Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C389 Let's Act Cute Together

C389 Let's Act Cute Together

0Lee Yang let out an 'oh', and the faces of the few people opposite him revealed a joyful expression.    


What an idiot! He really was the number one idiot in the word 'Heaven'! He actually used his hand to grab the Gu bugs. These Gu bugs were things that they had carefully nurtured for a long time. The toxicity was quite fierce, a small one could poison over a hundred adults to death. However, Gu Insects were not used to poison people. The greatest use was still to control people. If the Gu worm drilled into the heart or any organ in the body, this person could only obediently listen to the orders of the person who gave the Gu worm. He could not even muster the slightest bit of resistance because that kind of pain was not something that anyone could resist. When Moonworshiper Cult expanded crazily, they used Gu worms to control their followers.    


However, Lee Yang's following words almost knocked the disciples of the Moonworshiper Cult to the ground.    


"I'm sorry, I killed your Gu bugs. You're like a mosquito, you can't bear to be hit. If you use a little bit of force, you'll die." Lee Yang said apologetically, "Later, I'll catch a few more bugs and return them to you. You can practice them again. Don't be sad."    


"F * ck..." The disciples of the Moonworshiper Cult exploded at the same time. Could ordinary insects be compared with the Gu that they had carefully nurtured? This fellow must be deliberately saying this to disgust me. Shameless! As an Earth Rank warrior, how could he be so shameless? This was simply smearing the name of an Earth Rank warrior. The other Earth Rank warriors definitely wouldn't want to be associated with this man. Because they couldn't afford to lose face.    


Lee Yang waved his hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. He said, "Alright, I really don't know what's going on in your heads. Why did you use such a complicated and useless method to deal with me? To think that you could think of playing mahjong. Who taught you to use mahjong to plant a parasite on me? Go back and criticize the person who taught you this method. It's too unreliable."    


"Don't you people of the Central Plains like to play mahjong the most? It's because you like to play mahjong that we got Gu worms into mahjong. " The disciples of the Moonworshiper Cult said with some grievance.    


"Oh my god, this..." Lee Yang did not know what to say. It was not wrong to say that Lee Yang understood. But no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this method was stupid. It seemed like being isolated from the world was really unreliable. He should be able to become a divine staff in Miao Jiang by now.    


"People of the Central Plains do like to play mahjong, but your standards are too bad. In any case, you have met me. If you have met the God of Mahjong... You guys are unlucky. The other side would lose all your clothes and pants in a matter of minutes. Sigh, it doesn't seem appropriate to say that you guys are naive. I can only say that you guys are brainwashed. I can't be bothered to talk about you guys anymore. In terms of strength, you won't be able to defeat me. Besides, even your most powerful Gu worm can't do anything to me, so you'd better give up." Lee Yang said with emotion.    


"We won't give up. We came to the Central Plains just to invite the true form of Supreme Divinity back to the Great Priestess of Wind Cliff." The disciples of Moonworshiper Cult said in unison.    


Lee Yang found that these people really felt a little weak. He thought for a while and said, "Since you want to invite the main body back, why do you want to be a bodyguard for others?"    


"We don't have identification cards or money. We can't use any means of transportation. Besides, we need to keep a low profile. We can't expose our abilities at all times. Otherwise, we will be surrounded by experts. We know very well that the people of the Central Plains have a deep hatred for us, the Moonworshiper Cult. As long as we guard that group of people, our employer will be able to get our identity card and a lot of money for us. At that time, we will be able to drive to the capital openly without alerting anyone."    


Lee Yang did not know what to say. This method did not seem to be wrong. But why did it sound like it was full of loopholes? The most important thing was that these few people had a serious expression on their faces when they were talking. No one could tell that they were joking.    


"Alright, you guys won." Lee Yang said helplessly.    


"We can't beat you, but the people of Miao Jiang will never admit defeat. Come, let's see how powerful you really are. ” The few of them got ready to fight Lee Yang. However, Lee Yang seemed to have lost his interest. He no longer wanted to lower himself to the level of these foolish people. Because that would lower his status.    


Lee Yang said, "Stop messing around. It's not like I have a deep grudge with you all. Didn't you guys just want money? I can give you money because you didn't hurt my little brother's family. As for the documents you want, I can get them for you too."    


" Why are you doing this to us? " The disciple of Moonworshiper Cult said with some confusion.    


Lee Yang thought for a while and said, "Actually, my real name is Lei Feng."    


"Lei Feng, we only know about the Thunder Peak Tower." A disciple of Moonworshiper Cult said.    


"Ahem, actually, the Thunder Peak Tower is a tower built to commemorate me. My name has spread across the entire country. You can ask the passers-by when you return to the capital. They must have heard of my name and they will praise me crazily. I am the kind of person who does good deeds without leaving my name in the diary... Cough cough, please ignore that sentence just now. I have never understood what it means to be a show-off. If you don't understand, then that's right. Wait for me here. I'll send your documents and the money you need here in three days."    


" Three days. What should we eat? " The disciples of Moonworshiper Cult said anxiously.    


"Ah, you still want to eat?" Lee Yang said in surprise, "I thought you guys only need to rummage around on the ground, centipedes, rats, earthworms and the like can all be used to eat."    


"Pah, you are slandering me." The Moonworshiper Cult disciple said angrily.    


Lee Yang actually felt a little nauseous because he mentioned the word 'earthworm'. This was Lee Yang's eternal nightmare. After retching twice, he said, "You guys just wait here for me."    


"What if you lie to us?"    


"I forgot that I'm Lei Feng. Lei Feng won't lie."    


Lee Yang left with a big smile on his face. The disciples of Moonworshiper Cult looked at each other, feeling that something was not right.    


"How can we trust a person from the Central Plains?"    


"I'm a little hungry."    


"But how can we get money if we don't trust him? Wang Yao asked. We've lost the hostages, and we can't beat him."    


"Then what should we do? Why don't we catch some centipedes and eat them?"    


"F * ck, you really eat centipedes. Didn't you notice the look of contempt he gave us when he said we ate centipedes? Don't you remember that when we left, the Goddess told us not to expose the identity of the people of Miao Jiang?"    


"I was just making a suggestion. Why are you so serious? I remember that I bought a lot of steamed buns and buns before. Let's use them to cushion my stomach. "    


"Ah, I want to eat meat!"    




"Did you deliver the food?" Lee Yang lazily leaned against the armchair, peeled a lychee, and threw it into his mouth. "Do you know what lychee is best for? Dog meat. As the saying goes, 'lychee is for dog', and it lasts for a long time. These two things were born for each other. However, there was a rather strange group of people in the current society called dog fans. They hated anyone who ate dog meat, and they used rough language to comfort the other party's entire family. There are even some who disregard the danger and run to the highway to stop those dogs' vehicles. The highway, yeah. It was very dangerous. However, in the eyes of the dog fans, human life could not be compared to dog life. Have you heard of the Jade Forest Dog Meat Festival? Every year, countless dog fans come all the way to the Jade Forest. With The big fight between the owner of the dog meat shop had seriously affected the other party's business. But in their opinion, this was a righteous action. They didn't even know how to fight for human rights, but they wanted to fight for dog rights. Sigh, what a bunch of people who really couldn't tell what was important. Every day, even after so many poor kids are exposed on television, they still don't rush over to help others so excitedly."    


" Boss, you took the wrong medicine, right? " Yang Fann said with uncertainty. He did not understand why Lee Yang suddenly told him this. Did ___ want him to get some dog meat for him to eat, or did he want him to kill those dog powder?    


Lee Yang said, "Oh, I just sent a little bit of emotion. That was why Weibo couldn't be casually posted. It could easily affect the three views. However, the thing that affected the three views the most was still Tian Ya. You can see all kinds of ridiculous stories and stories on Tian Ya. I really can't bear to look at them directly."    


" Boss, what's wrong with you? " Yang Fann really wanted to go up and touch Lee Yang's forehead. Could it be that Boss had burned his brain?    


Lee Yang took out a cigarette and lit it up. After taking a deep breath, he said, "The worries of the world are the worries of the world. The happiness of the world is the joy of the world. I am a person with a sense of social responsibility."    


Yang Fann was completely speechless.    


Oh no, there was really a problem with Boss.    


"Boss, the ID and money have already been given to those people. They seemed very happy when they got the money. After that, I secretly followed them for a while. I found out that they entered the KFC and ordered ten family buckets..."    


"Ten?" Lee Yang was a little surprised. "They are really good at eating, although the family buckets in the country are prepared for single families. Ten? Sigh, these poor children probably have never eaten something like this before. However, it wouldn't be long before they would be posted on Weibo. The four of them surrounded the ten family buckets. This scene is too beautiful. I can't bear to watch it."    


Yang Fann decided to ignore Lee Yang's words and said, "Boss, what should we do next?"    


"What I want to do is very difficult. You are no longer suitable to follow me. Take your family and leave. Find a safe place to hide. But you have to keep your phone smooth. After I finish dealing with these things, you and your family will be completely safe."    


"Boss, you're the one who gave me my life. I'll go wherever you go!" Yang Fann said loudly.    


"Oh my god, why are you making me look like a resentful woman? We are innocent. It's decided then, I'm leaving. Say hello to uncle and aunt. Goodbye." Lee Yang stood up and waved his hand. In an instant, he was already outside the door. After that, he quickly disappeared from Yang Fann's sight.    


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