I Can Cheat Without Limit

C352 Ally

C352 Ally

0Elder Qi Xiu's eyes were very serious, and his expression was somewhat fearful as he warned the people in the academy.    


Lin Xuan and the others nodded slightly when they heard this. In such a dangerous place, a slight carelessness could cost them their lives. They had to be careful. It was far from being able to walk freely.    


Now, they had only arrived at the edge of the ancient battlefield. Although the ground beneath their feet was devastated, it was not so dead silent. In the cracks between the rocks, there was still the birth of the grass.    


This was the blooming of life. In a place like this, after a great battle, the natural laws were thrown into disorder, and there was even the suppression of a domain. The birth of any life was a miracle.    


They traveled several li. Along the way, they saw many injuries left behind from the great battle back then. There were small hills that were flattened, and even more so broken pieces of land that had long dried up!    


Led by two elders, they walked step by step towards the true ancient battlefield.    


Including the two peak Spirit Master elders, there were a total of fifty-two people in the group.    


They were all heaven warping geniuses that were hard to find in the world, and they came from the various provinces of Great Yan Dynasty.    


In this short period of time, there were people who were led by the Eighth Prince, and they were very close to each other, forming a small group.    


There were also outstanding people from the Eternal River School named Hong Hao. He had an extraordinary Secret Arts and cultivation technique, and his body was surrounded by holy light, making him look like a god from the Heaven Realm.    


His aura didn't seem to be restrained at all. He was like an ancient ferocious beast that had just awakened, giving people a very dangerous feeling.    


A group of followers surrounded him as well.    


Among these fifty people, most of them were aware of their own limitations and did not have the chance to obtain a spot on that path. Therefore, they had to take advantage of this time to choose a 'wise master' to submit to them.    


If a 'wise master' succeeded in the future, they might not be able to help them, but being able to follow such a person was also a kind of supreme glory.    


The beautiful daughter of the Wind Moon Valley, Li Shuihan, was like a bright moon. There were also some admirers around her. She wore green clothes and looked like an immortal. However, her eyes were like clear spring water, and her eyes were rippling.    


However, everyone present understood that the cultivation technique she cultivated and the path she walked were destined to be attached to a man.    


It was difficult to truly walk an unmatched path by oneself.    


Li Shuihan's name was extremely strange. The cultivation methods she cultivated were extremely strange, and she was even more strange. Whether it was the noble Eighth Prince or the powerful Hong Hao of the Eternal River School, neither of them took the initiative to approach him. Instead, they kept a certain distance between them.    


Lin Xuan looked on coldly. There was no need to form a party or form a party. He was very confident in himself.    


The daughter of the noble family, Mu Qian. The dazzling woman, who was like a divine phoenix, was like a moon surrounded by stars. She was accompanied by a group of admirers. When her gaze met Lin Xuan's, she faintly smiled and nodded.    


Lin Xuan's expression was calm. His eyes were like a flat lake, without any ripples.    


Apart from this, the other experts preferred to travel alone.    


For example, the people of the Azure Profound Path only respected themselves, and their expressions were natural. They were fearless, and the kindness of others was accepted one by one. However, they didn't choose to join any sect.    


The Eighth Prince tried to rope him in, and the Eternal River School's Hong Hao also tried to rope him in. Both of them were politely rejected by him.    


"The people of the Azure Profound Path are extremely ambitious. They don't even put the Eighth Prince in their eyes."    


"Hehe, Daoist Qing Xuan is an outstanding person on the same level as the Eighth Prince, how could he lower his status and become the Eighth Prince's subordinate?"    


"That's true. The people of the Qing Xuan Dao Sect come from the Qing Xuan Dao Sect, and they are reputed to be rare geniuses that only appear once every ten thousand years. A hero like this cannot be humiliated."    


Some people felt that... This kind of roping is a humiliation, but there are also people who are willing to take it. He would deliver himself to them.    


After all, if they could hold onto their thighs, the benefits would be endless.    


Dao Yuan, who was constantly chanting 'Amitabha', no one dared to look down on him. He came from the ancient Spirit Mountain Temple, and the descendant of this sect had always been incomparably powerful. He had the protection of Buddha Light, and he was also proficient in the Secret Arts of Buddha Sect!    


Furthermore, it was rumored that this Spirit Mountain Temple, which was a reclusive place in the Great Yan Dynasty, was related to the true Spirit Mountain of the Buddhist Sect.    


The Spirit Mountain.    


It was the sacred land of all Buddhists. It wasn't in the Northern Domain, but in the Central Plains!    


The people who preached spread throughout the boundless universe. The inheritance of Buddhism was also planted in almost every corner of the world.    


This religion had a very long history, and it was one of the top holy lands and inheritances.    


"Young master Dao Yuan, are you willing to form an alliance with us? We are in the secret realm, and we are willing to form an alliance with each other. If we encounter any danger or find some sort of opportunity, we can help each other out. " What do you think? "    


Before approaching the ancient battlefield, they were still in the outer region, not going too deep. There were no dangers along the way, and everyone was extremely relaxed.    


The Eighth Prince smiled at Dao Yuan's little master and tried to rope him in.    


Buddhism had always paid attention to the law of fate. In the name of Dao Yuan, there was also the word "fate." They didn't feel that it was beneath their status. Instead, they said in a low voice. "Amitabha. That's good."    


After the Eighth Prince had won over Dao Yuan, he continued to win over the others.    


Unfortunately, although the Eighth Prince had a noble status and had a very friendly attitude, not everyone cared about him.    


Not to mention the opposing Hong Hao, but the Azure Profound Sect Elder who had rejected him... There was no lack of unique individuals among the people present. They would not easily give themselves to someone else.    


For example, the outstanding people of the five provinces of the Greencloud Continent, and Yaen Chixiao of the Flaming Sun Sect. Shi Potian from the Unfettered Sect. The former politely declined, but didn't like to be associated with power. Instead, he was very close to Lin Xuan and the others, and called them friends.    


As for the latter, he didn't care about him at all, and didn't even pay attention to him.    


This made the Eighth Prince feel a little embarrassed. His expression was awkward, and there was a slight anger in his eyes.    


Even if others refused him, they would still put on an act. However, the person in front of him didn't even put him in his eyes.    


After all, the Eighth Prince was from the royal family!    


Although the various sects might not completely care about the royal family, they would at least give him face. After all, the foundation was there.    


The foundation accumulated by establishing a dynasty for ten thousand years was not something anyone could guess. It was very terrifying.    


"Hehe, it's fine if Eighth Highness invites you to an alliance, but you don't have to look down on His Highness like this. Do you really think His Highness has no temper?"    


"That's right. Even if you come from the Unfettered Sect, you can't be so arrogant!"    



"Who is the eighth prince? How dare you disrespect him?"    


The followers of the Eighth Prince all sneered. They followed the Eighth Prince's lead and knew that they were not invincible figures. That was why they chose to hug his big leg tightly.    


For this, they even wanted to cheer for His Highness!    


Unfortunately, they encountered a martial arts fanatic like Shi Potian. It was not that easy to pinch him.    


One should know that Shi Potian was a warlike maniac. Back then, he wanted to fight Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan did not give him the chance.    


"Your Highness?"    


Shi Potian laughed coldly. His expression was arrogant and fearless.    


At this moment, his God Eye swept over the people who had spoken, and his body was brimming with battle intent. His blood and energy rumbled, his spiritual energy surging like waves!    


At this moment, Shi Potian didn't pay any attention to those lackeys. Instead, he saw the Eighth Prince as his target, and he wanted to fight with him and start a great battle.    


Shi Potian's hands formed a fist. His path was similar to Lin Xuan's, and both of them had great attainments in physical combat. It was rumored that the method this killing god used to temper himself was to fight with the Demon Beast bare-chested!    


Under this level of battle, his physical body had already reached an unimaginable level!    


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