Strongest War Chant

C48 Defeating the Demon Spirit

C48 Defeating the Demon Spirit

0Wu Shuang opened his eyes and heard a rumbling sound. Two mud walls rose up from the ground behind him.    


If it was a second ago, the only thing he could do was to continue escaping, but now, he charged head-on.    


With the price of "Flowing Wind Back to Snow", the exchanged low-level song "Assassin" began playing for the first time in a hurry.    


In that instant, countless notes exploded with Wu Shuang as the center. Then, they suddenly contracted and turned into a chain-like melody. It spiraled upwards with a "Hua La La" sound and condensed into a movement above his head.    


The music disappeared in a flash. Then, the prelude to the piano sounded. A black phoenix butterfly appeared from Wu Shuang's shadow. It turned into a black stream of light, circling around him once before landing on his shoulder and gently flapping its wings.    


At the same time, a feeling of numbness spread across Wu Shuang's body as if he had been electrocuted.    


What was even more amazing was that with every step he took, he could clearly feel how many muscles were involved, and he could even estimate how stretched his tendons were. In other words, 'Assassin' allowed Wu Shuang's mastery of his body to an unimaginable degree.    


In the blink of an eye, Chi Tianjiao was already right in front of him, and the horn on his forehead was the first to be pierced.    


Wu Shuang looked calm. Every breath and every heartbeat was very regular. The muscles on his legs suddenly contracted and shot his bent body out like two springs, leaving only two circular melodies on the ground that had yet to dissipate.    


When Chi Tianjiao's attack failed, he immediately stopped and turned his head to look at his side. He only saw the human jumping behind him like a grasshopper, and with every kick he took, a circular melody would appear on the ground.    




Chi Tianjiao let out a furious roar. He awkwardly turned his body, and following that, a sharp pain came from his buttocks. A bloody hole was ripped open by a dragon claw formed from golden musical notes.    


Chi Tianjiao waved his thick bull tail in an attempt to kill the human.    


However, Wu Shuang was the first to leave. He flew to the other side and raised his right fist. A glyph flashed as another dragon claw reached for Chi Tianfeng's neck.    


Chi Tianjiao instinctively felt the threat and abruptly moved to the side, using his left front leg to block the dragon claw. With a "pu pu" sound, a large amount of flesh and blood flew out. His body also staggered a few steps to the right from the impact.    


Moo! Moo!    


Having suffered two consecutive blows, the Savage Bull Chi Tian fell into a frenzy. His fist-sized eyes turned blood-red in an instant, and the surrounding earth trembled violently along with its cries.    


Stingers as thick as an adult's thigh broke through the ground one after another, extending three meters away from the center of the bull's body.    


This kind of large-scale attack without any differences caused a lot of trouble for Wu Shuang. Usually, he just dodged one rock spike and the next one would come out of nowhere.    


Chi Tianjiao also joined the battle, shaking his head as he swung his fierce horn randomly. Several times, he brushed past Wu Shuang's body, smashing the stone spikes one by one.    


Ten seconds later, the rock spike stopped, Wu Shuang grabbed his injured left arm and jumped far away, confronting the panting Chi Tianji cow. Both sides were saving up their strength for the next attack, so the situation was in a temporary balance.    


"… …"    


"Eh? This is not 'Flowing Wind Back to Snow'! "    


When he saw Wu Shuang dodge the demon spirit attack and the circular melody burst out of his feet, Fei Yuntian instantly rushed to the front of the screen wall and stared fixedly at Wu Shuang, who had shot up like a goose in the sky.    


"This... This is actually a completely new defense type war song, and it's at least a top-notch middle Fan Le! "    


Fei Yuntian turned around with eyes like a wolf's. Diao Xifeng and the beautiful young woman also turned to look at Cui Changqing, their eyes full of questions.    


"You already know the answer, why ask me? That's right, Wu Shuang indeed has the qualification to be Warsong Master !"    


Cui Changqing's heart skipped a beat when he said that. Wu Shuang's earlier display of the war song "Dragon Fist" had already shocked him greatly. He didn't expect him to hide an even more extraordinary war song.    


With Cui Changqing's discerning eyes, it was not hard to see that this battle song that was still unknown was at least a top grade song or even half a step song. As for the true song, it wasn't that he hadn't thought about it, he just couldn't believe it.    


"This little brat, he still spared a move on me. Seriously …" Cui Changqing smiled bitterly and shook his head. He continued to look at the screen wall. In the screen, Chi Tianfeng Cow roared towards the sky and took the initiative to attack Wu Shuang.    


Wu Shuang stared at Chi Tianjiao who was charging over, and estimated his Heavenly Note Force. Although "Assassin" had an extraordinary effect, its consumption was also double that of "Flowing Wind and Snow".    


Right now, he can only unleash his Dragon Head or Dragon Claws once or thrice. If he can't kill or injure the demon spirits again, all that awaits him is death.    


"With my current ability, I only have one chance to attack. Only by hitting a vital point will I have a chance at survival."    


Wu Shuang thought calmly. Even though he was dodging the attacks of Chi Tianjiao, he didn't forget to look for its weakness.    


"Eyes, mouth, abdomen, backyard... That's right, the backyard! " Wu Shuang's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately went around to the back of Chi Tianjiao.    


However, because it had attacked Wu Shuang's butt once before, it had always been on guard against its rear end. Its huge body had always been following Wu Shuang's movements, and as a result, Wu Shuang was forced into a passive position.    


Feeling the Heavenly Note Force draining from his body like water, Wu Shuang's heart was as calm as still water as he patiently waited for an opportunity.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The ground shook once again. An earth wall suddenly appeared in front of Wu Shuang and kept rising.    


"A good chance!" Wu Shuang's eyes suddenly lit up. He jumped up and landed on the wall. With the help of its increasing power, he jumped onto the back of Chi Tianjiao.    


If it was before, Wu Shuang definitely wouldn't have done this, but under the effects of "Assassin", he could quickly adjust his muscles and muscles to obtain a strong jumping ability, flexibility, and balance. His combat ability had increased by who knows how many times.    




Chi Tianji felt his back sinking, and immediately, he violently kicked up his butt. Wu Shuang borrowed the force of the impact to leap behind him and concentrated a punch with fifty percent of his strength to strike at the back of his body.    


The golden dragon head roared, dragging a long tail of melodic flames and snowflake notes as it ferociously charged forward.    


Puff … BOOM!    


A violent force broke into Chi Tian Fire Ox's body, and then it violently exploded. Its tough skin rapidly inflated like a balloon and then deflated. Large amounts of internal organs and blood sprayed out from the well.    


Chi Tianfeng's mouth was wide open as his four limbs went soft and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. His crimson red ox eyes widened to their largest, and a figure that was close by appeared in his pupils that continuously expanded.    


Moo …    


Chi Tianjiao let out his last roar, and his body spasmed. Then, he kicked with his four hooves, completely motionless.    


After killing Chi Tianlei, Wu Shuang heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He continued to look for Sun Tao, but unfortunately, he had long escaped to who knows where.    


"This sinister villain can run really fast. The next time we meet, I'll make sure he dies!"    



Wu Shuang retracted his gaze, took out a folding knife from his pocket, then walked towards Chi Tianjiao's corpse …    


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