Urban Carefree Sovereign



0In the Jiang-Nan province, in the provincial office, a soft conversation could be heard from Zhong Zhen's office. At this moment, only Gu Feng and Zhong Zhen were in the office. Gu Feng's face was a little confused as he said, "Why would the old Gramps suddenly want to make a move against Chen Suifeng? He should understand that behind Chen Suifeng's back ?"    


Zhong Zhen waved his hand: "No, that's not what the old man wants. Is that what Young Master Yan Xi wants?"    


"Oh?" Gu Feng became even more confused and asked, "Why?"    


"I'm not sure about the details either. Perhaps the young master of the Chen family in Shanghai had already walked into the political arena in an open and open manner. You know that Young Master Yan Xi had always been very afraid of this second young master of the Chen family. It was as if he had noticed the huge network of Crown Prince's Gang and wanted to start from there. If we must make a move on the Crown Prince's Gang, then we must of course make a move on Chen Suifeng! "    


Gu Feng said, "Is the situation that serious?" However, this method of Young Master's did not seem too open and honorable. This is a bit too petty! "    


"Ha ha!" After laughing bitterly twice, Zhong Zhen said: "Chen Suifeng is young, but he has been an official for quite a while. Wanting to catch his tail was easier said than done. Therefore, he could only start from his kid. This might lead to some gains. However, Su Mingquan gave birth to an idiot son. "    


Gu Feng also laughed. "Regardless of success or failure, we cannot reveal the intentions of the capital. That brat Su Changhao is actually a great shield, I wonder if someone else will find any clues! "    


"It shouldn't be. We didn't do anything, right?" Zhong Zhen said with a scheming smile.    


Gu Feng curled his lips and said, "Sometimes doing nothing is the best way to do things."    


The two of them looked at each other in the eye and then a burst of laughter came from the office. No one knew what kind of funny things Gu Feng and the old clerk had said to each other, but both of them laughed out loud so quickly.    


What Chen Yufan did not expect was that behind this flower of water that was originally not considered big, there was actually the shadow of the capital. What was even more unimaginable was that the Crown Prince's authority was actually at such a level, placing him above the provincial government. However, this method was a bit childish. But it was enough to shock him.    


It could be said that the combination of the two elders of the Chen Clan was extremely powerful. The An clan was also a leading figure in the political situation in the capital. Currently, the message from the Jin Ling had already caused the An clan in the capital to feel somewhat uneasy. After all, none of the original seven sons of the Chen family wanted to enter politics.    


In the future, the political situation of the capital would naturally be for the An clan's crown prince to compete with Feng Yuanzhe of the Feng clan. The Feng family was a rising star of the political family, so the An family was nothing to worry about. However, now that Chen Tianlei had joined the battle, breaking the An clan's ideology, it was very likely that the capital would become a three-way street.    


Once the momentum was formed, it would be quite troublesome. The Chen family was in alliance with the military and political forces, furthermore, Chen Tianlei had started from Shanghai, so all of this revealed some bad news. This was the reason why the An clan had acted for the first time. He believed that the trouble that would follow would soon come.    


Standing on the roof of the dormitory, Chen Yufan stared at the blue sky, while Feng Yuanzhe quietly stood behind him. Suddenly, Chen Yufan asked: "Boss, what kind of person is An Yanxi?"    


Feng Yuanzhe's body trembled, and he said: "Not bad man, not bad opponent!"    


In the current capital, there were not many people who could be considered as's opponents. An Yanxi could be considered one. Although the title of Crown Prince was not big, it was important to know his position. It was very obvious that the higher ups wanted to nurture him, and this person gave off a very sunny feeling, never using any underhanded methods, which was different from Chen Tianlei. It was very similar to Feng Yuanzhe.    


Even though Chen Tianlei was a member of a political family, he had, after all, been in the underworld for a long time. However, it was still a method.    


Chen Yufan laughed: "Boss, you rarely praise others like this."    


Feng Yuanzhe stroked his bangs that was blown by the wind and laughed lightly: "I was only speaking the truth, but An Yanxi is indeed a dangerous person, but he is also a pretty good friend!"    


Pausing, Feng Yuanzhe looked at Chen Yufan and asked suspiciously: "Old Fourth, why would your Jin Ling pay attention to this guy? This guy has always been reserved and deep, he shouldn't be noticed by you right!"    


Chen Yufan smiled as if nothing had happened, and said: "There's nothing I can do, if he wants to attack me, I naturally have to repay him!"    


"What?" Did he attack you? What did he do? " Feng Yuanzhe looked at Chen Yufan with some worry and nervousness. Chen Yufan smiled silently, waved his hand, and said casually: "It's nothing, it's just a small friction! But I think he will soon realize his mistake! "    


Chen Yufan said indifferently. His figure turned and he had already left the roof of the dormitory. The only thing left behind was Feng Yuanzhe's puzzled gaze that continuously reverberated in the air. Feng Yuanzhe suddenly had a bad premonition. He knew that there would probably be a bloody storm in the capital soon.    


In a dark corner of the Jin Ling University, Chen Yufan waved his hand, and his Heavenly Punisher appeared beside him as he respectfully said: "Young Master!"    


Chen Yufan pondered for a moment, then said with a twitch of his slender fingers: "Go to the capital, find An Yanxi, and don't say anything to him. It was when he was sleeping that he placed a piece of paper beside him. It is written that do not let him manage the matters regarding Jin Ling, or else I will make his death look very ugly! "    


"Yes, Young Master, I'll go now!"    


"Wait!" Chen Yufan called out to Heavenly Punisher. Heavenly Punisher looked back at Chen Yufan and asked: "Young Master, do you have any other instructions?"    


"One thing to note, the capital is very deep. There were Dragon Group and superpower research institutes there. I think that An Yanxi will definitely have those people by his side, don't confront them directly and just do things properly! " Chen Yufan instructed his earnestly.    


"Yes, Young Master, I understand!"    


The Heavenly Punisher quickly disappeared within the Jin Ling University, and a cold smile immediately flashed across Chen Yufan's face. He said: "An Yanxi, I wonder if you will bring me some unprecedented joy, I'm somewhat looking forward to it!"    


Walking slowly on the road of Jin Ling University, the current Jin Ling University seemed to have quieted down, and the people causing trouble outside the door had already been brought away by the police, which naturally included Jin Haiyan and Su Changhao. Not long after this storm passed, a sudden message came through the school broadcast, "Next is a news report, and next is a news report that has disappeared. Jin Haiyan, a female student of the Information Management Department, did not behave well in school and had instigated people from outside to come to the school to cause trouble. After a decision was made by the school committee, Jin Haiyan's Jin Ling University was expelled and was never accepted! "    


"Next, a piece of news ?"    


The broadcast's voice was loud, but Chen Yufan still had a faint smile on his face as he walked within the school grounds. It was as if all this had nothing to do with him. Jin Haiyan, the name that had once caused him so much pain and heartbreak, now seemed to be like a stranger.    


Suddenly, the smile on Chen Yufan's face became strange, he felt that there were tiptoeing steps behind him, a pair of tender and smooth hands with a faint milky fragrance were covering his eyes, and his light voice was moving like an oriole, "Guess who I am?"    


The smile still hung on the corner of Chen Yufan's mouth, and his voice was somewhat gentle: "It's naturally our family's treasure, the little girl Qing Xue!"    


Chen Yufan quickly touched the two palms that were covering his eyes, and Shangguan Qingxue's peerlessly beautiful face was deeply engraved in his eyes. Today, Shangguan Qingxue had changed from her usual cool attire. She wore a fiery red dress, had small red leather boots under her feet, and wore a faint, indistinct outfit. Her crystal lips constantly flashed with an emotional light.    


Pouting her small mouth and pouting, she looked really cute. She pouted coquettishly and said, "Can't you just let me go, and pretend you can't guess? So boring! "    


Chen Yufan smiled, pinched the tip of Shangguan Qingxue's nose and softly spoke: "Darling, if I can't guess who you are, would you kill me?"    


Shangguan Qingxue cutely leaned into Chen Yufan's embrace, her pair of small hands pulling on Chen Yufan's arm and said: "It won't happen, I can't bear to part with it!" As she said that, Shangguan Qingxue's eyes stared at Chen Yufan's face, feeling a little obsessed. Only, Chen Yufan's eyes were currently looking towards the mysterious northern region.    


Humans were always strange animals. They knew that there was danger, but they also felt curious. It was a paradoxical illusion of the unknown. Even Chen Yufan, or the high and mighty Crown Prince of the An clan in the capital, would have a chaotic mind. These young people, who were the most outstanding people on the road to China, were constantly probing each other. One was in the capital, one was in the Jin Ling, one was in the northern capital, while the other was in the golden powder of the six dynasties.    


In the capital, in a quiet and ancient courtyard, the door was wide open, but no one knew what kind of people were inside. After stepping through the door, one would see a small stone screen, completely blocking the scene within the courtyard. The stone carving on the screen was filled with vivid carvings of all sorts of people. It was obvious that it was an incomplete painting of the river.    


Within the academy wall, a few rose flowers and a bay flower were emitting a leisurely fragrance. The faint fragrance of them intertwined together and was indescribably pleasing to the ear.    


At this moment, a young man was sitting on a stone bench in the middle of the courtyard, near the corner of the flower bed. He was playing with a pink rose flower in his hand. The corners of his mouth revealed a faint smile. He was not very old, and his casual white attire looked very elegant. His long bangs were scattered on his forehead, and his face was like the edge of a knife.    


Opposite the young man was an old man that was tasting tea. The fragrance of the top-quality Da Hong Pao continuously emanated in the air.    


After a long while, the old man finally raised his eyes. On his slightly fattened face, his eyes were bright and full of spirit, as if he was still trying to restrain his spirit. He asked doubtfully, "Yan Xi, what are you trying to do?"    


Just as he finished speaking, a breeze blew by, blowing away a note on the stone table. The words on the note were still clearly visible. An Yanxi did not say a word, he only looked at the snow-white body that had fallen to the ground and fiercely stepped on it. It could be seen that the rage on the young man's face was not small.    


The old man continued to stare at An Yanxi, and said: "Yan Xi, that is a dangerous person, don't touch him!"    


However, An Yanxi didn't mind the old man's warning and faintly smiled. The curve of his lips made him look at Chen Yufan a little: "It's precisely because he's in danger that I want to move. Let's see what kind of ability he has." As he said that, An Yanxi lowered his head and silently cursed: "Those trash from Jin Ling City, Gu Feng is even more so the trash amongst trash!"    


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