policies to reverse the course of events naturally aroused the discontent of the local Chinese. The originally scattered masses of Chinese people became more and more united under the suppression.    


The final result was that the northern Chinese, in order to resist tyranny and return to the motherland, spontaneously formed various militias to fight the Burmese all year round.    


Facing these guerrillas and militia, the Burmese government troops were often defeated.    


The war between the two sides had continued to this day, a few decades later.    


Northern Burma is also bordered by Laos and Thailand, thus the rainforest region is called the Golden Triangle.    


The famous Golden Triangle was one of the most dangerous places in the world.    


According to Sun Hao's understanding, recently, the military government of Myanmar seemed to be making compromises with the democratically elected government under international pressure.    


Many of Burma's autonomous armed groups in the north have also begun to make demands and negotiate with the Burmese army.    


Originally, the production area of Jadeite was not that closely related to these wars, but the profiteers specialized in hype.    


If it was something that had nothing to do with it, it could be related to it on purpose and thus, he wanted to make use of this opportunity to ask for an exorbitant price.    


The same is true for the electronics industry. As long as there is a little typhoon, flood, computer hard disk and so on in Southeast Asia every time, the price will rise greatly.    


If there was any problem with Korea, then it would be creating memory, LCD screens, etc. It was all the same.    


What Sun Hao had to figure out was whether the supply of the jade was really tight or was just the hype from a profiteer.    


He naturally wouldn't tell Han Mengli about these things, but he had made up his mind that he would help her solve this problem. When Volvo stopped at the door of his house, he had told the vexed Han Mengli about everything that had happened, causing him to feel slightly more relaxed.    


Although things haven't been resolved yet, humans are essentially afraid of lonely social animals. If they encounter something that they like, they will naturally feel happy.    


With it being so late, Aunt Liu must have already gone to sleep.    


In order to not alarm her, the two of them gently got off the car and closed the door. Then, with light movements, they opened the door and entered the house.    


Once she stepped into the room, Han Mengli's eyes flowed with a watery splendor. After glancing at Sun Hao, she immediately turned around and ran up the stairs.    


There was no need to say anything else. Sun Hao naturally knew what his wife's eyes were looking at him, thus he also lightened his footsteps and excitedly followed behind her.    



When they entered the bedroom, Han Mengli blushed as he looked at Sun Hao. He pretended not to understand and asked: "If you're not going back to your room to sleep, why did you follow me?"    


"You're still playing little demon?" See if I eat you or not! "    


Sun Hao laughed sinisterly, he carried Han Mengli and rushed into the bathroom without even giving her a chance to joke around.    


"Let me go, ah ?" Don't touch that place! "    


Han Mengli suppressed her voice, but she still fought against Sun Hao nervously and bashfully, "Ah! Brawler, someone help me ? "Ugh!"    


Sun Hao immediately held Han Mengli's cherry lips and used a hot kiss to stop her cries.    


He really didn't understand why she still pretended to resist every time he asked her about it.    


Actually, Han Mengli only thought that it was more fun to play, she had already discovered this long ago. Playing a little game that he welcomed happily even though he wanted to reject it, would definitely excite Sun Hao a lot.    


Very quickly, a few clothes were thrown out from the mist-covered bathroom.    


After that, there was a series of wheezing and "bam bam" sounds.    


Soundless, the moon in the sky outside the window shyly hid behind the clouds ? On the second day, after being nourished for half a night, Han Mengli's complexion was evidently much redder.    


Her mood and spirit had improved, and she was naturally more efficient at work. With Sun Hao helping out with miscellaneous work in the company, and him being so busy that her feet couldn't leave the ground, Han Mengli was finally able to relax a little.    


Sun Hao had already decided to help solve the emerald problem, but he could find someone else to understand the matter first, he was not in a hurry to set off today.    


He also felt guilty and wanted to stay with his wife for two more days before leaving again.    


During the day, the vice presidents of the different departments went in and out of the CEO's office. However, everyone had long heard of the legend within the company.    


Nobody was surprised by Sun Hao's existence as they knew that Sun Hao had been demoted to a servant by the CEO.    


However, the other legendary main character ? Shu Li, had entered the CEO's room several times in the morning. Every time, she would stare at Sun Hao arrogantly with eyes filled with hatred and contempt.    


Sun Hao still remembered how shrewd this woman was. She immediately turned her head to ignore her, just in case she misread him and he was about to be called a hooligan again.    


Speaking of which, Sun Hao really couldn't understand, since this woman didn't like being seen by men, why would she always wear such coquettish clothes?    


Sun Hao did not mean that because the woman dressed openly, the man had the right to see her, and should not be scolded as a hooligan.    


It was because he felt indignant that many of the women in revealing clothing were eyesores in the crowded workplace!    


You were clearly just casually raising your head. Who knows, you might have seen something you shouldn't have seen, and then been scolded as a hooligan.    


Moreover, this kind of woman often felt herself to be particularly good, and her personality was also especially high-profile.    


Other people might have accidentally seen her, but in less than half a day, this kind of woman in the company would already be able to say that she was a peeping Tom, a man with no good stuff.    


The women sitting in the office were mostly lonely long-tongued women who loved to spread this sort of news.    


Therefore, as long as there was one such woman in the office, all normal men with the exception of perverts would feel disgust from the bottom of their hearts.    


They only wanted to dress well so that everyone in the office would not dare to turn their heads freely all day!    


If it wasn't because he felt that he would be described as a sexist, Sun Hao really wanted to tell his wife that Shu Li's outfit would ruin the company's reputation.    


Because even in those alleys lit by pink lights, the girls standing on both sides of the street were not as revealing as Shu Li. But of course, Sun Hao only saw Shu Li now, so he was secretly cursing at him.    


When he couldn't see normally, he wouldn't think of this apparently sick woman at all, and naturally wouldn't really advise his wife to talk to her about clothes.    


The door to the office was knocked again. Han Mengli didn't even raise her head as she said, "Come in!"    


A person immediately came in with the crisp sound of high heels.    


Sun Hao who was helping to organize the documents at the side of the stage heard the loud voice, and immediately turned his head to the side, expressionlessly not saying a word.    


The person who came in was the Shu Li who Sun Hao disliked the most. She had already come to find Han Mengli countless times this morning.    


Sun Hao who had been doing odd jobs for the whole morning already understood that it was mainly because the company had been expanding rapidly and needed to recruit new people. As the head of the HR Department, it was inevitable that Shu Li would come to look for the CEO many times.    


Han Mengli took Shu Li's documents, and after asking a few questions, she immediately signed them and returned them to her.    


Shu Li received the document, but did not immediately leave. Instead, she shot a glance at Sun Hao, and suddenly said to Han Mengli: "CEO, I see that he has nothing better to do here, so why don't you give him to me?"    


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