Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C29 I Can't Bear It

C29 I Can't Bear It

0Chen Nana pursed her lips and ignored Lee Yang. However, when she turned her head to the side, a faint smile appeared on her lips.    


It made this fellow so smug that his eyes went wide when he saw the beauty.    


There's a beauty beside you that's not enough for you to look at.    


Lee Yang also could not figure out what these little girls were thinking. Furthermore, although the English representative looked coquettish, she was not Lee Yang's type. He liked girls who were more pure.    


Uh, it seemed like he was a little off the mark.    


Lee Yang smiled bitterly and then started to seriously do the test paper.    


Lee Yang had to use his magical left eye for other subjects, but English was not difficult for him. When he first went overseas to carry out a mission, his English was already fluent. Although the English test in China was famous for being difficult, it was still easy for Lee Yang to take it.    


The only troublesome thing was that he had to choose from the high school's vocabulary library. He couldn't use level four or six words before the exam.    


The test paper was done very quickly, but when he was doing it, Lee Yang felt flustered. It was as if something important had been destroyed. Furthermore, this feeling was getting stronger and stronger, causing him to be completely unable to focus his attention on the test paper.    


Chen Nana felt Lee Yang's strangeness. She turned her head and whispered, "What's wrong with you?"    


Lee Yang shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I was just a little flustered. Maybe it was because I didn't get well before, and there were sequelae."    


Chen Nana pouted and said, "Why don't I accompany you to the school infirmary for a check-up after class."    


Lee Yang immediately thought of Xia Jie's plump figure and her passionate gaze that he could not hide. He felt that his lower body was about to swell again.    


Youth's body was indeed too sensitive.    


Lee Yang was filled with emotion.    


He did not expect Chen Nana to see his pig brother's appearance, especially the lump that was slightly swollen below. Chen Nana saw it all.    


"Oh my god, what are you doing? You have pinched me three times. My arm is green." Lee Yang was still immersed in his fantasy, but he felt another sharp pain in his arms. He immediately screamed.    


But after the howl, he realized that something was not right.    


The whole class and Liu Xin, who was on the podium, all focused their eyes on him.    


Chen Nana's face was as red as a tomato, and she wished she could find a hole to hide in.    


"How embarrassing. Why are you shouting so loudly?" Chen Nana stomped her feet and said angrily.    


Lee Yang did not know whether to laugh or cry and said, "You can't blame me. It was you who suddenly attacked."    


Liu Xin saw that the two of them were still flirting on the seats and walked over. She said in a low voice, "Where is the exam? What are the two of you doing? You want to flirt with each other until after graduation? Now prepare for the exam."    


Chen Nana explained, but she looked very pale.    


Liu Xin's eyes also noticed Lee Yang's swollen lower body.    


A woman's imagination was very scary.    


She began to imagine the scene of these two doing things that children should not do in the classroom. Her face immediately turned completely red.    


"You... come to my office after class." Liu Xin threw down these words and returned to the podium in a somewhat embarrassing manner.    


There was only one thought in her mind: The capital was not small.    


How could Lee Yang guess Liu Xin's thoughts? Chen Nana was also very surprised. Why did the teacher suddenly blush? A girl's thoughts were still much more meticulous. When her eyes swept between Lee Yang's legs, she immediately guessed why Liu Xin would turn red and run away.    


So Lee Yang was unlucky again. He was pinched by Chen Nana until he was in a daze.    


It was not easy for him to get to the end of the class. Lee Yang's swollen face had also disappeared, but his arm was swollen again.    


The two of them came to Liu Xin's office one after another. Chen Nana kept her head down along the way. This was the most embarrassing time in her three years of high school.    


Lee Yang, on the other hand, casually followed behind her as if nothing had happened. He even had the leisure to whistle.    


Liu Xin was actually a little regretful. Why did she call these two people to the office? Did she have to warn them not to do those things in class in front of so many teachers in the office? Furthermore, Chen Nana was a girl. If she was thin-skinned and took the college entrance exam because of this matter, the gains would not make up for the losses.    


Therefore, Liu Xin only said a few simple words, but still very implicitly pointed out to the two of them to be moderate. There were some things that they could not be too attached to, and right now, they still prioritized learning.    


When Chen Nana heard this, her chin was about to stick to her chest. Her face was so red that it was as if it was about to drip water. Her hands kept twisting the corners of her clothes. Lee Yang just giggled like a retard.    


When Liu Xin let the two of them leave, Chen Nana rushed out of the office like a whirlwind. When she returned to the classroom, she laid on the table and shrugged her shoulders as if she was crying.    


Lee Yang was a little stunned when he saw this scene.    


It can't be that she cried just like that.    


"Hey, are you alright?" Lee Yang asked in a low voice.    


"It's all your fault. What does teacher think of me now? Wuwu, my innocence. " Chen Nana whimpered. Her eyes were as red as a rabbit's. She looked very pitiful.    


Lee Yang said helplessly, "You can't blame me for this, right? It was you who pinched me first."    


"I pinched you, but why did you... Why did you do that?" Chen Nana was too embarrassed to say those words.    


This kind of thing is not something that I can control. Lee Yang thought in his heart.    


"Alright, alright, I was wrong, alright? Don't cry anymore. I'll make you cry until something happens." Lee Yang patted Chen Nana's shoulder and said.    


The English class representative walked over at this time. He naturally put his hand on Lee Yang's shoulder and said with a smile, "Lee Yang, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner."    


Lee Yang frowned slightly. "Why do you want to treat me to dinner?"    


The English class representative was famous for paying money. In the past, he had always looked down on a poor student like himself. Today, he teased him when he was handing out the test papers, and now he even directly invited him to a meal?    


Chen Nana's ears instantly became sharp. She really wanted to say something to stop it, but when she thought that she and Lee Yang already had a misunderstanding, if she spoke again now, the misunderstanding would really not be clear, so she could only endure it.    


Of course, in her heart, she hoped that Lee Yang would be able to reject him with a sense of justice.    



But she was disappointed.    


"Sure, when?" Lee Yang smiled faintly and even reached out to grab the small waist of the English representative. It was quite elastic.    


The English representative, Yang Lee, said with a smile like a flower, "Wait for me after school."    


Before leaving, she even gave Lee Yang a flying kiss.    


Lee Yang gently grabbed it in the air and stuffed it into his mouth.    


Yang Lee giggled and returned to her seat.    


"Hey, don't tell me you have no taste. Do you know who she is?" Chen Nana was very angry. Who was this guy? Why did he seem like he would not reject anyone?    


Could it be that she did not have any charm?    


Lee Yang yawned and said, "Of course I know what kind of person she is."    


Then you still agree to her?    


Chen Nana was cursing in her heart. She was too lazy to talk to Lee Yang anymore and started to read her book. Lee Yang, on the other hand, fell asleep on the table.    


This sleep lasted until the end of school. Lee Yang stretched his body and felt very good.    


Yang Lee waited at the school gate, but when everyone left the school, she still did not see Lee Yang.    


Even if her brain was short-circuited, she should know that she was stood up by Lee Yang.    


"Hmph, this guy actually dares to sway me a bit. I will definitely teach you a lesson later." Yang Lee said fiercely.    


Fong Xiao quietly walked to Yang Lee's side.    


"Young Master Feng, I'm sorry. He stood me up." When Yang Lee saw Fong Xiao, she said with some fear, "I will definitely ask him out next time. I will not ruin Young Master Feng's big matter."    


Fong Xiao smiled coldly and said, "It's fine. You have done well. You are just a little anxious." After saying that, he took out a few pink hundred-yuan notes and stuffed them into Yang Lee's collar. He touched her chin and said, "I will wait for your good news. After the matter is done, there will be a heavy reward."    


Yang Lee said with a smile, "Young Master Feng is generous. Don't worry. Don't think that this country bumpkin can escape from my hands. "    


Fong Xiao did not say anything else. He turned around and got into the car and left. Yang Lee took out the money and counted happily. Then she hummed a tune and went shopping.    


Fong Xiao drove slowly. When he passed by a crossroad, he saw Lee Yang. The corner of his mouth curled up into a cold smile.    


"Lee Yang, you are not qualified to fight with me. You still don't know who is behind your back. You won't have the chance to know either."    


Lee Yang rubbed his nose, as if he was being watched. However, the traffic at the crossroads was very large. Lee Yang stood there and observed, but he did not catch that faintly discernible gaze again.    


Shaking his head, he did not think about these things anymore. He quickly passed through the intersection and returned to the hotel. After opening the door, he called out to his parents. Strangely, he did not get a response.    


"Did he go out?" Lee Yang frowned. He walked through the living room to the bedroom and saw his father lying on the bed. His mother was applying medicine for him.    


Lee Yang's eyes were wide open. He rushed to his father's side quickly, but when he saw the clear fingerprint on Lee Dong's neck, all the blood rushed into his brain.    


"Mom, what's going on?" Lee Yang asked while gnashing his teeth.    


Xu Hong's tears had not stopped. She wanted to say something but was stopped by Lee Dong. "Don't talk."    


His vocal cords had been damaged and his voice was very hoarse.    


Lee Yang knelt on one knee and grabbed his father's hand. He said, "Dad, tell me who hurt you."    


"Son, let's leave Da Jiang City." Lee Dong said in pain. He had been a soldier for more than ten years. He had never lowered his head. However, the current situation forced him to lower his head. For the safety of his son, for the safety of his family, they could only leave.    


Lee Yang shook his head and said, "No, I won't leave. Dad, tell me what's going on."    


"Son, we are not their match. You still need to study. Now is not the time to complicate things. Listen to Dad. Let's leave this place and start anew. "    


Lee Yang's attitude was also very firm. "Dad, I said I will not leave. Tell me who it is!"    


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