Strongest War Chant

C37 Carrying American Peer

C37 Carrying American Peer

0Carrying his sleeping bag and stuff, Wu Shuang walked shoulder to shoulder with Wang Miaoyan on the overgrown business street. They looked like a couple shopping in the streets, but the difference was that the streets were no longer filled with shops, but piles of rubble.    


Red figures would appear from time to time in the ruins, and in the dark corners, the groans of pigs could be heard.    


Aooo! The howl of a wolf could be heard not far away.    


Wang Miaoyan looked around vigilantly. She subconsciously moved closer to Wu Shuang and grabbed his arm. Only then did her nervousness subside a little. Seeing her like this, Wu Shuang's heart softened. He patted the back of her hand and said: "Don't worry, I'm here."    


"Yes." Wang Miaoyan's voice was soft and soft, and her face was flushed.    


If it was in the past, she would have refuted him with her hands on her waist. Now, although she was not afraid of the Demon Beast, she would still be on guard at all times, because if she were to face the Demon Beast, even a slight paralysis could lead to death.    


"Miaoyan, you must have suffered a lot these past few days."    


Wu Shuang casually pushed away the messy hair on Wang Miaoyan's forehead, revealing a pair of bright and intelligent big eyes.    


"That's right, this is the first time a Demon Beast is charging towards me, I'm especially scared, my heart is about to jump out, I killed it with great difficulty, and I vomited so much, and then, I saw Trial Taker's corpse, I almost vomited out my bile."    


Wang Miaoyan still had some lingering fear as she said, "The scariest thing was the first night. Trial Taker and I spent the night in a clinic and we discussed about taking turns to keep watch. As a result, in the latter half of the night, a group of Night Wing Leopard broke in …"    


At this point, Wang Miaoyan's face turned extremely pale, and her body couldn't help but tremble.    


She said, choked with sobs, "Five Trial Taker, two of them died on the spot, and one of them pressed for help. Only Luo Yan and I escaped, and then we hid in a basement and hugged each other and trembled all night, not daring to close our eyes."    


Wu Shuang didn't know how to comfort her so he could only hold her in his arms. He patted her back and comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay. With me around, no one can bully you."    


"Yes." Wang Miaoyan nodded heavily. After a while, she pushed Wu Shuang away and said while wiping away her tears, "Big pervert, you took advantage of me again. If you mess with me again, I'll go tell grandpa."    


"Huh?" Wu Shuang was suddenly dumbfounded and stood there at a loss of what to do.    


Seeing this, Wang Miaoyan smiled through her tears. "Alright, I'm just teasing you. It's not fun at all."    


"Hur hur." Wu Shuang laughed dryly and changed the topic, "By the way, how is your partner Luo Yan?"    


"Oh, we were together for the past few days. Later on, we met a herd of beasts at the supermarket. She pressed help, but I didn't want to give up, so I brought you here." Wang Miaoyan smiled and said, "But I did not expect Boss Wu to be so good at special enrollment."    


"Hur hur, not at all, not at all." Wu Shuang scratched his nose and smiled shyly. He was just like that. He could be cold and merciless when facing enemies, but when facing family and friends, he was like a boy next door.    


After a while, the two of them arrived at the high rise office building in the center of the commercial street. However, there was less than five floors left in the office building.    


"Let's choose this place. This office building is the tallest building in the vicinity and has a rather wide field of vision. It's almost as if we can see half of the entire exam site, and most Demon Beast would not even come up." Wu Shuang looked up at the office and said.    


"Mm, okay, I'll listen to you." Wang Miaoyan didn't have any objections.    


They walked to the office building and walked through the shattered revolving door to the hall. The ceiling of the hall had collapsed in half, and the chandelier had fallen to the floor. At the same time, a large amount of concrete and white lime had also fallen.    


"Ah, there's mineral water here." With her sharp eyes, Wang Miaoyan saw two bottles of water under the dusty information desk.    


Just as she was about to run over, Wu Shuang grabbed her clothes and said: "Be careful, don't go over."    


As Wu Shuang finished his sentence, a Scarlet Shadow Fox suddenly jumped out from behind the information desk. Its blade-like claws scratched the ground, producing an ear-piercing sound.    


"There's actually a Demon Beast!" Wang Miaoyan took a step back, her heart was filled with lingering fear, and she almost capsized in the dark.    


"Miaoyan, the Scarlet Shadow Fox is no match for you. Leave it to you." Wu Shuang said indifferently. Right now, he did not even care about twenty percent. He might as well give it to Wang Miaoyan. In addition, he also wanted to see what kind of methods Wang Miaoyan had up her sleeves.    


"Alright." Wang Miaoyan frowned and walked out angrily. The countless Trunk Sound Talisman around her quickly transformed into melodies, and in a short while, a piece of music flashed above her head.    


Wu Shuang noticed that Wang Miaoyan's Battle Songs did not have a Battle Songs Souls, and their levels were not high, only at the level of Fan Le.    


The former was easy to understand. This was related to a person's talent, but the latter made him puzzled. As Wang Yuanshan's granddaughter, no matter what, Wang Miaoyan should use the Highest Fan Le, right? Could there be a reason behind it?    


Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Wu Shuang continued to look at Wang Miaoyan. He saw her flick her wrist and a flame suddenly ignited in her hand.    


Most Demon Beast were naturally afraid of fire, just like the Scarlet Shadow Fox. The flame in front of its eyes immediately made it restless, and its long and slender mouth let out a sharp cry. Then, it kicked its four hooves, pouncing towards Wang Miaoyan.    


Don't just look at how weak Wang Miaoyan was in front of Wu Shuang.    


Facing the Scarlet Shadow Fox that had its claws and fangs wide open, Wang Miaoyan rushed over with a stride. Her two palms pushed out alternately, and the two balls of flame unexpectedly connected into a short column of fire that engulfed the Scarlet Shadow Fox like a fiery snake.    




The sound was like a strong wind blowing past. After the sound was heard, the Scarlet Shadow Fox's charred corpse fell heavily onto the ground, emitting strands of black smoke and the smell of cooked meat.    


"How is it? This lady's strength isn't bad, right?" Wang Miaoyan turned around and asked with a hint of expectation in her eyes. She was purposely showing off in front of Wu Shuang just now in hopes of getting his approval.    


"Yep, your method is very clever. If we quickly add the same damage to it in a short period of time, it can indeed produce quite a bit of damage. But, why did you use such a low level Battle Song?" Wu Shuang asked.    


"So what if it's a low level war song? This "Flying Flames" is, after all, my first war song ever written by me. When my cultivation level is higher, I can continue to improve it, and one day, I might even be able to turn it into a spirit song. " Wang Miaoyan pouted.    


"A war song you wrote?" Wu Shuang was a little surprised, it was too exaggerated for Fan Le to turn into a spiritual melody. However, if Wang Miaoyan really had the talent to create a spiritual melody, it was quite possible for her to become a superior Fan Le.    


"What's that tone of yours?" Wang Miaoyan puffed her cheeks and said, "Big pervert, don't think that you're the only one who can compose a war song. When I become the Heavenly Sound Master, I'll definitely be stronger than you."    


"Alright, alright. You're amazing, you're amazing." Wu Shuang gave a thumbs up and said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.    


"Hmph, that's more like it." Wang Miaoyan walked over to the corpse of the Scarlet Shadow Fox, picked up the two bottles of water on the ground and said, "Let's go and have a look."    


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