Regal Guard of Dragon

C207 A Gentleman Takes His Revenge Not Overnight!

C207 A Gentleman Takes His Revenge Not Overnight!

0Without a doubt, he had lost!    


Although he was the first to cross the finish line, he was more than a big step away from Chen Feng in terms of car skill!    


Leaving aside the fact that Chen Feng had opened up four California cities, he was much weaker than his Bugatti Vilon.    


Just based on the fact that Chen Feng was almost two kilometers behind him at the start, he lost badly!    


Deng Shiqi's expression was somewhat gloomy. He had always been proud and conceited. When he participated in this God of war, he never thought about losing.    


As far as he was concerned, he should sweep the entire arena.    


But now, not only did he not sweep through the entire arena, he even lost!    


Deng Shiqi was unable to accept this.    


A minute later, most of the cars had passed the finish line.    


Sun Quan's Lamborghini was also among them.    


When Sun Quan got out of the car, the atmosphere suddenly turned weird.    


Many people looked at Sun Quan with a strange expression, wanting to see how Sun Quan would react.    


After all, it was Sun Quan who offered to bet with Chen Feng before they left.    


Whoever loses will crawl around the track, while at the same time imitating the bark of a dog.    


Everyone had seen Sun Quan's confident look back then.    


Of course, no one felt there was anything wrong with what Sun Quan did, because Chen Feng was obviously a novice and was driving an accepted crappy car.    


However, Chen Feng not only slapped Sun Quan's face, but also the faces of almost everyone present!    


Zhu Guangquan ran up to Chen Feng excitedly and patted him on the shoulder. He was so excited that he was at a loss for words. "Brother Chen Feng, it was really hard to hide this from Old Zhu."    


Play the pig to eat the tiger!    


Without a doubt, Chen Feng was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger!    


Before they left, Zhu Guangquan never thought that Chen Feng would win against Sun Quan. He was even praying that Chen Feng wouldn't lose too badly.    


But in the end, not only did Chen Feng win against Sun Quan, even Deng Shiqi had almost lost to Chen Feng!    


The driving skills of these rich second generations were not even on the same level as Chen Feng!    


Zhu Guangquan even felt that Chen Feng's real identity was that of a retired car god.    


"I think I said that I have a 100% chance of defeating Sun Quan." Chen Feng smiled bitterly. Why did Zhu Guangquan feel like he was lying to him?    


"Hehe, how could Old Zhu believe what you said back then?" Zhu Guangquan chuckled and felt a little embarrassed.    


Zhu Jiayan, who was at the side, also blushed. She didn't believe Chen Feng at first and thought that he was just bragging.    


However, reality proved that Chen Feng was not only not arrogant. On the contrary, Chen Feng was very modest.    


With Chen Feng's strength, if he were to seriously run from the beginning, he could definitely win this race and even break the Bohai Bay track record.    


However, Chen Feng wasn't like that.    


It had been a long time since Zhu Jiayan saw someone as low-key as Chen Feng.    


Chen Feng was completely different from the other handsome youths she had seen before. The handsome youths she had seen before had 30% ability, and she couldn't wait to show them off to others.    


Chen Feng, on the other hand, was extremely capable and only revealed a bit of his ability, as if he was afraid that others would find out that he was powerful.    


"Come on, Brother Chen Feng, let's go over there and let that bastard Sun Quan play the game." Zhu Guangquan pulled Chen Feng excitedly and hurried over to Sun Quan's place. He had been fighting with Sun Quan for so long, but this was the first time he had made Sun Quan eat such a big loss. It was impossible for Zhu Guangquan to miss such a good opportunity to see Sun Quan make a fool of himself.    


On the other side, Sun Quan got down from the Lamborghini without saying a word. His face was so dark that water could be seen from his face.    


The few young models that were originally surrounding him now moved as far as they could, not daring to come up and touch Sun Quan's eyebrows.    


"Sun Quan!" At this moment, Zhu Guangquan shouted excitedly.    


Everyone's attention was on him.    


"Sun Quan, do you still remember what you said before the match?" Zhu Guangquan asked Sun Quan proudly.    


"Zhu Guangquan, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." He had made a bet with Chen Feng, what was Zhu Guangquan doing here?    


"How come it has nothing to do with me?" Zhu Guangquan's brows twitched as he said, "Chen Feng is my brother, and the car he drove was lent to him by me. If he wins against you, then it's the same as me winning against you. Do you think this has anything to do with me?"    


Zhu Guangquan was not as confident as he thought. He had never been so proud and arrogant in front of Sun Quan before.    


"What do you mean?" Sun Quan suddenly shifted his gaze towards Chen Feng. The dangerous glint in his eyes was self-evident. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Sun Quan was threatening Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng didn't say anything, then he wouldn't have to follow the bet and go to school.    


"I mean?" Chen Feng smiled playfully and said, "I mean, of course you have to crawl around the track. While crawling, you also have to bark like a dog."    


"Bro, don't go too far! As a human being, you should understand the principle of being able to meet again in the future! " Sun Quan threatened in a low voice. He did not want to make this matter public, so he would have to give others an impression that he, Sun Quan, could not afford to lose.    


Chen Feng shook his head and said lightly, "I don't understand what it means to leave a chance to be a good person so that we can meet again in the future. I only know that a gentleman takes his revenge, not overnight! You made me feel bad today, so I don't need to make you feel good! "    


"Get down, learn to bark like a dog."    


"Are you sure you want to do this?!" Sun Quan gritted his teeth and the anger in his eyes was about to materialize.    


If he really went down on his stomach and started barking like a dog in front of so many people, then his reputation would be completely ruined.    


And, the face of his Sun Family, would also be thrown away.    


"What? You're not willing?" Chen Feng's expression also turned cold. If Sun Quan dared to break the contract in public, then he didn't mind letting Sun Quan know what regret was!    



"Sun Quan." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in the arena.    


Everyone turned around in surprise. Deng Shiqi, who wore a red and white locomotive uniform, was walking towards them with an expressionless face.    


The crowd automatically opened up a path. Deng Shiqi walked towards them as if he was taking a stroll in the courtyard.    


"Young Master Deng!" Sun Quan's face lit up and he bowed respectfully.    


"Young Master Deng." Zhu Guangquan and Zhu Jiayan also bowed slightly and greeted Deng Shiqi. They did not dare to not give face to Deng Shiqi.    


Only Chen Feng did not express anything throughout the whole process. He did not even look at Deng Shiqi.    


"You're called Chen Feng?" Deng Shiqi looked at Chen Feng and spoke calmly.    


Chen Feng smiled and didn't reply. He wasn't surprised that Deng Shiqi could investigate him so quickly, because Deng Shiqi had the ability to do so.    


"Chen Feng? Does anyone know this kid? Cangzhou doesn't seem to have a large clan with the surname Chen. "    


"Not even Nanning. This kid probably came from some unknown family."    


"A small clan dares to be so arrogant? How dare Young Master Deng not to answer his questions?"    


Everyone was discussing in a low voice and did not put Chen Feng in their eyes at all.    


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