My Cold Female Boss

C88 I'm so tired

C88 I'm so tired

0Fortunately, no new deaths occurred.    


As long as they were alive, some injuries were nothing for these bodyguards. It was just a short rest.    


Since they had already finished cleaning up, Sun Hao ordered everyone to line up into a defensive formation and prepared to escort Wang Family's uncle and nephew out.    


In a bush far away, a sniper was lying motionless on the ground, using his scope to observe the people walking down the hill.    


As the group of people started to descend, the crowd very naturally appeared at a high and low level. Wang Guozhen, who was surrounded and protected in the middle, revealed his entire upper body.    


The sniper seized the opportunity and immediately pulled the trigger. The sniper bullet whizzed past and shot into Wang Guozhen's heart with a loud bang.    


Seeing that he had succeeded in his first shot, the sniper threw away the sniper rifle that was worth tens of thousands of dollars and got up, ready to retreat quickly.    


However, from the headphones hanging from his ears, he heard the voice of his companion, "You've fallen into a trap. Hurry up and retreat. I'll cover for you!"    


Hearing this, the sniper was shocked and couldn't help but look back. He saw that the group of bodyguards were not panicked at all, as if their target of protection wasn't dead at all!    


And in his line of sight, two figures quickly ran out from the group of bodyguards, forming an S shape as they quickly approached.    


The sniper recognized one of them, it was Sun Hao who had killed Huang Chengqiu and his group.    


There were several shots in his ears, and he recognized them as the sound of the automatic rifle that had been used to cover his companions.    


The sound of a pistol rang out. The sniper's voice came to an abrupt stop.    


Due to the high quality of the communication equipment, even the sound of the skull of his comrade could be heard.    


Knowing that his companion was dead, the sniper couldn't help but stop in his tracks, but he still gritted his teeth and quickly escaped.    


However, that pause was already enough to take his life.    


Sun Hao chased after him quickly and pulled the trigger.    


The sniper felt a sound of something tearing through the air from behind his head. He instinctively tilted his head, but the bullet still managed to enter the back of his head ? After the sniper's head exploded, his body was still pushed back several meters due to inertia. Only then did he 'bang' sound out.    


He fell to the ground with a thud.    


Sun Hao heaved a long sigh of relief, turned around and loudly shouted towards Qiu Long: "It's safe now, all of you come down!"    


With that, Sun Hao turned and walked back to Zhao Changping. He was the one who rushed down with Sun Hao just now, but unfortunately, he was shot twice by the sniper's companion.    


Sun Hao walked over, and asked Zhao Changping who was gritting his teeth while enduring the pain: "How is it, are your injuries serious?"    


"He won't die!"    


Zhao Changping spat out, and acted as if he was free and easy.    


However, in his heart, he repeatedly called himself lucky. Thankfully, the two shots were aimed at his shoulder and arm, and a little more and he would have lost his life!    


Sun Hao looked at Zhao Changping's injuries and felt relieved. For the time being, his life wasn't in danger.    


Zhao Changping looked at Sun Hao in admiration, and praised him sincerely: "You really are a bastard, you are simply playing with your life, admiring me!"    


"You admire me, and you call me a bastard?"    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes as he chatted and joked around with Zhao Changping and waited for Bodyguards to get off the cage.    


Zhao Changping grimaced, and said: "I truly admire you, I am convinced! "Not only are your brain smarter than mine, but you actually have more guts than me!"    


Sun Hao nodded his head, and said sternly: "En, it is true, what you said is the truth!"    


Zhao Changping was stunned for a moment, then the two of them looked at each other and laughed out loud ? A few minutes ago.    


On top of the mountain, Sun Hao ordered the Bodyguards to arrange the formation. Then, he pulled over a few bushes beside him and roughly weaved them into the shape of two grass men.    


Then he told Wang Guozhen and Wang Xuanxuan to take off their coats and put their clothes on these two scarecrows.    


Sun Hao also asked the two of them to change into the clothes of bodyguards and mix with the group of bodyguards. The two scarecrows were protected by Bodyguards in the middle.    


In order to prevent the enemy from seeing through his weakness, Sun Hao had even warned the Bodyguards to block the grass doll's head when they went down the slope.    


What happened afterwards proved that this really did confuse the enemy.    


After finishing all the preparations, Sun Hao asked Zhao Changping: "Which Men like you dares to sprint the fastest?"    


Zhao Changping didn't understand what Sun Hao meant, but he patted his chest without hesitation and said, "Of course it's me, why are you asking this?"    


"I suspect that there might be more enemies down there, so I want a person to go with me and use the advantage of speed to attract the enemy's firepower."    


Sun Hao replied.    


Zhao Changping nodded strongly and said to Sun Hao: "Don't worry, I will use the fastest record of 100 meters in 9.87 seconds to help you attract firepower, it is definitely enough."    


"You need to think this through. This is extremely dangerous. If you run too slowly, you might just die!"    


Sun Hao asked for the last time.    


Zhao Changping frowned: "Why are you so naughty? Am I the kind of person who fears death? If you have any plans, just say it, don't waste your time here! "    


Since that was the case, Sun Hao did not dawdle any further. After arranging a strategy with Zhao Changping, he ordered the convoy to head down the slope.    


When they were halfway up the slope, just as Sun Hao had guessed, a sniper had shot the fake Wang Guozhen.    


Seeing that, the real Wang Guozhen started to salivate on the side, his heart filled with joy.    


But Sun Hao had already given the order in a low voice, allowing Zhao Changping to rush down with him.    


What happened next was just now. The accomplice of the sniper wanted to continue completing the mission, but was unable to find Wang Guozhen at all.    


Seeing that Sun Hao and Zhao Changping were chasing after the sniper, he could only aim his gun at the two of them and try to cover their retreat.    



Puff, puff!    


Two, because Sun Hao's speed was too fast, two consecutive bullets shot empty air beside him.    


Then, Zhao Changping shot forward diagonally, using his body to block Sun Hao who was behind him.    


Then, Zhao Changping was hit by two shots in a row, while Sun Hao squatted down to aim and followed the muzzle of the gun to shoot back at them.    


Using only one shot, he managed to kill the sniper. In the end, Sun Hao caught up and killed the sniper. Bodyguards protected Wang Guozhen and Wang Xuanxuan as they walked down. Everyone looked at the corpses that covered the ground, then looked towards Sun Hao with questioning eyes, waiting for his instructions.    


"There's nothing left to do, everyone, let's go!"    


With Sun Hao's orders, he led everyone out of the forest.    


On the way, Sun Hao said a few words to Wang Guozhen, then Wang Guozhen started to make phone calls. Through his connections, he pressured the local authorities to temporarily suppress things here, at least not to let the police come over.    


At the same time, he also needed to contact Zhao Donglou and ask him to send people over to clean up the battlefield.    


Wang Xuanxuan followed closely by Sun Hao's side, hugging onto his arm, looking at him with eyes of worship, as if he was a brainless fan looking at an idol celebrity.    


As he moved, Sun Hao's arm naturally rubbed against one another, and gradually, he could clearly feel a small protrusion!    


Sun Hao turned to look and saw that Wang Xuanxuan's face was flushed red, he was also looking at him strangely, and when she saw him return, she immediately looked away.    


By some strange coincidence, Sun Hao deliberately squeezed his arm behind him, and then felt a burst of elasticity. Wang Xuanxuan snorted, he grinded his teeth and endured, angrily twisting his hand on Sun Hao's arm, punishing his lecherous act.    


Sun Hao laughed soundlessly. He thought back to before he was attacked that night, and how this little girl had seduced him with her young and tender seduction.    


Seeing that Wang Guozhen was still focused on talking on the phone, Sun Hao lowered his head and asked Wang Xuanxuan: "You're so close to me, did you forget that I'm a hooligan? Furthermore, the way you look at me is like a hungry wolf looking at a lamb.    


Wang Xuanxuan blushed and asked: "Who are you calling a pervert?"    


As she said that, she angrily raised her leg and used the tip of her shoe to kick Sun Hao's heels.    


But she had forgotten that she was in the middle of the forest. When her feet touched the ground, she screamed and fell to the side.    


Sun Hao reacted quickly and caught Wang Xuanxuan in one go, grabbing her in his arms.    


Wang Guozhen and the other bodyguards were startled by the scream, and looked over concernedly, wanting to know what had happened.    


In the end, he found out that Wang Xuanxuan's eyes were wide open as his face was flushed red and he was being carried like a princess by Sun Hao ? Wang Xuanxuan realized that the surroundings had suddenly quietened down. When he turned around, he discovered that everyone was looking at her, especially his uncle Wang Guozhen.    


Wang Xuanxuan's heart was in a mess, he anxiously pounded Sun Hao's chest, and scolded angrily: "Pervert, don't take advantage of me, hurry up and let me down!"    


Sun Hao was really depressed, but now was not the time to bicker with the little girl, so he could only acquiesce to her title of a pervert and obediently put her on the ground.    


Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Bodyguards coughed at the same time and turned her head to the side, pretending not to see anything.    


Wang Guozhen looked at the phone call again, but had a playful smile on his face. He stared at Sun Hao, no one knew what he was thinking.    


The group continued forward, and after a while, they finally left the forest.    


Under Sun Hao's orders, everyone headed towards the main gate, preparing to call a taxi to go downtown.    


Under the street lamp, Wang Xuanxuan stepped on his high heels and walked forward, muttering to himself: "What crappy place is this, why is this place so big? Even if you want to reach the main gate, you will need such a long time! "    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes as he thought, wasn't it because you rich people want to live in such a noisy place?    


If not, next to the city, there is such a large area, open to the public as a forest park leisure, how good it would be!    


Wang Xuanxuan was wearing high heels, and although it looked very sexy, walking this far was indeed quite uncomfortable.    


Seeing Sun Hao looking at him, Wang Xuanxuan bit his lower lip and looked at him pitifully.    


His pair of expressive eyes seemed to be telling Sun Hao that his tender feet were about to break.    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes and deliberately turned his head to the side to ignore her.    


Seeing that Sun Hao was actually ignoring her, Wang Xuanxuan couldn't help but feel wronged, so he directly squatted on the ground and shouted for help, "Uncle, this road is too far, I can't walk anymore!"    


Wang Guozhen glared at his niece and frowned: What are you tired of? "All these brothers are risking their lives to protect us, which one of them is tired?"    


Wang Xuanxuan refused to comply, patting the ground in a spoiled manner: "I'm just tired! Tired, I'm really tired! I'm not like you guys, and I'm just a kid, how can I compare to you guys? "    


Wang Guozhen's head was filled with black lines. Seeing that the Bodyguards had stopped and was waiting, he could only walk over to his niece and squat down while saying, "Enough, stop messing around! Hurry up and come up, I'll carry you on my back. "    


Unexpectedly, Wang Xuanxuan dodged to the side, and continued to mutter: "No! I think you're already very tired. I'm too big for you to carry me, so don't hurt me halfway. "    


Wang Guozhen stood up and glared at her niece in anger. Just as she was about to teach her a lesson, he suddenly realized that her eyes were slightly looking towards Sun Hao's direction.    


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