Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C384 Not Compromising

C384 Not Compromising

0It's not a good thing to kill too many people, no matter how strong they are. When killing someone to a certain level, he would have a strange feeling in his heart. In ancient times, the God of Slaughter Bai Qi had killed 500,000 people in one battle. However, he was only in charge of giving orders and did not participate. There were not many people who had truly died in Bai Qi's hands. Of course, this did not mean that he was a kind-hearted person. On the contrary, his killing intent was so strong that even ghosts did not dare to approach him.    


Lee Yang also had the same intention now, even though he had always put on a harmless smile on his face. However, everyone around him kept a certain distance from him. Even if it was a crowded place, there would definitely be an empty area with a diameter of more than one meter around Lee Yang. The surrounding people were scared by his killing intent and didn't dare to approach him. The police had been quietly following Lee Yang. They were worried that this guy would do something if he suddenly went crazy.    


They had already checked Lee Yang's certificate before, and there were no problems with it. So there was no reason to bring Lee Yang back to the police station. Was it because the killing intent on his body was too strong? However, killing intent was a relatively empty thing, and no one could clearly tell what it was. If they were to detain someone for this reason, it would be too childish.    


Although he could not be detained, he still had to follow the other party. Being a police officer for so long, he had a very good judgment in this aspect. Although Lee Yang's identity was not a problem, he had some problems as a person.    


Lee Yang also knew that there were two police officers following behind him, and he was quite helpless about this. He had already tried very hard to restrain his killing intent, but if he did not pay attention to it, it would automatically be released. He had killed too many people during this period of time, causing Lee Yang to become somewhat numb. So in the end, he was too lazy to restrain himself. There were still some benefits to doing so, because wherever he went, everyone would give him space. Whether it was taking a car or walking on the street, he was free.    


He casually chose a milk tea shop and walked in. The shop was not very big. After Lee Yang walked in, the people inside looked at him in surprise. Some of the timid ones were ready to take the milk tea and leave. Lee Yang smiled helplessly and walked to the counter to order a serving of milk tea and some snacks for himself. He found a seat by the window and sat down. Originally, there were a few couples here. But after Lee Yang sat down, they hurriedly left.    


"Sir, please enjoy your milk tea and snacks." The waiter walked over with a tray of food in hand. After putting down the food, he also left as if he was running away. Lee Yang felt a little depressed. Was he really that scary? How could he have fun in the future like this? Really. He picked up the milk tea and took a sip, then picked up the plate of snacks. He opened his mouth wide and poured the entire plate of snacks into his mouth. He chewed and chewed and swallowed it raw. The surrounding people were dumbfounded.    


What kind of snack was this? Wasn't this fellow's esophagus a bit too broad?    


When the waiter saw this scene, he silently changed the milk tea shop's very stylish mood accompaniment music.    


"Man with a horse pole, you are mighty and majestic..." When this song flowed out from the loudspeaker, no one in the milk tea shop felt that it was out of tune. They felt that this song was too appropriate. Why didn't this song appear earlier?    


Lee Yang didn't feel that anything was wrong. He really didn't have much talent in music. Moreover, this song was known as a divine song. The aunties who danced square dance basically knew it. All kinds of people who were tortured by square dance had been completely brainwashed. They had also unknowingly learned this song.    


The milk tea shop, which had always had a high moral quality and stood firmly on this street, suddenly started to sing square dance. The surrounding residents were quite surprised, especially some of the old ladies who seemed especially excited. They spontaneously gathered at the entrance of the milk tea shop and began to twist and turn.    


The waiter of the milk tea shop was dumbfounded. He just wanted to play a song to express his admiration for his brother. In the end, he recruited this group of evildoers. If they misunderstood that the shop would release godly songs in the future, playing square dance in front of the shop every day, what could he do?    


The waiter immediately changed the music and returned to the soothing piano music from before. However, the people in the shop actually felt a faint sense of loss. The old ladies at the door even loudly protested. Why did they have to change the song when they were perfectly fine? Could it be that they couldn't even finish this song? The milk tea shop started to get lively.    


Lee Yang looked at him and saw that he was actually blocking other people's shops. The old lady of Huaxia was indeed a race of combat strength reports. She could compete with young people for the position of the bus. She could fall to the ground at any time and grab the sleeves of the passers-by who helped her and not let go. It was as if there was nothing that they could not do. This was a magical species, a race that had reversed Newton's three great laws.    


However, no matter how powerful the old lady was, she ultimately still lost to the stubborn waiter. Their protests were ineffective. She left while cursing. The waiter let out a long sigh of relief. In that instant, his back was drenched in cold sweat. He looked up at the shop and found that the "culprit" Lee Yang had already left.    


However, Lee Yang did not have the slightest bit of "criminal" awareness. He had the habit of drinking milk tea in his mouth and occasionally sipped it a few times. He seemed to be very relaxed. Perhaps it was because of the cup of milk tea in his hand. The murderous aura on his body had actually dissipated quite a bit. Although the surrounding people would still look at him with vigilant eyes, however, it would not be too far away from him in the end.    




Lee Yang looked bored as he walked in the crowd, but his gaze was very distant. He had been observing his surroundings. Finally, the person he wanted to wait for was Yang Fann.    


"He's here?" Lee Yang said lightly and found a place to sit.    


"Boss, the situation is not so complicated," ___ said. Yang Fann looked around vigilantly and said in a suppressed voice, "Your previous actions have completely infuriated those people. They are now working together to deal with you. He heard that the higher ups had started to pay attention to this matter. Elder Yu was still in the hospital. As the influence began to decline, those people on the other side started to jump up. You must be careful. "    


... "What kind of people are they, can you find them?" Lee Yang asked expressionlessly.    


"I'm sorry, boss. I have been searching for a long time, but I still can't find out who the mastermind is. The person who told me to look for you has now completely lost contact with me. I don't even know his name." Yang Fann said guiltily.    


"It doesn't matter. It's already very difficult for you to do this. Leave the rest to me." Lee Yang patted Yang Fann's shoulder and comforted him.    


Yang Fann carefully observed his surroundings, then whispered into Lee Yang's ear, "Boss, I have two important pieces of information to tell you. There are too many people here. Let's find a quiet place."    


Lee Yang looked at Yang Fann suspiciously, but did not think much about it. He took a taxi and found a hotel. He found a room in a corner and locked the door. Lee Yang turned around and asked, "What is it?"    


What Lee Yang did not expect was that Yang Fann actually knelt down in front of him. "Boss, please save my wife and children."    


Lee Yang walked over and wanted to help Yang Fann up. He did not expect Yang Fann to be so stubborn. He kneeled on the ground and did not get up. Lee Yang had no choice but to use his inner energy to pull him up. When people were in extreme despair and pessimism, they could really unleash their greatest power.    


"What exactly is going on? Tell me slowly. I have already said before that I will help you save your family. Now, my matters are more or less settled. Next, go save your family." Lee Yang lit a cigarette and handed it to Yang Fann. He said, "Don't worry. Tell me slowly."    


"They still don't know that I joined the boss. They always thought I was dead. Because of Boss's thunderous means, they did not care about my family. Now Boss suddenly stopped attacking. My family is no longer useful to them. They will definitely be killed. Boss, if you don't attack, my family will be dead for sure. "    


" Where are they? " Lee Yang asked.    


"They are in Ten Mile Town, about three hundred kilometers away from here. There are a few experts who are betting on my family. I can't beat them by myself. Boss, I beg you to help me." Yang Fann said with tears streaming down his face.    


"Alright, alright. The old man is crying like a woman. What was he thinking? Wipe away your tears and we will go and save your family. But have you thought about what to do after saving them? My family is now under the control of others, and I don't have a good place to settle them."    


"Don't worry about that, boss. I have my own ways." After getting a positive answer, Yang Fann finally let go of a huge stone in his heart. He raised his hand and wiped away the tears at the corner of his eyes. After adjusting his emotions, he said, "There is one more thing I want to tell you. The people over there have found a few hidden families to deal with you. The most famous one among them is the Ci Hann House. The bodyguard of Liu Chaoming was from the Ci Hann House. The boss had humiliated her. So, the Ci Hann House will never let this matter rest."    


" Interesting name. Isn't this place full of women? Although the girl in green didn't see her face, her voice was very pleasant to the ears. Moreover, her eyes were bright as if she could speak. It was as if her soul had been taken away by her glance. If all the girls in the Ci Hann House are of this level, I'm really worried that I won't be able to handle it." Lee Yang said teasingly.    


"I heard that the Ci Hann House only accepts female disciples, but their whereabouts are very strange. Until now, we haven't seen any disciples walking around in the outside world. The one guarding Liu Chaoyang is probably the only one. " Yang Fann said with uncertainty.    


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