Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C371 Farewell

C371 Farewell

0"If you know you're going to be a father, don't take your own life for granted. No matter what kind of mission you're going to carry out, your life must always be at the top of your priorities. Those so-called heroes on television, once they get hot in their heads, they don't care about anything else. It would be fine if you died, but what about your wife and son? " Liu Xin said earnestly.    


" Pooh, pooh, pooh, what do you mean by 'die'? I will not die. I will live a good life. I want to go back and see my son. No! I have to leave this place immediately to carry out my mission! The sooner I finish it, the sooner I can do it. I don't want to have anything to do with those people anymore. After finishing this mission, they won't be able to order me around anymore. " Lee Yang said while clenching his fist.    


Liu Xin asked, "Who is the one who ordered you? A wild and unruly guy like you can actually be persuaded? It seems like the other party has a strong background. "    


Lee Yang said, "I can't say. It's not that I'm petty, but I really can't tell you about this matter. Forgive me. Aiya, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go eat. I have to drink a few cups. I'm really too excited."    


" There's no more wine at home. " Liu Xin said with some pity, "Wait a minute. I went to my hometown to get some. When I was buying meat just now, I think I saw that they had their own brewed rice wine at home."    


After Liu Xin said that, she ran out quickly. Lee Yang did not pay any attention to her. When she returned to the dining room, she picked up the chopsticks and quickly put a few pieces of braised pork into her mouth. That taste was simply out of the question. Coupled with his current state of mind, it was simply the most delicious food in the world.    


After more than ten minutes, Liu Xin came back with a pot of rice wine. When she opened the lid, she could smell the thick fragrance of the wine. Lee Yang praised for a long time and then took two bowls of rice wine and poured them out.    


"This bowl is yours." Lee Yang handed one of the bowls to Liu Xin. "Don't force yourself if you can't finish it. Leave it to me."    


"Cheh, don't underestimate me. I can also drink well." Liu Xin wrinkled her nose and said.    


Lee Yang was in a good mood and did not argue with Liu Xin. He picked up the bowl and gulped down a mouthful. He said contentedly, "Not bad, good wine, Ba Shi."    


Liu Xin took a mouthful of the wine with a very charming style. Her facial features twitched and said, "This wine is really strong."    


"Teacher Liu, where are you from? You sound like someone from the capital." Lee Yang asked.    


"Why are you asking about this?"    


"We were just chatting, talking big. Drinking meant talking big and eating big chunks of meat. I really don't like the way Westerners drink. I still like our China's drinking habits. One mouthful of Min is called a woman. Men want big bowls of wine and big chunks of meat to eat." Lee Yang took off his shirt, revealing his strong upper body.    


Liu Xin rolled her eyes at Lee Yang. "Hey, that guy overseas is called a gentleman, okay?"    


"Isn't he just a sissy?"    


"I didn't know you were a cynic."    


"No, I'm not a cynic. Do you think I'm that handsome? I should be considered fifty cents... No, no, it's a good score. That's not it either. Public knowledge, aiyo, or self-destructing fifty cents?"    


"What kind of nonsense words, I don't understand."    


"Haha, Teacher Liu, I'll let you go online more often, especially on Weibo. You will see all kinds of life in the country. Come, come, let's not talk about these annoying things. Let's drink and drink. " Lee Yang picked up the bowl and continued drinking. Soon, the bottom of the bowl was empty. His face was also flushed, and his eyes were slightly red. The breath he spat out also had the taste of wine. Looking at his own bowl, Lee Yang stretched out his hand to snatch Liu Xin's bowl.    


"What are you doing? This is my wine. Come and snatch mine after you finish your own. You have to be reasonable." Liu Xin protected her wine bowl and said unhappily.    


"Teacher Liu, you don't drink. Come, come, give me half a bowl. Just half a bowl, okay? I'm happy today, so I want to drink. Just satisfy my request." Lee Yang said while breathing heavily.    


"No, you have drunk enough. I will help you to the bed to rest."    


"No, this little bit of wine is not enough. My alcohol tolerance is calculated by the weight of one kilogram, okay? Just now, I didn't even have half a kilogram of wine. I just moistened my throat. Anyway, Teacher Liu, you don't want to drink it. Just satisfy me, okay?" After saying that, Lee Yang laid on the table and wanted to snatch Liu Xin's wine. However, Liu Xin had long noticed this fellow's scheme. She stood up with the wine in her hand.    


Lee Yang was somewhat anxious. He rushed forward and grabbed Liu Xin's wrist. Then he moved his head to the side of the wine bowl and prepared to drink it all. Liu Xin was also anxious. Once she let go of the wine bowl, the wine bowl fell down and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.    


"Aiya, what a waste. Such a good wine was actually spilled all over." Lee Yang said bitterly. He looked up with dyed hair and stared at Liu Xin. "You just don't want me to drink, right? You know, I am going to be a father soon. I am going to be a father, but you don't want me to be happy. Why are you like this? I don't want to be friends with someone like you. Get lost, get lost!"    


Liu Xin did not expect Lee Yang to be so drunk after getting drunk. This guy's alcohol tolerance was really that bad? But looking at his hazy drunk eyes, it did not seem like he was pretending. Especially when he was already walking in a straight line, he looked like a drunk person. Liu Xin reached out her hand to help Lee Yang up, but was slapped in the face by Lee Yang with a backhand slap. A word came out of her mouth, "Get lost!"    


Liu Xin's tears fell immediately. She would never have thought that Lee Yang would give her a slap. Although she was drunk, Liu Xin still found it hard to accept.    


However, Lee Yang's next sentence made her feel relieved again. She even did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Get lost, I am not looking for young miss." Lee Yang said drunk, "My wife is pregnant. I am happy. I'm going to be a father. Young lady, get lost. "    


"You're drunk." Lee Yang leaned against the wall and slowly softened. Then he snored loudly. Liu Xin spent a lot of effort but was unable to move him at all. In the end, she was tired and sweaty.    


What should I do? I can't let her sleep in this place alone.    


Liu Xin did not have a towel to wipe the dirt on Lee Yang's face carefully. She looked at Lee Yang lovingly.    


"Idiot, what do you want me to do?" Liu Xin whispered, "Only when you are asleep can I tell you the truth. You already have Xia Jie and Chen Nana. Your life should be perfect. I know that you are poison but I still cannot control myself and want to get close to you. When did you start to have this kind of mentality? Maybe it was when you went to save Chen Nana. I never thought that a person whose academic results were always at the bottom of the line would... This kind of thing was something that even an adult would find difficult to achieve. After that, you were even more injured. From that moment on, I thought that I had misunderstood you. You don't seem to be so frivolous on the surface, but you have a burning heart. After that, you became more and more dazzling, becoming the most eye-catching star in the school. You are also getting further and further away from me. You set a record and entered Beijing University. I thought I would be separated from you from now on. However, I couldn't hold it in. I found some connections and transferred to Beijing University. I didn't want to meet you. I just wanted to be closer to you. A little closer. "    


At this point, Liu Xin already had tears streaming down her face. Her hand trembled as she caressed Lee Yang's face. She gently brushed his brows, his eyes, and the corner of his mouth. It was as if she wanted to engrave this person's face in her mind forever.    


"I'm leaving. This is my farewell to Lee Yang. If possible, I really don't want to leave. But you are a person who does big things. I can't drag you down. I want to remember you, always remember you. Actually, I think I saw your children being born, and then become their godmother. This is also considered to have fulfilled my biggest wish, but I can't wait anymore... I'm sorry."    


As soon as she finished speaking, a few people walked in from outside. They looked at Liu Xin respectfully, "Miss, we will be on our way then."    


Liu Xin wiped away the tears on her face and her expression instantly became cold and noble. Her entire temperament also underwent a huge change. If Lee Yang saw it, he would probably be scared to the point of fainting, because even if he was beaten to death, he would never have thought that Liu Xin would have such a huge change. Furthermore, it had happened in a very short period of time. Liu Xin's background was definitely not simple, but Lee Yang did not see it.    


"I know. Have you checked the surroundings?" Liu Xin said lightly.    


"No problem," ___ said.    


"Why did Heelian Family go against Lee Yang? Did you find out?" Liu Xin continued asking.    


"Lee Yang kidnapped the bride and caused a huge ruckus in the Heelian Family, causing them to lose face. As for Xiong Zhanfei, he destroyed the company of Ouyang Yan'er's father, Lee Yang. I heard it was for the research and development of the Gene Warrior. Miss, the old master is also very concerned about the Gene Warrior. " The subordinate replied.    


"I understand, but now is not the time for us to make a move." Liu Xin said quietly, then lowered her head to look at Lee Yang. "Although you did not say it, I also understand that what you want to find is the information related to the lost Gene Warrior. Lee Yang, perhaps one day, we will become enemies. I really don't wish for such a day to come, but all of this has really become reality. I hope you won't show any mercy."    


After saying that, Liu Xin let her subordinates help Lee Yang onto the bed. Like a wife, she took off Lee Yang's leather shoes and socks. Again. She fetched some water to help Lee Yang wash his feet. The subordinate beside him could not stand it any longer. The young lady would never do such a thing at home. Even the old master had never enjoyed this kind of treatment. How could this brat, who came out of nowhere, make the young lady lower herself to do such a thing?    


"Let's go." After she finished, Liu Xin left without looking back.    


In the bedroom, Lee Yang was still sleeping soundly and sweetly. In his dream, he saw that his son looked very much like himself and also very much like his mother.    


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